IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #45

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But if perused carefully you can not say there is no smidgen of truth tucked somewhere in there. I only speak for Libby and Abby, and in no way would I want anybody to overlook the alarming signs of this crime that I believe points squarely on a disturbed individual. I truly only want justice for these little girls who were on the threshold of life. I remember when the Ramsey case took a disatrous turn and the rest is history. I hope history doesnt repeat itself.
Frankly, no re SA and yes wrt to RL if my theory is anywhere close to the truth.

Someone may or may not have been drinking and I think there may be a good possibility they were.


If I remove accident from the equation, it gets darker for me but it doesn't make me change my opinion on how and why that much. I do not believe this was a first confrontation or that those girls didn't recognize BG.

Watch the presser I referred and linked to earlier with Riley, Delphi COP and Sheriff Tobe L. Someone asked about discovery of the girls and whether they were covered or out in the open, or words to that effect. Watch the faces of those three LEOs when you listen to the response. It made me think they were covered and something about how the bodies were found was disturbing. That was my take, but I may be way off.

^ I am leaning towards this possibility too.

“Murders happen for a lot of stupid reasons that aren’t planned,” he said, noting that many times, the victims know their assailant.
“So many murders end up as murder because something intervenes and changes,”
But if perused carefully you can not say there is no smidgen of truth tucked somewhere in there. I only speak for Libby and Abby, and in no way would I want anybody to overlook the alarming signs of this crime that I believe points squarely on a disturbed individual. I truly only want justice for these little girls who were on the threshold of life. I remember when the Ramsey case took a disatrous turn and the rest is history. I hope history doesnt repeat itself.

Welcome Frolic With Me! Thank you for joining us and for caring about justice for Abigail and Liberty. Great posts.
Thank you tlcya! for explaining me the rules. I hope this works out better on the second try.
Please let me know if theres anything wrong with my post and I'll gladly edit the portion out.

First let me present my evidence to support my claims or theories.

Hi I have some theories on what might have taken place on the day of the possible altercation between BG and the victims.

"if you want to understand the artist, show me his art" dr robert ressler, deceased fbi profiler.

From 5:08 to about 6:25 he talks about the need to remain secretive regarding the nature of their deaths. I believe the Police is tight lipped about the investigation because of lack of DNA evidence.

In my opinion, if the police had BG DNA they could easily disapprove an attention seeker falsely admitting to the crime, thus not have to worry about releasing information regarding the nature of their deaths. But, in my opinion, since, I believe they don't have BG DNA, they cant release the violent nature of the young girls deaths because if would jeopardize the investigation. The only evidence in my opinion LE has is the violent nature of their deaths. LE knows only the murderer has this piece of information, and its crucial to linking him directly to the crimes because only he knows how he killed them.

I believe the reason the Police, FBI briefed director Comey is, in my opinion, because of the sexual nature of the crime.

fast forward to 7:50 where hes talks about Comey. At the 10:50 second mark He says "the FBI is as entrenched in this as anybody"

And at 11:17 hes asks "whos next, I hate to ask you this question, back in my life I did not have to"

In my opinion this killer has an insatiable need to kill like a psycho sexual murderer. I was wondering why else would the FBI director who deals with a magnitude of problems be briefed twice if this was truly a run of the mill type murders? Im afraid my theories may be correct.

At 14:16 FBI agent Greg Massa says : we've briefed Comey twice on this matter" Wow! in my opinion, they know their dealing with a monster who may strike again and again.

And at 14:40-16:30, He speaks about the Behavioral Science Unit, now renamed Behavior analysis Unit that only deals with Violent crime of a special nature, such as sexual homicide. I wonder why they consulted their expertise? I believe because there a markers in these murders that are extremely alarming to them.

And at 18:00 the officer speaks about not sharing the whole audio. In my opinion, I'm deeply saddened by saying this, Libby and Abby's heart wrenching screams and pleads for mercy were quite possibly recorded by Libbys phone. This is only my theory.

This is what the BAU is involved in to give you a better perspective.

QUOTE from this page "Mark Hilts: The perspective that we look at is the behavior, it’s the motivation. It’s the ‘why’ part of a criminal investigation. We’ve done research and interviewed serial killers to understand why they do what they do so that we can help determine how we can catch them."

I believe RL is not even remotely involved in this heinous crime because he does not, in my opinion, fit the profile of a person who would commit such a heinous crime. He has no prior history of burglary, voyeurism, abuse, assault, et cetera. Only drunk driving convictions. In my opinion, as long he didn't deliberately run over someone while drunk, he is not a violent offender and his potential for violent crime in my opinion is extremely slim. The perpetrator in my opinion, didn't just wake up one day and set off to change the history of Delphi forever. I believe, the BG has been experiencing violent fantasies for a number of years. He is in my opinion, a living breathing monstrosity full of lasciviousness and we must delve into his deviant mind if we ever hope to close this horrible chapter in small town Delphi, Indiana.

And since I have provided evidence showing the BAU is involved, I believe BG's psychopathy took hold of him from a young age. In my opinion, fantasizing was not enough and in a sexual frenzy he went berserk on the two innocent girls.

THESE ARE ONLY MY THEORIES, these have not been substantiated by police or the FBI or The mainstream media.

But When interviewing serial killers or violent rapists, the FBI reports that nearly all have experienced traumatic life events during childhood.

A few preliminary remarks on his early childhood/adolescence: <>, and they finally culminated in a act that would make Lucifer glow.

THESE ARE ONLY MY THEORIES. I seem to have a lot of theories regarding this perp, so bear with me. I am not stating factual stuff. I just want to discuss my theories and hopefully be corrected.

I deleted graphic material in respect to the victims familes.

I believe there was no DNA, pubic hair, clothes fibers, shoe print, tire marks recovered from the dump site. This is only my theory. I believe where dealing with a highly intelligent person. Don't let his dress code fool you. I'm my opinion, he could be smarter than he looks. And so far he is. Abby and Libby were discovered by the police or search and rescue team around noon on the 14th. What time has the coroner declared their time of death? did he kill them soon after the encounter? Is the dump site also the murder site? Or did he kill them in the seculsion of a nearby barn and then dump their bodies at their final resting place. The police is privy to this information, iam not. But this information is key to unlocking this mystery because it gives you the only insight into BG mind.

MORE of my Theories

In my opinion, young caucasian girls are his ideal victim type. Who in other words did he find attractive? Was it Abby or Libby or both? What was the method of murder? The psychopathology of most psycho-sexual killers wont allow them to kill with a gun. I believe this was a chance encounter. The girls happened to be his ideal victim type.

MORE OF my theories.

<>. BG could be very young, in the 17-24 age range. I believe the picture is throwing everyone off his scent. But he could easily be in his early 30's too. He was out hunting that day and the days leading up to it. I believe he is very assertive, even though he has this what appears to me a lackadaisical appearance to him that is not menacing. He obviously is able to control and dominate two teenagers with out getting any defensive wounds (Abby nor libby had any of his DNA under their finger nails). Like a thief in the night he came and went and we have no idea what he has in store for us next.

Thats one helluva first post......MOO

Well, hello, Frolic with me. Welcome to Websleuths. I respectfully snipped a bit out, converted the video into links and bolded a little for saving space.

Your theories are straight in line with those of my own. Although, I do believe this person had an accomplice. I've been waiting for an excellent profile to be presented. Thank you, for succinctly placing pieces together. It is easier to digest if it were a simple abduction gone wrong than to go to the dark side where the pervert resides.
Thank you Frolic for all that you believe the Iowa girls' murders are tied with these girls? Any idea why the mirror image 7/13/12 and 2/13/17 have significance if any at all?
From all the videos and maps I've looked through, there doesn't seem to be any trail to the south side.I'm sure there are non-sanctioned paths to that area, but the community trails that take you to the bridge appear to only be on the north side, if I am not mistaken?

I was referring to the road since they were dropped off in a vehicle. Later it was pointed out that LE said they were dropped off at a tributary to the trail and it's believed they wouldn't refer to this road in that way. But also it is the same road Abby lived on about a mile south. Libby and Abby Delphi Murders crime scene flow - YouTube_-2085666133.jpg
The IMO incorrect MSM map shows the bodies were at two different locations. How can that be, if LE mentioned several times, that the girls stayed together and that they do not know, why one of them did not try to escape?


My theory is the girls were in utter shock at what was quickly transpiring before them. One minute they're on top of the world enjoying all the pleasures of girlhood, and then very abruptly BG appears and starts controlling them with a knife or gun with little resistance in return. In my opinion the girls did not realize the danger they were in until it was too late(after he had taken them down the hill to unfamiliar ground). In my opinion once there the girls were so depersonalized that screaming or running was useless.
Jmo many of these LEO's are dealing with a child murder for the first time, not to mention a double child murder. Even probably some of the FBI officers had not come across this sort of crime often. So taking apart their words, the way we do here, may not be especially helpful. They are going to be shocked, at a loss for words, etc just as many of us would be, seeing what they saw. Jmo
My theory is the girls were in utter shock at what was quickly transpiring before them. One minute they're on top of the world enjoying all the pleasures of girlhood, and then very abruptly BG appears and starts controlling them with a knife or gun with little resistance in return. In my opinion the girls did not realize the danger they were in until it was too late(after he had taken them down the hill to unfamiliar ground). In my opinion once there the girls were so depersonalized that screaming or running was useless.
i'm in 100% agreement with you. The entire last portion of BG's appearance on the bridge to when he met up with L and A must have gone down very quickly.
He obviously is able to control and dominate two teenagers with out getting any defensive wounds (Abby nor libby had any of his DNA under their finger nails). Like a thief in the night he came and went and we have no idea what he has in store for us next.

Did I miss something? Was it released that there was or wasn't any DNA under their fingernails?
I know that I am a neopyhte here, so I hope this is not too strange a thing to post.

But sometimes I try to put myself in the positions of the young girls. Meaning, here I am, standing with my friend, and now this strange man is about 70 feet away coming at us pretty quickly. What do I do?

And in all honesty (for myself as an adult woman), I think that I would just sort of stand there and wait to see if he passed us. I don't even know if I would have the guts to bring out my cell phone, much less videotape him. Whether it's a good thing or not, I tend to be extremely polite. I worry a lot about what others think, and I would never want to "offend" anyone.

A lot of times children, especially teenagers, don't want any drama, and the they don't want to make a scene, embarrass anyone or be embarrassed. Does that make any sense at all? Maybe their gut told them that something was off kilter, (obviously, L made the video) but they were to unsure of themselves to run or scream.
I missed that as well!

I don't believe LE has commented on what type or where it was recovered.

I think it was ISP Carter speaking to Fox59's Alexis McAdams who seemed to confirm DNA was recovered but then refused to say anything else. I'll see if I can find her interview.

ETA it may take awhile.

He obviously is able to control and dominate two teenagers with out getting any defensive wounds (Abby nor libby had any of his DNA under their finger nails). Like a thief in the night he came and went and we have no idea what he has in store for us next.

Did I miss something? Was it released that there was or wasn't any DNA under their fingernails?

No, I was curious if Frolic knew there were no defensive wounds or was speculating?
I think I saved it from WS but I can't be certain so I don't think it's allowed. Try google images.

Are we permitted to link to a remotely hosted image?
What about the split image of BG next to RL, both with their hands in their pockets? A woman had an expert do it and wow! She was convinced it wasn't until he said it was and why. I have no clue what thread to look through.

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I know that I am a neopyhte here, so I hope this is not too strange a thing to post.

But sometimes I try to put myself in the positions of the young girls. Meaning, here I am, standing with my friend, and now this strange man is about 70 feet away coming at us pretty quickly. What do I do?

And in all honesty (for myself as an adult woman), I think that I would just sort of stand there and wait to see if he passed us. I don't even know if I would have the guts to bring out my cell phone, much less videotape him. Whether it's a good thing or not, I tend to be extremely polite. I worry a lot about what others think, and I would never want to "offend" anyone.

A lot of times children, especially teenagers, don't want any drama, and the they don't want to make a scene, embarrass anyone or be embarrassed. Does that make any sense at all? Maybe their gut told them that something was off kilter, (obviously, L made the video) but they were to unsure of themselves to run or scream.

Absolutely agree! I posted the following a bit ago:

"I'm not sure if we'll ever know, but I think those girls had only a few minutes to make a quick decision on what to do when they saw BG coming towards them. He was only 70 feet away! They either needed to get back on the bridge and head back north having to pass BG quite high in the air or stay put on SE end and wait for BG to finish his trek, then quickly get back on bridge again heading north from where they came. I can't imagine getting on that bridge with someone coming at me that I was suspect or nervous about! I think I may stay put at SE end, keep my eye on BG and attempt to head back quickly once his foot stepped off"!

Im on the same fence with you. :)
I don't believe LE has commented on what type or where it was recovered.

I think it was ISP Carter speaking to Fox59's Alexis McAdams who seemed to confirm DNA was recovered but then refused to say anything else. I'll see if I can find her interview.

ETA it may take awhile.


Man, you are fast Bemused!
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