IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #9

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Hello, I'm new to the site. I have been following the posts in their entirety so I'm up to speed.

I am a trained psychoanalyst, in practice over 35 years. Perhaps my unique training can be of help.

What strikes most is the voice recording of "down the hill". The voice conveys barely hidden excitement, as if one was presenting a special gift to a birthday girl.

Right! When I heard it I could almost picture him leaning over their shoulders to say this to them . I just felt like he was really in their personal space as he said this to them. IMO..JMO.
If I may please say.In my opinion from the beginning I have always thought Abigail was the suspects target.I too felt poor Libby was killed first and his target was Abigail.I am now getting very convinced the suspect saw this picture of Abigail on Snapchat(I'm not sure how that works) and now knew where they were.
BBM - Sounds like a great way to end the constant repeated question/answers going on. I am going to do that from now on.

And as long as I'm feeling a little testy, so much of the information people are asking is so readily available online. I realize not everyone has time to do a little Google search but if you want to know how gun holsters work, GOOGLE it. These threads are becoming so bogged down that it sounds like many are taking time away because it's too much to wade through. And that's not good. IMO of course.

I think you missed my point about holsters.... It was funny to me that someone said they keep a concealed gun under their baggy pants!!....if you don't like my posts, keep scrolling.....
If I may please say.In my opinion from the beginning I have always thought Abigail was the suspects target.I too felt poor Libby was killed first and his target was Abigail.I am now getting very convinced the suspect saw this picture of Abigail on Snapchat(I'm not sure how that works) and now knew where they were.

There have been no LE releases about time of death for these girls.... Its Rumor based on assumptions..

Here is the link to that.

I feel like there's a good possibility he's a truck driver and passes through many states.

Has it been considered that the suspect might have grown up in the area (so is familiar with the trails), but moved on many years ago, and hence is not known by locals? If he is between the age of 40 and 60 as many have speculated based on the photo, he could have left Delphi 20-40 years ago. To be so brazen to attack in broad daylight, control two victims, and dump their bodies in an area that might be difficult to navigate suggests to me that the suspect was very comfortable in the environment and very familar with it. Yet if he was a local you think somebody would have ID'd him by now. Between the photo and voice, he should be recognized by someone in a small town.
If I may please say.In my opinion from the beginning I have always thought Abigail was the suspects target.I too felt poor Libby was killed first and his target was Abigail.I am now getting very convinced the suspect saw this picture of Abigail on Snapchat(I'm not sure how that works) and now knew where they were.

If that's the case, hopefully, the police moved quickly to obtain a temporary injunction or order, or Snapchat has its own protocol, to have that record saved.

When someone views your story (your public Snapchat message) on SnapChat, it is recorded and you can see exactly who viewed it.

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The orange lines are what I believe are all of the possible "hills" in the direction they were found.

My theory is that he walked them off the north end of the bridge and to the east without ever crossing the creek. It is just my theory. I feel like he would have kept them away from the creek as much as possible because it is open and easier to see from distances. Sound also carries better over water which raises the risk if they scream. My theory is that "down the hill" came from close to where they were found.

I still haven't seen an exact location of where they were found. I've seen guesses and made my own, but nothing definitive. I've seen the reports of "~0.5 miles upstream from the bridge," but that places it further up than most of the assumptions I've seen on here in the last week.


Bob, your images are superb.


The route I cite is shorter, and lines up with where the initial contact happened. BG pulls out a weapon (probably a gun), closes his distance, and some of the first words he says are "down the hill". To me, it means the steep hill/embankment, where the bridge is anchored at the near end of rhe bridge in those images.

Yours and others' theories are perfectly plausible, but they would have had to cross the bridge, again. Too risky.
It's just in my opinion what I feel happened.I'm waiting for more evidence to be revealed.I pray they catch Abby and Libby's killer soon.
There have been no LE releases about time of death for these girls.... Its Rumor based on assumptions..
But could they trace where he got it, where the phone was before he came to Delphi? (if he came from elsewhere)

Usually burner phones are purchased with cash. I don't know how they would trace this. People who use burner phones know what they're doing, they're covering their tracks very well. BUT there is absolutely nothing right now stating or hinting that he had a burner phone or any phone. Just all JMO.

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I'm going to guess that they also interviewed the area's RSO's very early on while waiting for the DNA to come back.

That being said, I think everyone who has a tip or thinks they know something pertinent should call it in to LE

Investigators need to go through those tips, it takes time and man power to do so.... Common Sense needs to prevail..
Tawny, change the page settings to 100 posts per won't seem so bad😉
Take a few hours off to work and like, have a life, and now I'm completely lost. Any new pertinent info or just 55 pages of wild speculation based on the 2 still images we already have?
Sorry, but you have absolutely zero way of knowing that. Posting that as fact is no better than "nonsense" other people are posting.

Sorry, you are right. I did not read the rules. So my theory is that this guy got a hold of the girl's snapchat name, has been following her for a while, seen that they were alone in the woods that day, knew exactly where they were at by the pictures they shared and decided to take a stroll on the same path to confirm that they were alone.

If there were other people around at the same time, he just walks by like any other person hiking the trail. If they are alone and no one is around...
The black perforated line is where I just don't think it is possible for most any vehicle to go based on topography. From the beginning, I've felt there is a strong possibility that he could have parked a car in the southwest corner of the cemetery in the trees. Nobody pays too much attention to a car parked at a cemetery. It is also a central location from the bridge and allegedly where they were found. This is the yellow arrow.

The red arrows are areas where the topography would be traversable, but I'm not sure what kind of fencing mr Logan had up that would have prevented someone from driving in there. I do know there was some barbed wire shown on news reports.

You are really great at making maps! Thank you!
Let's not forget..LE at the presser refused to answer the question as to how far Libby was from perp when she started the vid. He said they have blown it up and cleaned it up as much as they could and they could not get any better than what it shown which he admitted was not good quality.

With that info, it leads me to believe they were quite a distance away when she started taping him. They could have noticed him following them and ran and then hid...only to begin taping when they saw him coming on bridge? But if they were truly frightened, she did have a phone, wouldn't she have called 911? Does anyone local know whether cell service is good in that park or is it dead?

As for the pinging...Several threads ago I explained that when it "pings" it will ping up to a 10 mile radius. It's NOT's just pinging. Yes, BG could have taken her phone and disposed of it somewhere in town, or LE may have it. "Pinging" around town does not mean that perp had the phone tho.


This is what I believe. They filmed him from a distance away and I'll go further and say that's all the video they have. The reason imo why that pic was released is because it's the best they have and they have nothing closer. I think it's also the reason why LE can't definitively put the voice with that man. Perhaps the audio came a few minutes later.

Just my opinion and speculation.
It's just in my opinion what I feel happened.I'm waiting for more evidence to be revealed.I pray they catch Abby and Libby's killer soon.

Its a rumor that was said so often that some started to state it as a fact. We have no information about TOD or how these girls died. We all need to remember that these girls have families, and we need to be careful not to add to their grief during this very difficult time.
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Do not tell others how or what to post. Do treat your fellow members with respect. If you do not subscribe to their theory move on and discuss the theory that interests you.

We are all here to see this case resolved. Keep your eye on that prize.

Please continue discussing the case.
Can someone give me Coles notes on anything that may have happened in the case today? Or is there no news? Tia

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