IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #31

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Jacobite / Jupiter812, I like your thoughts about D. Allgire. We've rehashed almost everything else....what could it hurt?!#$%@

I went back and re-watched the video. I didn't see a horizontal 8...are you referring to the right turn off the highway/road (I heard him say highway but I am trying not to take it too literal)? - He referred to it like a "cul de sac", not a road. Was that what you are describing as the 8?

I wish I was a local, I would go for a drive. He desribed this "cul de sac" as having vegetation, some trees, and hills. When I look at google satelite view of that area, I see turn off's off of Old state rd 37 (before it crosses Walnut), but I can't tell if there are any hills.

Also, Jamonne's van had a Illinois license plate....any of our 5N folks have ties to Illinois?
Jacobite / Jupiter812, I like your thoughts about D. Allgire. We've rehashed almost everything else....what could it hurt?!#$%@

I went back and re-watched the video. I didn't see a horizontal 8...are you referring to the right turn off the highway/road (I heard him say highway but I am trying not to take it too literal)? - He referred to it like a "cul de sac", not a road. Was that what you are describing as the 8?

I wish I was a local, I would go for a drive. He desribed this "cul de sac" as having vegetation, some trees, and hills. When I look at google satelite view of that area, I see turn off's off of Old state rd 37 (before it crosses Walnut), but I can't tell if there are any hills.

Also, Jamonne's van had a Illinois license plate....any of our 5N folks have ties to Illinois?

I will need to watch the video again to remember the details. My first experience watching it though was the overall scenario he describes and the sequence of "events" and how they are played out are entirely believeable and realistic.

I have passed by the intersection of the area Jacobite referenced a gazillion times, but I have never been on that road. I drove it yesterday though. The ponds are very, very close to the highway and it would not make sense for anyone to drop a body there. The road is winding and narrow, and yes, trees and hills but there are also homes dotted up and down the road, close to the road, as it reaches its peak. No cul de sacs--that I noticed. But now I see the one on the map that is on the north side of the road. I think I saw that--it looks like a Christmas tree farm or something like that. I wanted to drive in but did not; figured it was private property.

At the end of my drive I felt convinced that there are much more secluded places that are just as easy to access -- to disappear someone. But if someone knows where they're going that's a different story.

FWIW, as I was leaving town, I spontaneously began to feel very weepy and emotional north of Walnut after 17th and when I reached the intersection of N. Old 37 (goes to Lake Griffey) I stopped like a faucet.

Oh, and then as I drove further north on 37 (was going to Indianapolis) I thought AGAIN about the big guns that were out on the Martinsville stretch for the big search on Father's Day 2011. All for a strange odor? I. do. not. buy. it.
Dick allgire's version of events fits in almost perfectly with the accounts of the last witnesses to see Lauren. Fits in also with what I believed at the very beginning. This is a rape-murder case.

Of course you are free to believe the drug OD story told by the Wolff's. But, in order to believe that, you must also think Jesse has more ESP than Allgire. Remember Jesse was in bed. Right?

Finally, will it later be revealed that Jay tried to end the silence by posting on Websleuths?

In a most cruel story the people believed the victim was responsible for her own demise. And, it was a lie.
I am looking forward to hearing news about the civil case moving forward... Maybe this week?

It's been a long wait for answers. I hope the Spierers don't have to wait much longer.
I suspect the boys lawyers told them not to talk to anyone or else they might be sued in civil court. And of course the silent treatment forced the Spierers to do just that, take them to civil court.
A lesson I've learned about lawyers, they will steer you to court every time even though that may not be in your best interest.
If these guys are innocent, they will tell what they know very soon.
It's unfortunate the way the legal system works in the US. I prefer the way it works in the UK. Lawyers are called solicitors and they can't play all the tricks USA courts allow.

However Federal Court beats the Indiana County Courts. Those are some real clown shows. It cost me $425,000 before I got to even see a judge last time. But, I won the case and bought my lawyer a house.
I really hope Laurens friends from camp aren't the guilty ones. Silence is what a lawyer always asks one to give in a criminal case like this. But, silence looks like guilt. It's really a very bad idea.

You guys, Jay and Corey need to tell Rob Spierer everything you know. Lauren needs to be found and the bad boy sent away.

And, you will learn the most dear thing you possess is your name. Stand up and clear your names. Tell the truth. Please contact the media and speak up. And, please no more victim blaming. She didn't do anything that we haven't done. This was not her fault.
Not by me. Not when you're referencing this particular remote viewer, or if a handful of others. I found this video right after it was posted online because I have been interested in remote viewing for longer than Lauren has been missing, and I have researched remote viewing, I've researched Mr. Allgire, and many many other elite remote viewers and I am in possession of the military training manual written by Ingo Swann that they used to train the military remote viewers and it's not mystical, it's not psi, it's method and supposively anyone can do it if they are properly trained, in short, he is legit. I've also read an article that he wrote about why he doesn't focus entirely on missing persons given the good results they've had (they HAVE located remains) and I understood his reasoning and he wouldn't reason the way he does if he didn't have the results. i.e. it's very very emotionally taxing apparently. I put more stock into what he has had to say than I have anything else to be honest, and I'll be very surprised if he wasn't accurate when the story becomes known. Btw, I sent this video to the Spierers well over a year ago and shortly after I read some very cryptic posts by DA about going out of town and he would be filming something but he couldn't discuss it. I really hope that indicated that they've been doing more work privately with him. (Also, I've seen the original posting for the target that turned out to be Lauren and DA isn't the only remote viewer that worked her case, but he is the only one that has posted his results publicly, I've tried and tried to get into the forum menu to see the others but it's private)

oh, and I've been looking through maps based on DA's rv as well as looking for Jamonne/JaMon/J'mone/Jahmon/ for over a year and I don't care who laughs at me.

My take on remote viewing is that it simply requires the viewer to use a different part--and more of--the brain (e.g., more frontal lobe) than what the majority of us use, enabling the view to see beyond. It's quantum physics rather than Newtonian. And when are people going to catch on?!
Can someone clue me in on Jamonne? Maybe from DA rv ing? Thx

Yes, watch the video and you'll hear him say it. I associate it with the rumor I heard about a "Hispanic" guy dogging her at Sports, offering her coke.
Not trying to start any rumor or hype but a simple google search for "Jamonne Indiana" returns a result.

Former football player. Google his full name and Facebook and you'll see he refers to himself as J Cash.

Then again, JR because he comes from money might refer to himself or his friends refer to him as J-Money.

Very interested in these remote views, also interested in the civil suit. It's interesting to note, had this been and urban crime involving people without money, street justice would have run its course by now. Hopefully the people with the answers share them soon!

no offense but it sounds like a bunch of people using terms they don't understand to explain something they don't understand. one man's "remote viewing" is another man's "guessing".

you can believe whatever you want but let's not pretend there's any science behind remote viewing because there isn't.

BBM I wouldn't go that far, speaking for myself, I've got enough book learnin'
to understand what remote viewing is.

Do I need to add we use 10% of our brains and it's definitely true that
people can learn to use more?

ESP is not necessarily psychic in the way someone would get "visions".
It's a heightened sensory ability. A perfumer can be trained to smell better, why can't someone be trained to sense better?

Please I hope we are allowed to discuss this as long as we don't state it as absolute,,,and use PM too.
:seeya: Time out, everyone. Psychic sciences and the paranormal are taboo around here. WS is a fact-based discussion board, and the opposing principles don't blend well. As you can see for yourself right now, it leads to a contentious situation. So, please, move away from that discussion and stay on track. Your cooperation will be most appreciated.

glad that horse left the barn and went to the PM shed.
It may seem interesting. But, I am prohibited from doing that spooky stuff myself. The only swinging pendulums allowed in my house are attached to some very old family clocks.
no offense but it sounds like a bunch of people using terms they don't understand to explain something they don't understand. one man's "remote viewing" is another man's "guessing".

you can believe whatever you want but let's not pretend there's any science behind remote viewing because there isn't.

I hear ya!
no offense but it sounds like a bunch of people using terms they don't understand to explain something they don't understand. one man's "remote viewing" is another man's "guessing".

you can believe whatever you want but let's not pretend there's any science behind remote viewing because there isn't.

I actually do understand, but I'm not allowed to explain so I'll just say that if I can acquire the military RV training manual online then anyone else that wants to know what it is and how it works can certainly find it too.

Getting back on point, Has there ever been any confirmation of who all the people were that where in JR's apartment that night?
I actually do understand, but I'm not allowed to explain so I'll just say that if I can acquire the military RV training manual online then anyone else that wants to know what it is and how it works can certainly find it too.

Getting back on point, Has there ever been any confirmation of who all the people were that where in JR's apartment that night?

when I was in the USMC, computers were just being implemented for the first time anywhere, and they called it "digital logic." My friend was being trained
in their use, and told us that in ten years, digital logic would be running everything we do. I replied, "that will never happen!" LOL

My convoluted point is, military is always the first to get something, try something, good or bad.

IMO, there was no evidence in JR's apt that was consistent with a death occurring, scent, blood, or bodily fluids but IMO there was probably evidence of Lauren having been there, eye witnesses, fingerprints on phone, DNA
on glassware, etc. So that's why they can't actually disprove his story. So,
IMO, whatever happened to Lauren, happened somewhere else. If there was a cadaver scent in JR's apt, then we would definitely have heard the account
of what everyone who was at the apt. was doing. But people have been
left out. Chick Justin was waaaay ahead of everyone by searching tweets of
DB, I went back and searched tweets and got tweets from the very day she went missing from certain people. Ann Arbor has a serial rapist who hasn't been caught. If you think about it, as a "hunting ground", Bloomington and Ann Arbor have the same exact demographics: urban- infilled small downtowns
filled with intoxicated co-eds walking home being one of them.
IMO, there was no evidence in JR's apt that was consistent with a death occurring, scent, blood, or bodily fluids but IMO there was probably evidence of Lauren having been there, eye witnesses, fingerprints on phone, DNA
on glassware, etc. So that's why they can't actually disprove his story. So, IMO, whatever happened to Lauren, happened somewhere else. If there was a cadaver scent in JR's apt, then we would definitely have heard the account of what everyone who was at the apt. was doing. <snipped>

BBM I wonder if that's true. I'm not confident that we would know anything about anything, since LE hasn't shared a thing with the public about what evidence they have and the POI haven't exactly been forthcoming about what happened that night.

I recently caught a repeat of the show Vanished that had a short clip about Lauren. The same episode also told the story of Kristen Smart, which I've brought up a few times here. In that case there was a lot of evidence -- the person last seen with her (helping her home, drunk after a party) had scratches, he lied to the police, a cadaver dog picked up a scent in his dorm room... but since Kristen still hasn't been found, there has never been an arrest. I think the only reason the info about the cadaver dog was made public was because her parents found out and told the media...

Anyway, I don't think it's an accident that those two stories were put together on the show. There are a lot of (potential) similarities.
BBM I wonder if that's true. I'm not confident that we would know anything about anything, since LE hasn't shared a thing with the public about what evidence they have and the POI haven't exactly been forthcoming about what happened that night.

I recently caught a repeat of the show Vanished that had a short clip about Lauren. The same episode also told the story of Kristen Smart, which I've brought up a few times here. In that case there was a lot of evidence -- the person last seen with her (helping her home, drunk after a party) had scratches, he lied to the police, a cadaver dog picked up a scent in his dorm room... but since Kristen still hasn't been found, there has never been an arrest. I think the only reason the info about the cadaver dog was made public was because her parents found out and told the media...

Anyway, I don't think it's an accident that those two stories were put together on the show. There are a lot of (potential) similarities.

BBM LE has released What JR said happened. They have released that he made phone calls. I feel strongly that if they had death scent, bodily fluids or Lauren's blood there at JR's we would have at least had a list of. the
people there because they would be murder suspects. Our police are not
that uncooperative. There is no reason for them to hold back the fact if her
death scent was there, the investigation would be totally different. I.E.,
"A death occurred here, the DNA is Laurens, she didn't walk around the corner, no way could she have." If you say LE is holding that info back, you are saying LE must be dishonest, and in this case, I don't think so. Just sayin.
Keep in mind, most of the information we have is actually from the PIs, or from statements from the POI's lawyers and friends. Very little info has come from LE.
Keep in mind, most of the information we have is actually from the PIs, or from statements from the POI's lawyers and friends. Very little info has come from LE.

in the respect of the last place she was, IMO, if they had evidence of a murder there, again, scent, fluids, etc, they would have named suspects. It would have been, POIs are sayingthat but we have this.

And the POIs know this. It has always been my feeling that Lauren didn't die in JRs apt, hence his smugness in being able to stick to his story. The big question has always been, IMO, does he know what happened to her and who did it?
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