IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #51

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I also believe I saw a quote stating as to the immense complexity of this case. Perhaps I am missing the complex part of man kills girls and dumps in his back yard. Feel free to help me understand the complex nature of this theory.

We don't know details so who could opine?
WADR, because someone didn't kill anyone in a similar situation three years prior doesn't mean they did or didn't kill someone three years later. We were not there, and we do it know what happened on that bridge, or even earlier in that day, week, month or years preceding the murders. We don't know who killed Abby and Libby. I certainly don't because I was not there nor do I know what evidence LE has on anyone. I do have my suspicions based on a lot of factors, however.

Craig Peyer stopped and made sexually inappropriate gestures and comments to more than a few female motorists he'd pull over as a CHP officer. He'd never killed any of them before the night he strangled Cara Knott and threw her body over a bridge, and then went back to his patrol car and finished his shift. Read Peyer's actions and statements after Cara was murdered by him if you want to spot red flags. Too bad for Cara Knott CHP ignored complaints from other women about his behavior.

Would previous complaints not indicate he had a tendency to harass women? A pattern of behavior that could lead one to believe they committed or were likely to violent crimes against women? As opposed to one day he got mad and killed?
Re the photos of BG, I agree they are not good enough to rule someone in as the murderer.

But, they should be sufficient to rule people out. For example, if BG is 5' 8" and a suspect is over 6 foot that would rule him out.


Yes, I agree too. Aside from the remote possibility the suspect is disguised, the photo may also rule out certain demographics based on race and ethnicity, females, and certain body weights. But that's about it.

That a photo such as this be introduced into evidence to convict is no different than basing a conviction only on DNA.

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I also believe I saw a quote stating as to the immense complexity of this case. Perhaps I am missing the complex part of man kills girls and dumps in his back yard. Feel free to help me understand the complex nature of this theory.

I don't think RL is the most likely suspect here, but to answer your question, if he is somehow found to have been connected, then the complexity could be several fold.

It would be complex if there was some evidence RL was involved, for ex, but his DNA wasn't found on the bodies.

It might be complex if only transfer DNA from RL was on the bodies because that wouldn't prove he killed them even if he did.

It might be complex if there was multiple sources of DNA on the bodies.

It would be complex because he has an apparent alibi for the likely time of death, so that would complicate trying to convict him.

It would be complex to develop evidence to convince a judge or jury he was capable at his age of the physical demands assumed to be part of killing two people.

Even in other cases where bodies are found buried in yards of the killer, LE still has to build an airtight case so prosecutors can't put reasonable doubt out there that someone else just dumped them there.

I think this case is complex no matter how you cut it, IMHO. If not, I think LE would have more right now than they do.

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Do we know for sure the perp pursued them a long distance? I suppose if the property owner or any other area resident was involved (and RL still feels like a big IF to me), they could've also been walking back and seen something they didn't like as they passed too. We technically don't know where or why the perp entered the trails.

Too bad we don't have more info about the video footage. Maybe it would show some evidence of sustained anger or lack thereof...or back and forth arguing between the perp(s) and the girls.

It's also possible the person who confronted them initially didn't immediately intend to kill them, but things escalated and the perp took it further than intended.

I still slightly lean toward a local...probably not RL (but haven't completely, 100% ruled him out).

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I was referring to RL here because the original conversation was regarding him and the trespassing theory. And since we were talking about him specifically, how I think that would be quite a distance to pursue them.

I thought I had some ideas about this case myself but visiting the scanner thread was a real eye-opener for me. Though it raised so many more questions! I sure wish we knew more too. :gaah:
Would previous complaints not indicate he had a tendency to harass women? A pattern of behavior that could lead one to believe they committed or were likely to violent crimes against women? As opposed to one day he got mad and killed?

Are you talking about the restraining order a woman took out against RL that was cited in a previous post?

I don't think that necessarily proves or disproves what he would do later in a different scenario.

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I don't think RL is the most likely suspect here, but to answer your question, if he is somehow found to have been connected, then the complexity could be several fold.

It would be complex if there was some evidence RL was involved, for ex, but his DNA wasn't found on the bodies.

It might be complex if only transfer DNA from RL was on the bodies because that wouldn't prove he killed them even if he did.

It might be complex if there was multiple sources of DNA on the bodies.

It would be complex because he has an apparent alibi for the likely time of death, so that would complicate trying to convict him.

It would be complex to develop evidence to convince a judge or jury he was capable at his age of the physical demands assumed to be part of killing two people.

Even in other cases where bodies are found buried in yards of the killer, LE still has to build an airtight case so prosecutors can't put reasonable doubt out there that someone else just dumped them there.

I think this case is complex no matter how you cut it, IMHO. If not, I think LE would have more right now than they do.

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While I don't concur, I thank you for a concise, articulate and well thought out retort.
Would previous complaints not indicate he had a tendency to harass women? A pattern of behavior that could lead one to believe they committed or were likely to violent crimes against women? As opposed to one day he got mad and killed?

Are you privy to interviews and tips LE has about anyone? I'm not. We don't know that so for me to jump from RL never killed anyone before makes no sense and it's a very big leap in logic. Court records indicate that alcohol is an issue and anger may be, given the order of protection. We don't know who killed them or what may or may not have transpired. We are permitted to form opinions based on our own common sense. You're asking questions no one here can answer definitively, so we have nothing to discuss but few facts and a lot of speculation. IMO
Omg yes!!! Several times!! It's like a malicious malware virus or something! I have to close out my entire browser and reload it to get back to websleuths . next time I'll take a screenshot of what it says and post it
It is the most annoying thing isn't it?
The bridge is very near and across Deer Creek.

I read some local literature on he bridge, and it's been a local attraction for over a century. It's a natural for them to go there for an afternoon as any park or rec center.

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The murders occurred in February 2017, nearly 3 years after those police reports. It doesn't seem likely to me there is a relationship to 3-year old crimes, IMO.

All it proves is RL appropriately reported the incidents. As well, it's evidence that he was a victim of property crime in the past.

Is that because of location, access, etc and did BG choose RL's property as a crime scene for the same reason? We don't really know.

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What does the popup say and what OS phone? iOS or Android? Did you try clearing your history and rebooting your phone? Clear the browser history And power it off, wait 30 seconds or so and power it back on. My iPhone and iPad sometimes hang and only a reboot fixes it.

I did a reboot. It's still there lol
How does it make it more likely?

We don't have any evidence that he has ever "gone after" anyone in the past, and imo, we would need to see a history of that. Nor do we know that he particularly cares. I know he has some no trespassing signs, especially around the paddock areas and near the road but I have not seen any evidence of excessive signage in the wooded area that would indicate that this is a problem for him.

He probably would not be aware most days that there is anyone trespassing. He cannot see down the hill from his farm unless he is standing/walking/working on the rim or that part of his property. Most of his work would encompass his paddocks around his house and barns. It is all downhill from the edge of his farm. He probably would not be able to see anyone that far away as well.

IF there wasn't a timing problem I now would think "down the hill" could have been said at another place than the bridge ....
It is the most annoying thing isn't it?

Ot(I wonder how we all had the same thing, says you've won.. ad by ohythx ( googled this name all the way to Japan? No clue) or something similar, I got rid of it opening chrome going to settings, under advances I clicked all sites and deleted strange looking ones, I assumed they created some sort of attachment to my plugins. Anyway it stopped the issue. Took me all day, because I had no comp to ask you guys for help)
I read some local literature on he bridge, and it's been a local attraction for over a century. It's a natural for them to go there for an afternoon as any park or rec center.

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I am not convinced the parents were ok with them being out there.
And probably did t know they were out there till they could t be found.
Re Iowa. Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins.. LE very early on said the 2 investigative parties involved called and talked and decided it was probably coincidence and not related to Delphi case...which i have never on earth could they know, its been 5 yrs since Iowa happened and cold as ice .. they compared notes like on the first or second day after Delphi happened and you know there's no way they had DNA results back yet from Delphi, and as far as we know, they still don't. So how could they say they're not related? and I don't even know if the Iowa case has DNA...I'm not even sure if they have an official cause of death because those two girls' remains were found like 6 months later. I'm assuming they have at least an idea of the cause of death and they're assuming if they're different modes that it's not the same perp, which I certainly would not base on that to eliminate anyone. what do you guys think about this? I am still looking into this for connections myself personally.
Would previous complaints not indicate he had a tendency to harass women? A pattern of behavior that could lead one to believe they committed or were likely to violent crimes against women? As opposed to one day he got mad and killed?

We know in Peyer's case there were red flags that CHP ignored. We do not know what LE knows about anyone in this case but we know they've made some statements and served a probable cause SW on RL's property. That raises flags for me but it doesn't say RL murdered two girls. We all have to use common sense in forming opinions. My opinion or yours aren't going to prove anything as far as who is eventually arrested for two murders.
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