IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #23

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The part that I question is why he'd let her go on to party at JR's if she was in any way near CR's condition. I'm just not sold on that story, unless it was easier to pass her on to JR since he had his hands full with CR (and his papers). Not priest-like behavior, exactly, though.

That's the problem with every move LS allegedly made: no one stopped her from making the next one, it seems, even if she wasn't in the condition to be moving.

What conditions are we talking about?Even his own lawyer acknowledged they were at least in the same shape when confronted with the leaked camera footage of them leaving smallwood.Yet CR had to be put to bed and LS managed to go on for another hour and a half and then start walking home.Strange how his lawyer never disputed what was on the film almost like he knew it was true.
I wouldn't be surprised if the parents are splitting from the police and ready to do things their way at this point. If not I think the time is coming when that will happen if they don't start seeing some visible progress from the police investigation.

I doubt the landfill search coming up empty (if that is indeed what happened) would do anything but frustrate them with the investigation.

As far as CR and a lie detector... As early as June 9th the NYP was reporting he'd taken a lie detector test.
I'm fairly certain it was reported CR took a polygraph test. Whether that came from his attorney, the police, the Herald Times, IDS, Tony Gatto, etc... I just don't remember. But I'm all but certain it has been stated he took a polygraph.

Hopefully someone that remembers the specifics can copy the relevant text from the source(s).

I'm curious what those sources were now considering the family is making comments about him needing to take a polygraph...

I thought it was something fairly official on him taking a LE polygraph and the info came out about the same time we learned JR took a polygraph setup by his atty, not LE.
I think you might be confusing CR with JW. He announced in July that he'd taken a polygraph.

The boyfriend of missing college student Lauren Spierer spoke with detectives this week and has taken a lie-detector test, he confirmed Friday in a Facebook exchange with a reporter from The Journal News.
Because of CR's amnesia, a polygraph for him would be problematic, and the results unreliable.
The problem with this case is that there has been so much misreporting and stuff stated as facts that I am having issues separating the two at times. I SWEAR we had a discussion about CR's polygraph that he took and supposedly passed because people were wondering if there was a way he could pass by telling half-truths about his memory loss since the memory loss wouldn't be a TOTAL lie.
But, maybe we were just playing what if and not talking about facts?
in addition...

IMO, this police dept has dismissed more than they have let in which leads me to believe that they are keeping everything close to the vest and not letting the public in on anything. I recall a picture of the driver's side of the truck and the driver - who had sideburns - like the 3:38 witness - who was dismissed. Perhaps they should open their eyes passed the POIs because they are on lockdown and nothing is coming from them. Why? Could it be that their involvement was drugs and drugs alone and they aren't sure if that was the COD. So everyone lawyer up and shut up. They all seem to pass polys and allow searches so lets move on and open this up to the possibility that the man with the side burns and the girl slung over his shoulder has something to do with the white truck that at one point had nothing in the rear of it then gained something that appears to be a dozen things when looked at by a dozen people but at least 2 will say it looks like one or 2 people. Did the cadaver dogs rule this truck out? did the eyewitness rule the driver and occupants out? try to connect these two dots rather than throw them away like garbage when right now they seem to be the only concrete piece of evidence outside of the LE's 2:51 video that we have not seen. Just take a shot at it. This bartender wasn't trying to make stardom. She knows what she saw. Perhaps it was later, like 4:15 when Lauren and the truck would be in the same area as the witness and the sideburns guy.
I wouldn't be surprised if the parents are splitting from the police and ready to do things their way at this point. If not I think the time is coming when that will happen if they don't start seeing some visible progress from the police investigation.

I doubt the landfill search coming up empty (if that is indeed what happened) would do anything but frustrate them with the investigation.

As far as CR and a lie detector... As early as June 9th the NYP was reporting he'd taken a lie detector test.
Not exactly. The NYP mixed up the names.

Last Updated: 7:37 AM, June 9, 2011
Posted: 2:44 AM, June 9, 2011

Rossman, a 21-year-old student, told cops that she left at 4:30 a.m. and that he watched her walk away to make sure she was OK.
The young man, who has taken a polygraph test, did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
The part that I question is why he'd let her go on to party at JR's if she was in any way near CR's condition. I'm just not sold on that story, unless it was easier to pass her on to JR since he had his hands full with CR (and his papers). Not priest-like behavior, exactly, though.

That's the problem with every move LS allegedly made: no one stopped her from making the next one, it seems, even if she wasn't in the condition to be moving.

Legally you can't stop an adult from leaving if that is what that person wants to do. To do otherwise would actually be legally classified as kidnapping.
The problem with this case is that there has been so much misreporting and stuff stated as facts that I am having issues separating the two at times. I SWEAR we had a discussion about CR's polygraph that he took and supposedly passed because people were wondering if there was a way he could pass by telling half-truths about his memory loss since the memory loss wouldn't be a TOTAL lie.
But, maybe we were just playing what if and not talking about facts?

"It's hard for me to imagine Lauren, with her size, helping someone of Corey's size from Smallwood Plaza to his apartment," Robert Spierer said. "Maybe he'd be willing to take a police polygraph."|breaking|text|Frontpage

Just wanted to add makes me think CR took one of those homemade lie detector tests like JW
Walker, Why do you say that it points to a professional criminal? (Not challenging your idea - just asking.)

Would have taken careful planning and cooperation. Knowing CR would have cash, spiking the drink in a public place, choosing the right drug, avoiding cameras and attention.
I am not sure what your quoting means-I will respond with what I think you are trying to say? If I am wrong I apologize in advance!

By helping, I don't think anyone means LS was carrying CR. It is possible he was able to propel his body forward, but not very efficiently and she just helped guide him home before entering where he would feel more comfortable collapsing in bed. I have helped my drunk boyfriend, my drunk brother, and, at times, low blood sugared brother before when they were having issues walking. I am 5'3 and not fat while they are 5'10 and muscular and 6'3 and muscular. It isn't absolutely unfathomable that she could have given up a shoulder to help him walk a bit especially since CR looks like a skinny dude to me.

Now, is that what happened? I am doubting it more and more every day. Can I say 100% it didn't happen? Nope. And if it did happen MB's story could stand.
Well, I think the story is (according to MB) that CR was not just drunk, but basically unconscious. Like, needed help in the door and that Lauren was a lot more coherent and probably said hey, CR got punched he is really out of it etc. Lauren and MB also knew each other so it wouldn't be like a random stranger girl and him slinking in together.

Of course, everything hinges on whether MB is telling the truth and CR/LS were in the states of intoxication that he stated they were.

You know, the MB discussion makes me think in a different direction. Say CR passes out and LS isn't far behind him. If MB's lying, maybe he did invite her to stay with questionable intentions ... and she OD'd. He wouldn't have to call anybody for help ... he could just walk next door and get JR. He couldn't deny her physically being in his and CR's place ... but he could also figuratively put her in JR's since she'd been there before. And if he hadn't been partying but knew what LS had consumed and where she'd gotten it, maybe he had the leverage to get JR further involved. Or maybe he chose to protect CR over JR?
You know, the MB discussion makes me think in a different direction. Say CR passes out and LS isn't far behind him. If MB's lying, maybe he did invite her to stay with questionable intentions ... and she OD'd. He wouldn't have to call anybody for help ... he could just walk next door and get JR. He couldn't deny her physically being in his and CR's place ... but he could also figuratively put her in JR's since she'd been there before. And if he hadn't been partying but knew what LS had consumed and where she'd gotten it, maybe he had the leverage to get JR further involved. Or maybe he chose to protect CR over JR?

The only continuing issue I have with that is just why would he go to JR's and somehow be able to pressure him into lying for both of them? Like, what would the leverage be? But, is it possible she started to OD and he picked her up and took her to JR's for some reason? Maybe JR is somehow seen as more experienced? Then, at JR's maybe she pukes or they think she dies and both end up panicking and somehow getting rid of the body together?
You know, the MB discussion makes me think in a different direction. Say CR passes out and LS isn't far behind him. If MB's lying, maybe he did invite her to stay with questionable intentions ... and she OD'd. He wouldn't have to call anybody for help ... he could just walk next door and get JR. He couldn't deny her physically being in his and CR's place ... but he could also figuratively put her in JR's since she'd been there before. And if he hadn't been partying but knew what LS had consumed and where she'd gotten it, maybe he had the leverage to get JR further involved. Or maybe he chose to protect CR over JR?

Wouldn't JR have to be the stupidest person on earth to agree to "admit" he's the last person to have seen Lauren alive, though? There is one friend on earth that I'd consider doing something like that for, and I don't have the impression that MB and JR are so close that one would take a bullet for the other.
Legally you can't stop an adult from leaving if that is what that person wants to do. To do otherwise would actually be legally classified as kidnapping.

Well I trust you're right, but if you don't stop a clearly intoxicated person from leaving your home, aren't you partially responsible if they commit a DUIL crime? Does it matter what state of mind the adult is in?
Can someone help me find the close up of the driver of the white truck? It was on the photo thread at one point or someone took it and enhanced it. I'm almost willing to bet my chihuahua the driver has sideburns.
Wouldn't JR have to be the stupidest person on earth to agree to "admit" he's the last person to have seen Lauren alive, though? There is one friend on earth that I'd consider doing something like that for, and I don't have the impression that MB and JR are so close that one would take a bullet for the other.

Probably? But what if JR's the one who supplied her with whatever got her wasted and MB knew that and threatened to spill? I guess I'm talking about near blackmail here, which probably isn't very realistic? But in terms of being close, I suspect you're right. Although I get the impression that MB and CR are closer.
JR would have to be the stupidest person alive to agree to that which is why I have trouble with him lying to cover for someone else. For him to lie about seeing Lauren last I feel like he would have to be literally scared for his life and that starts getting into movie dramatics for me.
I am not sure what your quoting means-I will respond with what I think you are trying to say? If I am wrong I apologize in advance!

By helping, I don't think anyone means LS was carrying CR. It is possible he was able to propel his body forward, but not very efficiently and she just helped guide him home before entering where he would feel more comfortable collapsing in bed. I have helped my drunk boyfriend, my drunk brother, and, at times, low blood sugared brother before when they were having issues walking. I am 5'3 and not fat while they are 5'10 and muscular and 6'3 and muscular. It isn't absolutely unfathomable that she could have given up a shoulder to help him walk a bit especially since CR looks like a skinny dude to me.

I agree. LE said that they "made their way along" through the alley. Presents a picture of both LS & CR being impaired, possibly stumbling and disoriented. Size would make no difference.
I agree. LE said that they "made their way along" through the alley. Presents a picture of both LS & CR being impaired, possibly stumbling and disoriented. Size would make no difference.

That is always how I have interpreted their statements-both intoxicated, both stumbling along. Neither unconscious or already dead.
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