IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #12

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Great point. This has been problematic from a searcher's point of view, as well. If you focus only on where students hang out, you will miss many more likely places she could be in the instance of random abduction by a local (such as was the case with Jill Behrman). But then you have to consider that if it was a POI, how well did this person know Bloomington and the surrounding area? Did he participate in Little 500, and so would know all the little country roads where the riders train? Was he a hiker? Two of the people who are not mentioned in MSM as POIs are from Indy-- what back roads do they know? The places where people hang out in the summer is the last place you would want to dump a body because, well, people are hanging out there and she would be found quickly. What if you got out there and there was someone already there? Or someone pulled up while you were removing the body? It's not impossible, but to be able to hide her in plain sight, undetected in a place like Griffey, which is constantly used this time of year (and with dogs in the same numbers of humans), would require an amazing level of luck. But at the same time, it's not something that we automatically rule out. Searching is an unbelievably frustrating task because there are so many variables. But as I've said before, we're not giving up.

This is all true in so many ways. If it was a random abduction, that abductor would need to think about so many things, like where would people NOT be at that time of night, and even one of the friends, or friend of friends would need to think the same way. I would think that had it been someone random, they wouldn't necessarily care where they put her, even if that meant someone would find her. That wouldn't be the case with friends.
Re: anyone been found because of websleuths ..

Bessie you probably will know the case.. It was solved with the help of websleuths. Infact the murderer was posting here in the forum trying to throw ppl off..

Iirc it was the case where the woman befriended a homeless man and somehow had a policy of some sort taken out and had him make her the beneficiary. After doing so she killed him and iirc correctly she had him buried in her newly poured concrete outdoor patio in her backyard..

I know websleuths was somehow positively involved in resolution brought to the case. It was Tricia herself that I heard speak about it..

Bessie do u remember the case I am speaking of?
This is all true in so many ways. If it was a random abduction, that abductor would need to think about so many things, like where would people NOT be at that time of night, and even one of the friends, or friend of friends would need to think the same way. I would think that had it been someone random, they wouldn't necessarily care where they put her, even if that meant someone would find her. That wouldn't be the case with friends.

That's true, unless they are a true serial and intend to "visit" the bodies, for example, many times vicitms of random perps are found pretty quickly, sometimes before it is known they are even missing, as with the Katie Sepich case I was posting about above. The random perp doesn't expect to be connected to the victim so they do what is easiest for them, often.
forgive me if any of this has been said as I have not read all the posts.

I can certainly believe that given Lauren's general medical problems and her state of intoxication that night, she experienced some sort of medical emergency. having said that, I am trying to play a script in my mind, keeping in mind all the actors have been partying and there is a very short window of time to act or react.

without reference to particular males as I can't be certain whom she was with at any time besides what's found on videos, suppose she is at John Doe's apt when she has her medical emergency. I can see John Doe panicking. does John Doe act alone and dispose of a body without calling anyone? possible but not likely IMO.

so John Doe calls Jack Doe and says "oh s--t, Lauren is not responding, there's something seriously wrong with her". I would think Jack Doe would say "call an ambulance" or "hide or flush the drugs then call an ambulance".

I doubt John DOe would ask Jack Doe to help him dispose of a body without knowing what the reation would be as Jack Doe could easily say "are you f-----g nuts?" and at that point, John Doe's intentions are exposed without a helper. whie it is not impossible, I find it hard to believe that even these spoiled brats would have a meeting of the minds at 4 a.m. to work together to ditch a body. even more hard for me to believe is that they could do it without anyone having spilled the beans by now.

I will assume, and I know the pitfalls of that, that LE has checked their vehicles. without getting graphic I believe (although am not sure) that a freshly deceased person in this situation would emit some sort of bodily fluid such as vomit, or other bodily functions if lying dead in a car. even if they undertook such an endeavor, the clean up would be apparent, if in fact the vehicles were checked.

a dumpster is a diferent story, which is where the body of Andrew Compton was supposedly dumped after his death. however, with cameras in the area, one or two intoxicated males could easily be seen by cameras dragging or carrying a body-sized object to a dumpster.

so the long and the short of it is, I don't see that scenario, although it is possible.

It has become increasingly unlikely that this was some "random abduction".
The white truck being ruled out, now also serves at yet another person in the area who did not see Lauren, and could be used to rule out other possibilities.

To me this means that a planned act is now more or as likely as a random act, with both seeming to be slim - unless one of her friends has links to international human trafficking (which is likely to become the #1 worlds most profitable criminal activity soon). I can think of scenarios why one of these so called "friends" or acquaintances would sell her into such slavery.

However, the most likely scenario to me is and has always been an accidental death scenario, and most likely linked with drugs and/or alcohol.

You bring an interesting point up, and also make false assumptions.
The false assumptions are that if there was an accident, the resulting conspiracy would have been a panic driven, sloppy, and involve phones. It may or may not have involved phones, and they may have had cool heads.

Here are some things I have been thinking about in relation to this:

1) CR's apparent amnesia and being "tucked" into bed. Every time I see videos or photos of this guy he seems to be a "joker" even when he says he's "praying" for Lauren... he has a sort of jokester smirk and sort of chuckle. Even when it's photgraphed with his fat lip and bulging eye, he's sort of of grinning. I've still not heard why he was punched. But I have known people with this sort of "class clown" personality. They do tend to irritate those who do not have much of a sense of humor. So if there is a conspiracy my guess is that CR is not the mastermind, he would be going along with it to avoid culpability for his role, and it's pretty easy to hide behind the amnesia thing - which redirected focus on those who hit him, as well getting him "off the hook" so to speak. Does anyone know yet why he was punched?

2) MB via the common CR/MB lawyer made it a point to say that LS asked if he was interested in Partying. But earlier he also said she didn't want to stay and left. Putting these things together creates some inconsistencies for me. a) If Lauren "had it" at 2:30 and CR apparently walked her home (not necessarily because he was in any better shape, or because he was such a gentleman... it simply was on the way to his place) She seemed "motivated" to go home, and wasn't she motivated to see or talk with JW? Then why more than a half hour later would she be wanting to "Party" as per MB? Someone who lives in that kind of lifestyle should be able to answer with some clue about how likely that would be. Sure, you could say that she was just out of it... but MB made it sound like she was "motivated". Motivated not to stay, and motivated to Party. I find the idea that she would just hang out some more, have some beers and smoke some pot to seem unlikely at that hour and not so "motivating". And if that were the case... why not just hang at CR/MB's? The "motivation" to me seems that there was something a lot more interesting going on, that would both keep her "partying" and cause her to leave CR/MB's. What could it have been? That of course leads to speculation about stimulants like Cocaine, or some other concoction. I've heard no other theory that provides the "motivation" for LS as indicated. Another thought entered my mind... as this information is coming from their Lawyer Salzman... CR's amnesia and insistence that "I was not the last person with her" combined with MB's... "she wanted to party" and "she didn't want to stay" statements... is to cause us to turn our heads and look at who else was there and point the finger at them. Yet, if it were a conspiracy that involved those other people, would that make sense? Surely if there were others involved who were more culpable they would know that CR/MB would have to say something... and if a plan were agreed, this could fit into it. For example...
JR and ?? might have told CR - just say you can't remember anything... and MB ... just say she went with us.... because then JR and/or ?? would then
be the only ones that really knew what happened after that. What they would be concealing would be perhaps the more exact nature of the drugs and/or cause for an accident(which they didn't witness). CR/MB may have known exactly what drugs were involved, and CR may have ingested drugs with LS(perhaps from the same source)... but whatever happened, may have happened later when CR was not around. So CR/MB's involvement as a conspiracy could be limited to simply not being forthcoming about drugs or who had them. In this way, there is nothing for them to "spill" beyond what they already have. Because by MB saying "partying" it implies drugs and by talking about the motivation... he obviously wasn't the one who had them - he's pointing that finger down a few doors. And CR who obviously was really messed up from being beaten (doubtful) or downing an awful lot of alcohol in about 1 hr.(hard to believe it was just alcohol, but possible) also would not be the "supplier" because LS would have hung around... if CR had the stuff she wanted and that were her "motivation".

3) The most culpable person in this the way I see it is JR. There was someone else there with JR at CR/MB's WHO? JR somehow "motivates" LS to go to his place to "party" MB probably knows full well what substances were available in this invitation. Why not spell it out? Why say "partying" instead of coke, xanax-coke mix, bath salts, etc? The reason for that choice of words to me is to "hint" at the reasons for her death, without directly implicating the substance and thereby the supply chain. If there is a murder trial implicating CR/MB as conspirators, Salzman just has to how CR/MB didn't do it, he doesn't have to show exactly what happened and how. Defending someone is not about the truth, it's about creating enough doubt about your clients guilt that they can't or won't get convicted. The truth unfortunately isn't what matters. And in this case, 'partying' is one level of truth, but instead saying "went with JR and ?? to speedball some more xanax+coke like she and CR and DR did earlier that evening would be a whole different level of truth. Then consider... if CR/MB thought that LS did die accidentally, what good would it do detail the truth about drug use and suppliers? they might reason that it's not going to bring LS back, and the stuff is something they all may have used and could have happened to any one of them. They may view it as an accident and not see how "ratting" in a more specific way helps their own situation (and it doesn't appear that it would).

The other possibility is that LS never made it to CR/MB's and something happened (perhaps linked to the "activity" last caught on camera). In that event, MB would clearly be lying, but still hinting at a cause. I think this is a possibility because I'm not convinced that she wanted to "party" it's what MB said... via Salzman. JR would need to explain that partying...
and the mystery person who may have been at JR's...

3) Phones... Well CR/MB lived 2 doors down... just as easy to knock, especially if the lights are on and maybe a curtain is open a little. We also don't know if these people locked their doors every time someone can in and went out. It might have been common to only lock them when leaving or going to bed, etc... In that case... JR could just have come back in and had a quick conversation, no phones needed.

Another possibility is another set of phones. Anyone involved with trafficking is going to have multiple phones and keep swapping them around. very easy to get rid of those...

But then there is the call to DR at 4:15 am from JR's.... we don't know who made the call. But consider this. JR may have come up with the statement that LS left based on the time of that call. He may have indeed called DR himself possibly to get help or discuss being quiet about the drugs... But then he would have had to explain that call. Since DR didn't answer... he then would need to have LS leaving after that time and blame the call on her.

Ok... given what I know (and please please, show me how this theory is not possible or has holes)

I have 2 main ideas but both of them lead to body removal (and possibly abduction).

First idea is that "activity" caught on cam showed something that may have begun LS's demise. Until we know what that activity was, it's hard to rule that out. Another thing that supports this as the location of some "incident" is that her purse was found very close to this spot. So, if she just had a heart attack and fell down right here... letting go of her purse...
what would CR do? Would he try CPR? Would he pick her up and bring her to his place? Would he instead go to JR's? Whatever he would have done, would have happened fairly quickly. What if... he reached into his pocket, pulled out his keys opened his car and put her inside(LE checked his car didn't they?) he could have even started doing this thinking he would take her to a hospital... but...what if she was clearly dead by then? Now, by this time she may have urinated, etc... it still might be leaking out, but not gushing out. He might have used another car for this too... maybe he had enough of a brain working to think... wow she's dead, I can't put her into my car. Or maybe he just pulled her behind something... a bush, a dumpster... someplace to temporarily put her out of site - maybe even unintentionally out of sight. Remember that LS is very small and very light, and if she lost a lot of bodily fluid, even lighter. CR could then go explain what happened to at least 3 people... all of whom may have been linked by the drugs but not wanting that exposed. And so then the subsequent series of events. Perhaps MB then agrees to cover for CR while JR and ?? go to check on LS. They find that she is indeed dead. OR the other scenario... she went to CR/MB's then goes to "party" at JR's with ?? and something goes wrong. Either way.... JR and ?? are involved and have her dead body. Now they decide to put her into something... What? At 100lb.s 4'11" after body fluid loss a person could fit into a lot of things... a gym bag, a suitcase... even a beer cooler, maybe even a cooler that has a handle and wheels... most guys that age can lift 100lbs so putting her into something and then putting that into a vehicle could be done very quickly and not look strange at all. So... for example if simple beer cooler were used, she could be entirely placed inside and then that placed inside of a vehicle probably within 3 to 5 minutes. There would be very little chance of DNA getting out of that. Ice could be put on top too, to slow any decomposition... Such a cooler may have already been in the back of someone's vehicle... making it possible to shorten the time further if her body were still down in the lot area. But then the only one apparently around was AA who found her purse. They could have seen him and paused and waited for him to go inside, or the event could have happened an hour later if inside JR's or ??'s . Now, depending on what car the cooler is in... someone has to drive off with it, maybe they drive to Michigan and put the body in one of thousands of places up there Lake Michigan is vast... and then ditch the cooler somewhere else. Who would think anything suspicious about a cooler left at a campground or found empty in a dumpster hundreds of miles away? I'm sure thousands of coolers are left behind every summer.
Still very little chance of any DNA or decomposition evidence in the vehicle itself. And even things like LS's hair in JR/MB/DR/CR's or mystery person's car could have got there legitimately because they all where around her or in places where she was. If someone left with the body immediately and it were well packaged/concealed I doubt there would be any significant evidence. In a college person's apartment I'm sure if you checked the rugs you could find, traces of all sorts of people's hair, vomit, urine, etc... If you found blood you'd have to have enough to match the DNA.

Ok, then there is that witness who LE doens't seem to believe that says they saw LS (who may have been dead at the time) and then her getting slung over their shoulder at around 3:38 am. This could also fit the timeline and body disposal theory, but it would involve this additional "Dark" person doing the clean up. My question here is... Does the ?? person at JR's match this person's description? (even if she wasn't deceased, she could have knowingly been abducted... How you ask? Well if you do business with gangsters you don't ask questions... worse if you owe gangsters favors or money the way you settle your debts isn't always as you would like)

With this new witness and her roommate saying there were on 11th in front of 5 North College around the times JR said he saw LS leave and turn down N. College I'm increasingly thinking it's very unlikely she ever left that building or parking lot (or of her own will if she was alive). I'm also thinking JR is not telling the truth. The question, in my view is WHY would he be lying.
I come up with the answer... To protect someone (or himself) and cover for what happened to LS or her body. I'm thinking very strongly that he said she left at 4:15 to 4:30 because that's when "someone" made the call to DR. Otherwise he could have said she left at 3:15 or 3:30. But since he knew about that call (even if he is the one that made it) he decided to say she made the call to create confusion for the investigation and to cover himself. If he had called DR. to tell him something... JR probably later realized he would have to explain that call, so might as well make it seem like LS made the call. Because if she really died at 3:20 or was subdued and knowingly abducted and someone was covering it up at 3:38 Placing her at JR's at 4:15 would create a cover or discrepancy for anything someone else might have saw... AND IT HAS. Also, if he said the last time he saw her was 3:30, then LE would be very curious why he was calling DR. at 4:15. I would also be curious... WHEN JR made that statement to LE. Because it was not public about her phone and shoes being being left at Kilroy's right away. If JR had time to learn about that from the media then he could explain the call away later based on that knowledge. But if he made that statement before the information was public, or before he could have talked with CR, etc... then it would give JR some credibility. I have a feeling that he made this statement quite a bit after the fact so he would have known about the missing phone by then. And then you would have to ask, why didn't he tell LE about that call right away?... because surely it was just about the last thing she would have done before leaving JR's. One should think... hmm... she was calling DR... maybe she went to his place... did anyone check there? But no, it's more like JR knows what happened to her and then cooked up this story about her turning the corner.

I'm also curious about how JR chose this particular Lawyer of his...
I know he's represented Mike Tyson, but he wouldn't also happen to be defending suspected drug dealers and drug kingpins would he? A few weeks ago I proposed the possibility that someone higher up the chain was around and helped cover up to keep the heat off of their drug distribution.
So a little twist on the above scenarios... what if it was delivery day for a new batch of ... coke or whatever and the delivery person were hanging around a bit. LS keels over in their presence... and so suddenly they are responsible for making this thing go away. So they take care of the whole mess and tell JR what to do, and even suggest perhaps... hey... use MY lawyer here's his number... Just a hunch. This would be another plausible explanation of why they wouldn't just call an ambulance. Perhaps if this other person werent' there that's what would have happened. Perhaps cool heads prevailed because there was a professional sitting right there when it happened.

Finally, Why are so many people searching all over the place when they haven't searched The numerous Quarries in the area where a body would decompose rapidly from the alkaline, or the sewers right around 5 North College? If this was an inside job (at least to hide an accidental death) and these people are very intelligent, then it seems unlikely they would just toss her out in a field or woods somewhere. It seems far more likely they would stash her body where it would either be moved later, rapidly decompose, be hard to find, hard to get to, etc....
And if some more urban gangster was there and she passed accidentally or he decided to sell her into the underworld...
searching at all might prover fruitless.
I guess we now know who the 3rd person that Salzman referred to in the statement that 3 other people could corroborate seeing LS AFTRR he was in bed.. We know MB and JR were always 2 of the 3.. And now I take it that number 3 is JR's hometown buddy that was staying with him that night...

Wonder if he was asked to submit DNA as well and if so dis he comply??

So very many more questions than answers. And every new detail that we learn really only poses 10+ more questions than giving us any answers..
I mentioned the sewers yesterday, don't know if LE or searchers have done that or not. I could think that would be up to sewer workers to do that though. I know the reason that LE doesn't want us to really know what has been searched and what hasn't been. My thinking is, they feel that the less we the public know, the less likely that the perp would be able to find out the same info. But then I have a thought even about that, which is, if the perp knew which locations that would be being searched, he just may attempt to go and move her. LE would likely already need to be positioned at those search areas to watch the coming and going.
Were would the kids hang out in the summer time, such as camping places, etc?

The limestone quaries, lake monroes, forest surrounding it, possibly lake lemon/lake Griffey area. Not sure about this group though.

Honestly the east coast type that attended iu never seemed like the type to camp out in the woods in south central Indiana. This could be my mistaken impression though...
The limestone quaries, lake monroes, forest surrounding it, possibly lake lemon/lake Griffey area. Not sure about this group though.

Honestly the east coast type that attended iu never seemed like the type to camp out in the woods in south central Indiana. This could be my mistaken impression though...

I am getting very frustrated with this whole "east coast" stereotype.. I understand where people get it from, but it is quite offensive to us east coasters that have moved here and adopted the Midwest way of living. This east coaster is going to brown county to camp tomorrow!

I understand you most likely don't mean it offensively but we are portrayed in quite a negative light here.
For those of you with better info than most of us, is RA a real person in this case?
I am getting very frustrated with this whole "east coast" stereotype.. I understand where people get it from, but it is quite offensive to us east coasters that have moved here and adopted the Midwest way of living. This east coaster is going to brown county to camp tomorrow!

I understand you most likely don't mean it offensively but we are portrayed in quite a negative light here.

And this native Hoosier now lives in NYC and I can tell you I was hesitant to move here based on the east coasters I knew at iu, but upon discovering there were mane different kinds of east coasters after moving here, there is definitely a type that attends iu. Just my opinion, no offense meant with my opinion.
I googled 'waffle house bloomington' reviews mention drunk college kids, wide variety of clientele. Logic seems LS would be wandering down College Ave to get home, unless she was looking for another party place. Anyways 'waffle house' is open 24hrs - so IMO- random person still seems quite possible to me. JMO
I googled 'waffle house bloomington' reviews mention drunk college kids, wide variety of clientele. Logic seems LS would be wandering down College Ave to get home, unless she was looking for another party place. Anyways 'waffle house' is open 24hrs - so IMO- random person still seems quite possible to me. JMO

Doesn't waffle house have cameras?
The article this morning said that MB was in the initial group partying at JR's...I thought his lawyer said he was busy all evening writing those two papers? This was before Lauren set off again, this time for the bar.|topnews|text|

It would be good to know if MB like to party and what that exactly meant to him... It seems partying to some people means ice cream cake and balloons and to other people it is a more specific reference to drugs well beyond pot and alcohol. MB's context definitely seemed to allude to something more interesting than pot. So I would like to know what he would list under that category and would like to see the immunity for drug discussion deals so that we can see more clearly what was going on.
I dunno if the "waffle house " has cameras. But from the pics its seems to have lots of windows, and since LS was wearing white top she would be noticable. JMO
I'm not sure what the rules here are about posting names of sex offenders but there is one who works at the Waffle House. If this is inappropriate, Bessie please delete.
I agree with you on this, in that I think it's pretty big too. This friend was staying at JR's place, and JR was supposedly the last to see LS. I would say JR and his buddy were the last...a hometown buddy.

How much searching has LE done between Bloomington and Indianapolis? Anyone have that handy or know since they're local?

Some more bits of info from HT, from the same article above.

Why aren't these people being exposed?

Why wouldn't LE know?


If i was the last person to see someone like Lauren alive I would be spending every waking moment cooperating with LE and trying to figure out what happened. It appears the exact opposite is true with JR.
I would guess that Waffle house has cameras over the entrance or register but nothing that would give a great view of the street. But still useful to see who came and went. I'd be surprised if they had no cameras at all.

I'm sure LE would have talked to the WH people pretty quickly, to ask about any potentially sketchy characters that night. If any POI were in there, there's a reasonable chance they'd know.

Edited to add: If there were a bunch of cars in the parking lot, patrons might not have a clear view of the other side of College, even if they were looking. However, its mere presence I think means the odds of a stranger abduction south of 10th street would be very small.
Doesn't waffle house have cameras?
I don't know. Let's say they do, should we place that much confidence in cameras to pick up on all activity in a particular vicinity. Cameras differ in range and field of view. Motion activated cameras have different sensitivity levels. I don't think we should rule anything out strictly based on the presence of surveillance cameras. JMO.
The only place between Eighth and 11th that is well-lit is the parking lot of the Waffle House, one of Bloomington’s few 24-hour eating establishments. Though it would appear to be the perfect destination for post-bar dining, on this night the 3:30 a.m. crowd is made up of several police officers. Of the four cars in the parking lot, three are marked Bloomington Police Department cars.
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