GUILTY IN - Alissa Guernsey, 16 mos, beaten to death, LaGrange, 28 March 2009

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Inside Edition is also the ONLY national show that covered Juliette's case.


You have to get her face out into the public so people can understand what we are dealing with here.

Every time I see a picture of this MURDERER I want to throw-up, but until her rear end is tossed in the slammer I want everyone to remember she is walking free. FREE! While another precious baby who didn't live long enough to get out of diapers, let alone have a life, is dead.

This is one of those cases I could go on and on about, a case where (once again) a child could have been saved.

Dr John Egli - Baby Alissa's pediatrician - What were you thinking?

Jeff Wible - prosecutor - Who decided what charges to file?

Judge J Scott VanDerbeck - cut defendants' jail time to 77 days to spare the "Good Samaritan" and her family any further suffering. He called the 109 days of beatings and torture "an event". Judge VanDerbeck, how dare you misuse the powers you were given to bring justice for victims and their families to release this baby killer?

Christy, I hope you enjoy every breath of free air you breathe because this case is not going to go away, not this time. Baby Alissa is going to have the justice your family and friends denied her.
From the Inside Edition Link:
But according to a report by the Indiana Department of Child Services, which was obrtained by Inside Edition, the fatal blow that killed Alissa was "...that of an adult punching a child in the mouth as hard as they could."

When we tried to speak with Christy at her home she called the police. We finally caught up with her leaving this Laundromat.

“Christy I’m Lisa Guerrero with INSIDE EDITION. We'd like to know why baby Alissa was injured so many times while in your care?” Guerrero asked.

Christy glared at Guerrero but refused to answer the question.

“Did you hurt baby Alissa, Christy? Did you kill baby Alissa?” asked Guerrero

Christy still lives in the same area?
Code of Judicial Conduct for the State of Indiana: LINK HERE

According to rule 2.11 of the guidelines of Disqualification:
(A) A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding in which the judge's impartiality* might reasonably be questioned, including but not limited to the following circumstances:
(1) The judge has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party or a party's lawyer, or personal knowledge* of facts that are in dispute in the proceeding.
(2) The judge knows* that the judge, the judge's spouse or domestic partner,* or a person within the third degree of relationship* to either of them, or the spouse or domestic partner of such a person is:
(a) a party to the proceeding,or an officer, director, general partner, managing member, or trustee of a party;
(b) acting as a lawyer in the proceeding;
(c) a person who has more than a de minimis* interest that could be substantially affected by the proceeding; or
(d) likely to be a material witness in the proceeding.
[1] Under this Rule, a judge is disqualified whenever the judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned, regardless of whether any of the specific provisions of paragraphs (A)(1) through (6) apply. In many jurisdictions, the term “recusal” is used interchangeably with the term “disqualification.”
I would think that knowing Shaffer's dad would fall into this category.

RULE 2.4: External Influences on Judicial Conduct
(A) A judge shall not be swayed by public clamor or fear of criticism.
(B) A judge shall not permit family, social, political, financial, or other interests or relationships to influence the judge's judicial conduct or judgment.
(C) A judge shall not convey or permit others to convey the impression that any person or organization is in a position to influence the judge.
Rule 2.10 Judicial Statements on Pending or Impending Cases:
(E) Subject to the requirements of paragraph (A), a judge may respond directly or through a third party to allegations in the media or elsewhere concerning the judge's conduct in a matter.
I mean, I could go on and on. I think there are at least 3 examples here of how the judge violated the Judicial Code of Conduct for Alissa's case. On top of that, Rule 2.10 allows the judge to respond to the media regarding the disposition of Alissa's case.

This link is to the steps that can be taken to file a complaint and have it investigated.

Complaint and Judicial Inquiry Process

You know. Until we stop allowing the same judges and the same politicians to run our communities, these horrible acts will continue.
Bravo to Inside Addition for shining a light on this crime.
But, it is up to All of us to pay attention to who we vote for.
This little girl should not have died in vain.
I personally think it is worth digging into the relationship between Shaffer's dad and the judge as well.

Did they bank at his bank? Did he issue loans to any of them? KWIM?

I still think that there is an a drug angle here with the hydrocodone. We know Alissa wasnt taking it ergo her caregiver was taking it, or selling it, or flushing it down the toilet right?

NWCAVE-- National Women's Coalition Against Violence and Exploitation is putting Alissa's story on the air:

Voices for Justice: Justice for Baby Alissa
July 20 at 5:00pm in PDT
Online Radio is lovely to see this case getting some wings. :D
For all of you who have been driving the bus for this case, now is the time to hit MSM hard. National Media begets National Media because all of the vetting has already been done. If that makes any sense. I would reach out to everyone...Dateline, 48 Hours, Anderson Cooper, you name it.

Do any of you have the transcripts from the trial by any chance?
I personally think it is worth digging into the relationship between Shaffer's dad and the judge as well.

Did they bank at his bank? Did he issue loans to any of them? KWIM?

I still think that there is an a drug angle here with the hydrocodone. We know Alissa wasnt taking it ergo her caregiver was taking it, or selling it, or flushing it down the toilet right?

Isn't the relationship between Shaffer's dad and the judge the key to the impropriety? They sit on a board together, the judge "thinks" they have gone to a ball game together:

“I know Mr. Sprunger. (Shaffer's father) He’s been on some boards with me — ah — the Council on Aging. We’ve sat next — together for several years. We’re just making the county safer for elderly citizens,” VanDerbeck continued during the hearing. “I know he’s got a good heart. … I think I went to a baseball game with him. So I wouldn’t do that, if they were bad people. But, still, something bad has happened.

Kerry Sprunger, Shaffer’s father, said he is unaware of any controversy surrounding his daughter’s early release.

“It’s not my case,” Sprunger said. “I don’t know why I’d be involved with this. ... This has nothing to do with me.”

Told of VanDerbeck’s words in the DCS hearing describing Sprunger’s “good heart” and that they had attended a baseball game together, Sprunger said the two have never socialized, and, “He never went to a baseball game with me.”

“It sounds like the questions should be directed to him,” Sprunger said.

Indiana University law professor Charles Geyh, who specializes in judicial ethics, said this week about this case, “You do have a problem.”

Briefed on the series of events and what the transcript reveals of VanDerbeck’s words in the DCS hearing, Geyh said, “He’s made it clear he thinks the world of the father, who’s obviously got an interest in this case through his daughter.”

Yes, the drug angle needs to be looked at! The Rx was refilled early but that poor baby had none in her system? Someone took it! I don't suppose anyone was drug tested at the time or if they were those test results would be admissible.

Ugh, just makes me sick...
Has any one filed a complaint, do you think? It seems labor intensive, but it isnt really if you know the case well.
But there is still a chance for this woman to be charged again! That is the point here. She can still be charged with a REAL crime.
I would have waited until all hope of that was lost before suing anyone... if suing meant that I had to give up hope of justice.



I'm not trying to provoke an argument, by the way, just trying to understand my way around the legal system.

She was charged, sentenced, the sentence was reduced.... how can she be charged again? Am I misunderstanding the legal system?

Or are you saying that evidence could allow more serious charges so long as the statue of limitations have not run out?

Thanks in advance!!
I just sobbed for poor baby Alissa. I can't believe this case! I just don't know what to make of this. My heart is so heavy.

I wonder where Alissa's siblings are.

Why did Christy only abuse the baby? Did the siblings see anything?
I am sat here shaking my head. A complete and utter abuse of power. Surely there must be something that can be done. Why is this man even allowed to be a judge? I am so mad.
Is it that this woman was only charged with neglect? There are so many issues in this case...Why did the Dr. not report abuse? Its easy to see that this little darling was abused. Such a precious little girl. I think she was being beaten so SOMEONE could get drugs. I think the Dr., the judge and the killer should all face some kind of penalty!
:furious: I'm choking with indignation and rage!

Here's something the judge said when Alissa had died and he had to make a decision about whether the other children should be taken out of the evil abuser's care (The "Mr. Sprunger he refers to is the defendant's father.):
The defendant had tons of support in the courtroom; the mother had very little. Even the judge was cold towards her. AND he even suggested to the defendant that she and her attorney should wait a bit and then petition him to modify his sentence.
I keep calling her "the defendant" because I don't think I'm allowed to call her the murderer.

The FB links are not working for me. I don't know why. But I just read the above article. Does anyone know why the husband was granted immunity? What was the purpose? Did he give testimony against his wife in exchange for it? TIA
I just sobbed for poor baby Alissa. I can't believe this case! I just don't know what to make of this. My heart is so heavy.

I wonder where Alissa's siblings are.

Why did Christy only abuse the baby? Did the siblings see anything?

Rspectfully BBM...because the baby couldn't tell. If an older child were presented to the doctor with the injuries Alissa had, I think most doctors would find a way to question the child to see if the stories lined up.

I have been ticking off the number of people who let Alissa down as I read through these links, and the list is long. The only truly innocent person in this case is dead, IMO. I want to know why the male caregiver was granted immunity. Only an utter dumba$$ could live in the same house while this was going on and not suspect something. Was he taking Alissa's pain meds? I understand (I mean I get it, not that I agree) the fact that he wasn't charged, but why grant him immunity? Why didn't DSS demand Alissa be produced when she missed multiple visits with her mom? Why didn't Alissa's mom do more to make sure her baby was ok? I mean, this is your child. You do WHATEVER it takes to ensure her safety and well-being. You start screaming and do not shut up until someone listens. Don't even get me started on the judge. And then there is the murderer. That is what she is, if the husband is truly not responsible for Alissa's injuries.

The ultimate sentence in this case is sickening. Wrong place/wrong time? Alissa deserved so much better than she got, and she still derserves it today. It's too late to bring Alissa back, but it is not too late to see justice done for her.

As human beings, this miscarriage of justice should sicken us all. If you allow yourself to try and imagine the misery this tiny child suffered, how can it not knock the wind right out of your soul? Anyone who would inflict this suffering on a baby does not deserve to be free in society, free to raise her own children, free to go on with her life.

The whole thing is maddening :banghead:
I switched from my Nook to my laptop and the FB links work fine. I made myself go through all of the autopsy photos. I just cannot come up with words...

My little niece is 20 months old and she is a handful. She is busy, daring, and she has an attitude. My sister and her husband both work full-time and my brother-in-law's cousin has always been the daycare provider to both of my nieces and other various children in the family. She loves those kids and she is great with them. She is going back to school this fall, however, and all of the kids in the family will have to go to someone new. They are looking for one daycare provider who will take them all so the cousins can stay together. I hope they find someone wonderful, because I think my little niece is a child who could be at risk if left with someone who did not genuinely love her. I look at the pictures of Alissa, and I think of our little Hallie. And it scares me.

I want justice for Alissa, and I want deterrence for all of the Hallies in the world. Murderers MUST be punished as such, to honor their victims and to protect the rest of us.

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