IN - Kimberly Camm, 35, & 2 children murdered, Georgetown, 28 Sept 2000 *2 earlier trials OVERTURNED

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Smells- to me it's a whole new story now and ripe for the plucking. I'd be surprised if there were not follow ups and at least a book or two.

WAVE 3 has learned that investigators searched another home on Oak Street Tuesday morning -- the home where Boney and his estranged wife once lived.
Sources said Tuesday that investigators were looking for "trophies" Boney may have kept from the murders of the Camm family.
Uof L Psychology Professor Dr. Ronald Holmes says it's not unusual for criminals to collect such trophies. "A lot of times, the police find it's reported as a burglary, but when you start looking at what was taken, it takes on a sexual overtone to it."
Good Golly Molly, I am floored.

All charges against former Indiana state trooper David Camm were dismissed today at the request of Floyd County Prosecutor Keith Henderson.
Henderson's motion to dismiss said only that the dismissal "would be in the best interests of justice."

According to court records, Camm has been taken off home incarceration and a $20,000 cash bond has been released.
The charges against Camm were dismissed "without prejudice," meaning they could be refiled.
Wow, twists and turns and the plot thickens

Moments after David Camm's murder charges were dropped, prosecutors charged him all over again for killing his wife and their two small children.
Floyd County Prosecutor Keith Henderson announced at about 1:30 p.m. Wednesday that charges against Camm were dropped without prejudice, meaning he could be arrested again for the crimes. And at about 2 p.m., WLKY NewsChannel 32's Allison Gardner reported that the charges were filed again, perhaps in an effort to bring the case back to Floyd County. Camm was scheduled to stand trial again in August, but in Warrick County, because of pretrial publicity.
Gardner reported that Boney told investigators he met Camm while playing basketball in New Albany in the summer of 2000. The two became friendly, and when Camm learned of Boney's criminal past, he asked him if Boney could find a "clean gun," Henderson said. Boney delivered the gun, wrapped in the sweatshirt, to Camm's house, and returned once more, on the day of the shootings, Henderson said.
According to Boney's statement, he and Camm were inside Camm's house when Kim, Jill and Brad came home. Boney told investigators that Camm ran to the garage, and Boney heard gunshots. Boney came to the garage, and left his handprint on Camm's Ford Bronco when he leaned on it to look inside, Henderson said. Boney also answered a question investigators had by telling them he was the one who put Kim Camm's shoes on top of the Bronco....

Thursday, Camm didn't say a word at his arraignment, and a judge entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf. Camm's attorneys said Henderson's request to drop the charges didn't include the part about re-filing them minutes later in another county.
"The problem is the prosecution was misleading," attorney David Mosley said. "(Henderson) filed a standard motion like when the wrong person has been charged, and based on that, we didn't reject."
Camm's brother, Donnie Camm, also said he thought the move was misleading.
"To dismiss it, and then we're happy and celebrating, then refile charges like that?" he said Thursday. "We didn't have any knowledge that that was going to happen. It's like getting punched in the stomach. It's the sleaziest thing I've ever seen."

Probable cause affidavit
Newswolf said:

Thursday, Camm didn't say a word at his arraignment, and a judge entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf. Camm's attorneys said Henderson's request to drop the charges didn't include the part about re-filing them minutes later in another county.
"The problem is the prosecution was misleading," attorney David Mosley said. "(Henderson) filed a standard motion like when the wrong person has been charged, and based on that, we didn't reject."
Camm's brother, Donnie Camm, also said he thought the move was misleading.
"To dismiss it, and then we're happy and celebrating, then refile charges like that?" he said Thursday. "We didn't have any knowledge that that was going to happen. It's like getting punched in the stomach. It's the sleaziest thing I've ever seen."

Probable cause affidavit

I would like to know why Camm wasn't carged with conspiracy in the original indictment? Wt, didn't the DA know what DNA (sweatshiert) was?
Hi Yadler-The original Pros. said the DNA was checked but didn't match anything on file so they didn't know about Boney when Camm was first arrested in 2000. Boney's statements now allegedly confirm the conspiracy-along with the dna and his prints on the car. And it is that charge which could lead to the death penalty- DA says he hasn't decided on it yet. Camm appears to be the shooter because of the blood spatter on his tee,a drop of blood on his shoes, and gunpowder residue in the pocket of the pants he was wearing that day. (Probably TMI)
OK. I was thinking of either incompetance or cover-up. As long as the DA has enough goods now, all forgiven!

~~The only thing out of David Camm's mouth Thursday was a sigh as he left the courtroom. In fact, he didn't even enter his own plea of guilty or not guilty to the charges against him, with the arraignment turning out to be less about who killed his family and more about which county has control over the case.
~~Floyd County Prosecutor Keith Henderson defended his actions. "On January 26, I did not know Charles Boney was going to be a co-defendant in this case. Once that happened and I developed the case and I filed it as a conspiracy, that's when I decided to join them together."
Henderson went on to explain that "to join those defendants, I had to join them in Floyd County."
While both sides stand by their arguments, they admit this case could set new legal precedents.
To dismiss it, and then we're happy and celebrating, then refile charges like that?" he said Thursday. "We didn't have any knowledge that that was going to happen. It's like getting punched in the stomach. It's the sleaziest thing I've ever seen."

How about murdering your own wife and children???
Newswolf said:
Wow, twists and turns and the plot thickens...
Thanks so much for keeping us updated! David Camm really thinks he is shrewd. Do you think that Boney finally talked because Camm was obviously setting him up, with the placement of the sweatshirt under his son's body? I can well imagine that detectives told Boney that he was going down for the crime, regardless. Boney may have made a deal after realizing all of the DNA evidence they had placing him in the home and at the crimescene. I just hope that Camm goes down for this crime.
My gut reaction would be that he will sing like a canary for a really nice deal. That is/was the problem with the Blake case here in LA. Blake's co-conspirator has had an elaborate legal defense, paid for by Blake. From what I heard at the prelim, this man (Blake's handyman) killed her but, because he has taken the 5th Amendment, was not charged. He has continued to hold his own counsel and is a free man. Anyway, all that's besides the point. I am consvinced that, without an elaborate legal strategy, this co-conspirator will allow Camm to vacation behind bars for the rest of his life.
And Blake has also been charged due to his singing voice !!!! Anything to shut him up!!:slap: LOL
Blake's coconspirator is like a white elephant in this trial. The defense even went out of its way to show that the real killer's "to do list" items were part of Blake's daughter's re-building projects at her house. See the shovel there (photo) on the right? etc. It's all unbelievable and nothing can be done about it because the handyman has taken the 5th.
nanandjim said:
Thanks so much for keeping us updated! David Camm really thinks he is shrewd. Do you think that Boney finally talked because Camm was obviously setting him up, with the placement of the sweatshirt under his son's body? I can well imagine that detectives told Boney that he was going down for the crime, regardless. Boney may have made a deal after realizing all of the DNA evidence they had placing him in the home and at the crimescene. I just hope that Camm goes down for this crime.

I think Boney may have caved once the prints came back as a match, from the car the victims were in. The prints, the DNA, the gun, the shoe fetish- bingo! Interesting - the DA says he offered no deals. And he may pursue charges against Camm's brother, who wrote up the insurance policies on Camm's wife and forged her name to them.

Here's the latest I can find:

Prosecutor Keith Henderson declined to comment on the informants' pasts, but did tell WAVE 3's Carrie Harned off camera that he has not offered anyone a deal.

The state's Probable Cause Affidavit does include corroborating statements from Boney and one of the informants. Those statements were taken independent of one another.

The informant told investigators Camm said "The weapon he used in the crime was untraceable."

The factor that changed the prosecution's case was the discovery of Boney's DNA on a sweatshirt found at the scene. Although the sweatshirt was tested in the original trial, nothing came of it at the time. "We swabbed that sweatshirt 90 times," Faith said. "We found two strands of DNA that belonged to an unknown female, we found a partial strand that was consistent with David Camm, we found Kim's blood, we found Brad's blood.... The one thing we did not find was that it was Boney's DNA."

That the sweatshirt had unknown DNA on it was not a surprise to the defense, Faith said. "The defense found unknown DNA right before the trial," he said. "The State Police were asked to check it, and it came back no hit. I found it surprising that the defense never took it up. It looks like that would have aided in their appeal."

The addition of Boney to the case and the new evidence leads Faith to believe that Henderson has new tools that Faith did not in the first trial. "The prosecution now has a stronger case," he said. "Evidence doesn't get much stronger than the high-velocity blood spatter that was found on Camm's T-shirt, but the addition of Boney has filled in a lot of the blanks.
Camm is much scarier looking now than at the first trial. He has put on a lot of weight, and in striped jailhouse garb, is intimidating looking. I'm sorry that Kim's family has to endure another trial but hope they see justice served.
hey all glad to see we are finally into this case here, just to give you a little more info I live about 10 minutes from where this all took place and from all that I have read on this newswolf has done a great job of keep everything up to date so far but there is much more to this case than you all know. I am also personal friiends of Kim Camms Brother in-law Greg Karem. If we can get section started on this case I will be glad to keep all informed and provide all the information that I can as this wild case progresses and just a little input that I know David is guilty and I know that from the inside..I will be able to share more later I am in a rush today and just tripped over this thread so see you all on monday.
Kimmer said:
hey all glad to see we are finally into this case here, just to give you a little more info I live about 10 minutes from where this all took place and from all that I have read on this newswolf has done a great job of keep everything up to date so far but there is much more to this case than you all know. I am also personal friiends of Kim Camms Brother in-law Greg Karem. If we can get section started on this case I will be glad to keep all informed and provide all the information that I can as this wild case progresses and just a little input that I know David is guilty and I know that from the inside..I will be able to share more later I am in a rush today and just tripped over this thread so see you all on monday.
Me too intriguing this case is...I think I may have found the new perp to put in my Smellsarat TV Box!!!
Newswolf said:
...he may pursue charges against Camm's brother, who wrote up the insurance policies on Camm's wife and forged her name to them...
I was wondering what was going on with the brother. Is there a picture of him? Has he spoken out in David's defense? I didn't realize that he forged Kim's signature. :eek: I would say that he had complicity in this crime. They better charge him with something.

ETA: Surely, this brother knows what is going on. Maybe, they can threaten to throw the book at him and then make him a deal if he reveals what he knows. You can't tell me that this guy didn't know what was going on. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going to happen when a life insurance policy is increased and the signature is forged...

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