IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #44

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Those charges(false informing and obstruction) could have both stemmed from the same thing, i.e. telling the police he either hadn't been driving, or drinking at the Pizza King, or both. Also, if he said he was in one place, when it turned out he was in another. If he was trying to keep from getting himself another felony, and lied, that could also have been PC for the SW on the 17th. As it stands, I would assume that all or most of the testing done with evidence gathered is either complete, or will be very soon. If no charges are brought against RL regarding the murders within the next week or so, I believe this case will go cold. I'm still open to the possibility of his involvement, but I tend to lean toward my original thinking, which is that this is much more complicated than a crime of passion or opportunity. I've said it several times, and will say it again...I hope to God I am wrong, because if I am not, this case won't be solved. At least not anytime soon. IMO
He wouldn't have gotten a Deal - a Plea Deal - unless he cooperated.

So he answered LE Questions - and Obstruction of Justice and False Informing charges were dropped.

Bridge is used all the time. Still. Many videos of the bridge now on youtube.

Locals are trying to preserve the bridge, not tear it down.

Just a few general questions:

Has that rail bridge the two girls were walking on been opened since their disappearance?

Also, how frequently is that particular trail used by walkers/hikers?

Do the tracks for that bridge still extend through the woods from whee the bridge starts, out to W. 300 N?

Finally, and I realize this bridge is a historic landmark - does anyone know if there has been any local talk about taking down the bridge?


RL's next charges if any will be Federal charges and he will have to appear again and be bonded over to Federal Court imo. Fed warrants take longer sometimes .
I've come to realize, after helping a friend who had a health problem and could not drive, that rural areas don't really offer much in the way of transportation. There's no (or fairly limited) county-subsidized ride programs, Uber, or buses. Cab rides can be prohibitively expensive.

I'm not saying that RL did the right thing by doing what he did to get himself on probation in the first place. But I am saying that the system doesn't support people who are in situations like his or for other people who cannot drive for whatever reasons. I feel badly for them despite the circumstances leading to their situation.

Sorry for the OT rant. We may now return to the discussions on bum bags and fanny packs. [emoji5]

IMO, we have a system already in place! We refer to it as laws and regulations that each of us need to follow. We break these laws disregard these regulations such as tickets, fines, misdemeanors, felonies, and there's a price to pay! For some it could be a simply ticket or fine and for repeat offenders it's a suspended licenses or jail time. IMO, to create a second system to make life "easier" for the person who broke the law is absurd! I firmly believe the best deterrent in most cases is a bit of uncomfortableness as well as some pain to the pocket book....their pocket book! I live within the laws and I'm pretty tired of paying for others lawlessness! Anyone have any idea what the cost to Carroll County has been these last 15 or so yrs with all RL's run in's with the law? That would be an interesting number about the system!
Just a few general questions:

Has that rail bridge the two girls were walking on been opened since their disappearance?

Also, how frequently is that particular trail used by walkers/hikers?

Do the tracks for that bridge still extend through the woods from whee the bridge starts, out to W. 300 N?

Finally, and I realize this bridge is a historic landmark - does anyone know if there has been any local talk about taking down the bridge?



No actually if you look back they are trying to improve the bridge with decking and rails. Historical items shouldn't be torn down moo!

[emoji237]Always My Own Opinion[emoji4]
Last 2 threads it was talked about his trip to the Carroll County Transfer station. It's really not a dump. Trash taken there and hauled away. Recycling is also taken there.

Was the dump trip made public before today? I check in daily but as usual end up with more questions than answers.
either A or D. In other words, if not A(and A is what I hope for), then D
Sorry.... but in your opinion.... will there be an arrest....: (multiple choice):

A) Within 1 month

B) Between 2 and 6 months.

C) 6 months to 1 year

D) Many, many years..if ever.
Do you mean prison?

No, not on a Level 6 felony. DOC won't take him. Whatever time he gets will be either hard time in county OR home detention. He'll want to show up in court next week in orange....with another week (2 weeks of a sentence) under his belt. Then maybe he can get time served with the rest on home detention. We'll see what the prosecutor offers and he accepts.
RL's next charges if any will be Federal charges and he will have to appear again and be bonded over to Federal Court imo. Fed warrants take longer sometimes .

Federal charges? Care to expound on this little bit of info?
And for a lot of people reading here ... there by the Grace of God go I. Meaning ... how many people have had a couple of drinks out with friends and then drove home? I have. I didn't get caught. Happens across the world daily. Not right, but it happens. Some get caught and others don't. IMO. (I've also drove over the speed limit and didn't get a ticket)... true confessions with ME. lol

IMO, we have a system already in place! We refer to it as laws and regulations that each of us need to follow. We break these laws disregard these regulations such as tickets, fines, misdemeanors, felonies, and there's a price to pay! For some it could be a simply ticket or fine and for repeat offenders it's a suspended licenses or jail time. IMO, to create a second system to make life "easier" for the person who broke the law is absurd! I firmly believe the best deterrent in most cases is a bit of uncomfortableness as well as some pain to the pocket book....their pocket book! I live within the laws and I'm pretty tired of paying for others lawlessness! Anyone have any idea what the cost to Carroll County has been these last 15 or so yrs with all RL's run in's with the law? That would be an interesting number about the system!
Won't be in jail though. Could be home detention (he had that before). We'll see.

No, not on a Level 6 felony. DOC won't take him. Whatever time he gets will be either hard time in county OR home detention. He'll want to show up in court next week in orange....with another week (2 weeks of a sentence) under his belt. Then maybe he can get time served with the rest on home detention. We'll see what the prosecutor offers and he accepts.
And for a lot of people reading here ... there by the Grace of God go I. Meaning ... how many people have had a couple of drinks out with friends and then drove home? I have. I didn't get caught. Happens across the world daily. Not right, but it happens. Some get caught and others don't. IMO. (I've also drove over the speed limit and didn't get a ticket)... true confessions with ME. lol

If you'd been caught not once, not twice, but three times...would you still do it?? If you were caught on parole violations twice, would you still drive on suspended or revoked license? If you were ordered into alcohol and mental health counseling by a judge, would you disregard it?
Sometimes when FBI is involved or if it turns out there are 2 suspects and they did other crimes that crossed state lines like a SK offense. This is just my opinion and maybe Gitana can advise us. This was in response to what causes a case to require federal charges.
If law enforcement thought this man was guilty of murdering these sweet girls there is no way they would have let him out on a 500 dollar bond.
What is so sad is the murderer is probably laughing his behind off as the show put on by law enforcement will probably endanger this man's life.
I stand by my belief that RL had nothing to do with these girls death and while the person that committed these crimes is still sitting back watching the circus
act being played out in this local community.

And for a lot of people reading here ... there by the Grace of God go I. Meaning ... how many people have had a couple of drinks out with friends and then drove home? I have. I didn't get caught. Happens across the world daily. Not right, but it happens. Some get caught and others don't. IMO. (I've also drove over the speed limit and didn't get a ticket)... true confessions with ME. lol
I'll never forget the time I drove wasted in college. Never. I am ashamed of myself to this day. I did not get caught, but I'm still burdened by the fact that I could have killed innocent people. That one decision could have put me in prison for vehicular homicide for life. It's been 10 years and it still kills me to think about it.

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I've obviously missed a lot. I took a break from this case as it's overwhelmingly sad.

It's a bit frustrating to see a possibly innocent man getting dragged through the mud.

I do not think RL is the killer. I don't know why anyone thinks he is. We all want to see someone arrested but this thread has gone wild with assumptions.
I've never been caught, so I don't know what I would do. I can't predict the future. I also don't live in small town US where everyone knows everyone.

I went out last night with another couple. Met them at the bar at the restaurant. Didn't notice what was in their glasses. We ate and they split a bottle of wine. I didn't drink because I am on meds that contraindicate alcohol. They drove home! They didn't get a ticket and I dare say they do that all the time.

If you'd been caught not once, not twice, but three times...would you still do it??
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