IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #19

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Well, it would make sense if they were. Think about what we know from various pieces of info:

- ZO and AB (and others) had been at the 500 with CR, JR, LS, HT, and DR just four days earlier

Can you provide the source of this? I'm not disputing it, I'm just interested in where it comes from. I was also at the 500 (along with a few hundred thousand people) but of course wasn't with this group.
If JW is completely innocent, why is he a POI to begin with?

Because the police have a responsibility to investigate everyone close to LS. They wouldn't be doing their job otherwise.

It has nothing to do with unaccounted time? Why did he leave town?

Lots of reasons to leave town, like wanting to be with his family during a difficult time in his life, and away from the press.

Why are LE wasting their time, energy and resources on taking cadaver dogs to JW apartment if he has no involvement.

Don't you have to investigate to make sure he is not involved?

Why is JW out of the blue responding to reporters about polygraph test?

Would you prefer that he didn't answer?

Why is he showing the public his anger? Why not at worst his frustrations?

He seemed more frustrated than angry to me, that is MHO. I think a lot of innocent people would be frustrated in similar circumstances. LS's parents certainly are.

Or dare I say it, caring or sympathy for anybody besides himself.

That's just your opinion of course.
I'm tired of people throwing me into this circus fun house of flawed logic. This is not directed to you because I am addressing your post, I am saying this for the record. My point is that on PT I could be anybody. I am glad that you know who you are when your posting, but do you know who anybody else is? Same goes for this website, I could of phrased it better but It would not matter. I have noticed that when defending JW, people like to butcher other's posts and only address less than 5% of original posts.
And again for the record, I am saying I do not have any reason to believe JW is guilty, but I have every reason to suspect him. I do not expect LE to clear ANYBODY in this case until a resolution happens.
If JW is completely innocent, why is he a POI to begin with? It has nothing to do with unaccounted time? Why did he leave town? LE just thinks he looks like an easy patsy to pin this on? It's not like he was stationed in Siberia when LS went missing, so why do people act like he couldn't of left his house that night? Why are LE wasting their time, energy and resources on taking cadaver dogs to JW apartment if he has no involvement. Why is JW out of the blue responding to reporters about polygraph test? Why is he showing the public his anger? Why not at worst his frustrations? Or dare I say it, caring or sympathy for anybody besides himself.
I am done addressing this topic because it is flying wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over people's heads and I don't want to confuse people anymore than they already are. If I have something to add on another subject I will chime in.

Totally with you, but I've done and quit myself. Since it so important to a big crowd of people to keep JW smelling squeaky clean, it's just not worth my trouble, I am just glad that BPD has an open mind, as some here do as well.
Totally with you, but I've done and quit myself. Since it so important to a big crowd of people to keep JW smelling squeaky clean, it's just not worth my trouble, I am just glad that BPD has an open mind, as some here do as well.

Has nothing do do with wanting to keep someone smelling clean. It has everything to do with people having a completely different response to the facts in the case. This is a good thing. I am sure that during difficult cases members of LE may differ on their opinions of what happened. This forum plays itself out no differently.
Totally with you, but I've done and quit myself. Since it so important to a big crowd of people to keep JW smelling squeaky clean, it's just not worth my trouble, I am just glad that BPD has an open mind, as some here do as well.
LOL yea, it's no sweat off my back. If people want to have tunnel vision, sure go ahead. There is a buffet of POI in this case to look at. Sure there are reasons to look at every POI, but saying there is absolutely no way he is involved, to me, is the equivalent of saying aliens abducted LS. :abduction:
Because the police have a responsibility to investigate everyone close to LS. They wouldn't be doing their job otherwise.

Lots of reasons to leave town, like wanting to be with his family during a difficult time in his life, and away from the press.

Don't you have to investigate to make sure he is not involved?

Would you prefer that he didn't answer?

He seemed more frustrated than angry to me, that is MHO. I think a lot of innocent people would be frustrated in similar circumstances. LS's parents certainly are.

That's just your opinion of course.

What did JW say about polygraph test? Is there a link? Did he take one?
LOL yea, it's no sweat off my back. If people want to have tunnel vision, sure go ahead. There is a buffet of POI in this case to look at. Sure there are reasons to look at every POI, but saying there is absolutely no way he is involved, to me, is the equivalent of saying aliens abducted LS. :abduction:

Not really. What I believe is that theoretically he could be involved, but all evidence points to the opposite. Both his lack of involvement that night and his behavior the next day. Not to mention the alibi by his roommate.

You mention something about him taking a polygraph test? Do you have a link? What was the issue?
What I don't understand is why people are convinced that deeming someone unlikely to be involved or even someone's writing them off for purposes of argument somehow lets that person off the hook. This board is not LE, nor the sort of community voice that arguably is embodied in a local newsgathering operation.
Walker made an interesting comment about JR and JW as seeming the two most guilty and I agree. Although ZO is def on my radar since the other night too.

They are different sides of the same coin. Black and White. Night and Day. JR is the bad boy, the "sketchball" as in not too bright, the drug user, we have no photos but one of him. He's a mystery to us. He's hiding. Translation in some minds: He's guilty.

JW raises suspicion because his story is the opposite and almost too good to be true. You know the saying if it looks too good to be true it probably isn't? His is a rather unbelievable alibi. Almost too-tight alibi. We've been through all the ways in which his side presents itself. This is a summary. Translation: He is guilty too.
There is no "motive" for an overdose or heart attack, so you must believe that this was a crime of violence rather than the accidental death that is suggested by widespread rumors and reports that LS, who had a heart condition, had engaged in heavy drug use and was highly impaired shortly before her disappearance. Taking that as a given, are you really saying that JW, her boyfriend (and there is no solid evidence that they were anything but), had greater motive and opportunity to kill her than one or more of the three to four people to last see her in that highly impaired state had to take advantage of her?

You weren't addressing me here, but if we're speaking of solid evidence:

- we don't know how LS died
- we don't know what crime occurred
- we don't know how impaired she was
- we don't know who the last person to see her was
- we do know that JW is a POI.

I personally do not think JW is the most likely suspect, but I don't get the impression that anyone here is necessarily even saying that. It seems to me that most people agree that based on rumor, there are other more likely scenarios. The argument seems to be about whether, based on evaluating the credibility of different rumors, JW can be ruled out altogether.

You (and a few others) may feel that the more credible rumors/speculation point away from JW (I agree). But, there are obviously other rumors that point to JW's potential motive or potential involvement. Either way, the prevalence or 'believability' of a rumor doesn't necessarily speak to the truth. So to me, the fact that JW is a POI trumps the speculation about which anonymous message board posters may be 'insiders' with legit information or anyone's guess as to what evidence may or may not exist.

Bottom line, until he is cleared by LE, I see no reason why he should be cleared by anyone else.
Also, it may fit the pattern of his memory loss better.

I can imagine two different doctors providing court testimony giving two different opinions though. Either way, without really good evidence CR is probably safe. I just wonder if MB is covering for him. Apparently MB is his Yes man.
Last word from me about the JW issue.

I don't object to people feeling he's not involved. And in fact, I may tend to agree. But what I do find troublesome is everyone is discussing the case, and whenever his name comes up, several members here jump in and defend him. Every single thing he does/says/is. That's different than what I have seen here before and from others. I don't get offended when someone I think is uninvolved is mentioned as a possibility, and I don't try and persuade them that they are wrong. I do banter with people about scenarios, but right now, everyone is on the table as a POI and no one should ever be saying considering him is "ridiculous" "absurd" "senseless" "etc etc" and that is what we hear over and over. It is NOT wrong to consider him, and some people have got to get over it. I could say a lot more, but that's it and I am done with it.
What I don't understand is why people are convinced that deeming someone unlikely to be involved or even someone's writing them off for purposes of argument somehow lets that person off the hook. This board is not LE, nor the sort of community voice that arguably is embodied in a local newsgathering operation.
If you read back, there are quite a few posts that I can paraphrase quite easily, ready?

(JW is innocent because he is.)
LOL that is not helping discussion in any way. It is frustrating when people are discussing something and that is the response to a long post or string of posts,

Also round and around we go. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE ANYBODY IS INVOLVED!!! So why clear anybody?
I literally laughed at the buffet of POI LOL. I agree. I have also suspected every single one or combinations of every single one at one point or another including "random stranger" or "random drug dealer."

I have asked for clarification before and if I just missed it I apologize. Does anyone have more information about ZO's confirmed criminal record? Confirmed as in, arrests, warrants, etc and not rumors?
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