In defense of George and Cindy.

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I really don't think that G and C think they are doing anything wrong.

It reminds me of a lot of someone I know personally. Her father killed her mother, was convicted and went to jail for it and everything. She still 'believes' he is innocent because he is her father and he is all she has now. Even after his pre-parole confession, she believes he is innocent and explains away his confession by saying 'it's the only way they would let him out of jail, he had no choice but to confess'.

But she isn't blind to the facts and evidence--deep down she knows the truth but can't or won't let herself believe it, if that makes sense. So she is still a victim of the event no matter what she chooses to believe. Her mother is still dead, her father is still a murderer.

I think that's where G and C are. They won't let themselves think Casey did it because they simply can't.

So in this respect, they are victims for losing the life of their grand-daughter and for ever being put in this position in the first place. It is just hard to think of them in a role that induces sympathy because of how they have handled this whole situation since very shortly after the beginning.

We want them to be as outraged, disgusted, and angry as we are. We expect them to be more so, actually. But now they are banding together and rallying around Casey and keeping themselves busy with the thoughts of helping her, not only to convince us she is innocent, but also to convince themselves. And the more everyone goes against them, the more alone they feel, and the more they believe they are right in what they are doing.
George and Cindy are victims. When they lie, they become perpetrators.

I agree with one change:
G & C are victims. Each time they lie they become complicite.

Yes, Gma Kat, I can go with that.

In the way of clarification, my choice of the "perp" word was not necessarily to say they were participants in the murder, but moreso to say that when they lie, they become the perpetrators of "a crime against society" (getting in the way of truth/justice). Sort of like if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
This is one of the most interesting threads on this case.
It begins with an idea that we can't begin to believe what Cindy and George feel. Yes, they too are victims.
But the responses have been ones of vialable reasons they these two are disliked. It's as if the door was opened for all of us to satisify our thoughts on George and Cindy. And bring some type of honor to why we dislike or like them.
Very interesting the twists and turns this threat takes. I've been glued to the screen.
I myself would like to give George and Cindy a hug. But at the same time, it scares me to think of getting that close to them.
They have to be the most unusual characters to ever come along when it comes to true crime cases.
Thank you everyone for your well-thought-out responses. This is one heck of a thread!
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I never thought I'd find it hard to sympathise with grandparents of a murdered toddler.
Yes, Gma Kat, I can go with that.

In the way of clarification, my choice of the "perp" word was not necessarily to say they were participants in the murder, but moreso to say that when they lie, they become the perpetrators of "a crime against society" (getting in the way of truth/justice). Sort of like if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

You are exactly right about "a crime against society", well said.
Mistakes??? If it only it were that simple. They have made few if any "mistakes", they made a lot of deliberate, hostile, likely illegal, and definitely immoral actions.

Quite honestly, I see no defense for C&G, or KC for that matter.

I believe there is a computer term that covers it for me, it's: GIGO.

and WYSIWYG "WHIZZY WHIG" - what you see is what you get.
Not really trying to "defend" the A's (where would one even start?), just, I guess, trying to make some sense in a situation that defies all logic...I am kind of upset that the A's won't be attending the crime victims' forum - wasn't too thrilled that they were going to be guest speakers, but thought attending the conference would do them some good - listening to others and their stories, interacting w/ others who have dealt firsthand some of the most atrocious and reprehensible crimes imaginable...and kind of hoping that someone, either through deeds or actions, would help to enlighten them...yes, they need to grieve, grieve deeply and fully, cherish the precious grand~child they lost to a senseless, despicable crime. Perchance by their attendance, they would have learned how to better deal w/ their understandable anger and other emotions instead of the seemingly destructive way they are choosing to deal w/ it, continuing to make such public spectacles of themselves. They lost their grand~daughter and their daughter is accused of her murder (w/ all evidence pointing directly towards her) and whether or not they choose to support their daughter is really their own business - KC is their only link now to Caylee and while speculation is ripe about her involvement, it is still their daughter and they prolly do not know the whole truth, as do none of us either - yet, if ever. Yes, *if* KC did commit this heinous act, she should be punished and that punishment should be swift and severe; but at the end of the day, for the A's, the facts do not change - Caylee was murdered, she is not coming back, but KC is still alive and they are prolly fully aware that their own words (from the onset of this tragedy) are going to be instrumental in helping to convict her; thus they are prolly in denial, disassociating themselves from fact(s) and/or reality and instead choosing to believe the fiction their daughter has spun/is spinning/continues to spin...

There is no "script" for such occurrences and we can all agree on this for sure - that we do NOT want to be in the A's shoes - I'm pretty sure when they are alone w/ their own thoughts, they prolly are reliving every moment leading up to and throughout this; lots of what if's, if only's, I should have, I could have - many scenarios playing out in their minds, grasping at what they might have possibly done differently. Sadly and unfortunately for Caylee (and others), they cannot go back and change anything - they have to live w/ the stark reality that is upon them now. I personally - and a lot of us - would not be doing many of the things they are doing, but like that - I can "say" I wouldn't do this or that, blah, blah, but I really don't know - I just presume I would not...and just hope I - no one - ever has to experience what they are facing (or any such crime!) I was just hoping they might have been able to model other victim's behaviour(s) and possibly act w/ a little bit of decorum and restraint - I really do hope they find some peace - can only imagine how painstakingly devastating it is for them to wander their house filled w/ both tangible and intangible memories of both Caylee and KC and they simply may not be able to separate the two - for whatever reason. It is their own private nightmare - I'm not condoning them nor condemning them, I just wish them peace - all of them - and hope that there is justice for Caylee and all victims...and also hope that I haven't infuriated the "Sippy Cup Gang," prompting them to jump on their "Big Wheels" in an effort to hunt me down - ;-)
Personally I beleive that we should all take a step back. I believe that if we were all in the same postion as George and Cindy we would all mess up too. Maybe not as bad, but noone is perfect, and we have to realize that this is all new to George and Cindy.

Don't get me wrong, I do NOT agree, nor do I condone what any of the Anthony's have done. But what I will say, is NONE of us have lived the lives of George, or Cindy, and non of us know how we would react, how we would handle the media, how we would handle the CONSTANT media attention, how we would handle the rumors.

And for those of you that sit here and say, that George and Cindy are not victims, I ask you to stop and think.

The first victim is Caylee, the second victims in this are George and Cindy. As I am fairly certain that they did not wake up one day and say "Gee I think I will play a part in my grandaughters dissapearence."

Yes the Anthonys have made some very BAD choices. But honestly can you sit here and put yourself in 100% of their shoes, and say that you would do everything Perfectly?? I know I couldn't. I beleive that we all fall back into coping mechanisms to an extent when we are in a crisis. And I beleive that SOME of what we are seeing is coping mechanisms that are coming out.

We are VERY critical of others when it is not our lives! But folks, please remember this, NOONE is perfect. If a person was, I am sure everyone would be cloning that person!

IMHO One mess up,okay. A second mess up....Hmmmmm. To continue to mess up for nine months pretty much says that's your character.
Cindy and George quit being victims when they started covering up for KC.Then they became accomplices ,in my book.
ETA I lost my 15yr old son to suicide .He hung himself in our house.We had a CSI unit go through and were questioned by the coronor and 2 detectives at the hospital,just after we learned our son died.Our children were questioned,so yea,I kinda do know how I would act.We were all honest and wanted the truth.We gave them names and James' computer [he was on just before he died].I am honest about what my son did. He took his own life.And I'm honest enough to feel guilty and full of what if's.
Thankfully, I do not know what it must be like to go through something like my own child lying, stealing and then murdering my grandchild, . I have had problems with my children doing some unseemly things over the years, for example, my oldest daughter has lied just to be lying (that started when she was little), and she used my mother's credit cards many many times, stole money from I have had a taste of those types of things. Thank God she doesn't do those things anymore. I have tried to ask myself what would I do if any of my children did what KC did....and I have decided that while I cannot know the answer 100% for sure, I believe I would love my child, no matter what, but I would NOT lie for him/her, and I WOULD do what needed to be done to bring justice to my grandchild. I believe I would have no qualms telling my son or daughter that I knew they were guilty and they belonged in prison, but that I still love them, and that I would be telling the truth and helping the authorities any way I could. I have read a few other posters here over the months who say they couldn't stand behind their child, etc....but even if my son/daughter had murdered my grandchild, I don't see myself turning my back forever on him/her. I do not call this "standing behind" my child. I see this simply as loving them. It does not mean I wouldn't be angry or hurt beyond belief, and it might even be a while before I could actually communicate with them in a civil manner.
This is not what I see the Anthonys doing, though. They love KC, yes, but they are participating in THE LIE, continuing to present it to the public in spite of the evidence as if it makes complete sense. They have all lied to LE, to the public, and in my eyes, have made themselves look very foolish. It is a disgrace to Caylee's short life. I do not listen to the Anthony's interviews any longer--haven't since Oct/Nov. It is just the same old story. There will never be anything new or revealing come from their lips. I used to have hope that George would, in the end, be the one to stand up for Caylee, but it appears right now that any hope of that is lost. Finally, I want to say that George and Cindy HAVE lost Caylee, but they aren't really losing Casey. She might be behind bars, maybe for the rest of her life, but she will at least have a life. She will make the most of it. I hate hearing how they are so afraid they are going to lose her too, but even if she gets the DP, they won't lose her for a very very long time.
IMHO One mess up,okay. A second mess up....Hmmmmm. To continue to mess up for nine months pretty much says that's your character.
Cindy and George quit being victims when they started covering up for KC.Then they became accomplices ,in my book.
ETA I lost my 15yr old son to suicide .He hung himself in our house.We had a CSI unit go through and were questioned by the coronor and 2 detectives at the hospital,just after we learned our son died.Our children were questioned,so yea,I kinda do know how I would act.We were all honest and wanted the truth.We gave them names and James' computer [he was on just before he died].I am honest about what my son did. He took his own life.And I'm honest enough to feel guilty and full of what if's.
Thanks for your post and God bless you and your family. So sorry for your loss. I think your sentiment rings true with many of us here who have suffered and survived tragedy with our dignity and "integrity" intact. Pain is one thing, what I don't understand is how this family finds the energy to lie. during my darkest hours the only thoughts I could muster were how to breath and why should I. How the entire family sprung into spin cycle to quickly and effortlessly boggles my mind.
Thankfully, I do not know what it must be like to go through something like my own child lying, stealing and then murdering my grandchild, . I have had problems with my children doing some unseemly things over the years, for example, my oldest daughter has lied just to be lying (that started when she was little), and she used my mother's credit cards many many times, stole money from I have had a taste of those types of things. Thank God she doesn't do those things anymore. I have tried to ask myself what would I do if any of my children did what KC did....and I have decided that while I cannot know the answer 100% for sure, I believe I would love my child, no matter what, but I would NOT lie for him/her, and I WOULD do what needed to be done to bring justice to my grandchild. I believe I would have no qualms telling my son or daughter that I knew they were guilty and they belonged in prison, but that I still love them, and that I would be telling the truth and helping the authorities any way I could. I have read a few other posters here over the months who say they couldn't stand behind their child, etc....but even if my son/daughter had murdered my grandchild, I don't see myself turning my back forever on him/her. I do not call this "standing behind" my child. I see this simply as loving them. It does not mean I wouldn't be angry or hurt beyond belief, and it might even be a while before I could actually communicate with them in a civil manner.
This is not what I see the Anthonys doing, though. They love KC, yes, but they are participating in THE LIE, continuing to present it to the public in spite of the evidence as if it makes complete sense. They have all lied to LE, to the public, and in my eyes, have made themselves look very foolish. It is a disgrace to Caylee's short life. I do not listen to the Anthony's interviews any longer--haven't since Oct/Nov. It is just the same old story. There will never be anything new or revealing come from their lips. I used to have hope that George would, in the end, be the one to stand up for Caylee, but it appears right now that any hope of that is lost. Finally, I want to say that George and Cindy HAVE lost Caylee, but they aren't really losing Casey. She might be behind bars, maybe for the rest of her life, but she will at least have a life. She will make the most of it. I hate hearing how they are so afraid they are going to lose her too, but even if she gets the DP, they won't lose her for a very very long time.

re bold: The investigation and trial are going to last longer than Caylee's life did. THAT IS SICKENING.
IMHO One mess up,okay. A second mess up....Hmmmmm. To continue to mess up for nine months pretty much says that's your character.
Cindy and George quit being victims when they started covering up for KC.Then they became accomplices ,in my book.
ETA I lost my 15yr old son to suicide .He hung himself in our house.We had a CSI unit go through and were questioned by the coronor and 2 detectives at the hospital,just after we learned our son died.Our children were questioned,so yea,I kinda do know how I would act.We were all honest and wanted the truth.We gave them names and James' computer [he was on just before he died].I am honest about what my son did. He took his own life.And I'm honest enough to feel guilty and full of what if's.

I am so very sorry for your loss. God Bless:blowkiss:
Making a mistake isn't lying for someone that is ultimately responsible for the welfare of your grandchild. Accident or deliberate, the truth should come out. A mistake isn't telling people a picture of a child could be your granddaughter and she isn't. A mistake isn't flying all over the country (California) looking for your granddaugther, but not searching the neighborhood. A mistake isn't finding out your daughter lied to LE in the search for your granddaughter, and instead of trying to find out the truth, defending the daughter. A mistake is a misunderstanding...there have been no misunderstandings. They have chosen their daughter over their granddaughter.

I truly believe they clung desperately to the hope Caylee was alive until it was proven she wasn't. They can't bring Caylee back, nothing will. I'm sure deep down they blame themselves for many many things. They love their daughter and will defend her...willingly helping the prosecution secure a death sentence is not something any parent should be expected to do. I know I couldn't. They do love their daughter UNCONDITIONALLY and I can't fault them for that, I just can't.

They seem to be dysfunctional, but nothing I've seen could have predicted this. I have way more dysfunctional neighbors ...and their children don't end up murdering anyone.

IMO Casey is somehow defective. I am not excusing anything she's done and she is guilty IMO. No one could have expected it.
IMHO One mess up,okay. A second mess up....Hmmmmm. To continue to mess up for nine months pretty much says that's your character.
Cindy and George quit being victims when they started covering up for KC.Then they became accomplices ,in my book.
ETA I lost my 15yr old son to suicide .He hung himself in our house.We had a CSI unit go through and were questioned by the coronor and 2 detectives at the hospital,just after we learned our son died.Our children were questioned,so yea,I kinda do know how I would act.We were all honest and wanted the truth.We gave them names and James' computer [he was on just before he died].I am honest about what my son did. He took his own life.And I'm honest enough to feel guilty and full of what if's.

Oh my I am so sorry. I know you may not want anyone to reply, I have not read this whole thread yet. I have to say that I can not even say. I do not know what to say. My son died at 16 but he drown in a accident. That was bad enough but what happened to you oh my. I feel so bad for you. I am sorry I am ot, but I just had to say something even if it is not making sence.
The issue isn't whether George and Cindy are victims, it's whose victims are they. When they come out and say they are proud of the woman who killed their grandchild, when they ignore evidence and declare her innocence, when they support Caylee's murderer more than seeking justice for Caylee, they are neutralizing their victim status and inviting criticism.
yolorado, you've said it best! I agree 100%!
IMHO One mess up,okay. A second mess up....Hmmmmm. To continue to mess up for nine months pretty much says that's your character.
Cindy and George quit being victims when they started covering up for KC.Then they became accomplices ,in my book.
ETA I lost my 15yr old son to suicide .He hung himself in our house.We had a CSI unit go through and were questioned by the coronor and 2 detectives at the hospital,just after we learned our son died.Our children were questioned,so yea,I kinda do know how I would act.We were all honest and wanted the truth.We gave them names and James' computer [he was on just before he died].I am honest about what my son did. He took his own life.And I'm honest enough to feel guilty and full of what if's.
I am so very sorry for your horrific loss, MissJames.:blowkiss:
They seem to be dysfunctional, but nothing I've seen could have predicted this. I have way more dysfunctional neighbors ...and their children don't end up murdering anyone.

IMO Casey is somehow defective. I am not excusing anything she's done and she is guilty IMO. No one could have expected it.

You are quite right, it was not predictable, but I can't imagine a parent or grandparent waiting 31 days before feeling something very wrong and calling the police. One excuse or two, but not for 31 days.

I believe C&G knew when they were showing the pics of that little girl that looked like Caylee, they knew quite well Caylee was not alive. Yet they were on the free KC train, and the defense at that point, at the expense of that little girl was, "Try and prove Caylee is even dead." They must have known KC did it, or what explanation could there be for shielding a murder they did not even know?
I don't want sympathy. I am one mean old woman. Hey, I have chased drug dealers down the road---on foot. I think CA could be the same way. She has a mouth---thats fersur. She chooses not to. We all have decisions to make within our spaces.
God---I love you guys for puttin up wid me.:blowkiss:

Mamabear - you remind me of my feisty mother (bless her soul). Born and raised in the south - wouldn't put up with nothing. Protected us, but by goodness, if we were wrong we had to face the consequences. I can't even fathom coming to her saying her grandson was gone and I didn't know where he was. She'd probably string me up by my big toes before LE could ever get to me. Don't get me wrong, she could be as sweet as a valentine, but mom also didn't put up with any carp either. We knew better than to lie (she could read us like a book) and heaven forbid if we ever sassed, or cursed in her presence (and I never did either).

What went on behind the A's doors that KC felt so comfortable dropping the F bombs at her family, stealing their money, and lying like a rug. I can tell you I was certainly raised in a different lifestyle, and am proud of it! As a 46 year old mom, I'm glad my parents were so strict.

IMHO One mess up,okay. A second mess up....Hmmmmm. To continue to mess up for nine months pretty much says that's your character.
Cindy and George quit being victims when they started covering up for KC.Then they became accomplices ,in my book.
ETA I lost my 15yr old son to suicide .He hung himself in our house.We had a CSI unit go through and were questioned by the coronor and 2 detectives at the hospital,just after we learned our son died.Our children were questioned,so yea,I kinda do know how I would act.We were all honest and wanted the truth.We gave them names and James' computer [he was on just before he died].I am honest about what my son did. He took his own life.And I'm honest enough to feel guilty and full of what if's.

:rose: I'm so sorry for the loss of your son James. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions. I enjoy your posts very much.

IMHO One mess up,okay. A second mess up....Hmmmmm. To continue to mess up for nine months pretty much says that's your character.
Cindy and George quit being victims when they started covering up for KC.Then they became accomplices ,in my book.
ETA I lost my 15yr old son to suicide .He hung himself in our house.We had a CSI unit go through and were questioned by the coronor and 2 detectives at the hospital,just after we learned our son died.Our children were questioned,so yea,I kinda do know how I would act.We were all honest and wanted the truth.We gave them names and James' computer [he was on just before he died].I am honest about what my son did. He took his own life.And I'm honest enough to feel guilty and full of what if's.

Bless you Miss James - you have my most sincere sympathy. I am so sorry for your loss.

IMHO One mess up,okay. A second mess up....Hmmmmm. To continue to mess up for nine months pretty much says that's your character.
Cindy and George quit being victims when they started covering up for KC.Then they became accomplices ,in my book.
ETA I lost my 15yr old son to suicide .He hung himself in our house.We had a CSI unit go through and were questioned by the coronor and 2 detectives at the hospital,just after we learned our son died.Our children were questioned,so yea,I kinda do know how I would act.We were all honest and wanted the truth.We gave them names and James' computer [he was on just before he died].I am honest about what my son did. He took his own life.And I'm honest enough to feel guilty and full of what if's.

I am so sorry.
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