In defense of George and Cindy.

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Mamabear - you remind me of my feisty mother (bless her soul). Born and raised in the south - wouldn't put up with nothing. Protected us, but by goodness, if we were wrong we had to face the consequences. I can't even fathom coming to her saying her grandson was gone and I didn't know where he was. She'd probably string me up by my big toes before LE could ever get to me. Don't get me wrong, she could be as sweet as a valentine, but mom also didn't put up with any carp either. We knew better than to lie (she could read us like a book) and heaven forbid if we ever sassed, or cursed in her presence (and I never did either).

What went on behind the A's doors that KC felt so comfortable dropping the F bombs at her family, stealing their money, and lying like a rug. I can tell you I was certainly raised in a different lifestyle, and am proud of it! As a 46 year old mom, I'm glad my parents were so strict.

I was raised the same way. We NEVER said any kind of curse words, and I never ever thought of stealing from my parents. I'm sure I lied from time to time---I did sneak off once when I was very very sick with a high fever so I could play in a 7th grade girls basketball game. My dad was waiting at the gym door for me when the game was over and yes, the coach let me play. For some reason, I didn't really get into trouble over it, but my point is that the things I did that went against my raising were very tame compared to some of the things my own kids have done and certainly what KC did aside from murdering her daughter. I also totally agree with those who state that the Anthonys victimhood stopped when Casey-gate began. Nor do I agree that they are in "denial." It's gone WAY past that. IMO, they know exactly what they are doing. As always, JMO.
Wonderful topic! I have included directly below, a complete list of all the things C&G have done right in this ordeal:

Hmmm....:waitasec:....yep, I totally agree! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Oh my I am so sorry. I know you may not want anyone to reply, I have not read this whole thread yet. I have to say that I can not even say. I do not know what to say. My son died at 16 but he drown in a accident. That was bad enough but what happened to you oh my. I feel so bad for you. I am sorry I am ot, but I just had to say something even if it is not making sence.

I am so very sorry for the loss of your son. God Bless:blowkiss:
IMHO One mess up,okay. A second mess up....Hmmmmm. To continue to mess up for nine months pretty much says that's your character.
Cindy and George quit being victims when they started covering up for KC.Then they became accomplices ,in my book.
ETA I lost my 15yr old son to suicide .He hung himself in our house.We had a CSI unit go through and were questioned by the coronor and 2 detectives at the hospital,just after we learned our son died.Our children were questioned,so yea,I kinda do know how I would act.We were all honest and wanted the truth.We gave them names and James' computer [he was on just before he died].I am honest about what my son did. He took his own life.And I'm honest enough to feel guilty and full of what if's.

So sorry for your loss. People who deal with situations in a dignified manner like you did should be greatly admired. I think that most people feel guilty and ask what ifs for such losses so that is normal. The fact that you do have such questions in itself means that you cared enough. We all have regrets and I hope that your heart will ache less each day. May God bless you and your family.
I was raised the same way. We NEVER said any kind of curse words, and I never ever thought of stealing from my parents. I'm sure I lied from time to time---I did sneak off once when I was very very sick with a high fever so I could play in a 7th grade girls basketball game. My dad was waiting at the gym door for me when the game was over and yes, the coach let me play. For some reason, I didn't really get into trouble over it, but my point is that the things I did that went against my raising were very tame compared to some of the things my own kids have done and certainly what KC did aside from murdering her daughter. I also totally agree with those who state that the Anthonys victimhood stopped when Casey-gate began. Nor do I agree that they are in "denial." It's gone WAY past that. IMO, they know exactly what they are doing. As always, JMO.

My dad had my 24 year old brother arrested in our own front yard one early Sunday morning. He went out to get the paper. My sweet Bubba was half in and half out of the car dead drunk. Pop called the cops, he spent the rest of the day until Monday AM in the jail. Pop informed him he should not have even been driving and he would not put up with this kind of crap in his home. Didn't happen again at his house.
CA and GA learned the hard way that the media is not a group of unbiased reporters. Lesson here is don't talk to the media about anything. They will edit, reverse chronology of events and words and only use the sensational snippets of words, not in context and not in whole.

I don't know how anyone can go from being a private person one day and then thrust into the media the next with news trucks, 24/7 live streams of their front yard, lights, protestors yelling at the house and people gathered in front of the house waiting to pounce, without messing up.

I would have turned on the sprinklers, pointed to the sidewalk to soak everyone who came near and never even looked at the cameras.

I'm confused...are you saying that the media has misrepresented the A's?

I'd have to disagreeeeeee 100% with that opinion.

In fact, I think if anything the editing, reverse chronologizing (my new word!) of events and words has been done 99% of the time by who????

Can I get an..."A" fact any "A" will do!
My dad had my 24 year old brother arrested in our own front yard one early Sunday morning. He went out to get the paper. My sweet Bubba was half in and half out of the car dead drunk. Pop called the cops, he spent the rest of the day until Monday AM in the jail. Pop informed him he should not have even been driving and he would not put up with this kind of crap in his home. Didn't happen again at his house.

Kinda seems like your Poppa could have taught the "A's" a thing or two about parenting, huh?

This is for your Poppa...:blowkiss:...good job!
Kinda seems like your Poppa could have taught the "A's" a thing or two about parenting, huh?

This is for your Poppa...:blowkiss:...good job!

Yes, he was a wonderful, kind, loving man. I was very lucky. He was my stepfather. He taught us the things that needed to be taught, which seem to have been forgotten now days. If I had ever cursed at him I would have been eating my teeth for dinner. Good Southern values are hard lessons at times, but well worth it as you grow older.

He would have loved that kiss from you. He could never pass up a kisss from a pretty lady. LOL I will pass it on to him for sure.
God Bless honey. :blowkiss:
Thanks to all of you that self edited, so we don't have to do it.
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