IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #34

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Unfortunately, in most cases, one gets many reports that are not correct. Someone gives info that simply did not happen. Maybe just some of it is wrong, but sometimes the whole thing is inapplicable. Since there is no solution yet for Lauren's disappearance, all of these pieces that do not fit in the main story line should be kept into consideration, but all should understand that not all of them will be relevant.

JR is not particularly a generous, noble person. It wouldn't have taken anything for him to have put the whole mess in someone's court, if he possibly could. The fact of the matter is that with the possibility of MB, CR's roommate, the bunch of those students were "messed up" that night. No one likely knows exactly what happened during parts of the evening, maybe all of it. But JR admits that Lauren was with him at his place--no other occupants at his apartment have been ided if there were anyone there, and the story is that she simply left because she wanted to go back to her place. And he let her. Knowing the types of parents that those POIs have, they very likely had their sons questioned to the whazoo to see if they had criminal involvement in the case, privately of course. That they let their sons stay in Bloomington is telling IMO.

As for CR's amnesia. Whether it's complete or a jumble, or spotty, it has not been proven. The bare facts of the case, pretty much show that he went home, Lauren with him., he went to bed, Lauren went on to JR's. Story is corroborated and no reason for anyone to clear him, especially JR, left with Lauren alone and the last one with her.

That the three of them, MB who was focused on his school papers that night, CR who was punched and drunk that night, JR who was left as the last person with Lauren and a prime suspect, instead of doing as they said, spent those early morning hours ditching Lauren's body is a theory that many hold, possibly the SPierers. It is possible. But not one shred of evidence for it, not a bit. That's the problem.

And not any evidence that Lauren did not simply go home as JR said around that time in the morning, and didnt go off with someone else she encountered on the way home who took her out of that immediate area. Then the story can go all sorts of directions--a perp picked her up and killed her, she died on them upon taking additional contraband, or just died for no apparent reason, and her body got ditched. Again no proof of that theory, no proof against it.
Unfortunately, in most cases, one gets many reports that are not correct. Someone gives info that simply did not happen. Maybe just some of it is wrong, but sometimes the whole thing is inapplicable. Since there is no solution yet for Lauren's disappearance, all of these pieces that do not fit in the main story line should be kept into consideration, but all should understand that not all of them will be relevant.

JR is not particularly a generous, noble person. It wouldn't have taken anything for him to have put the whole mess in someone's court, if he possibly could. The fact of the matter is that with the possibility of MB, CR's roommate, the bunch of those students were "messed up" that night. No one likely knows exactly what happened during parts of the evening, maybe all of it. But JR admits that Lauren was with him at his place--no other occupants at his apartment have been ided if there were anyone there, and the story is that she simply left because she wanted to go back to her place. And he let her. Knowing the types of parents that those POIs have, they very likely had their sons questioned to the whazoo to see if they had criminal involvement in the case, privately of course. That they let their sons stay in Bloomington is telling IMO.

As for CR's amnesia. Whether it's complete or a jumble, or spotty, it has not been proven. The bare facts of the case, pretty much show that he went home, Lauren with him., he went to bed, Lauren went on to JR's. Story is corroborated and no reason for anyone to clear him, especially JR, left with Lauren alone and the last one with her.

That the three of them, MB who was focused on his school papers that night, CR who was punched and drunk that night, JR who was left as the last person with Lauren and a prime suspect, instead of doing as they said, spent those early morning hours ditching Lauren's body is a theory that many hold, possibly the SPierers. It is possible. But not one shred of evidence for it, not a bit. That's the problem.

And not any evidence that Lauren did not simply go home as JR said around that time in the morning, and didnt go off with someone else she encountered on the way home who took her out of that immediate area. Then the story can go all sorts of directions--a perp picked her up and killed her, she died on them upon taking additional contraband, or just died for no apparent reason, and her body got ditched. Again no proof of that theory, no proof against it.

LE and PIs don't believe their airtight story.
Here's the thing. She supposedly arrived at CR's at approx 2:53. as per camera seeing her emerge from alley at 2:51. MB alledges she asked him to party, yet admits she asked for help home and he took her to JR. She lives 3 min. down the street, and yet, for over an hour more, they tried to get her a ride home with no luck? They could have walked her home and been back in 8 minutes.
Forget about the parents questioning them--it's the attorneys. Who would have advised
going back to school. To me, an innocent person could have transferred to another school after such a traumatic incident involving a friend's mysterious disappearance. After of course, cooperating fully with the police to help find her.
You are entitled to your opinion, and I hope you keep in mind that what I write is my opinion, based on speculation and filling in a scenario from the scant clues we are provided by LE and MSM, this being a crime forum, for that purpose, because people who run the site feel a crime has been committed and POIs have been named. Of
course, they could be innocent. But going with your vetted-by-private-detectives-private-polygraphs-and-parents-from-hell, it would seem like if they came out of that process seeming innocent, that these same lurid parents would then begin a careful process of clearing their names, because as they can plainly see, this isn't going away
until that should happen, if it ever happens.
I kinda came away from that PI interview with the idea they are as confused as everyone else. LE doesn't say anything so I have no idea what they might think. Obviously the parents believe 5N are guilty.

The PI's at first sounded like they were putting the noose on 5N as they explained the timeline, but then they ultimately didn't and if anything seemed to not question parts of the story that I expected to hear skepticism from. And they widened the net a bit by including others in it. They seemed fairly open minded in the interview.
I kinda came away from that PI interview with the idea they are as confused as everyone else. LE doesn't say anything so I have no idea what they might think. Obviously the parents believe 5N are guilty.

The PI's at first sounded like they were putting the noose on 5N as they explained the timeline, but then they ultimately didn't and if anything seemed to not question parts of the story that I expected to hear skepticism from. And they widened the net a bit by including others in it. They seemed fairly open minded in the interview.
yes the PIs seem confused, and did widen the net by seeming to include JW. But by saying they didn't believe JW's story that implied he could have been involved, thereby nullifying the 5N storyline, right? So that kinda implied they think 5N is involved somehow. IMO.
LE has said something. They named the 5N POIs and JW a POI. It could be construed that they were named POIs and not cleared because there is no evidence to convict them, and
no evidence to clear them. But it could be that there are witnesses and evidence does exist,
but just not enough. IOW, they could be POIs for more reason than just saying they were the last with Lauren.
Saying they don't have a shred of evidence is wishful thinking, IMO. We've all discussed how much $$$ these people have. If BPD had absolutely nothing on them, IMO, their lawyers already would have called the bluff in and forced our LE to clear their names.
Why, if these are the diligent and relentless parents people are saying they are, wouldn't they have completed this seemingly necessary step for their kids?
and following the relentless parents theme, it would seem like the other wealthy parents of the peripheral kids involved, the second and third tiers of witnesses and partygoers, would force their kids to tell the cops everything they know so they wouldn't get dragged into the fray. This is what IMO our LE must have on these POIs. Reports from others who remember who was where with whom at what time, and who talked about it before everyone knew to clam up.
Again, I agree that the evidence is sketchy. But if the "only" crime that was committed was hiding a friends' body so they wouldn't get in trouble, IMO, this crime doesn't diminish with time, but gets worse. Because time goes by with no charges filed, should that be a proof of innocence, or guilt? real question, up for discussion.
It's an unsolved case with as far as we know nothing solid found pointing to a guilty party. Certainly not enough for an arrest. So, no, I don't see lawyers for any of them pushing police for anything. They've been trying to avoid a 'rush to judgment' so what you are saying is all of a sudden they push for exactly that?

Not only that, but what would be the point? Reading the comments on most of the later news articles seems to show a fairly large number of the public don't think of them as guilty. There was a backlash against the parents for the lawsuit.

The case has all but went away in the media at this point. When it does appear in the media, there's never anything new so no legs to restore momentum. The last thing the lawyers would want to do is change that. IOW, it's all headed in the right direction for them. Out of sight, out of mind is likely more their motto than wanting to attract any attention to the case. Or possibly, let sleeping dogs lie.

IOW, they don't need 'cleared' at this point. Unless something changes, all the known PsOI are cleared as far as the public is concerned. The less attention the better for the PsOI. This case needs a serious break at this point.
It's an unsolved case with as far as we know nothing solid found pointing to a guilty party. Certainly not enough for an arrest. So, no, I don't see lawyers for any of them pushing police for anything. They've been trying to avoid a 'rush to judgment' so what you are saying is all of a sudden they push for exactly that?

Not only that, but what would be the point? Reading the comments on most of the later news articles seems to show a fairly large number of the public don't think of them as guilty. There was a backlash against the parents for the lawsuit.

The case has all but went away in the media at this point. When it does appear in the media, there's never anything new so no legs to restore momentum. The last thing the lawyers would want to do is change that. IOW, it's all headed in the right direction for them. Out of sight, out of mind is likely more their motto than wanting to attract any attention to the case. Or possibly, let sleeping dogs lie.

IOW, they don't need 'cleared' at this point. Unless something changes, all the known PsOI are cleared as far as the public is concerned. The less attention the better for the PsOI. This case needs a serious break at this point.

1) I'm not so sure there isn't enough for an arrest. Conviction? Sure. Arrest? Different story. I am one who believes BPD has a lot more evidence then any of us know, including the PsOI, their parents, their lawyers and even The parents of LS and their PI's. Most of this "evidence" comes in the form of video evidence and is known only by those close to the investigation.
2) I would think if the lawyers could get a statement from BPD that their client has been ruled out, they would be all over that. Especially if you think they are innocent.
3) you are judging what a large number of the public believe based off of a few comments in a few articles?? Did it ever occur to you that those comments could be coming from friends and family of the PsOI?
4) there is no backlash against the parents for the lawsuit. They are missing a daughter. Most reasonable people understand and agree that they have every right to do whatever they can to get to the bottom of what happened to their daughter.
5) out of sight out of mind? Let sleeping dogs lie? Don't need to be cleared? All the known PsOI are cleared at this point? Then why was CR whining in his last public comments that this is "ruining his life", why did JW's parents come out in their comments just-a-swinging, attacking anyone and everyone. You are making this sound like it is over for them all and not having an effect on their lives. This is obviously not the case.
Nope, there is a person missing from their circle of friends, and LE seem to think that at the very least they are not telling the whole truth. It is never going to go away for them. This is going to be lingering over them until the real story comes out. It's as simple as that.

I do agree with one thing you say in this post. This case does need a serious break at this point.

I'm thinking that is what the "fishing expedition", civil suit was meant to do..bring out evidence the police had and information the POIs had. I think the result was..there isn't (wasn't) any more information/evidence to be had. At least not against those being sued.
1) I'm not so sure there isn't enough for an arrest. Conviction? Sure. Arrest? Different story. I am one who believes BPD has a lot more evidence then any of us know, including the PsOI, their parents, their lawyers and even The parents of LS and their PI's. Most of this "evidence" comes in the form of video evidence and is known only by those close to the investigation.

While I said 'arrest' I meant enough that the prosecutor felt he could get a conviction. Clearly the prosecutor hasn't directed the police to make an arrest.

2) I would think if the lawyers could get a statement from BPD that their client has been ruled out, they would be all over that. Especially if you think they are innocent.

I don't think anyone has been cleared. Which is my point. Certainly, if there was exculpatory evidence that beyond a shadow of a doubt cleared someone then I think that a POI would not only want to be cleared by police but work to get that out in front of the public on their own. But instead what there is is simply not enough to feel comfortable to act upon for LE in any direction. So only a foolish attorney would then push LE to 'clear' their client in those circumstances. What they don't want is painting LE into a corner where they feel they have to act or appear incompetent. And that action might mean to press whatever case they do have to go forward, even if it's shallow and shaky. So it all could backfire and put their client back in the crosshairs.

3) you are judging what a large number of the public believe based off of a few comments in a few articles?? Did it ever occur to you that those comments could be coming from friends and family of the PsOI?

That's not the only place I've heard/read comments but it is certainly one of them and one that is easily verifiable by anyone that wants to look. Anecdotal evidence seems to say that the public is moving on from this case.

4) there is no backlash against the parents for the lawsuit. They are missing a daughter. Most reasonable people understand and agree that they have every right to do whatever they can to get to the bottom of what happened to their daughter.

There most certainly was a backlash against the parents and LS over the lawsuit. I'm not going to argue percentages because I don't have any way of knowing whether it would be 25%, 50%, 75%... but the lawsuit wasn't universally heralded as a good move. Including from some attorneys.

5) out of sight out of mind? Let sleeping dogs lie? Don't need to be cleared? All the known PsOI are cleared at this point? Then why was CR whining in his last public comments that this is "ruining his life", why did JW's parents come out in their comments just-a-swinging, attacking anyone and everyone. You are making this sound like it is over for them all and not having an effect on their lives. This is obviously not the case.

We were talking what the attorneys would do, not would the PsOI would like to see happen. The attorneys know that no good would come by pushing LE for anything. They want this case as far on the backburner as possible. The pressure CR likely referred to was the PI's, the lawsuit, legal bills, and media scrutiny. The lawsuit is gone. The media scrutiny has died down. With the media dying down it likely means the public scrutiny is as well. The PI's can only apply so much pressure and snoop so much before they back off (or are forced to in some regards). While JW didn't face the lawsuit he faced the other tentacles. And those would have to be fading for him as well. The attorneys know that is how this works. When the spotlight is turned off, slowly their clients will be subject to less and less scrutiny. Better to let it all fade than create any kind of firestorm themselves would be the attorneys' most likely course of action (assuming there is not some absolute piece of evidence that clears their client without any doubt).

Nope, there is a person missing from their circle of friends, and LE seem to think that at the very least they are not telling the whole truth. It is never going to go away for them. This is going to be lingering over them until the real story comes out. It's as simple as that.

I don't think we know what LE thinks. They've been too tight lipped to have any idea what they think. And the scrutiny will die down and is dying down as time marches on.

I do agree with one thing you say in this post. This case does need a serious break at this point.


Yip. As far as the public and media are concerned, it's at an apparent road block.
1) I'm not so sure there isn't enough for an arrest. Conviction? Sure. Arrest? Different story. I am one who believes BPD has a lot more evidence then any of us know, including the PsOI, their parents, their lawyers and even The parents of LS and their PI's. Most of this "evidence" comes in the form of video evidence and is known only by those close to the investigation.
2) I would think if the lawyers could get a statement from BPD that their client has been ruled out, they would be all over that. Especially if you think they are innocent.
3) you are judging what a large number of the public believe based off of a few comments in a few articles?? Did it ever occur to you that those comments could be coming from friends and family of the PsOI?
4) there is no backlash against the parents for the lawsuit. They are missing a daughter. Most reasonable people understand and agree that they have every right to do whatever they can to get to the bottom of what happened to their daughter.
5) out of sight out of mind? Let sleeping dogs lie? Don't need to be cleared? All the known PsOI are cleared at this point? Then why was CR whining in his last public comments that this is "ruining his life", why did JW's parents come out in their comments just-a-swinging, attacking anyone and everyone. You are making this sound like it is over for them all and not having an effect on their lives. This is obviously not the case.
Nope, there is a person missing from their circle of friends, and LE seem to think that at the very least they are not telling the whole truth. It is never going to go away for them. This is going to be lingering over them until the real story comes out. It's as simple as that.

I do agree with one thing you say in this post. This case does need a serious break at this point.


I agree with you here. Re 4): IMO, most parents would do exactly what the Spierers have done. They can't protect Lauren anymore, but they can do everything in their power to bring her home. Re 5): I'm sure the POIs desperately wish that it will go away, but IMO, it won't. This is a clip from a local paper in JR's neck of the woods, which was also my locale for many, many years:

This isn't media coverage from Bloomington or the Spierers' hometown ... it directly traces to JR.
since we feel we may be at a standstill, I really want to go back over
the PIs statement and match it with Qualters audio press conferences. We finally got to the stage where we know you can't duck into 10th and C
from the alley, after 2 years! Every time it was brought up, the discussion was waylaid somehow.
Something is wrong with the alley narrative, and the eyewitness has been inserted into it almost as if it was on video but she wasn't. If the headsmack wasn't on video, it very well could have been later and didn't happen on her way up with CR. This is where, IMO, other POI come into play, other than the 3 5N ones.
We could use chuz' map, and if the courtyard is relabelled we could use that pic.
and by the way, there isn't really an "official timeline" or an "official storyline", is there? other than the alley video, which is the only thing LE
really says, is that they have Lauren in the alley and emerging from the alley.

Where do you go, in T&C, to buzz a room? I walked into the courtyard once, and walked up a staircase, noticing that a keycard was required to get onto the floors from the stairwell. But I never noticed where the buzzer buttons where, or whatever they are.

My assumption about ZC's apartment is that there is video from T&CV, of CR and Lauren going up to ZC's floor. This explains how the PIs could describe CR's carrying of Lauren, as the two of them were leaving ZC's (after not getting in): there's footage.

Consider the video of Shawn Cohen talking to the PIs:

(from video, 3:56-->4:14)

SHAWN COHEN (narrating to camera):
"... knock on the door of four girls, who were partying with them earlier in the night, but no one's home."


"--a minute later, the door opening, and them going back down. And him helping her with that, kind of slung across his back, back down the stairs."

Going down the stairs?


It seems to me that the PI here is describing for Cohen video that he (or a witness) has seen. He seems like he would be saying something like, "On the video, you see Lauren and CR come up the stairs and go onto such-and-such a floor, then a minute later, the door opening, and them going back down. And him helping her with that, kind of slung across his back, back down the stairs."

So, I imagine the video gave the police, and the PI's, the floor and the building, that CR and Lauren were visiting. The quickness of the visit tells them that whoever it was wasn't home. Then they just had to knock all the doors on that floor to find someone who CR and Lauren had a reason to visit, and found ZC, who admitted to partying with the them earlier that night. Just speculating.
I tried to edit my post/photo but found no editing option :( Maybe admin can replace it with this one. As for their attempts to get into Tenth and College Village, as opposed to Tenth and College.. I was always under the impression that they entered either by card or by being let into the building from the door off the open lot where her stuff was found and set on the railing? I have attached a photo someone else posted that shows what it looked like back then before construction. So we have video or assumption on how she entered the building? Tenth and College Village courtyard.jpg tenth and college village back.jpg
Could the bar manager witness have let them in?

Where do you go, in T&C, to buzz a room? I walked into the courtyard once, and walked up a staircase, noticing that a keycard was required to get onto the floors from the stairwell. But I never noticed where the buzzer buttons where, or whatever they are.

My assumption about ZC's apartment is that there is video from T&CV, of CR and Lauren going up to ZC's floor. This explains how the PIs could describe CR's carrying of Lauren, as the two of them were leaving ZC's (after not getting in): there's footage.

Consider the video of Shawn Cohen talking to the PIs:

(from video, 3:56-->4:14)

SHAWN COHEN (narrating to camera):
"... knock on the door of four girls, who were partying with them earlier in the night, but no one's home."


"--a minute later, the door opening, and them going back down. And him helping her with that, kind of slung across his back, back down the stairs."

Going down the stairs?


It seems to me that the PI here is describing for Cohen video that he (or a witness) has seen. He seems like he would be saying something like, "On the video, you see Lauren and CR come up the stairs and go onto such-and-such a floor, then a minute later, the door opening, and them going back down. And him helping her with that, kind of slung across his back, back down the stairs."

So, I imagine the video gave the police, and the PI's, the floor and the building, that CR and Lauren were visiting. The quickness of the visit tells them that whoever it was wasn't home. Then they just had to knock all the doors on that floor to find someone who CR and Lauren had a reason to visit, and found ZC, who admitted to partying with the them earlier that night. Just speculating.

do you mean how does someone get buzzed in 10th and V?
10th and V, you need a keycard to get in the back way, i.e., from inside the courtyards, there's 3.
When you get in, you have access to knock on the back doors of all of the townhouses, from the inside. However, on the Morton St. side, the west side of the entire complex, you can walk up to each front door and knock. These front doors each have a privacy brick wall and small stairs leading to each door inside that privacy wall.
At 10th and C, you can get in the 4 or 5 vestibules and the apts are listed on the wall to buzz.
Also, they leave SW at what, 2:43 and only have 8 minutes to do all that resting on stairs, climbing stairs, entering and exiting, falling 3 times, one of them a really hard headsmack,
there just doesn't seem to be time to do 2 separate visits. at that time.
And the PI is inserting when he says, "and then here we have an eyewitness who
says ..." and goes on to describe the headsmack. LE says this is not on the video, or that they have no video that supplies this visual at that time.
IF this headsmack was on the alley narrative, they would have said, "and at this time Lauren is seen smacking her head on the stairs, and this was corraborated
by an eyewitness who said she could hear the sound of Lauren's head hitting the concrete." IMO

is that the handrail her keycard, etc was placed on by AA? the camera is not pointed there. it's pointed east. so it very well could have been where she hit her head.
and the gravel lot they emerged towards is right in the forefront. If she left 5N after CR passed out she would only need to go out the back door, cross the small gravel lot and
be right there. IMO, she might have made phone contact with someone and they met her outside, right there where her things were left. using MB, JR or CR's phones.
LE hasn't said whether or not Lauren used anyone else's phone. Which is odd, because she didn't have her phone, wanted her phone, wanted to go home, seems like she would use someone's at some point. Why would LE tell us JR said she tried to use his IPod for a phone, but not say if she used anyone's phone? most likely, they were asking him, and probably asked MB and CR too, if Lauren used their phones. Because, IMO, she probably did!
On today's episode of Serial, Sarah interviews Charles Ewing, a forensic psychologist and lawyer. At 26:38, he states,

"Probably half of the people I've evaluated, who've killed other human beings, have some degree of amnesia for what they've done."

Of course, I immediately thought of CR. I don't tend to think that he murdered her, but I imagine the same effect might apply to sexual assault, if that happened (speculation).

EDIT: By the way, if you're a true crime fan, and you haven't heard Serial, start on episode 1, and hear them all. You'll become addicted.
LE and PIs don't believe their airtight story.
Here's the thing. She supposedly arrived at CR's at approx 2:53. as per camera seeing her emerge from alley at 2:51. MB alledges she asked him to party, yet admits she asked for help home and he took her to JR. She lives 3 min. down the street, and yet, for over an hour more, they tried to get her a ride home with no luck? They could have walked her home and been back in 8 minutes.
Forget about the parents questioning them--it's the attorneys. Who would have advised
going back to school. To me, an innocent person could have transferred to another school after such a traumatic incident involving a friend's mysterious disappearance. After of course, cooperating fully with the police to help find her.
You are entitled to your opinion, and I hope you keep in mind that what I write is my opinion, based on speculation and filling in a scenario from the scant clues we are provided by LE and MSM, this being a crime forum, for that purpose, because people who run the site feel a crime has been committed and POIs have been named. Of
course, they could be innocent. But going with your vetted-by-private-detectives-private-polygraphs-and-parents-from-hell, it would seem like if they came out of that process seeming innocent, that these same lurid parents would then begin a careful process of clearing their names, because as they can plainly see, this isn't going away
until that should happen, if it ever happens.

"Clearing your name" is a pointless exercise since people believe what they want to believe and little will change their mind no matter what the truth really is. And in any case, if she left and they don't know what happened to her, what more can they say? Saying it over and over to people who don't want to believe them is not going to change anything, so what would be the point of doing that?
On today's episode of Serial, Sarah interviews Charles Ewing, a forensic psychologist and lawyer. At 26:38, he states,

"Probably half of the people I've evaluated, who've killed other human beings, have some degree of amnesia for what they've done."

Of course, I immediately thought of CR. I don't tend to think that he murdered her, but I imagine the same effect might apply to sexual assault, if that happened (speculation).

EDIT: By the way, if you're a true crime fan, and you haven't heard Serial, start on episode 1, and hear them all. You'll become addicted.

People who were drunk also don't remember much, and if they are drunk enough, don't remember anything at all.

And these people WERE drunk. It is not necessary to invoke something sinister to explain poor recollection when there is already an obvious explanation for it.
"Clearing your name" is a pointless exercise since people believe what they want to believe and little will change their mind no matter what the truth really is. And in any case, if she left and they don't know what happened to her, what more can they say? Saying it over and over to people who don't want to believe them is not going to change anything, so what would be the point of doing that?
when Mickey Shunick's friend was being questioned because he was the last to see her, he didn't even lawyer up, he held meetings at his house for searchers, took a LE poly,
gave press conferences declaring his innocence, and way before Mickey was found and her killer apprehended, he was off the POI list. let's see, did any POI in Lauren's case do any of that? No, I didn't think so...with the exception of DR.
Both the police and private investigators have stated in many various ways that
they received conflicting statements from people, both POIs and other witnesses
to events of the night.
IOW, perhaps they feel that the 5N POIs, and JW, and other unnamed as yet POIs,
DO have more to say. Alot could be done to change that, their POI status, if they are indeed innocent and took the necessary measures, such as, go ahead and take the LE polys, or challenge their POI status outright with their lawyers
instead of hiding behind them. People have mentioned letting sleeping dogs lie, nothing to gain by stirring up the pot, etc.
If they have nothing to hide from, i.e., did they sell/give her more drugs when she was obviously incapacitated?; did they hide her body? Did they help someone else hide her body? did they sexually assault her? did they hear someone else assaulting her? did someone confess to them any of these things and they are hiding this info?
All of these questions, if answered "yes" would make them not try to clear their names. or to help a friend stay out of trouble. But if they were innocent, completely
innocent, they would be very unwise to just to be known as a POI and leave it at that.
IMO of course, always JMO.
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