IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #5

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Is it just me or is it odd that they are not releasing the usual "profiling" of an unknown suspect. We are looking for information on a male who may meet one or more of these criteria....

For example:
1- Someone who may have purchased new boots (as to get away from being tracked by tread or if he got blood on them)

2- Someone who purchased a new phone or replaced one they were using within the last week. (taken from them asking to see phones of people they talked to)

3- Someone who may have changed their appearance since the crime. Cut/dye hair, shaved or uncharacteristically growing facial hair.

4- Someone who may have suddenly changed habits. Maybe quit coming to/started missing work, more focused on news.

Just my $.02

What about someone that works from home?
Pareidolia = false or imagined images.

Pareidolia is common and completely normal - we are hard-wired to "see" things that aren't there. It's pattern recognition gone wild. It's why we "see" sheep in clouds. It happens to all of us. It's important to understand this concept in order to sort out what may actually be real in a grainy photograph versus what we think we see in it - IOW artifacts from compression.

Case in point - today when LE mentioned a backpack suddenly many people started seeing a backpack in the suspect pic. Until it was suggested no one - not one single person - said they thought they detected a backpack in that photo.

Like I said yesterday, I think it's helpful to group brainstorm in these cases, but we all need to be acutely aware of how easily our brains will lead us astray and make us think we are seeing things that aren't really there. Shadows and low resolution can wreak havoc with us psychologically. If we keep that in mind IMO our results will be more accurate.

The fact that the perp is on the loose and no one even knows his identity would suggest the community of Delphi and surrounding areas should be very alert and worried.
How in h3ll could LE say there's no danger to the community ?

Not just to Delphi ... but to any other town this suspect may have traveled to. Smdh.
I wouldn't be able to walk across that bridge. No side rails. Spaces between the slats would give me vertigo. He walks with his hands in his pockets, like it's so easy.

I'm not sure he's on the bridge. Both images show a geometric shaped thingy (structural?) to HIS left. What or where's that located on the bridge?
The fact that the perp is on the loose and no one even knows his identity would suggest the community of Delphi and surrounding areas should be very alert and worried.
How in h3ll could LE say there's no danger to the community ?

Not just to Delphi ... but to any other town this suspect may have traveled to. Smdh.

Totally agree! It's so odd they've announced that there's no danger to the community. It makes no rational sense.
I am in agreement with Marlboro--steelman here. This guy knows this bridge and lay of the land.

And since we're all tapping fingers here, I tapped away at the image so we have something new to scrutinize,

Not clear because the dang originals are so bad. However, I do see binoculars around his neck (cropped out of this image I am posting). Also see the fur lined hood. Can't figure out what that straight black thing is--a scope? Nothing? Comments welcome.


Nice job and guesses.

I do agree that some cropping went on by LE. There are just too many areas that seem purposely blurred to me.

It would explain why we are having so much difficulty with the photos.

Binoculars is a good guess as to the whiteish area under his neck.

Im beginning to think he had a camo hat on.

I also agree with others about a handgun in his right pocket.

The way he was walking looks to me that he may have had either a rifle in a sling that is photo shopped out or maybe a duffle bag rigged lengthwise to his back as we sometimes see with transients traveling cross country.
The fact that the perp is on the loose and no one even knows his identity would suggest the community of Delphi and surrounding areas should be very alert and worried.
How in h3ll could LE say there's no danger to the community ?

Not just to Delphi ... but to any other town this suspect may have traveled to. Smdh.
I said this early on, I don't understand how there is no danger.
Perhaps they do know. While it seems to be driving some of our adorable WS posters crazy that LE is not releasing more of the video footage there is a very good reason they are not doing so at this time. This case isn't just being handled by the local LE but the FBI and HLS is also involved so they all know what they are doing.

There is more footage on the video they have in their possession and it very well could show him walking along with a duffel bag or a backpack after he had killed the girls. LE always knows way more than the public and they keep what they do know close to their vests as they should until the murderer is caught. While it may be maddening to us that they arent releasing everything they know or have it is what LE always does. They are holding things back for a very good reason. IMO

I still believe these still shots were from a trail cam erected in the area.............not to track deer and deer trails but were used for security. We have a lot of wooded areas on our own property and we have erected three trail cameras in various areas as security since the very back of our land is not fenced even though other parts are. We do have deer on our land but the reason for erecting all three was to make sure others aren't coming on our property illegally.

That would be why the still photos are shot from up above him and not face to face with him walking along the bridge. From the photos I have seen of the bridge and surrounding areas there are plenty of trees to erect trail cams imo. Many of them are camo colored and blend right in and if someone doesn't know they are there they will walk right by them unaware they are being videoed.

Of course the police is not going to divulge where the camera is located to protect the privacy of whoever has installed it in the unknown (to us) location. If they told where it was then it wouldn't be any good anymore to use as a security camera instead of a typical deer hunter trail camera. I think the reason the photos are blurred somewhat is LE tried to enlarge the stills trying to get a closer image of the murderer before putting them out to the public.

Just recently with the couple in Florida who went on a murder spree in two states they were spotted on a trail camera as they went through the woods in that area. That trail camera was able to prove the woman was not there because she had been abducted by the male murderer but it showed she willingly was with him. The Prosecutor will use that trail camera footage in her capital murder cases she has been charged with and the other murderer killed himself when LE surrounded their motel in Georgia.

I think more and more trail cameras will solve more and more cases since a lot of suspects tend to take to the woods to hide out from LE or go through woods after doing horrific crimes just like this man/woman murdering spree couple did and were both caught on a trail camera they both had no idea was even there.


I can't imagine that anyone believes the police should open up more evidence to the public. It seems that two bad images and a vague 'suspected hitchhiker' reference, alongside a blunt declaration that police want to arrest this person for double murder, are the best indicators that the police have more than they choose to or should release.

As for images, they may have more than one source. I find it not entirely plausible that the girls were taking pics/video, yet they captured nothing that is of use to police, even if it is locations that mark their course, in association with the path of the perp.
Me too! I never see anything at all, but once I saw it, I can't unsee it to be anything else BUT a face. I hope my mind is just creating the image, because if not, that's the most terrifying thing I've ever seen.

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I clearly see Freddy Kruger in his hat. I'm not being a wisecracker, I see a photo shopped face of Freddy. I'm not accusing anyone here of doing that, but that's the image I see.

Pareidolia is common and completely normal - we are hard-wired to "see" things that aren't there. It's pattern recognition gone wild. It's why we "see" sheep in clouds. It happens to all of us. It's important to understand this concept in order to sort out what may actually be real in a grainy photograph versus what we think we see in it - IOW artifacts from compression.

Case in point - today when LE mentioned a backpack suddenly many people started seeing a backpack in the suspect pic. Until it was suggested no one - not one single person - said they thought they detected a backpack in that photo.

Like I said yesterday, I think it's helpful to group brainstorm in these cases, but we all need to be acutely aware of how easily our brains will lead us astray and make us think we are seeing things that aren't really there. Shadows and low resolution can wreak havoc with us psychologically. If we keep that in mind IMO our results will be more accurate.


Oh I know!
A group of us spent hours looking at "kitties" up in trees in sweet Caylee's threads.
But, in Mickey Shunick's case, the bike was in the back of the truck.
Primetime Justice with Ashleigh Banfield on HLN is covering this case again tonight.
Was there any snow left on the ground the day the girls went missing?
The question regarding a drifter is "how does a drifter from out of town with no knowledge of that area end up on that bridge?"

If you recall, the video from the helicopter showed LE on a bridge with it blocked off and I believe this to be the area where the High Bridge Trail crosses the Hoosier Heartland Hwy. It actually would make sense for a drifter walking down the Hwy to take a pronounced walking trail looking for a park area to hang out.

The thing about someone without transportation and their picture being in the media within 24 hours, how far could they have gotten in the days following? I'm not going to bet against him being able to cover considerable ground as a hitchhiker after the crime, but I would think it would be far more challenging and he may not have made it that far away.

Do we have the exact location where the girls were dropped off? I'm wondering if someone walking the Hoosier Hearltand could have seen them get out of a car or walk across the footbridge and then decided to pursue.

I can see how he (if drifter) possibly arrived at the bridge, and I agree it's possible he didn't get far in 24 hours. I suppose I just keep wondering about his mindset... was he on a mission to find victims? Did he just happen upon them? I suppose he could have been watching them long enough to know they were there alone, as well as determining the "best area" (quiet & no foot traffic) to commit a crime. As always, it's just a guess on these things. But, for me... this aspect of the crime is more intriguing than analyzing the perps pic over and over and over and...
For our photography experts, I found this photo and have a question. Do you think this might be how far away the camera was from the suspect or do you think it was closer or further away?

My husband said it was a pile of rocks when I first saw the pic on another website that follows news.
Based on the demeanor and statements of LE at the first press conference, I felt SURE they knew who did this and it was just a matter of (SHORT!) time before apprehending him. Now I think they were so guarded because they have absolutely no clue and that is downright SCARY! Why aren't they warning the public about a crazed madman on the loose???

Because they rarely ever do no matter what state it happens in or town.

Your question about warning others that a mad man is on the loose seems to come up every time something like this happens. I really dont have an answer but I have kept up with murder cases for over three decades and time and time again the police will not warn the community.

I have even seen them many times come out and say before they even KNOW who the murderer is that the victim/s were targeted implying the victims knew the murderer only to learn when the murderer was finally caught they were a total stranger to the victims and the community as a whole could have very well been in danger. It infuriates me to no end. But then I try to think calmly and perhaps it is done to quell the fears and police know its highly unlikely the same perp will strike the same area twice with the police swarming everywhere in the area.

The police also knows the community doesnt have to be told by them to be alert since they all know the suspect is still at large. If I lived in that area no one would have to tell me to be on heightened alert until he is apprehended. So maybe the police think that people in the area are intelligent enough to know they need to be careful until he is caught. I did read somewhere the police said if anyone goes hiking to go in a group.

Plus I truly think LE believes he has left the area.
From all the videos of the bridge, I don't buy the images of the perp came from a trail camera.

When you're walking on that bridge, you're above the tree tops. There doesn't seem to be a tree tall enough to host a camera for an image such as that.

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Because they rarely ever do no matter what state it happens in or town.

Your question about warning others that a mad man is on the loose seems to come up every time something like this happens. I really dont have an answer but I have kept up with murder cases for over three decades and time and time again the police will not warn the community.

I have even seen them many times come out and say before they even KNOW who the murderer is that the victim/s were targeted implying the victims knew the murderer only to learn when the murderer was finally caught they were a total stranger to the victims and the community as a whole could have very well been in danger. It infuriates me to no end. But then I try to think calmly and perhaps it is done to quell the fears and police know its highly unlikely the same perp will strike the same area twice with the police swarming everywhere in the area.

The police also knows the community doesnt have to be told by them to be alert since they all know the suspect is still at large. If I lived in that area no one would have to tell me to be on heightened alert until he is apprehended. So maybe the police think that people in the area are intelligent enough to know they need to be careful until he is caught. I did read somewhere the police said if anyone goes hiking to go in a group.

Plus I truly think LE believes he has left the area.
Great post as aways.

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