IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #4

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I don't have a problem overall with male babysitters or child caregivers, but am I the only one, considering the situation in the mobile home park (being mostly sex offenders), questioning allowing a male to look after a little girl?

I'm not placing blame. I'm not passing judgement. I'm just very curious what others think about having a male babysitter for a female child.
Okay, catching up with reading this thread. IMO
There has been speculation that MP has sexually abused and killed before although I have not seen any convictions for either. He seems to be on a SO list, but I have not seen that conviction. This is not unusual, there are many child sex perps who have not been convicted.
My opinion is that he has sexually abused more kids than you can imagine and has killed before. IMO the dismemberment was for the purpose of hiding the remains and he would have disposed of those in distant places over more than one state, but he ran out of time.

Serial killers do not necessarily get better with what they do; sometimes they get sloppy and that is when they get caught. IMO having the two younger girls there made it more difficult for MP to complete this efficiently. Serial killers tend to have a routine or rhythm to their kills. IMO MP killed to cover the sexual abuse, not for the thrill of killing. However, I do not have enough information about him to judge that.
Some serial killers are disorganized and therefore, less predictable.

Child sexual abusers sexually abuse children for the purposes of sexual gratification. In the process of this, they may not take care not to attract attention or get caught. I think the other two children would have to also be disposed of in this case because they saw/heard too much, imo. IMO MP's desires for this child became too strong at the wrong time and he lacked control to wait until there was more privacy or wait until the other girls were asleep or his victim woke the others with her screams.
I think the confession came because he knew he was caught.
Do I believe he will be honest? No. He will tell many lies with some truths. As far as theses sex offenders sticking together, they will as long as it benefits them personally.
Photos on his MS page.

Thanks. Being an Army wife (hubby did 26 years before retiring) - I guess it just boggles my mind that someone could serve in the Air Force long enough to retire and NOT HAVE ENOUGH FREAKING COMMON SENSE TO LEAVE HIS DAUGHTER WITH THIS MONSTER! :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
BBM Yes that statement bothers me too. The guilt of a child. Someone she knew did this to her and we know she knew the 19 year old. I'm sure she knew the other unnamed person who abused her. She didn't want to tattle on that person and 'get them in trouble'. This was no stranger. JMO

BBM Were there other abusers that weren't found out? That poor baby 'had' to cover for the adult cretins in her life. She was conditioned to not speak up. IMHO
I am really trying to figure this out. If this guy is a serial killer why did he mess up so bad in this case? It is like there was no thought or planning. Any ideas?

Thank you, thank you, thank you! That's been on my mind since he so easily confessed after only 3 (IIRC) interviews? Why go to the trouble of dismembering her body and hiding it. Seems a waste of time and effort to me. He could easily have moved on, yet he virtually left a trail up to his own front door and to his freezer.

For such a successful and lengthy criminal history, it seems he's almost acting out of character by admitting his involvement without at least some sort of fight. He's been on the run for years from other states, and yet after only a few days he tells all?

Seems fishy to me. Does LE have more that we're aware of? Probably, but did he want to get caught in some way, for some reason?

All the speculations about connections between the various players in Aliahna's short life are growing. It'll be interesting to see how everything falls into place.
Hey check out that M Smith photo album called school pics. There is also a group shot of some kids and MP. Check it out -the creep has his HAND ON THE LITTLE GIRL'S BOOB! Inadvertent? I highly doubt that. Creep me out!

Anyone have a link to this album? Thanks in advance!
--i'm not seeing the brother-in-law connection.

--DM is married to (the former ) HD

--DM has kennedy listed as a--- F/B friend

--DM also has a (female) KK ----F/B friend

--kennedy appears to me to be HER (KK's) relative

--how does that make kennedy DM's brother-in-law?

His MS page has pics of them getting married -- they have a child together. There are pics of her with Ali -- his facebook now says he is engaged to HD.
And whyever not...?

This child had been abused last year, don't they start an investigation then? Did they conclude back in Iowa that all was well in Aliahna's world? :eek:

Maybe CPS had an investigation going back in Iowa and the family moved out of State. We have seen this happen in many other cases.
Did anyone ever manage to confirm a FL link to TS? I know that the media found a FL link to MP, I'll have to link hunt, because I badly need that link, but wasn't he an installer's helper for something? Windows, garage doors, I really can't remember...

I just think it's odd that everywhere TS is/was/might have been, there's MP. Who was stalking who? Did he follow her and Ali or did TS pack up Ali and move every time MP jumped state? I swear, half these people are just they are all seperate representations of the same big blob of nastiness, KWIM?

On a different note, I let my oldest son go to my brother's last night for the weekend. This trip has been planned for a few weeks now, and it is one of a very few places that I will allow my son to go overnight. I trust my brother completely, as well as his wife and kids. He's never been inappropriate with anyone ever, in his entire life, and I lived with him for about 8 months when I was younger, and I knew the signs then, there have never been any signs from him.

And I still told my son that I will call him every day. He asked if I would come get him if he got scared. I told him no one and nothing could ever stop me from coming to get him if he needed me to. He ran through the usual five year old questions: What if it's late at night? What if it's snowing? What if brother and sissy are asleep? And my bf piped in, "Buddy, if she had to walk through wild tigers in eight feet of snow, your mother would come get you. Any time, any where."

All kids should have that, ya know? Not just mine, but every kid should have that assurance that if they get hurt or scared or just want to go home that mom or dad will come for them. No matter the time, no matter the weather, no matter what. It just breaks my heart that some kids, like Ali, never had that assurance, and there are thousands that go to sleep every night without that assurance. Some that will make it to adulthood anyway, and some, like Ali, that won't. Day by day, and crime by crime, it's getting harder to deal with my fellow humans.

You sound like a great mom.

My mom was nothing like that. If I had called my mom and told her that they were burning me with lit cigarettes she would have asked what I had done to deserve it, asked to speak to my abusers on the phone, and then apologized to them for my being such a piece of **** that they were forced correct me.

My earliest memory is the day my dad tossed me face first onto the grill of a fired up BBQ. They blamed me for that one too.
PLEASE NOTE: I do not 'excuse' and I do not 'defend' the actions of either the grandmother or the mother. HOWEVER--and this is my opinion only--the spouse of a child molester is well-versed in denial and the creation of alternate history. If you were married to a child molester and perhaps your own daughter was his victim and if you were the sort of person who could not admit these facts then you might very well be prepared to 'defend a monster,' because to do otherwise would be to admit that you yourself were culpable in what happened to your own daughter/granddaughter.

And if you were the daughter of a child molester and a denier, you might very well be 'conditioned' to accept the unacceptable and even to believe that such things were inevitable or even to be prepared to put your own head in the sand and simply not 'see' what was actually going on.

All I am trying to say is that the damage from child abuse/molestation is passed down through generations, and this is another reason that these crimes should bear more severe penalties than they currently do, because there is never just one victim.

I also believe that the statute of limitations for molestation/child abuse should extend for at least two or three years past the time when the child reaches majority. Otherwise, the burden of bringing charges might rest solely upon the shoulders of parents who have themselves been victims and therefore are too conditioned or shame-ridden to be able to adequately protect their own children.

My apologies for the long rambling post--like everyone else I am struggling with the horror of this case.

I totally agree with you. Like you, I am not trying to defend the indefensible- - but am trying to get some glimmer of an understanding of how this tragedy could have occurred. Like you, I believe that some sort of "conditioning" occurs to individuals that allows them to "accept the unacceptable."

As disgusting as this sounds, it is something that must be addressed as it may be relevant to this case.

I am absolutely appalled and sickened by what happened to little Ali, but sometimes must set aside those emotions to try to uncover the truth of what happened. I believe that it only through shining a light on such darkness that we can recognize it for what it is and try to prevent other children from future harm.
Ok, just something quick I did when I got up.

The green tree by HD is KK... from what I understood that is her brother?

Also, was M Smith, Aliahna's godmother married to LM? Is this for sure? I can add that in...

If someone could also help me with the kids? No names, of course, I'll just put gender and age, but I'm confused to who's who's!

KK is Kristinas brother, DM's exe wife and mother to his daughter Bri. HD is newly on the scene as fiance (at least last couple of years new)

eta: name correction
BBM Were there other abusers that weren't found out? That poor baby 'had' to cover for the adult cretins in her life. She was conditioned to not speak up. IMHO

I have an adopted daughter that is 12 now. She was sexually abused at an early age and removed from her birth family at not quite two years old. We adopted her when she was four and she has been in therapy almost the entire time since then. Sexually abused kids are -- I don't know the exact numbers -- but very likely to be sexually abused again. With my daughter, even though she's had years of therapy, its like she wears "victim" tattooed on her forehead. It took years (finally getting it now) for her to understand that what happpened to her was wrong. And not her fault. I don't want to say that she invited abuse, but in some ways she did because it was her way of life. She was taught that at a very early age and it is a very hard lesson to un-learn. Even at a very young age, her behavior was sexually provocative. Because that's the way she was taught to act. In her case, I don't think she would have felt she had to cover up for anyone, it's just what she had learned to do. And you are absolutely right in saying that it's what she was conditioned to think and do. Sexual abuse was very likely a way of life for little Ali as well. It's such a very sad circumstance for a child to have to live that way. It scares me to death that my daughter is on the verge of becoming a teenager.


And yet, when they moved the trailer, they said the only thing they left was the steps???

LE has indicated pretty clearly with this move that they have ruled out the steps as the place of death. They disbelieve his story and must have found evidence other wise in the search of the trailer.

I always though it unlikely the event happened on the steps. In most trailer parks of this sort the trailers are very close to one another. Never seemed possible to me that a man could batter a child over the head with a brick in broad daylight with no witnesses in this environment.

As to her head and hands and parts in his freezer, I am not convinced yet they were trophies per se. I first thought maybe he thought by removing them from the body he made it less identifiable. Maybe he intended to hide those parts elsewhere or otherwise destroy thm once the scrutiny of initial seaches faded.

This murder has never felt planned to me but more of a messy, panicked response to something unexpected. I think she had to be silenced but it was not intended as part of the plan when those girls first arrived at the trailrr that week.

Whatever happened during that week and I think we all know what that was, it created a desparate need to silence Ali.

I almost wonder if Ali was not the princess MP was attracted to and if she witnessed something perpetrated on one of her sisters, then threatened to tell.

The victim of his sick attention could have been frightened into silence by the murder/disappearance of her sister.

Just thinking out loud.
I'm sure somewhere this must have been discussed but I couldn't find it. After checking Tarah's husband AS's FB, I saw his sister is VK. When I checked (Iowa) I noticed there is a VK with relatives of Kurtis KK Kennedy and AK.
Would this be the same KK as we have been discussing?
My random and not fully organized thoughts of the morning:

1. MP killed her in that trailer, but not on the steps. Even if the steps were fully processed at the scene, they still would have taken them, why not, if they were already taking the entire trailer, what's the harm in a set of (probably) fiberglass steps, that likely weren't even attached?

2. Since he didn't kill her where he said he did, I doubt he killed her how he said. IMO, he did not kill her in one isolated bludgeoning, but rather went too far or absolutely had to shut her up.

3. I think MP lives very in the moment, for a while I thought this might have been carefully planned, but now I don't. I think he simply reacted. He reacted to something that Ali said or did, by killing her. He's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is, but I guarantee you, his ego is huge. IMO.

4. I'm done trying to keep up with the family relations, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for those of you trying to follow it. I know who her mother and father and stepfather are, and I know who killed her, and from court documents, the name of one of her former molesters. That's about as much as my mind can keep track of.
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