IN - Kimberly Camm, 35, & 2 children murdered, Georgetown, 28 Sept 2000 *2 earlier trials OVERTURNED

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Hey guys, as usual, the MSM always a step behind the blogosphere! Check it out. Apparently our friend Donnie, or Danny depending on the paper you read, is a real work of art!

I have dispatched various minions living in the Floyds Knobs/Georgetown area where Camm is from so that I can get the lowdown on the Camms. I emailed a local TV reporter for the NBC affiliate and told her to look into the restraining order thing. I will keep you all posted. Peace out.
"A civil lawsuit filed May 30, 2002 by Frank Renn, Kimberly Camm's father, also claims that Daniel Camm illegally made himself the policy's contingent beneficiary -- the person who would receive payments if Kimberly and David Camm, who was the primary beneficiary, died."

"Daniel Camm's license to sell life insurance in Florida was revoked in February 2004 after he was charged with securities fraud in an unrelated case.

He was placed on five years' probation, with a verdict by the court withheld pending the successful completion of probation. Court documents in the case allege he fraudulently obtained investments from two people in 1999."

"In addition to admitting they'd made the insurance policy application look as if Kimberly had signed it while in Tampa, Daniel Camm and Barber also acknowledged listing Daniel Camm's home in Florida as Kim Camm's address, according to testimony in the 2002 trial. They did that, they said, because they were not licensed to sell insurance in Indiana."

- Courier Journal, March 16, 2005
Hi Jimmyp- you beat me to it. I just read this. Sounds like the brother has some legal woes........

Let us know what you drum up!!
jimmypage9129 said:

This is the website for Floyd County court where Camm is being prosecuted. If you type in "Camm" under party search, you can view the case history of the various Camm cases.
My goodness, the Camm clan certainly has a lot of lawsuits pending, don't they?

I hope that Danny/Donnie is arrested soon!
Well, to be fair, some of those cases are either repeats, moot, or cases that were since combined with other actions.
I emailed the local tv Reporter for our NBC affiliate WAVE3 TV and inquired about Camm's older daughter and her story. I got the following response:

Patrick -

Here's the deal. Camm's oldest daughter and ex-wife both asked to be added to the restraining order the Warrick County judge gave Camm when he was released on bond. The Renn's were the only ones listed initially.

I did not cover the verdict in the first trial - but it is my understanding that his daughter was there in support of him and passed out a little after the verdict was read.

Since he's been in prison, I think things have changed, and she no longer wants contact with him. She has declined past requests from the media, although I've never asked her personally. She isn't a central figure in the case, and I'm not sure if she was even clsoe to David at the time of the murders. I'm really not sure what she would have to offer, other than she doesn't want anything to do with him now. I respect her wish to be left alone.

Hope this helps!

Carrie Harned
jimmypage9129 said:
I emailed the local tv Reporter for our NBC affiliate WAVE3 TV and inquired about Camm's older daughter and her story. I got the following response:...
JP - From that response, it sounds like the daughter was at first supportive. If this is so, it doesn't sound like she was molested--unless it happened when she was young and she didn't remember.

Something must have happened to cause the mother and daughter to ask that they be added to the restraining order, though. Wonder what that was??
JimandNan, I certainly have not heard of anything specific which led to Camm's ex and his older daughter to get the RO, but I would speculate that it likely was the one year or so they had to ponder the facts of the case after he was convicted. When they heard that he was getting out, it must have hit them like a load of bricks and they suddenly had a change of heart. Perhaps the girl and her mother think that Camm might want them dead, particularly if they do have damning information about Camm. Then again, it appears that Camm did support this kid vis a vis child support payments, so he wasn't a complete deadbeat, at least to her.
JP - I didn't realize that Camm was that old to have a grown child. I am assuming that Kim knew about his prior marriage and daughter. Surely, he had visitation with her.

David Camm seems like yet another sociopath who fooled yet another nice, sweet woman who wanted nothing more than to have a nice husband, family and home.
Newswolf said:
..Daniel Camm denies signing his sister-in-law Kimberly Camm's name to an application for a $150,000 life-insurance policy issued only a few months before she was murdered in September 2000.

"That's Kim's signature," Daniel Camm said in a telephone interview yesterday.
Uh-huh...Sure...Something's rotten in Denmark... Hope that the ball isn't dropped on this scam.

Did anyone ever collect on this policy?

Wonder what Barber testified to in court??
The companies involved - 2 of them- have turned over $384k to the courts pending the criminal and civil cases. The parents of Kim filed suit for the money. They reportedly received $200k from a policy Kim had through her job.

A neighbor in the Zorn Avenue condominium complex where Boney (pronounced Bo-NAY) was living when he was arrested this month described him as the nicest person in the building, so generous that he helped others carry groceries up the stairs.
But that neighbor, Paul Faust, also recalled that while shoveling snow one day before Christmas, Boney suddenly began talking about the condo president's feet: "He said she has really cute little toes." Then, Faust said, Boney mentioned he had "friends who are into really shady business."
"I didn't want to know about it, so I didn't ask him any questions," Faust said. "It was really creepy."
So Boney has admitted his involvement and that he was there.:razz: ..........brought the weapon AND left the sweatshirt he brought it in.................boy you would think they wouldn't have been that stupid..Camm being a cop and all..........:confused:
What is incredibly sickening about Boney, if I have read the accounts right, is not only was he present. He peered into the car to view the murdered bodies and removed Kim's shoes, I presume to view her feet. This guy is a real sicko.

Neither the defense nor prosecution has ruled out that a third party may have been involved the murders. Uliana also said that unknown female DNA was found on the sweatshirt near Brad's body, and that unknown male DNA not belonging to Boney or Camm has been recovered from Brad's sweatpants.
"There's still a lot of information to look at," Henderson said. "This time I don't anticipate charging a third party, but the investigation is far from over."
OK all I am back sorry for the long delay but I only have the internet on my work PC and my modum has been burned up and just got replaced, Now that all that is out of the way.

Let me give you all a little info about my connection with this case, I also live in southern Indiana and I am also a friend of Greg Karem he is married to to Kim Camms sister, so there is some that I can add and some that for reasons I will not be able to.

I can tell you that the first prosecutor Stan Faith was aware during the first trial that Kimberleys signature had been forged and also that Donny who is living in florida was not licensed in Indiana to sell life insurance, why Mr Faith dropped the ball on the chance to also prosecute this brother has never been understood. but times have changed and so has the prosecutor I dont think
Keith Henderson is going to just let this drop.

I think the general take on the Boney connection is that David got him to meet him with the gun wrapped in the sweatshirt with Boney's prison nickname Backbone written in the back collar thinking that if that was found at the crime scene that there would have never been any suspision placed on David.
During the first trial the Camm family referred to the sweatshirt more than once as did the defense. And I also believe that after the shootings in all the commotion to stage the crime scene, Boney thought that David would get the shirt when David meant to leave it thinking it would lead the police away from himself.

This will be a intresting trial this time since we do have an eyewitness who is signing like a bird.

Also on the older daughter and ex-wife I think the reason they have stepped away from david is because the prosecution now has sworn testimony from at least 2 people david confessed the murders to while he was in jail. I think when that information came to light they knew how sick he really is.

I will add more later.
Thanks you really have a connection here don't you??

By the way last week Nancy Grace had a small piece on the case...wonder if she will continue to pursue it on her new show??:waitasec:

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