IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #4

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I can't think of a way to say this without it coming across as offensive...
In my experience, where I am... this likely wouldn't have happened.

Example: Elizabeth Smart and Destiny Norton.
Which one are you more familiar with?

So this is interesting to me, because here this family would not get much help. :banghead:

I wonder if the Sheriff knows him personally? Knows that he is a good guy who is just having a hard time?
Regardless of why... I am very thankful that this Sheriff and his Deputies pulled together.
I wish that my area was more willing to help people who are "less fortunate" than they are. :twocents:

I am from Fort Wayne and I can honestly say people up there are just like that. I am in Dallas/Fort Worth area now and although people here are very nice, I don't get the sense of community here that I did there. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE DFW. When my car would break down and leave me on the side of the road up there, I would have 5-10 cars stop and want to help. Here, I'm lucky if one person pulls over.
He hasn't been formally charged. That was to happen today. I'm glad that they have pushed the formal charges back so they can add to them next week.,0,2373850.story

The classmate in this article posted above lives in Ali's old town. Not where she was murdered. There are other children living in the pedo park though. Hope they get the children out!!!

Thanks Dr. K!

Also just a note to those that don't follow the trial phase of crimes closely.

Any charge initially brought forth can be ammended before start of trial. Meaning if they only charge him with murder next week, as the test results come back and as the investigation unfolds and comes to a close if there are other crimes found they can and usually will ammend to add those. JMHO :)
Okay I understand we're not to sleuth the victims. Even though I don't consider TS or AS as victims, I'll accept and obey the rules but..........

I would love to know more about the background not only of MP, but also TS.
Was TS the only child that was available and wanted or would help her SO father? Where are her siblings? Do they have any relationship with her, her husband, and children? Did they have a relationship with their father? Do they have one with their mother?
Just curious because maybe the others have distanced themselves from this man, and possibly TS and her lifestyle.
Just not hearing from any of them, except AS (TS mom) when she was saying how much she trusted MP, makes me question if they all walked away from their bio family to save themselves and their kids, and if so why didn't TS?


ETA~Not sleuthing...just pondering
So, let me see...The other con (GS) introduced grandfather Lemmon and Plumadore, presumably grandfather Lemmon introduced Plumadore to Tarah, and the girls, and Tarah then introduced Plumadore to Ali's bio father.
That is what I get from the media articles.

However, what I get from other articles, facebook, and general discussion is that although Lemmon and Plumadore didn't begin their arrangement until 8/2011, somehow, Ali's father, who has had very little contact with her lately, according to his statements, knew Plumadore, even though he allegedly didn't meet the rest of the family until August or possibly even September of 2011...

Something just isn't working out here, but it's likely something that I am missing. What am I doing wrong, reading wrong, or misinterpreting?

An article said that MP and JL lived together off and on for four years.
Forensic psychologist Stephen Ross said understanding how someone can commit that crime can be done. In the profession for 20 years, Ross has participated in more than 300 court cases through evaluation of defendants and testifying.

According to Ross it is possible that upon evaluation, a person like Lemmon’s murderer could ultimately be described as a psychopath; one who lacks remorse or conscience when acting criminally.

"You saw how powerful social media can be in driving the story, driving awareness of a disappearance," social media expert Kevin Erb said.

People filled pages with pictures of Lemmon in hopes someone would recognize her and return Lemmon back home.

Once news broke they found her dead the mood online drastically changed.

"People really came together identifying with the mother, identifying with the emotional issues she must have been feeling, you know the sense of empathy that comes with that."
If he has confessed and they have proof of the body, why they haven't charged him yet. the sheriff said night before last on NG that the autoposy reports are back but they couldnt release any info......does he have to wait until his hearing? I will say this, I think cops handled this really well.....let's hope he gets the max sentence...
I am from Fort Wayne and I can honestly say people up there are just like that. I am in Dallas/Fort Worth area now and although people here are very nice, I don't get the sense of community here that I did there. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE DFW. When my car would break down and leave me on the side of the road up there, I would have 5-10 cars stop and want to help. Here, I'm lucky if one person pulls over.

I guess that Ali should have stayed there then? Maybe someone would have helped her? :(
I really need to move. I've never lived somewhere with people who treat everyone like that, equally.

Even after a hit and run accident I was in my car bleeding for over an hour, watched at least 3 ambulances and 4 officers drive by me.
Not to mention the regular citizens. My family was an hour away and they got to me before anyone else stopped.

There is a reason I take a week's worth of food, water and gear when we go into the canyons or mountains.
Even if you simply got stuck in the snow... you could be there until someone you know happens to drive by. :banghead:
Okay I understand we're not to sleuth the victims. Even though I don't consider TS or AS as victims, I'll accept and obey the rules but..........

I would love to know more about the background not only of MP, but also TS.
Was TS the only child that was available and wanted or would help her SO father? Where are her siblings? Do they have any relationship with her, her husband, and children? Did they have a relationship with their father? Do they have one with their mother?
Just curious because maybe the others have distanced themselves from this man, and possibly TS and her lifestyle.
Just not hearing from any of them, except the AS (TS mom) when she was saying how much she trusted MP, makes me question if they all walked away from their bio family to save themselves and their kids, and if so why didn't TS?

ETA~Not sleuthing...just pondering

Why/when did the SO grandfather and MP summon TS and children to help? Apparently for four years SO grandfather and MP did OK?
An article said that MP and JL lived together off and on for four years.

Ok, so how could this ex con, GS, have introduced MP and grandfather Lemmon? It would have been Tarah introducing him to everyone, if he was living with her off and on for several years.

So what, we have some sources that are saying MP really was a trusted friend, and that he had been friends with Tarah for years, and others that are saying MP was introduced to grandfather Lemmon in August...

My head is going to explode...
I guess that Ali should have stayed there then? Maybe someone would have helped her? :(
I really need to move. I've never lived somewhere with people who treat everyone like that, equally.

Even after a hit and run accident I was in my car bleeding for over an hour, watched at least 3 ambulances and 4 officers drive by me.
Not to mention the regular citizens. My family was an hour away and they got to me before anyone else stopped.

There is a reason I take a week's worth of food, water and gear when we go into the canyons or mountains.
Even if you simply got stuck in the snow... you could be there until someone you know happens to drive by. :banghead:

I know how you feel, I read an article for class a little while ago, about a homeless man that tried to stop a pursesnatcher. The stabbed him four times, and he bled to death on the sidewalk because the people walking by just stepped over him...there were at least a dozen witnesses to the stabbing and many more that walked past without even looking at him.

And I remember wondering if it happened in my city because that's how people are here.
Why/when did the SO grandfather and MP summon TS and children to help? Apparently for four years SO grandfather and MP did OK?

depending on who you believe, MP had only been at the trailer since August, which would be after TS and Co. arrived in July...

I'm going to go gather some links and make sure no info has been changed, because the only thing I can think of is that someone is reporting bad info, or someone is lying.
Had to jump in here finally!! When my husband died of a Heart attack at the ripe old age of 38, his family cleaned me out of everthing. EXCEPT his favorite black and red flannel shirt, which I was wearing. This past year, parts ( quilt pieces) have gone to his 1st granddaughter and his gerat niece and his 2nd grand daugterr both due in Feb!!! ( How glad I was that I was wearing it that day!!!!
Did the tralier belong to the family? Because the grandmother said the little girl wanted to sleep in the chair that her grandfather died in, and she was wearing the outfit she wore when she went to his funeral, right?
Some posts asked: how could perp have carried out murder and dismemberment inside (or outside) his trailer?
Wouldn’t Ali fight back, raise a ruckus little sisters or neighbors could have heard?
Wouldn’t little sisters have heard the attack and raised a ruckus?
Wouldn’t neighbors have heard and called 911?

A: possibly perp was forcing Ali and little sisters to take sedating drugs (Benedryl, or Rx, or street drug) to keep them from hearing perp’s attack, Ali fending off his attack, and little sisters from hearing, and neighbors from hearing, if the tlr pk ‘white noise’ did not cover it.
Perp may have given/forced drugs prior to this, as well.
Also poss that residents there might have heard but not called 911, to keep their contacts w. LE as ltd as poss.

Same is possible re his self-reported action of using brick on her head on the stairs.
BTW, in video clips of what I understand is perp’s/G’pa’s trailer, there is a looooong ramp and no stairs? Is this Ali’s mom’s place instead?
Or is there another exit w. stairs, no ramp?
If it is perp’s trailer, looks like ramp faces neighbor’s trailer w. a homemade extension on side, and like neighbor has no window opposite/facing perp’s ramp (imo).

So next door neighbor might not have bn able to see action he described. Others, maybe.
Or if perp used brick on Ali’s head, was he in fact on stairs elsewhere, not ramp-- so a slip of tongue?

Just thinkin'.
I asked elsewhere but cannot remember where I saw this or if it related to this case...
Is there a picture of Tarah with tattoos and does her husband have a picture of that on a fb
... and... is it some kind of evil symbol or is it like a tribal tattoo... or a band logo or what?

It is on AS's myspace. It's not tribal, it is actually a nicely done tat of a pentagram. I have a dream-catcher and a feather, more my taste. The info was on thread #3

Is this MP's trailer? I can't see how he could have hit her in the head multiple times with a brick and there not be blood splatter everywhere. Did he place a bag on her head first before he bludgeoned her? I'm sure she screamed (i.e the night terrors) and if she was outside, then the neighbors would have heard. I'm at a loss here. I'm starting to think like someone else who posted that people do not snitch on others in this particular trailer park community.
If he has confessed and they have proof of the body, why they haven't charged him yet. the sheriff said night before last on NG that the autoposy reports are back but they couldnt release any info......does he have to wait until his hearing? I will say this, I think cops handled this really well.....let's hope he gets the max sentence...

Answers off the top of my head:

1. First and foremost, just because he said he did "this and that" to Aliahna doesn't mean he's telling the truth about it. They still are investigating.

2. This portion is legal. There are formal steps in the judicial process that must be followed. If they aren't followed then that opens the door for all kinds of issues for the State in prosecuting a case.

3. LE has given info and evidence to the State already. They are still giving info and evidence to the State, and will probably continue to do so for quite some time. The State will then bring forth charges based on info and evidence.

This takes time. The trial may happen in 2012 or it may take longer than that. JMHO :)
Is there a drug that paralyzes people from the waist down? I seem to remember something awful from the Zahra Baker case.
Some posts asked: how could perp have carried out murder and dismemberment inside (or outside) his trailer?
Wouldn’t Ali fight back, raise a ruckus little sisters or neighbors could have heard?
Wouldn’t little sisters have heard the attack and raised a ruckus?
Wouldn’t neighbors have heard and called 911?

A: possibly perp was forcing Ali and little sisters to take sedating drugs (Benedryl, or Rx, or street drug) to keep them from hearing perp’s attack, Ali fending off his attack, and little sisters from hearing, and neighbors from hearing, if the tlr pk ‘white noise’ did not cover it.
Perp may have given/forced drugs prior to this, as well.
Also poss that residents there might have heard but not called 911, to keep their contacts w. LE as ltd as poss.

Same is possible re his self-reported action of using brick on her head on the stairs.
BTW, in video clips of what I understand is perp’s/G’pa’s trailer, there is a looooong ramp and no stairs? Is this Ali’s mom’s place instead?
Or is there another exit w. stairs, no ramp?
If it is perp’s trailer, looks like ramp faces neighbor’s trailer w. a homemade extension on side, and like neighbor has no window opposite/facing perp’s ramp (imo).

So next door neighbor might not have bn able to see action he described. Others, maybe.
Or if perp used brick on Ali’s head, was he in fact on stairs elsewhere, not ramp-- so a slip of tongue?

Just thinkin'.

I've thought about the noise factor myself from the beginning.

That is why I had my doubts this is what truly happened.

I suggested the vehicle, or was it another location?
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