IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #53

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First thanks to Tricia for the times out on the past three days. I would never have caught up. Two things stand out as main topics these past three days. First is the SW on RL's property on March 17. I believe LE HAD to return and leave no corner unchecked to clear a man the public had vented against. Circumstantial evidence admittedly, but proof needed verification. Later on in the investigation if something was overlooked it would have devastated. Therefore they go back and leave no stone unturned. Also a good pot about any trespass later after the crime. Second is a thank for the photo work some have accomplished here. I have a question. Isn't there a computer program that generates images, such as 'age enhancement'? Isn't there a program that could generate a clear image? (This was supposed to be a reply to Tricia's closing post last night. If it is misplaced?? sorry).
do you have a theory why they have yet to clear him since the search? his attorney should be all over law enforcement to do so. saying he is not a suspect means little. suspects are not typically named until an arrest. you also have to remember that they said he is was a suspect at the same time they were searching his place with probable cause that they would find something connected to the double homicide. Since they said on the day of the search one of the outcomes was that he could cleared, i would expect that they would do so if he was.
As far as a SK, there is the 2011 disappearance of Lauren Spierer at Indiana University. We know that Larry Hall (sp?) the serial killer from Indiana crossed many state lines to murder.

In this day and age and, especially in the midwest, a SK isn't going to necessarily stay in his small enclave to commit heinous acts.
Does anyone think BG might be wearing goggles around his neck?


If so they look upside down to me.
Does anyone think BG might be wearing goggles around his neck?

I do. I noticed in the GIFs just above that the white object at his throat seems solid--it seems more covered by the jacket in one frame than in the other. Goggles, whether they started out as motorcycle goggles, work goggles, etc., would serve to protect BG's eyes as he moved to control the girls (i.e., before their hands were bound, if they ever were). Protection against pepper spray has been mentioned, but I think the greater risk from BG's perspective would be a finger or thumb in the eye. I know nothing about the following site, but it does contain a brief video showing the effectiveness of a strike to the eyes even among military combatants--nothing too graphic, you can't even see the strike it's so fast, and the fight is over in seconds, but the victim walks away trying to be tough before collapsing to his knees:

Eye damage is a real fight stopper, and I think we can assume the strike shown above was not as vicious (and thus devastating) as it would be in a fight for one's life, where the eye might be permanently damaged.
I do. I noticed in the GIFs just above that the white object at his throat seems solid--it seems more covered by the jacket in one frame than in the other. Goggles, whether they started out as motorcycle goggles, work goggles, etc., would serve to protect BG's eyes as he moved to control the girls (i.e., before their hands were bound, if they ever were). Protection against pepper spray has been mentioned, but I think the greater risk from BG's perspective would be a finger or thumb in the eye. I know nothing about the following site, but it does contain a brief video showing the effectiveness of a strike to the eyes even among military combatants--nothing too graphic, you can't even see the strike it's so fast, and the fight is over in seconds, but the victim walks away trying to be tough before collapsing to his knees:

Eye damage is a real fight stopper, and I think we can assume the strike shown above was not as vicious (and thus devastating) as it would be in a fight for one's life, where the eye might be permanently damaged.
I agree with your points. Goggles come in many varieties and shapes. They would definitely be useful in a fight against sprays, spit, scratches and strikes. BG may have used a 4 wheeler or motorcycle as well.

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Wrong colored eyes? What is BG's eye color?

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Could that be RL's white truck in the photo? Maybe the girls or one of the family reported that he was driving and got him in trouble with Probation or he was afraid they would tell. This could be a motive. Was his truck a chevy? Had he seen her taking photos that day of him driving. Does photo show a date it was taken?
Based on the age he appears to be and the confidence in his stride, I think he operated alone. This wasn't his first time. Even in the still photos, he does not look unsure or hesitant. He knew what he was doing. I would assume he made his mind up what was going to happen and he had his plan. He knew from scoping out the environment that the coast was clear. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a pair of binoculars [to carefully study the surrounding area before he made his move] shoved in that jacket. If his coat was packed with restraint devices and weapons, then he was alone. There would be no reason to carry the stuff on him if he was herding them toward an accomplice. The tool kit would be with the waiting accomplice. My opinion is this creep worked alone. MOO

I agree. His job may only have been to round them up, block their escape back across. However it should be alot of pressure that he could go down for the crimes of others just because his is the only picture. The DNA evidence may be from someone completely different.
There was a short segment at 6 tonight on RTV6, showing a bit of the grandparents and bows on the light poles in memory of the girls. They also showed the BG pic, the DTH recording and then MP saying he hopes he doesn't know him (BG). I wasn't expecting that. I sure hope he doesn't, too.
That's seems a strange thing to say. He has seen the pics of BG and heard the audio. If MP knew him, surely he would recognize him IMO.
The artifact is visible in one of the photos, but it really makes no difference. The photo of Abby at 2:07 is crisp and clear, and the photo of the suspect is very pixelated ... so Abby is close to Libby when she took the photo and the suspect is far away from Libby when she captured images of him.


Source link (DM)

Many with lots of photo experience have stated that the resolution can be very high, depending on camera and settings, for a still photo but it is never that high for a video since videos are much larger files to begin with they would be too huge to load and upload or send if they had high resolution as well. Then when you take frames from the video which is already lower resolution you really have a highly pixelated image.
I believe the distances that were approximated in the video we have seen from Grey Hughes must be a pretty accurate estimate and were based on the knowledge of similar phones, field of vision, etc. LE has also stated they had to crop, enlarge and enhance the frames of BG.
From Liberty's Instagram account, I cross referenced all the accounts she was FOLLOWING against all the accounts she was/is FOLLOWED BY.

Three results:

#1 --> People she was more familiar with online (follow each other)
#2 --> People she was interested in
#3 --> People who were/are interested in her

One account that stuck out in #1 was an older account for her that she apparently used to share photos she took and her love of photography. At the very least, I wanted to share because they are beautiful photos. Also it might be worth researching:

Obviously, #3 is very contaminated by people like us who have followed since after Feb 13th, 2017.

Edit: I did my best to verify the authenticity before posting this, one example is comparing the corner of Main St in Delphi that the instagram account has a photo of:

to Google Streetview of the presumed location:!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
Could that be RL's white truck in her picture? Did RL see her taking picture when he was prohibited from driving? I don't want to think he is BG but that could be a motive if he was afraid he would get in trouble for driving. What is date that picture was taken?
Could that be RL's white truck in her picture? Did RL see her taking picture when he was prohibited from driving? I don't want to think he is BG but that could be a motive if he was afraid he would get in trouble for driving. What is date that picture was taken?
The pic with the truck is Google not Libby.
I am thinking the same thing. Potential Goggles, sleeve protectors...

Side note: Meat packing facilities/slaughterhouses are also notoriously cold, which might create a need for extra layering of clothing, even on warm days. This is all mere opinion on my part, by the way.

"Well, once there was always dark. If you ask me, the light’s winning.”
Agree with DeDee because if that is her sleeve she would be teetering on the edge of the bridge. Logically it doesn't add up.

Not necessarily teetering on the edge. She could be turned or turning toward him, still with her hand in her pocket making the jacket stretch so that we are again seeing the lining. I would expect if someone were coming up behind her quickly on the bridge, she would not keep her back to him. I wish I could make an example of the pivoting position I believe she is in, but manipulating photos is not my forte. I think its wrong to just transplant her same position and posture from the 2:07 picture to this one. And I don't think it is any type of tree.
I am thinking the same thing. Potential Goggles, sleeve protectors...

Side note: Meat packing facilities/slaughterhouses are also notoriously cold, which might create a need for extra layering of clothing, even on warm days. This is all mere opinion on my part, by the way.

"Well, once there was always dark. If you ask me, the light’s winning.”

This was in response to someone saying they feel like it could be a worker of some sort. I don't know why the comment didn't attach itself to the original post.

"Well, once there was always dark. If you ask me, the light’s winning.”
Did i miss something? Where did we get a eye color on BG, when we can't even figure out what his face looks like? MOO

Yeah, most enhanced pics I've seen attempting to zone in on facial features have the eyes looking like a dark hole- like on a skeleton or demon :/

Also, the pic where it's not so clear that he has on a hoodie or hat seems to be the most circulated one and the only one I could see on the FBI site. To anyone who doesn't really pay attention, zoom in on the pic and "study it", and read forums like this, I think most everyone will think that it is dark blonde/light brown hair showing- when he could have any kind of hair or no hair, as others have pointed out. So, I think that is very misleading for the general public.

The darker pic would be much better to use alone, imo because it definitely shows something covering his hair and is a fair bit less blurred with a glare.
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