IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #2

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This little girl was abused by two men last year, at least twice, and it doesn't make the parents hypervigilant and extra protective about who they let near her.
JMO but it was not a coincidence that she was abused again.

This kills me. It kills me. I know we can't bash the family. But when I heard grandma defend Michael Plumadore over and over (before he was arrested) on Nancy Grace with such passion, yet she kept INSISTING that Aliahna was a sleepwalker and that was why she was missing and that it wasn't MP's fault that he didn't have the special latch/chain on his door...:banghead::furious:

The family infuriates me. :banghead::furious::maddening:

Grandma also mentioned something about Aliahna being left alone at 9 to care for the two 6 year old girls...and that there was nothing wrong with it because she herself was left alone all the time...and turned out just fine...?

I have to wonder if all of the ROS's in that trailer park had a specific type of victim. Was it female children? Were all of the ROS's in that trailer park convicted of crimes with female children? Where are the two boys? Were they staying there? Or elsewhere?
I'd rather see her smiling next to his casket than in any other situation with him. At least at that point, she was safe from him. JMO.

For me the fact that a child was expected to stand by a casket and smile for a photo opt at RSO Grandpa's Funeral is very telling. Who does that :maddening: Now she is safe from anyone and everyone who failed her and hurt her in life.
I highly disagree. A child can be raised in a caring, loving home and learn fear from a bully, a pedophile, an emotional abusing person. imoo

Respectfully, why would a PARENT allow a child be around a bully, pedophile or emotional abusing person? I am in the belief that PARENTS should be aware . . . knowing it is not always the case (this case is clearly an example)

but I am not a parent & I had parents who were always in my "bidness"

Again, this is my opinion only!
I am now inclined to believe that Aliahna did not have ADD or OCD.

If she had some behavior problems and trouble with concentration ... well, who wouldn't, in the circumstances?

I totally agree, and I said that much earlier. PTSD will cause all the symptoms of all the things she was also diagnosed with. Just a gut feeling from her pictures and the descriptions of her, I don't think she had ODD at ALL. She appears to have been compliant to a fault, in fact.

What a sweet looking child.

BTW - I don't think she was diagnosed with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) I think it was ODD (oppositional defiance disorder).
For me the fact that a child was expected to stand by a casket and smile for a photo opt at RSO Grandpa's Funeral is very telling. Who does that :maddening: Now she is safe from anyone and everyone who failed her and hurt her in life.

From the very beginning, the very first time I saw her picture, I thought that she was not forcing a smile after her beloved grandfathers death,but rather was suppressing a bigger smile over her "beloved" grandfather's death.I have taken pictures of my children at funerals, so I don't see the issue.
That is how I understand it, too. I believe it was also these fine gentlemen to whom TS went for assurances about her pending move to the community.

:banghead: Yep, she wanted it straight from the Horse's mouth so she went to the experts for an informed opinion.
Respectfully, why would a PARENT allow a child be around a bully, pedophile or emotional abusing person? I am in the belief that PARENTS should be aware . . . knowing it is not always the case (this case is clearly an example)

but I am not a parent & I had parents who were always in my "bidness"

To be fair, one of my children was being attacked on a daily occurrence at school. It's not always so easy to have problems addressed within a school setting, with so many other personalities - and other parents!

I had to make a tough choice; do I break the relationships that WERE established in this school or to uproot everything and go to a new one?
I picked the latter, and my child still wears the scars from the previous school.

There are a million ways a child can experience issues that could be long lasting. But you are right - solving the problem is what actions the parent takes.

The equation of "abuse = move + more abuse in a "pedo park'" will ALWAYS be bad math for me.

Is the Death Penalty an Option?

Updated Dec 28, 2011 at 12:39 PM EST

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Indiana’s NewsCenter) – According to the State of Indiana, a murder can qualify for the death penalty if there are specific aggravating circumstances.

Under Indiana law, the aggravating circumstances that qualify for the death penalty include the commission of a murder of an individual who is under the age of 12, if the defendant was molesting or raping the victim and if the victim was dismembered.

Michael Plumadore, the man who told police he killed 9-year-old Aliahna Lemmon, meets two of the criteria necessary for a death penalty case.
( so far..)

While no motive has been provided, it is expected that more information will become available Friday when Plumadore is formally charged with murder in felony court.
Respectfully, why would a PARENT allow a child be around a bully, pedophile or emotional abusing person? I am in the belief that PARENTS should be aware . . . knowing it is not always the case (this case is clearly an example)

but I am not a parent & I had parents who were always in my "bidness"

Again, this is my opinion only!

Parents don't always know, and they don't always have a choice. For example, I have to send my son to school (I could home school but he need the socialization). And at that school there are bullies, as there are at any school. There are teachers and other parents that may say something emotionally abusive to my child. I can't control that, all I can do is teach them to tell, and teach them to trust me to make it better if something bad does happen.
OK, color me confused about this whole thing. These kids weren't little, so they didn't need to go to a neighbor's house for a week because their mom had the flu. Good lord, I became a single parent when mine were 2 and 5 (roughly) and I worked full time. Worst case scenario when I was sick? Frozen dinners and they probably didn't brush their teeth but...they got to school/day care and we all survived. I don't get the impression that these girls were exactly doted on they could slap together a sandwich and sit in front of the TV whether mom was sick or not.
Also, I understand being poor and needing to live where you can afford to live, but if the mom was indeed worried about living there, why didn't she sell the trailer when her father died and MOVE? She was living in a pedophile haven with children. I understand she originally moved there to care for her own sex offender father (I am not going to go there with the family dynamics) but he died. Move on.
I understand that ultimately the murderer is responsibly for murdering this precious soul, but it's like your child play in the highway, and then the child gets hit by a speeding car. Yes, the speeding car is responsible, but why was your kid in the highway?

ETA: Not to get preachy, but it is also likely that this family was on the dole for Ali. The GOOD dole, SSI, since she had some disabilities. (It is around $500 a month) So she was getting paid to care for that child, but was actually pawning her off on whoever would take her so she could lie around playing on the computer or whatever.

What we are all guilty of is assuming that these people think the same way we do - they don't. You or I would do something different, and your situation sounds similar to mine but these people are not us. This mother might be living day to day trying to survive and in the process, was negligent (yes, I think she was negligent) with her children. I'm not defending her in any way, trust me. She should know better. But she obviously made decisions to help herself and in her own ignorant mindset, thought she was helping her daughter. It's messed up, society is messed up. I will never comprehend what would take someone like MP to the point of hurting a little child like that - nature, nurture, I don't know. Could this mother have been raised differently so she later wouldn't think to put a child in harm's way, or been in a situation where she couldn't care for them (which I think is a load of crap, btw)? Would she have even had the intelligence or thought to check a RSO list? Many of us wouldn't. Hindsight is always 20/20, but we've all done some stupid things.

UPDATE: Donations are no longer needed at this time. The public's help and thoughts are appreciated. Stay tuned to the Daily Iowegian for further updates.
From the very beginning, the very first time I saw her picture, I thought that she was not forcing a smile after her beloved grandfathers death,but rather was suppressing a bigger smile over her "beloved" grandfather's death.I have taken pictures of my children at funerals, so I don't see the issue.

She very well may have been suppressing a bigger smile. To clarify i was meaning knowing she had been abused why would a Parent want a child to pose? I take no issue with Funeral pics. Only in this case.
I do want to know how Aliahna lost part of her sight and hearing :furious: I think.

Good question. Extreme physical abuse... could that cause PTSD? I wonder, anyone have an idea of what type of situation could cause that diagnosis in a child? Starting to get images of Hailey Dunn and the mask-wearing/knife-wielding people in her life.

Are there any MSM reports for the town in Iowa that she lived in.. that could match up to this family? MP was in Iowa? When did he move to IN? So may questions, perhaps we can have answers soon to tie it all together...
She very well may have been suppressing a bigger smile. To clarify i was meaning knowing she had been abused why would a Parent want a child to pose? I take no issue with Funeral pics. Only in this case.

She was known to abused in what 2007 or 2008? I don't get why that would stop a parent from wanting a child to pose. We don't even know she was made to pose for that pic. My kids start hollering for me to take their pictures every time they see a camera or a cell phone in my hand. I'm genuinely confused as to why prior abuse would be a reason to not take photos of a child...
I swore I would not follow this case yet here I am
I just do not get it at all anymore. What is it gonna take to keep these precious children from dying and or being abused>?????????????

IMHO,It will never stop unless Parents/Step-Parents /Boyfriends/Girlfriends etc. stop handing over their children to abusers esp.KNOWN CHILD Molesters!!!!!
I am not bashing mom just speaking the truth IMO.Last week on AMW 2 sisters were handed over to a pedophile first from their Aunt ,who watched them when mom was in jail,then from mom when she got out.Mom is on the run.:furious::furious::furious:

My heart and sympathy are with the victims always.............IMHO that little angel and her siblings are the true victims..........Mom was okay with leaving 3 young children alone for days with a KNOWN CHILD Molester! If you put a CHILD in a lions cage:waitasec:,and they get eaten you would go to JAIL!

I'm thinking that these RSO lists need some major help and I'm starting to get deeply concerned.

There are 3 "tiers" of RSO classifications. I know of a case where someone was looking up RSO information on a guy for protective reasons and he didn't show up on ANY of the RSO lists online. So then they looked him up on Vinelink and it said he was on probation, but didn't say why. They called the probation dept. and he was a Class II offender and they said it was for a serious conviction.

So why in the sam hill wasn't he on any of the registers? Sounds to me like this is a problem here too! Why isn't he listed?

And yes, it's supposed to be a MINIMUM of ten years no matter WHAT "tier"! :banghead:
yes it is troubling

I am guessing I cannot locate the correct FB pages, cause I have not seen anything about them. I did find MP's page, but that was it, the others are private it seems.
I can't find any either, but not sure I even have the right players, AS, DS, TS, DM?

Is the Death Penalty an Option?

Updated Dec 28, 2011 at 12:39 PM EST

ok the under 12 and dismembered he meets.
This whole case makes me wanna PUKE!
it's terrible, it's sad, its awful! And it looks like it's going to get worse!!!
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