IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #11

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I find the time the game began to be irrelevant because they could have had it on DVR to watch later.

Possibilty. But its the FINALS of the NBA playoffs. They were out and about, at bars, which means they would not be able to avoid the game. Just doesn't seem likely to me.
I just tried to post, quoting an earlier post about someone who might match the description of 3:38 mystery man. Got a message that my post wouldn't appear until approved by moderator. Went back to the post I was quoting, and saw that it's been deleted.

I'm guessing the person named in the post I was quoting hasn't been mentioned in MSM. So sorry about violating forum rules!
I've thought about this too.....what if JR or CR or one of the others did something else to P*ss off their dealers? The "big guys" could have showed up and taken LS, killed her - whatever. This could be a VERY big reason why the kids won't talk - they're scared to death! IMO this would make me think a bit differently of them.....they would go from maybe kids who are scared of getting in trouble, to kids who are scared for their lives or those of their families. Yes, I know this is really grasping, but stranger things have happened.

Also, someone a few posts back mentioned heroin. I highly doubt that's what they were using. Heroin is HIGHLY addictive and you can usually tell a Heron Junkie from a distance.....this drug completely alters one's appearance in a very short amount of time b/c the person becomes addicted very very quickly. They will do almost anything to get their "fix". Their faces might be broken out, very skinny (almost emaciated). Unless this was their (all of them) first or second time to ever use it, it's just nearly impossible to be caught up in heroin and making 92's on papers!

I understand that LSD is REALLY big on campuses now, as are mushrooms and other psychedelic mind-altering drugs. Bath salts and herbs (such as Salvia) are also quite common. Youtube Salvia and watch how kids react on that - scary.

Your first paragraph makes a lot of sense to me and I welcome the theory as a new one to explain the almost inexplicable. Regarding heroin--no, I would not think it was anything but a first or second time. I'm almost sorry I mentioned it because I don't want to cause drama, but whatever. Bath salts and herbs? Who knew?!
#4 Outright murder - perhaps by JW, out of jealous, or someone else. Not sure I believe this, but it's possible.

The one thing that speaks against this is there's no crime scene. She could have been murdered in a non-bloody way, i guess.
I just tried to post, quoting an earlier post about someone who might match the description of 3:38 mystery man. Got a message that my post wouldn't appear until approved by moderator. Went back to the post I was quoting, and saw that it's been deleted.

I'm guessing the person named in the post I was quoting hasn't been mentioned in MSM. So sorry about violating forum rules!

That shouldn't happen here at WS. There aren't any words blocked out, for example. I've never seen a message about awaiting moderation here...did you try again?
Maybe it happened because the other post was no longer there...
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't like 5 North. I'm suspect of the fact there are no security cameras. Even tho we're talking about a small geographical area, it's worlds apart, to me, from the area just south of the empty gravel lot behind it. It's like the edge of civilization. I've always had an icky vibe from the area, and 5 North particularly, even before this.
I know that it has been reported that there have been dogs used in certain areas amd aspects of this case.. But iirc there hasn't been any dogs used in the specific areas she disappeared.. As in cadaver dogs brought in to search 5North and POI 's well as the dumpsters that many have mentioned???

This IMO seems like SOP for this type case.. So I'm wondering ?? I understand dogs used to follow scent would be useless here with her having walked these areas on a regular basis and the dogs would not be able to discern which was her most recent path.. Nut with the cadaver dogs it would rule out or rule in that there were indications of human remains in am apt, car, dumpster, etc...

SOP as well as could also be extremely informative either way with the presence of remains being detected or absent of any sign of remains..again SOP And seems like commonly used police tactics that help to solves cases such as this..
Articles from should be discounted. It's a waste of our time. is a loose network of contributors -- unverified information -- and I've found some of the stuff posted by RS is just simply made up.
That shouldn't happen here at WS. There aren't any words blocked out, for example. I've never seen a message about awaiting moderation here...did you try again?
Maybe it happened because the other post was no longer there...

I think the original post was removed by mod; it named someone who might match the description of dark-skinned man with LS. I'm not sure where the original poster got the info- another forum? Facebook? Anyway, I'm sure it violates WS rules about posting names that haven't been published in MSM.
I think the original post was removed by mod; it named someone who might match the description of dark-skinned man with LS. I'm not sure where the original poster got the info- another forum? Facebook? Anyway, I'm sure it violates WS rules about posting names that haven't been published in MSM.

It might violate rules, but the post/forum would not "know" that, is what I would be allowed to post and then you might get deleted by a MOD here...
Different angle:

IU is certainly NOT PLEASED with this case. A student is missing and likely dead, which is bad enough. On top of that, their party/drinking/drug problem has been nationally exposed. On top of that, their highly lucrative flow of out-of-state-students has been shown in an embarrassing light. No, IU is certainly not pleased.

At what point does the school take action? Here we have, at minimum, a group of IU students involved in a cover-up. Heavy drug use as well as drug dealing are all but proven. Guilty of LS's disappearance or not, the PsOI have brought considerable shame and damage upon their school. When will IU expel these students? It seems to me they should do it on principal alone.

I think IU has responded appropriately by giving space to the search effort on campus. However, this same situation could happen ANYWHERE, as this was an off-campus situation where there common connection happened to be that they were college students. Until we have confirmation of what the actual involvement was on the part of this group of friends, I think IU does not have to do anything more.

Further - IU requires all incoming students to take an online course called ALCOHOL U before they can register for classes. Additionally, a Dean addresses drug/alcohol use WITH PARENTS during orientation. I attended it in the summer of 2009 when my daughter was there for orientation.

It is no secret that there is drug/alcohol use on every campus in American, particularly large ones like IU. So I don't think the fact that we have several students mentioned on this forum who are known to use drugs and alcohol make this any different than other colleges. HOWEVER, the idea that they MAY have been involved LS's disappearance sets this group apart. JMO
FWIW, I found a Sept 2008 high school newspaper with a pic of ZO, who was a senior at the time. Newspaper asked students, "Should the drinking age be lowered?" ZO replied, "I have a fake ID, I don't care."
If you quote a post, and the post is deleted before you hit "submit", you'll receive an error message and the post won't go through.
FWIW, I found a 2008 high school newspaper with a pic of ZO, who was a senior at the time. Newspaper asked students, "Should the drinking age be lowered?" ZO replied, "I have a fake ID, I don't care."
High school newspaper? No. It's recent enough that some students are still minors, and even if they aren't, they are not involved in this case. Besides, we're treading on thin ice referring to this person. He's not been named in any MSM articles that I've seen. If that's changed, please let me know. Thanks.
FWIW, I found a Sept 2008 high school newspaper with a pic of ZO, who was a senior at the time. Newspaper asked students, "Should the drinking age be lowered?" ZO replied, "I have a fake ID, I don't care."

Will you please post a link? I'm interested in the article.
Will you please post a link? I'm interested in the article.

Sorry I can't. I asked if it was okay to post a link (then changed my mind a minute later and deleted that line of my post). Moderator bessie says we're treading on thin ice.

Cover story of student newspaper was about lowering the drinking age. Just a small pic of ZO with that quote below it- that's the only mention of ZO as far as I could see. The reason I wanted to post it is because another unnamed person went to the same high school and was pictured in the newspaper.
Besides, we're treading on thin ice referring to this person. He's not been named in any MSM articles that I've seen. If that's changed, please let me know. Thanks.

I could swear that ZO was previously mentioned as the puncher somewhere in MSM. Although at this point forums and MSM are mixed in my mind. Does anyone have a link handy? I really think more discussion of ZO is warranted.
I could swear that ZO was previously mentioned as the puncher somewhere in MSM. Although at this point forums and MSM are mixed in my mind. Does anyone have a link handy? I really think more discussion of ZO is warranted.

No, if you google his name, you will see references here and also some other forums but not MSM that I can find...probably should even be posted here, by his full name, but it must have been as it is out there.
I could swear that ZO was previously mentioned as the puncher somewhere in MSM. Although at this point forums and MSM are mixed in my mind. Does anyone have a link handy? I really think more discussion of ZO is warranted.

In the comments section, yes, but not the article, afaik. More discussion may be warranted, but the name has not been mentioned to my knowledge.
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