IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #2

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Remember that we have a link to MP verifying he was in Iowa at this same time . . . :furious:

Crazy in the finest! Scared of what we may uncover here

OMG! That's right! I was just thinking about how she'd been hurt by two OTHER men and completely forgot that MP was living there then.

I wonder if the two other men are also FB friends with MP and TS and DM and AS, etc......sick
From link:

Aliahna’s stepgrandfather said at a candlelight vigil Monday that the girl suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder brought by abuse she suffered on two different occasions last year in Iowa. Story said the people who were responsible were caught by police, but he had no other details.

He said Aliahna felt bad about telling on the men because she didn’t want them to get in trouble. Aliahna also had a history of sleepwalking and vision and hearing problems and had attention-deficit hyperactive disorder, her family said.

Me thinks this is going to get very nasty, very quick.

Also from the article above:

B*** M**** lives with her two children less than 100 yards away from where Aliahna lived and where she was killed.

M***’s 7-year-old son, *advertiser censored****, played with Aliahna at the bus stop.

Aliahna and a group of other kids who lived in the park played in a vacant lot adjacent to M****’s trailer.

REALLY!!! The kids played outside in the trailer park? Wow - just wow. I have no words.

Kids have to play outside - they'll have Vitamin D deficiencies if they don't.

This darling child isn't gone because she played outside.
Aliahna’s stepgrandfather said at a candlelight vigil Monday that the girl suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder brought by abuse she suffered on two different occasions last year in Iowa. Story said the people who were responsible were caught by police, but he had no other details. He said Aliahna felt bad about telling on the men because she didn’t want them to get in trouble.

This little girl was abused by two men last year, at least twice, and it doesn't make the parents hypervigilant and extra protective about who they let near her.
<Mod Snip>
You can have communities that are adults only - like Sun Cities.
Those are immune to the law, if you look at the link I posted. However RSO communities are not immune to the Fair Housing Act. Insane, I know.


If you are following FB pages/walls . . . more information's coming out about the time Aliahna & her family was living in Iowa; apparently, Aliahna was in Kindergarten & 1st grade in Centerville, Iowa (Appanoose County).

I think some of us were right on the $$$ -- this is a network of nastiness

--snipped from article--

Aliahna’s stepgrandfather said at a candlelight vigil Monday that the girl suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder brought by abuse she suffered on two different occasions last year in Iowa. Story said the people who were responsible were caught by police, but he had no other details.

He said Aliahna felt bad about telling on the men because she didn’t want them to get in trouble. Aliahna also had a history of sleepwalking and vision and hearing problems and had attention-deficit hyperactive disorder, her family said.
I just do not understand how a parent could live around RSO's with small children. It is not possible to watch them 24/7 and I would never let mine out of the house if I had to live near them. I agree with whoever else said it, dad could have moved close to the daughter if he needed care and besides that she did not really care for him, MP did, is that correct?

My dad was a child molester, but never convicted or on a registry, but we ALL KNEW and no way would I let my girls be around him alone at any time. As they got older and asked why they could not stay with them, I had to explain why and after that they never asked again. I can remember my first husband just getting so mad at me because I would not let my dad babysit the girls so we could have a night out, just was not happening and I don't care how mad they got. My husband and my dad both got mad because I would not leave them, called me all kinds of names, but don't care I knew how he was and I was not ever putting my girls in harms way. I really liked my step mom, but she was abused by my dad and I knew she would not be of any help to my girls.

I just do not see how this child's mother could not only let him be around her girls but allow them to spend a week with him. Something does not add up and there is more to this story than we know.
Thanks for that! :woohoo: I kept searching for MSM articles reporting that the children were removed, but couldn't find any.

I know it's just FB, but now the MSM countdown can begin. Should be reporting in aaaaany minute now.

It is good to hear that the other children have been removed from the home. Does anyone know the ages of the other children who were in the home?
So what do you reckon are the odds that anybody introduced to your child molester relative by a child molester prison buddy is going to be a stand-up, moral sort of trustworthy citizen?

Hey, if you can't trust a child molester who can you trust?! :crazy:
OMG! That's right! I was just thinking about how she'd been hurt by two OTHER men and completely forgot that MP was living there then.

I wonder if the two other men are also FB friends with MP and TS and DM and AS, etc......sick

I wonder if one of those "other men" was MP...I think I'm going to throw up now.
In my town there IS places to live with no RSOs. My town has 30,000 people, and only 24 RSO's. Most spread out in a couple trailer parks.
I guess it depends on what ones priorities are. I would never move to a town that didn't have RSO free areas I could live.
With all that said.. I believe the greatest danger comes from those who haven't been caught yet.
the girl suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder brought by abuse she suffered on two different occasions last year in Iowa. Story said the people who were responsible were caught by police, but he had no other details.

Oh God :furious: Just as many of us suspected. What child suffers from PTSD without a horrific event. So this move was a good move :banghead: :furious:
Kids have to play outside - they'll have Vitamin D deficiencies if they don't.

This darling child isn't gone because she played outside.

I guess I wasn't clear. Not that she played outside - what struck me was that this "pedo park" had a playground or vacant lot for the kids and that the kids played there. IF I had no choice and HAD to live in a place like this - I would have taken the kids to a different "public" park - outside of the trailer park to play and watched them like a hawk.

I wonder what the probation officers (or whoever watches these guys) thought about having kids playing in a vacant lot right there where they all lived.

ITA about kids needing to play outside - its healthy. But I certainly would have found a much safer place for them to do so.

the girl suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder brought by abuse she suffered on two different occasions last year in Iowa. Story said the people who were responsible were caught by police, but he had no other details.

Were these also "baby sitters" I wonder
You can have communities that are adults only - like Sun Cities.

[SIZE=+0]Exemption: Housing for older persons is exempt from the prohibition against familial status discrimination if:[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=+0]The HUD Secretary has determined that it is specifically designed for and occupied by elderly persons under a Federal, State or local government program or[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=+0]It is occupied solely by persons who are 62 or older or[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=+0]It houses at least one person who is 55 or older in at least 80 percent of the occupied units, and adheres to a policy that demonstrates an intent to house persons who are 55 or older.[/SIZE]
Above is from my link that was posted in a previous post.. here is the link again.
I think the two little sisters have much to tell. At 6 years old, I'm betting they have been through plenty.

I think we may find out that the abuse A suffered in IA may have been orchestrated and that when A told (or maybe a teacher noticed something amiss), the family needed to leave to remove themselves from suspicion.

I'd like to talk to the men who were charged with abusing A in Iowa. They may have plenty to say if my gut feeling is correct and they weren't alone in this.

Too many coincidences for this not to be the tip of a pedophile iceberg. MOO.
I will bet a million dollars it was not Mom or Step dad who turned the guys in too LE in Iowa. Bet she told a teacher about it.

<Mod Snip>
I think the two little sisters have much to tell. At 6 years old, I'm betting they have been through plenty.

I think we may find out that the abuse A suffered in IA may have been orchestrated and that when A told (or maybe a teacher noticed something amiss), the family needed to leave to remove themselves from suspicion.

I'd like to talk to the men who were charged with abusing A in Iowa. They may have plenty to say if my gut feeling is correct and they weren't alone in this.

Too many coincidences for this not to be the tip of a pedophile iceberg. MOO.
And didn't we hear over and over when she first went missing, no previous family problems, no previous CPS investigations.? I mean obviously if she was abused before there was a CPS investigation, even though it was in another state. I really think there needs to be a national database on a lot of issues one of them being CPS/DHS investigations. Didn't we hear also that Zahara Bakers stepmom stayed one step ahead of CPS by moving? This has to be stopped our children deserve better. If we can connect to people all over the world on FB then why cant LE have a connection to data all over the world on possible offenders and former investigations?? It makes me angry what we value in this society.:furious:
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