IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #51

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Ot(I wonder how we all had the same thing, says you've won.. ad by ohythx ( googled this name all the way to Japan? No clue) or something similar, I got rid of it opening chrome going to settings, under advances I clicked all sites and deleted strange looking ones, I assumed they created some sort of attachment to my plugins. Anyway it stopped the issue. Took me all day, because I had no comp to ask you guys for help)

Yep that's the one.
I do believe it came from a link we clicked on in here.
If searchers searched the area girls were found previously, was that on the first day or second day search? IMO always.
Yep that's the one.
I do believe it came from a link we clicked on in here.

Had to be, try what I did. Settings, site settings, all sites. I found quite a few fishy ones. And have no clue why it fixed it. But it did.)
If searchers searched the area girls were found previously, was that on the first day or second day search? IMO always.

Well didn't RL say the neighbor requested to search the day the girls went missing. When he got home.
I was referring to RL here because the original conversation was regarding him and the trespassing theory. And since we were talking about him specifically, how I think that would be quite a distance to pursue them.

I thought I had some ideas about this case myself but visiting the scanner thread was a real eye-opener for me. Though it raised so many more questions! I sure wish we knew more too. :gaah:

Oh I see. Hmmm. Well does the question still work? What if (just for sake of theory), RL was walking the trails with his dog or walking back from the transfer station or something? He could've passed the girls on the trail by the bridge and become angry at what he found vs. having to pursue them from his property.

Again, that's not my lead theory as I am almost ready to rule RL out (if Le would just tell us about the results of that SW!). But I don't think the theory requires RL or anyone else being angry for miles. Someone could come upon the girls, tell them they shouldn't be on the bridge etc and become angry and disciplinarian-like right there. It didn't have to start from RL's property.

Just thinking... feel free to poke holes in that.;)

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Well didn't RL say the neighbor requested to search the day the girls went missing. When he got home.

I believe, I keep forgetting what time he got home. I'm still curious if BG footprints were found further up into RL property, if so does that give probable cause for property search?? BG print had to go somewhere, I would imo think if they went in a total diff direction there would have been more tape? Or expanded searching whichever way for BG himself? Just. Curious speculating IMO always.
Ot(I wonder how we all had the same thing, says you've won.. ad by ohythx ( googled this name all the way to Japan? No clue) or something similar, I got rid of it opening chrome going to settings, under advances I clicked all sites and deleted strange looking ones, I assumed they created some sort of attachment to my plugins. Anyway it stopped the issue. Took me all day, because I had no comp to ask you guys for help)
This case seems to be going nowhere fast. Why don't they release more information? More voice recordings of suspect?

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WADR, because someone didn't kill anyone in a similar situation three years prior doesn't mean they did or didn't kill someone three years later. We were not there, and we do it know what happened on that bridge, or even earlier in that day, week, month or years preceding the murders. We don't know who killed Abby and Libby. I certainly don't because I was not there nor do I know what evidence LE has on anyone. I do have my suspicions based on a lot of factors, however.

Craig Peyer stopped and made sexually inappropriate gestures and comments to more than a few female motorists he'd pull over as a CHP officer. He'd never killed any of them before the night he strangled Cara Knott and threw her body over a bridge, and then went back to his patrol car and finished his shift. Read Peyer's actions and statements after Cara was murdered by him if you want to spot red flags. Too bad for Cara Knott CHP ignored complaints from other women about his behavior.

Based on court records, RL seemed to have a lot of issues going on in 2013 and 2014. IMO, if he was going to snap, that would have been the most likely time to do it.

As it is, he was just a number of months away from getting off probation, the re-fi he did on his property probably took the financial pressure off and he had not been in trouble with LE for almost 3 years. I see no logical reason for him to go crazy and kill 2 girls.

I think he's innocent, so WADR, your suspicions seem a bit outlandish to me. BUT.. you are certainly entitled to them.
I believe, I keep forgetting what time he got home. I'm still curious if BG footprints were found further up into RL property, if so does that give probable cause for property search?? BG print had to go somewhere, I would imo think if they went in a total diff direction there would have been more tape? Or expanded searching whichever way for BG himself? Just. Curious speculating IMO always.

RL said he got back home at 6:30 on 2/13 from Lafayette.

Google the below exactly as typed.

site: Logan Delphi alibi or alibis

and you should find it.
It has always troubled me that it took the two teens over an hour to get to the location on the bridge where the first photo of Abby was taken. If they were truly dropped off at 1:00 pm and the photo was taken/posted at 2:07 pm, the distance is only like 0.47 miles to that spot on the bridge.

Being that this point is already 3/4th of the way to the dead end at the other end of the bridge, I wondered if the girls killed some time before the bridge exploring an area they had not gone before.

That's why I wonder if they went towards RL's property BEFORE the bridge (on the north side) and accidentally came upon someone doing something they shouldn't have been doing... smoking weed, urinating or defecating, drinking, masturbating, or something else. That the girls saw them, started running back to the bridge to continue their walk... then that is what alarmed Libby to activate her video being that they had just saw BG doing something and shockingly her was now out on the bridge walking towards them!

Here is a visual on this...please look at the picture.

What do you think?delphi4.jpg
I believe, I keep forgetting what time he got home. I'm still curious if BG footprints were found further up into RL property, if so does that give probable cause for property search?? BG print had to go somewhere, I would imo think if they went in a total diff direction there would have been more tape? Or expanded searching whichever way for BG himself? Just. Curious speculating IMO always.

I think they had to search his property inside and out no matter what.
I did a reboot. It's still there lol

You may have to restore it. I'd try to clean it or take it to the provider for help first because it's a huge PITA to have to set up and lose all your info. If you have a backup that will restore some of your settings, pictures, etc.
Police also spent two days searching the private land where a search party volunteer found the bodies of German and Williams.

Ron Logan, who owns the 40-acre property, said he’s lived there for 53 years.

“Totally, totally, unreal,” he said.

Logan said he was in Lafayette Monday afternoon when the girls were last seen near the Monon High Bridge Trail.

He said he first gave permission for his property to be searched Monday night. He said he drove into town Tuesday and, when he came back, he learned the girls’ bodies were discovered about 50 feet from Deer Creek.
Feb 16 2017
RL said he got back home at 6:30 on 2/13 from Lafayette.

Google the below exactly as typed.

site: Logan Delphi alibi or alibis

and you should find it.
Thanks, I believe you, you always got the links when I don't know stuffs 😝
So it was maybe going to be dark soon. But regardless, if searched that specific area the night before, even if they didn't see the girls, imo BG was out of there. Or nearby hiding watching, I can't decide because I don't know just how wacko he is. IMO always
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