Here are Taylor's charges:
35-42-1-1(1): Murder
35-42-1-1(2): Murder
35-42-1-1(2): Murder
35-43-2-1/F1:Burglary , but serious bodily injury occurs and burglary was to a dwelling.
35-43-4-2(a)/F6: Theft where value of property is between $750 & $50k.
35-42-5-1(1)/F2: Robbery Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury Injury to someone other than a defendant
35-42-3-3(a)/F3: Criminal Confinement while armed with a deadly weapon.
35-43-2-1/F4:Burglary Burglary of a dwelling
35-43-4-2(a)/F6: Theft where value of property is between $750 & $50k.
35-43-4-2.5(b)(1)/F6: Auto Theft where intent is to deprive owner of value or use of vehicle (stole
35-43-2-1/F4:Burglary Burglary of a dwelling
35-43-4-2(a)/F6: Theft where value of property is between $750 & $50k.
35-47-2-1/MA: Carrying a Handgun Without a License
35-50-2-16/NC: Murder/Att Murder Causing Termination Of Human Pregnancy Enhancement