IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #12

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One more thought and I haven't seen anyone speak of it yet, either that or I've missed it. In the photo of Lauren walking inside Smallwood before she goes out for the evening, she is carrying what looks like possibly a hoodie or jacket, and if you look at the picture to her feet, those aren't just flip flops.
We did discuss that when the photo was released. The shoes have been described as ballet flats. As far as I know, we don't know if the jacket was ever recovered or if she had it with her during the night. I don't think it's ever been mentioned except in the description that went along with this photo.
I live in a town with one 24hr place, so thats where the cops go for coffee, but they are on coffee break so they're just chatting to each other. It sure dos'nt make a difference to the deals being made around the corner of the building, the place is still the only hangout in town.
In regards to her party friends- college friends (they are not life long friends at least yet),I don't see why they would feel responsible if she did OD. LS is not jamming a needle in her arm, so how could those fellas be responsable. LS had been out and about, how could they be reponsible for her actions?
Maybe it was an obsessed professor, i really have know idea, just hope they find her.
Qualters also revealed that it was Spierer's longtime boyfriend who reported her disappearance to the police on the afternoon of June 3.

It was hours later, when bar employees saw that Wolff had texted her phone, that they called him to report they had it. He retrieved it, checked her apartment, then reported her missing and called her parents to share the disturbing news.
I have a college daughter and she has put us through a couple of scares. I know from experience that the 1st thing I do, after retrieving her phone is go through the call log and an attempt to put events in order. You'd be surprised at what a few texts can tell. Anyway, I would think JW did this, and it's one of the things that led him to believe LS was in trouble.
I have a college daughter and she has put us through a couple of scares. I know from experience that the 1st thing I do, after retrieving her phone is go through the call log and an attempt to put events in order. You'd be surprised at what a few texts can tell. Anyway, I would think JW did this, and it's one of the things that led him to believe LS was in trouble.

Which makes me think that the reason LE suggested that he go home and be with his family, is so they can investigate what they need to and not have reporters seeking JW out for his comments?
As far as I know, Natalee Holloway is still missing. So presumably the body has been disposed somewhere and yet no one said where it is.
So I don't subscribe to the logic that it's not possible to call someone and ask for help with the disposal.

Interesting that you brought up the Holloway case - correct me if I'm wrong, but in Aruba under Dutch law, they can't flip one POI against another by offering immunity.
Here in the US that can be done, and with so many people involved, you would think they can't all cover for each over if that's what some are trying to do.

I think LE is waiting to recover LS before they offer immunity for answers if they need to do that. (Assuming this was not a random attacker.)
I have a feeling there will be a lot less on the table at deal time, if LE has to find LS without any cooperation.
Which makes me think that the reason LE suggested that he go home and be with his family, is so they can investigate what they need to and not have reporters seeking JW out for his comments?
A lot of people think his actions are suspicious. I don't necessarily think so. Depending on when he heard about the fight and whether he went through her phone or not completely changes my perception. I'm not sure the fight was about him, so maybe he wasn't told that night. It was reported that LS's friend had been banned from the apt complex, so maybe that had something to do with the arguement/fight, and may be the reason they left so abruptly...he was being 'kicked out'? I just think if the fight was because of LS, her friends would have persuaded her to stay. After reading the CVS witness account, I'm not convinced this guy was beaten up... getting punched once or twice and not showing any visible after effects, doesn't sound too beat up. MOO. Also, later into the investigation, his lawyer said he never went to the dr.
Oh he could have been hit a couple times, had a cut lip, but that wouldn't on it's own caused him to have memory loss. I think him being drunk and on some type of drug would be what could have caused the memory loss. No one out here is stupid, we all know what a lawyer would tell his client to say or do, or the lawyer would speak for him just as has happened. JMHO
I do believe the fight was about CR being with Lauren, JMO. But they were her BF's friends, possibly not really hers and therefore may not have been in any position to try to convince her to stay with them. Also, perhaps CR said something to "invite" a punch, in their minds. MYOB, or something along those lines. Tempers, and fists, fly under the influence.

This is kinda OT, but back in "my day" lol, one could still drink at 18 so we drank as a matter of course in college and it did not seem to be such a big deal. I never heard of anyone getting alcohol poisoining during my entire time, and seldom saw people passed out or shoeless, etc...and as it was a state school, no one seemed to have money for anything more than weed. Sometimes I think people tend to drink more when they are doing it illegally than they might otherwise...JMO. (Also, I find it beyond ridiculous that people who can vote, etc. can't buy a beer, but that is another story.)

Not to say people did not get "wasted" but it never seemed to reach epic proportions. I know there are far more "designer" drugs out there nowadays and much else has changed as well. I see some of these kids with over 2000 "friends" on FB, and wonder if I have even encountered that many people in my 40+ years...:)
To me this means that a planned act is now more or as likely as a random act, with both seeming to be slim - unless one of her friends has links to international human trafficking (which is likely to become the #1 worlds most profitable criminal activity soon). I can think of scenarios why one of these so called "friends" or acquaintances would sell her into such slavery.

I hope my attempt to edit the quote works.

I am completely aware of any case of human trafficking involving a wealthy American-born college attending woman. we are talking about Indiana here, not some American city with big international connections like NYC or Miami.

You bring an interesting point up, and also make false assumptions.
The false assumptions are that if there was an accident, the resulting conspiracy would have been a panic driven, sloppy, and involve phones. It may or may not have involved phones, and they may have had cool heads.

having a person die in one's apartment is such a rare event that even a normal sober person would react with some panic, even if they called 911.

Another possibility is another set of phones. Anyone involved with trafficking is going to have multiple phones and keep swapping them around. very easy to get rid of those...

I find it inconceivable that these males from different parts of the country could ever be involved in human trafficking in Bloomington Indiana.
I hope my attempt to edit the quote works.

I am completely aware of any case of human trafficking involving a wealthy American-born college attending woman. we are talking about Indiana here, not some American city with big international connections like NYC or Miami.

You bring an interesting point up, and also make false assumptions.
The false assumptions are that if there was an accident, the resulting conspiracy would have been a panic driven, sloppy, and involve phones. It may or may not have involved phones, and they may have had cool heads.

having a person die in one's apartment is such a rare event that even a normal sober person would react with some panic, even if they called 911.

Another possibility is another set of phones. Anyone involved with trafficking is going to have multiple phones and keep swapping them around. very easy to get rid of those...

I find it inconceivable that these males from different parts of the country could ever be involved in human trafficking in Bloomington Indiana.

It doesn't seem like it would be a very profitable venue...if they are doing it, they can't be doing very well at it, as no one else seems to have disappeared in such a way. No, this is not trafficking in my opinion. Stranger=10% chance to me. 90% another student or students.
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Here's how a quote should be for those of you having problems:

Start - put the word QUOTE in those square brackets before the first word of the quote.
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thanks, I fixed it
Playing catch up from this afternoon so please forgive if this has already been overly discussed and beat like a dead horse(if it has as I catch up I'll go back and delete this

Re: who reported LS missing. I think all the confusion stems from the strange way that it was relayed to us as having happened.. Because iirc it was stated that JW spoke with the police to report her missing, bit that it was HT and the other roommate tbat actually filled out All the paperwork for the Missing Persons Report..

This is why I think there has been so very much confusion because they way it seems to me was that there were 3 people involved in reporting Lauren Missing. Jesse first went to police to state she was missing.. Followed by her two roommates then going to the station to actually fill out the paperwork required tofully report a person as missing..

My opinion the dead end is indeed with JR and not at the 2:51am last time seen on camera coming out of the alley..

The reason I say this is..(and hopefully I can explain this half way decent and

I feel quite confident that Lauren did make it to and also leave CR/MB's apt.. The reason I say this is because if Lauren had never made it to this apt or better yet never made it out of CR/MB's apt and 2 doors over to Jays.. Well then.. I feel very confident that even if Jay were involved and at CR/MB's apt for the crimes against LS.. If this had been the case then without a shadow of a doubt Jay Rosenbaum would have NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS AGREED TO BE THE FALL GUY(as having last seen her).. NOR WOULD HE HAVE ALLOWED IT TO HAVE BEEN STATED THAT IT WAS HIS APT THAT LS WAS LAST IN...

Does that make sense?? If CR/MB were involved in what happened or even just CR.. Jay wouldn't have allowed for hi
To ne set up to take the fall being last known to be with her amd in his apt.. Even if Jay Rosenbaum were present and involved in crimes against LS in CR/MB's apt or anywhere(say outside of 5 North amd she never even made it inside.. No matter where the crimes took place and even with Jays complete involvement there is no way in He!! He would have gone for the "cover story" to be his apt she was last seen at with him being the ONLY one to see her round that corner of 11th/College..

So it is because of that IMO I haven't a doubt that LS not only made it to CR/MB's apt but she also made it out of there still very much alive and did infact go to Jay Rosenbaum's apt.. Those details IMO I am certain about for the reasons just described ^above^..

Would others not Agree that if indeed the crimes against LS happened in other location other than Jay Rosenbaum's(as was theorized earlier that she had never made it to Jays amd that something occurred prior to her ever having made it to Jay's apt).. Would one not agree that if that were the case that without a doubt Jay Rosenbaum would not have allowed himself to be made the fall guy and his apt the last place the victim was???
Wow. E 9th street is NOT the opposite side of town. It really is a ten minute walk from Smallwood. Sorry. The opposite side of town would be Smith Road or something. It's not the opposite side of town.
I have a feeling there will be a lot less on the table at deal time, if LE has to find LS without any cooperation.

And I hope and pray, that one of these guys realizes this sooner than later.
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