IN IN - Kristy Kelley, 27, Boonville, 15 Aug 2014 #2

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But, I do think the perp was someone she knew and not a stranger.

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I personally don't think so MommyDoll2. But that's just me. I think it was someone she thought she could trust that took advantage of her. Maybe he realized she didn't have her phone and couldn't be tracked. I'm not sure but I really feel this wasn't a stranger.

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Post 142 (the new forum won't allow me to link an individual post - what's up with that?)

By the time I returned to Kristy's case, thread one was closed. Thanks to everyone who responded to my questions and thoughts at the end of thread one.

The link above is a transcript from the J. V. Mitchell show when Kristy's mom answered Jane's questions.
Earlier I posted that Kristy's phone was placed/left on a shelf in the VFW restroom by the cleaning person who found it. WRONG!
The shelf was only mentioned by Kristy's mom when she was imagining a scenario where Kristy may have placed it there (she used the word "shelf") so as not to drop it. Somehow my mind made a leap and twisted the story. Sorry.
The phone was left/found in the bathroom but where it was located (floor, sink, stall) I haven't read those details.

Plus, I thought the phone had been found before the employees left the building for the night. Someone responded that the phone wasn't discovered until the following morning. I'm unclear what, if anything, was done regarding the phone - if it was found on with battery power, or if it was found off without battery power, etc. Haven't read any of those details other than when someone heard Kristy was missing, they connected the phone left behind the night before might belong to her.

After Bingo ended by 10:30 p.m. (per an earlier post), how many people move over to the bar area and stay around? Does the group consist of mixed ages or mostly older people? Kristy is only 27. By older I mean people who could be her parents and older. Did Kristy play Bingo or just happen to be there on a Thursday night?
Also still thinking about releases from jail.

Are people released late at night? Or are you thinking a person might have gone directly to the VFW earlier on Thursday upon their release? How might this scenario play out?
Wonder what time Kristy and the couple (her friends) arrived at the VFW and if they all played Bingo or not.
I feel almost the same way only I think she encountered the perp outside of the VFW when she went back to get her phone.

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After reading over the news links, I realize LE isn't sure if the vehicle spotted 20 minutes later is Kristy's.
It seems as if LE is pretty sure the earlier video is of Kristy's vehicle but can't be sure if Kristy is driving.
After reading over the news links, I realize LE isn't sure if the vehicle spotted 20 minutes later is Kristy's.
It seems as if LE is pretty sure the earlier video is of Kristy's vehicle but can't be sure if Kristy is driving.

I'm not sure if that was her vehicle the second time. But if it's not, it doesn't mean she couldn't have taken a different route and wasn't captured on surveillance video. Know what I mean? I still think she went back to get her phone when she realized it was missing.

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Jmo, I believe both images were of her car, mainly because of the lack of other traffic, apparently, at that time and place. If she did make it all the way to the other bar, she may have run into someone she knew in the parking lot. Maybe she said she was going back for her phone and they wanted to ride with her? And maybe even drove, since it seems like the car was possibly going faster in the later image? And did not take her to the bar/VFW at all.

Just seems to me she ran into someone she knew, somewhere after leaving the first bar. But Then I think, why she would even go to SS without waiting for her friend; if she was suddenly tired, wiped out, etc I would think she would just leave and go straight home. And maybe did not tell her friend because her friend/bartender did not want her driving?

So...I don't know what to think. I do think she wanted her phone back that night, to avoid the hassle the next day, going to work without it. So either way, I think she was heading back for it. An accident, if she wasn't headed out of town for some reason (seems unlikely) probably should have been discovered by now in this relatively small area. So that becomes less likely to me by the day...

All jmo
If it possibly wasn't her car on the second video, then that could mean that she was accosted outside of the VFW, taken then, with her car and it headed out of town for parts unknown and is nowhere near the area in which she disappeared. She could have been taken to one of several other states. I had caught that awhile back that the second video was never verified by anyone. So it could mean she headed out of town, with or without help. IMO
I have a bad feeling about those stripper pits.... I'm wondering, like a poster before me said, have they been looking for tire tracks, damaged vegetation around these pits? Is that something that would be noticeable? I'm baffled that they haven't found her car!!! All moo of course.

Love Kills
Jmo, I believe both images were of her car, mainly because of the lack of other traffic, apparently, at that time and place. If she did make it all the way to the other bar, she may have run into someone she knew in the parking lot. Maybe she said she was going back for her phone and they wanted to ride with her? And maybe even drove, since it seems like the car was possibly going faster in the later image? And did not take her to the bar/VFW at all.

Just seems to me she ran into someone she knew, somewhere after leaving the first bar. But Then I think, why she would even go to SS without waiting for her friend; if she was suddenly tired, wiped out, etc I would think she would just leave and go straight home. And maybe did not tell her friend because her friend/bartender did not want her driving?

So...I don't know what to think. I do think she wanted her phone back that night, to avoid the hassle the next day, going to work without it. So either way, I think she was heading back for it. An accident, if she wasn't headed out of town for some reason (seems unlikely) probably should have been discovered by now in this relatively small area. So that becomes less likely to me by the day...

All jmo

If it were me, and I went to the ss, and realized I left my phone, if I was afraid I would get pulled over by police, I might ask someone to drive or go in the bar and use a friends cell to call the bartender to see if I left it there and if anyone was there to let me in. Or to see if she found it and took it home. Wonder where the bartender lives and if she was going to go over to her house? I hope the cell holds some good clues as to if she had contact with any shady people in town. I used to party with some shady people when I was that age to do recreational drugs on the weekends for fun. I keep feeling like she was involved with some people that she should have not trusted and maybe was depressed after the fight and was going to do something that put her at risk of being taken advantage of. It isn't uncommon for people to leave the bar and go someone secluded where they won't be seen by police. I also feel like maybe she let someone drive her car and they took her somewhere she shouldn't have went. Too many possibilities at this point, but I too am leaning towards it being someone she knew, or somewhat knew vs. just some random abduction. Maybe I am wrong. I keep having nightmares about water. I think it is all the focus I am putting on this case and the thoughts that run through my head. Kristy- we are trying with all we have to find you!!! We won't give up!!!
Im afraid if her car is in a pit it will never be found. I also agree it could be in any state by now. Even with an apb on her car unless someone got stopped for a trAffic violation it may not be noticed for a long time. Just wondering is any locals didnt show up for work that morning?
I don't know what to think anymore...

An accident seems the least likely scenario to me now, but of course, it is still possible.

I wish that it was her taking off and being someplace safe, but that just doesn't seem right to me.

Foul play or "the other possibility" (I can't even type the word out, after the JH case) seem the most likely to me right now, but that is only based off what I know, which doesn't feel
like much...the details of the evening (interactions/cellphone info/possible text, etc.) are things I sure hope have been somewhat enlightening to LE, as far as what direction they are taking...

So there it is. I don't know what to think. Not real helpful, eh?:no:
This is a true mystery, isn't it?

I was pretty confident Kristy had an accident, but the longer this goes I'm losing that confidence. If foul play is involved, I think it was someone close to Kristy. They sure went out of their way to hide her car.

I'm starting to wonder if she didn't make it home and was accosted right there while she was looking for her phone. I'm feeling shades of the woman from Florida who was on a court tv show. I apologize for not remembering her name. IIRC her phone helped solve that case. It's a damn shame Kristy's phone was left at the VFW.

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You don't have to follow True Crime that long to realize that that in homicides, the effort the perp makes to conceal the body corresponds very strongly with how close the perp was to the victim. There are definite advantages in having "no body", particularly for someone with an obvious motive but I think there is also a psychological factor. Something about "denial" that the murder actually happened. I just can't see a situation where a stranger would have abducted Kristy (at the VFW or near the SS) and took her deep into the woods on private property, dispose of the vehicle and the body and for the perp to WALK back to his car or home. It would be extremely unusual. Yes, there might have been two of them with a second car, but that would also be extremely unusual.

A stranger sexually motivated abduction usually involved a point of abduction that is where ever it is available. The perp will then take the victim to aIt may also be a spot that can be linked to the perp. second crime scene where he feels save. This is where the sex crime and murder will occur and where or he is most likely to leave forensic evidence. It may also be a spot that can be linked to the perp. leave it in plain view. The perp will then dispose of the body in a third crime scene that he has no ties to. He may make some effort to conceal the body but the primary consideration is getting away from there with out leaving any forensic evidence.

I'm not ready to rule out an accident but it would likely involve Kristy driving beyond anywhere she would be expected to go. There have been other case where a woman takes off without letting anyone know. This is certainly a possibility

Law Enforcement must now seriously consider everyone Kristy knew well enough to let them in her car who might have had a motive to do her in.
In a smallish town, one would think between phone records, social media and local gossip, LE should be aware of most everyone in her life by now...also LE usually knows the local "creeps" etc. and probably lots of people have been checked out, Imo. But the car being missing is mystifying. No one who could turn up on LE's radar regarding Kristy would want to keep it on their property, Imo.

Yet an accident is hard to believe at this point, unless she was never heading home in the first place and drove off and out of the area first.
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