IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #19

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Yes, defintely longer than last week. And the part that I bolded in red - the first bag of clothing was found inside the building on a floor above or below LS I thought. And this inside the dumpster, the first one was behind a dumpster. This is either horrible reporting, or actual new information.

It's an old article to which they just tagged on the recent news without bothering to update the tense and time-related points in the rest of the piece.
It's an old article to which they just tagged on the recent news without bothering to update the tense and time-related points in the rest of the piece.

That stinks. I got my hopes up for a break. :/
Huh? Based on what does JW look guilty? That makes zero sense. He looks 100% innocent and not involved.

I am open to all theories and possibilities but I find it inappropriate when people are called randomly "looking guilty" when everything that we know points to the opposite. JW's actions looked exactly like the actions of someone who was NOT involved in that crime.

From Wikipedia:

The quotation "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act III, scene II. The phrase has come to mean that one can insist so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what one is saying.
Huh? Based on what does JW look guilty? That makes zero sense. He looks 100% innocent and not involved.

I am open to all theories and possibilities but I find it inappropriate when people are called randomly "looking guilty" when everything that we know points to the opposite. JW's actions looked exactly like the actions of someone who was NOT involved in that crime.
I keep seeing these kinds of posts with nothing to back it up. I could write an essay on how JW could be involved, and if you look over my posts you will see many reasons to suspect him. Please, all I am asking is for one concrete reason he is innocent to fight against the tide of hundreds of reasons he could be guilty. Not to much to ask.
ok so it's hard to keep up with the poi's and where they live, but one question I have regarding JW and his residence is, are there cameras and if there is cameras where are they? doors? hallways?
ok so it's hard to keep up with the poi's and where they live, but one question I have regarding JW and his residence is, are there cameras and if there is cameras where are they? doors? hallways?

No cameras at the doors, windows etc. None. Not one.
ok so it's hard to keep up with the poi's and where they live, but one question I have regarding JW and his residence is, are there cameras and if there is cameras where are they? doors? hallways?

JW is currently home in New York, but his residence at IU was a house at 9th & Fess. No security cameras.

Does anyone know if there are security cameras at the Mathers Museum (across the street from his residence) that would have been able to catch any comings/goings on the night of the disappearance?? I'm sure the police have probably checked into this, but I don't think we've ever discussed that possibility here.
I keep seeing these kinds of posts with nothing to back it up. I could write an essay on how JW could be involved, and if you look over my posts you will see many reasons to suspect him. Please, all I am asking is for one concrete reason he is innocent to fight against the tide of hundreds of reasons he could be guilty. Not to much to ask.

Here ya go...

There is not one shred of evidence that he was anywhere but home that night and morning. For him to be involved it would mean that he would have left his house, which is a good several blocks from the area in question, undetected, in downtown Bloomington, where even though it was 3 or 4 am there are still people on the streets. He would be among people who surely knew him or at least his face because that is just the nature of Indiana University students and downtown Bloomington. He is the only PIO that has not been absolutely placed either at Smallwood, 5 North, and/or both.
I keep seeing these kinds of posts with nothing to back it up. I could write an essay on how JW could be involved, and if you look over my posts you will see many reasons to suspect him. Please, all I am asking is for one concrete reason he is innocent to fight against the tide of hundreds of reasons he could be guilty. Not to much to ask.

I wish BPD would come forward with any new information they might be able to share with the public, no matter how small. All this silence and secrecy (and might I add, censoring their fb page) makes them seem so incompetent!

I'm curious to hear what you all think, incompetent or cautious?

I guess I am just not willing to give people the benefit of the doubt especially when the stakes are so high.The only solid info I have seen that reflects on this police Dept.ability to investigate this case was the white truck and they did not do a very good job on that one.
From Wikipedia:

The quotation "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act III, scene II. The phrase has come to mean that one can insist so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what one is saying.

Brilliant. And how does this relate to my post? Care to explain? I am waiting eagerly :) I am curious to see how you relate my post to the wikipedia quote.
I have a theory that after the night LS had she easily may have decided to walk to JW's to get some sleep or help getting into her apartment. I think of many times I have had to call an ex boyfriend for help in someway-at this time of night JW being Laurens tried and true friend she would have picked him to "save her" from her drunkeness and lost keys. The guys probably had an open front door she could have easily walked in and fone to his room and woke him without a commotion at this time of morning.
The reason I think JW is the least likely suspect of the major POI's is the fact that anything linking JW to the case is completely speculation. With each of the other suspects their was confirmed contact with LS on the night she went missing. Of course, he still could be guilty. I think the frustration some people have over putting him so high up on the suspect list is that there is not one single piece of known evidence that puts JW anywhere near LS that night. There is no evidence of contact between them. There is not even evidence that the fight had anything to do with JW.
I keep seeing these kinds of posts with nothing to back it up. I could write an essay on how JW could be involved, and if you look over my posts you will see many reasons to suspect him. Please, all I am asking is for one concrete reason he is innocent to fight against the tide of hundreds of reasons he could be guilty. Not to much to ask.

There are clearly scenarios in which JW could be implicated and that is why he has been a POI. My problem is not with that. It was with the quote of another poster (who seems to believe that LS is alive in Israel) that JW is one the 2 people "who look most guilty". My problem was with the word "look", because based on his actions he looks totally not guilty (calling LS's parents, initiating police report, looking for her next day, etc).

My point is that although he could be theoretically implicated, there is nothing to suggest that his actions after her disappearance make him "look" guilty. If there is something, please outline, I am curious what that would be.

A similar case IMO seems to apply to HT. That poor girl whose roomate disappeared has obviously nothing to do with her disappearance. It does not take a genius to figure that out. However, that has not stropped many from calling her "suspicious", etc. etc. without anything to suggest that, except a TV interview, in which many were critical of or questioned her "behavior".
Here ya go...

There is not one shred of evidence that he was anywhere but home that night and morning. For him to be involved it would mean that he would have left his house, which is a good several blocks from the area in question, undetected, in downtown Bloomington, where even though it was 3 or 4 am there are still people on the streets. He would be among people who surely knew him or at least his face because that is just the nature of Indiana University students and downtown Bloomington. He is the only PIO that has not been absolutely placed either at Smallwood, 5 North, and/or both.
Well, that is not very concrete is it? There is the unaccounted time he had, about 8 hours by my estimation. He didn't have to drive his vehicle there, even if he did is it possible he had access to a roommates vehicle? Somebody brings up Onstar, did you install it on his vehicle yourself to know this? Even if it was installed, there is still a service charge on it. It is also not a far walk, without any cameras on the route from his place toward the area that we know LS was in that night.. He could of taken any number of routes into that area. Also, why would anyone be looking for him if he is randomly out at 4AM? Oh there's JW, let me file that away in my memory that he was out early in the morning. Seriously? IF that all it takes to get away with a crime in your mind then I'm glad you chose the profession you did. You have a witness that claims TO HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN LS in the area and how sure are you of her accuracy?
I'm not trying to say JW is guilty of anything, but I know LE is still taking a hard look at him and even if they were not, I still would be looking at all the angles.
Also please don't take this post personal, I just don't get how a picnic basket goes missing in the woods and nobody even suspects yogi bear.
The reason I think JW is the least likely suspect of the major POI's is the fact that anything linking JW to the case is completely speculation. With each of the other suspects their was confirmed contact with LS on the night she went missing. Of course, he still could be guilty. I think the frustration some people have over putting him so high up on the suspect list is that there is not one single piece of known evidence that puts JW anywhere near LS that night. There is no evidence of contact between them. There is not even evidence that the fight had anything to do with JW.

I completely agree. That's exactly my point.
Got to wonder what's LE's plan for solving this case.... are they pinning there hopes on finding a body... will this turn out to be a "no body, no crime" (ala an episode of The Sopranos)?

Speaking of that show - perhaps there's something to be learned about going after those who are using/selling drugs.
Catch one at it and flip that person to talk or wear a wire - else go to prison on drug charges. Don't see any way around all the high-power lawyers...
The reason I think JW is the least likely suspect of the major POI's is the fact that anything linking JW to the case is completely speculation. With each of the other suspects their was confirmed contact with LS on the night she went missing. Of course, he still could be guilty. I think the frustration some people have over putting him so high up on the suspect list is that there is not one single piece of known evidence that puts JW anywhere near LS that night. There is no evidence of contact between them. There is not even evidence that the fight had anything to do with JW.
We know almost nothing about what JW actually did that night, so if you are trying to cast suspicion or clear him, it is all speculation. We have heard that he intended to meet with LS that night, and maybe he did. So if we assume that he intended to meet with LS that night, does the lack of any follow up to that premise bother you, even a tiny bit? Why the sudden worry about LS early the next afternoon? Her roommates didn't think anything was wrong as they went on about their day.
Every other POI had a llmited amount of time with LS that night and at no point was she alone with any one POI, except maybe the walk back to CR apartment, but again there are rumors there may have been another individual around and she was seen after this episode. We could say that JR was maybe alone with her, but then we also have the "rumor" that JR had a guest with him at his apartment.
I am not trying to lead the lynch JW campaign, in fact quite the opposite. I just want to see logical arguments that lead toward the truth of the matter. Closing one's eyes when figuring JW into the nights event will never allow you to see the whole picture. IMO, by just outright clearing JW as a POI without anything concrete to support it, you are basically saying that JW was a non factor in LS life and any action he has taken or will take in the future is irrelevant to finding LS.
Got to wonder what's LE's plan for solving this case.... are they pinning there hopes on finding a body... will this turn out to be a "no body, no crime" (ala an episode of The Sopranos)?

Speaking of that show - perhaps there's something to be learned about going after those who are using/selling drugs.
Catch one at it and flip that person to talk or wear a wire - else go to prison on drug charges. Don't see any way around all the high-power lawyers...

I really hope not. It would be a crying shame because as in every case where a body isn't found, this doesn't lessen the damage of the crime at all. :(
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