IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #35

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Again, with years to reflect. every suspicious thing these 5N guys did was to cover their asses from obvious civil liabilities duty of care, etc.

I think it's more to cover their drug activity which could be used to make plea deals and testify against others, confessions, etc. She was 20 and underage so it's a much bigger deal. I don't think they're liable for any civil liabilities - they already made the civil case for this where the response was very detailed.

IMO, JR decided to hand off Lauren to a furious JW

Totally agree here. The logical thing for JR would be to call the bf. What happened after, we don't know.

Compared to when the incident happened 10 year ago, we definitely learned that there are/were many more predators and stranger assaults happening. IMO
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I do think Lauren's father made a good point in a news interview when he said that he was surprised she could even walk as far as she did when she left JR's apartment considering how difficult it was for her to even make it back to CR's apartment.

When you're on drugs - uppers/downers, things work differently. A simple redbull-vodka can trick your mind regarding how much energy you have. They seemed to be doing hard drugs/pills. You gets bursts of energy and crash.

I think at this point though, police should consider releasing all the video footage of that night.

I agree but doubt it. It adds liability as there are multiple (officially) unnamed people in a fight and Lauren probably looks bad. Besides, there can still be a lawsuit in the future if new evidence/remains are uncovered. IMO
I could see it being a complete stranger who abducted Lauren Spierer. I only know what I have seen or read in news reports. In Lauren Spier's state, I think she could have easily fallen again while walking back to her apartment and been picked up by some random stranger who took her away.

I do think Lauren's father made a good point in a news interview when he said that he was surprised she could even walk as far as she did when she left JR's apartment considering how difficult it was for her to even make it back to CR's apartment.

Because of Lauren's interactions between the two next door apartments, if something did happen to her, it would probably have to be some type of conspiracy among the three men she was last seen with at those two apartments. But just because they each got lawyers does not mean they are responsible for the disappearance of Lauren Spierer. However I would agree that handling the situation differently with Lauren might have changed the eventual outcome. It is remarkable to think that she was literally feet from her apartment door that night had CR not gotten into an altercation in the apartment/elevator hallway in her building.

I do not know what to make of the Lauren Spierer disappearance. I think at this point though, police should consider releasing all the video footage of that night. After over 10 years, it probably is way too late to help the investigation, but I think it would give a better idea of Lauren Spierer's state of mind that night.

The fascinating part about this case is how close all the locations are in relation to each other. Yet even in such a small area, it was enough for Indiana University student Lauren Spierer to vanish without a trace around 4:30 am on June 3, 2011 in Bloomington, Indiana.

have you seen our map which includes Laurens and Hannahs timeline merged?
have you seen our map which includes Laurens and Hannahs timeline merged?

Yes, I think I came across it. But I think there is no way anyone can make any connection to any other cases. Hannah Graham's case is different from Lauren Spierer's. So why would any of that matter to me?

Whenever people make "links" to other cases or people without any proof, in my opinion, that is all guesswork. All this talk about drugs and biker gangs and everything else is just complete guesswork as to what happened to Lauren Spierer.

About the only thing I would want to try to make sure of is that she actually left JR's apartment that night. After that, the case is total and complete mystery once she gets to 11th and College Ave. I could come up with some wild theory that it was some drug lord that was following Lauren Spierer. Or I could come up with some wild theory it was some sex offender who followed her. But that is a complete guess since it is not based on any proof. For example, how would the drug lord or the sex offender know she was going to leave CR's and JR's apartment that night. Did all three men conspire that night to come up with a story for the police and she never even made it to their apartments? And if she did make it to their apartments, what was the drug lord and sex offender going to do, wait outside all night on the hope that maybe she might leave sometime???

The same thing happens in the Abby and Libby Delphi case. I have had people that wanted to discuss the families and some possible connections in that case too. In my opinion, it means absolutely nothing without proof and is just a conversation that goes on and on with no end in sight because all of it is random guesswork. I do not agree with any of it. Families were not involved in my opinion. I think people need to make these connections because they cannot accept that they have no idea who is responsible. It is hard to accept sometimes that a mystery is a mystery.

No one knows what happened to Lauren Spierer except for Lauren Spierer and the person or persons who abducted her. As far as I know, there were no witnesses to her possible abduction. It could literally be anyone in the entire world who saw Lauren Spierer at the corner of 11th and College Avenue in Bloomington, Indiana on June 3, 2011 at around 4:30 a.m.

The reality is the missing person's case of Lauren Spierer is a mystery.
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Yes, I think I came across it. But I think there is no way anyone can make any connection to any other cases. Hannah Graham's case is different from Lauren Spierer's. So why would any of that matter to me?

Whenever people make "links" to other cases or people without any proof, in my opinion, that is all guesswork. All this talk about drugs and biker gangs and everything else is just complete guesswork as to what happened to Lauren Spierer.

About the only thing I would want to try to make sure of is that she actually left JR's apartment that night. After that, the case is total and complete mystery once she gets to 11th and College Ave. I could come up with some wild theory that it was some drug lord that was following Lauren Spierer. Or I could come up with some wild theory it was some sex offender who followed her. But that is a complete guess since it is not based on any proof. For example, how would the drug lord or the sex offender know she was going to leave CR's and JR's apartment that night. Did all three men conspire that night to come up with a story for the police and she never even made it to their apartments? And if she did make it to their apartments, what was the drug lord and sex offender going to do, wait outside all night on the hope that maybe she might leave sometime???

The same thing happens in the Abby and Libby Delphi case. I have had people that wanted to discuss the families and some possible connections in that case too. In my opinion, it means absolutely nothing without proof and is just a conversation that goes on and on with no end in sight because all of it is random guesswork. I do not agree with any of it. Families were not involved in my opinion. I think people need to make these connections because they cannot accept that they have no idea who is responsible. It is hard to accept sometimes that a mystery is a mystery.

No one knows what happened to Lauren Spierer except for Lauren Spierer and the person or persons who abducted her. As far as I know, there were no witnesses to her possible abduction. It could literally be anyone in the entire world who saw Lauren Spierer at the corner of 11th and College Avenue in Bloomington, Indiana on June 3, 2011 at around 4:30 a.m.

The reality is the missing person's case of Lauren Spierer is a mystery.
Different people value different things. Personally I found the map quite interesting and I appreciate the work that went into it. Some people are less convinced than you that Hannah and Lauren’s cases are unrelated. Perhaps they’re wrong. Perhaps they’re right. To your point we just don’t know and since we don’t and until we do both POVs are equally valid and equally appropriate for posting IMO.
Different people value different things. Personally I found the map quite interesting and I appreciate the work that went into it. Some people are less convinced than you that Hannah and Lauren’s cases are unrelated. Perhaps they’re wrong. Perhaps they’re right. To your point we just don’t know and since we don’t and until we do both POVs are equally valid and equally appropriate for posting IMO.

Anyone can post anything they want to post within the guidelines of Websleuths. That is what this is all about. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. They can discuss whatever they want and put forth whatever theory they have.

A more interesting discussion, in my opinion, would be if all the video surveillance was released and people commented about something interesting they notice. That would be based on the evidence. And I am sure there would still be people who would overanalyze it, but at least it would be more interesting.

I think the one thing I have learned is that you have to stay away from the idea that every single thing in the world is possible. This is difficult to explain. What I mean is that you have to consider every possibility, but try to look at it within reason and based on the evidence. And I will definitely agree that not all of us views the "evidence" the same way. That is human nature.

My theory. I would make my argument right now that it was perhaps a newspaper delivery person(guess) dropping off newspapers. This person saw Lauren Spierer on the ground because she passed out(guess). They then pretended to help her but put her in their vehicle and drove away(guess). There is my theory based on guess after guess. But I will agree that sometimes you have to hope to get lucky. Maybe my theory is what happened to Lauren Spierer? But good luck trying to prove it.

Or I could make a link between the murderer of Hannah Graham and Lauren Spierer and base everything on the fact that they both attended the same bar. Both haven't thousands of IU students gone to that bar too? And the circumstances surrounding the Graham and Spierer cases are quite different in my opinion.

I think this is why missing persons cases in particular are so frustrating. You have nothing to go on once the person disappears. Like so many missing persons cases, it is a mystery as to what happened to Lauren Spierer.
Anyone can post anything they want to post within the guidelines of Websleuths. That is what this is all about. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. They can discuss whatever they want and put forth whatever theory they have.

A more interesting discussion, in my opinion, would be if all the video surveillance was released and people commented about something interesting they notice. That would be based on the evidence. And I am sure there would still be people who would overanalyze it, but at least it would be more interesting.

I think the one thing I have learned is that you have to stay away from the idea that every single thing in the world is possible. This is difficult to explain. What I mean is that you have to consider every possibility, but try to look at it within reason and based on the evidence. And I will definitely agree that not all of us views the "evidence" the same way. That is human nature.

My theory. I would make my argument right now that it was perhaps a newspaper delivery person(guess) dropping off newspapers. This person saw Lauren Spierer on the ground because she passed out(guess). They then pretended to help her but put her in their vehicle and drove away(guess). There is my theory based on guess after guess. But I will agree that sometimes you have to hope to get lucky. Maybe my theory is what happened to Lauren Spierer? But good luck trying to prove it.

Or I could make a link between the murderer of Hannah Graham and Lauren Spierer and base everything on the fact that they both attended the same bar. Both haven't thousands of IU students gone to that bar too? And the circumstances surrounding the Graham and Spierer cases are quite different in my opinion.

I think this is why missing persons cases in particular are so frustrating. You have nothing to go on once the person disappears. Like so many missing persons cases, it is a mystery as to what happened to Lauren Spierer.
I think it would be almost impossible to find any IU Bloomington student that hadn’t been to Kilroys. Multiple times. (Does anyone know if they still have those monster fried mushrooms? ).

Even in the unlikely event that LS’s remains turn up one day we still won’t know what happened to her unless the person who disappeared her was stupid enough to bury her on their own property (ala Gacy or Chad Daybell) or drop their ID in her grave.

I say “disappeared” instead of “killed” because I don’t believe she ever left those boy’s apartment building alive. One of them may have killed her accidently or on purpose. Or she may have died from alcohol poisoning, drugs or her head injury and they just got scared. If they were involved in any way though they’ll never say a word.

While we may not agree w/what happened to Lauren, I’m 100% on board with BPD releasing any and all video they have from that night. Do they think releasing the videos will harm the investigation? Newsflash— the investigation is an official bust. They could rally the best cold-case squad in the country and the case would go nowhere without new tips. And short of those directly involved any new tips worth having will be something the tipster didn’t realize was a tip. So yes, release the videos.

Frankly I would think the boys last seen w/her that evening would want the videos released more than anyone. A video showing Lauren leaving their building alone under her own power without one of them following behind her would largely lift the cloud of suspicion that’s been hanging over their heads all these years.

Are there laws in IN the press could use to force the release the footage? Just curious.
Has there ever been mention of The Trevlac Bluffs Nature Preserve on the threads? I’m planning on going hiking there soon. The Railroad bridge/tracks would be easy access to the more remote areas of the preserve. (Making it less likely someone would just stumble onto remains)
I think Ros brought up Trevlac Bluffs.
This reminded me of the unknown DNA at the Hannah Wilson / Daniel Messel crime scene.

"He opened a paper grocery sack containing State’s Exhibit 88 and pulled out Messel’s brown and blood-stained Skechers shoe, which had his blood, Wilson’s blood and blood from an “unknown male,” Raymond testified.

More paper bags were cut open, revealing to jurors: Messel’s Cincinnati Reds No. 5 Johnny Bench T-shirt with his blood on it; and his jeans with his DNA, Wilson’s and, again, an “unknown person’s” DNA, according to Raymond.

Fingernail clippings cut from Wilson’s right hand during her autopsy contained traces of her own DNA and that of an unknown male, not Messel."

very astute observation that went over my head, wow. I missed this post and
posted about the second unidentified male but did not see this connection.

what if.
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Anything is possible. I did not know about the bartender witness. I did not follow this case as it happened in June 2011. I remembered it from the news because I remember it was a big story not too long after Holly Bobo and thought I would take a look at it. If Lauren Spierer was placed outside of the apartments she left that night, why is there still so much suspicion surrounding those friends of hers?

It could possibly be the same man, but as you wrote, the cameras would have picked up any vehicles circling the area that night. Wouldn't they have picked up DM's vehicle too?

It seems strange too that DM would leave Hannah Graham in such an open noticeable place, yet obviously would have to have found a very good spot to hide Lauren Spierer's body(if she is deceased). And the Graham case happened in 2015, after the Spierer case. Is it possible in the Spierer case from 2011 DM did not use a car and came up with the perfect place to hide a body, yet in 2015 did use a car and left the body out in the open? Yes it is possible, but in my opinion, that is why I have a hard time believing it is probably the same man.

But when you have no idea what happened anything is possible and any theory is out on the table to be discussed. I only hope someday the police will release the rest of the video surveillance from that night and let us armchair detectives take a look at it. Maybe there is something we or someone else from the Bloomington, Indiana area see that can help solve the case?

Its Hannah WILSON, not Graham. That's another case.
When starting into a cold case like Laurens, its a good idea to
read through the threads. Members like BTown and Vidocq and others including myself have tracked down and documented every camera, which way they pointed, etc. We might have the most accurate record of these cameras, because now most of the cameras are gone as the entire area has been renovated.

We figured out the areas Lauren could be removed from and there were several large areas missing cameras, this we checked and tripled and quadrupled checked. Again, using the map if you look to the NW that's where, right out of the back parking lot behind 5N, no camera.

Many of the news stories were inaccurate. Her friends and acquaintances were obviously lying about many things.

The bar witness was not someone who rushed to LE to report seeing Lauren abducted. She was seen circling the building during the timeline Lauren went missing and hauled in for questioning and is most likely still a poi in the case. She actually admitted seeing Lauren fall and get picked up and carried up the STREET. Approx an hour earlier, she also fell and was half carried piggyback up the ALLEY by her date.

This is a big difference. The private investigators viewed the alley tape said that while Lauren was being carried piggyback, in the alley, she was very much alive. Then, bar witness said and hour later she saw Lauren free fall, was knocked out cold and picked up and carried up the street.

IMO either handed off to boyfriend fell (pushed?)and died or
before boyfriend arrived, DM knocked her down, grabbed her and carried right into the back parking lot behind 5N and out the northwest exit. no cameras.

IMO there are big lies with the 5N pois, which is why they make the perfect suspects. The drugs. They participated in what amounted to a stalking of a friend who ended up dead. and it was their fault even though they didn't actually kill her.
It was initially a group effort to keep her date out of her apt and if they hadn't done that, she would be alive today. I think people grossly underestimated how many hundreds of millions these people had collectively and how close their families were.
We were led to believe they were only casual friends and acquaintances and this was on purpose. For example the boyfriends family is worth over a hundred million dollars.
We traced the net worth of all concerned its impressive by anyone's standards. So, lying and conspiracy to hold and release Lauren, chasing Lauren back into the street, selling her the drugs, etc etc even if ultimately they get off, what a scandal for the businesses.

and before anyone says if they had so much money, why so much investigation of their kids, just look what they did they came in, effectively shut down even looking at certain witnesses such as DB. They did use their money and high powered lawyers to keep a gag order on LE and the evidence.
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Its Hannah WILSON, not Graham. That's another case.
When starting into a cold case like Laurens, its a good idea to
read through the threads. Members like BTown and Vidocq and others including myself have tracked down and documented every camera, which way they pointed, etc. We might have the most accurate record of these cameras, because now most of the cameras are gone as the entire area has been renovated.

We figured out the areas Lauren could be removed from and there were several large areas missing cameras, this we checked and tripled and quadrupled checked. Again, using the map if you look to the NW that's where, right out of the back parking lot behind 5N, no camera.

Many of the news stories were inaccurate. Her friends and acquaintances were obviously lying about many things.

The bar witness was not someone who rushed to LE to report seeing Lauren abducted. She was seen circling the building during the timeline Lauren went missing and hauled in for questioning and is most likely still a poi in the case. She actually admitted seeing Lauren fall and get picked up and carried up the STREET. Approx an hour earlier, she also fell and was half carried piggyback up the ALLEY by her date.

This is a big difference. The private investigators viewed the alley tape said that while Lauren was being carried piggyback, in the alley, she was very much alive. Then, bar witness said and hour later she saw Lauren free fall, was knocked out cold and picked up and carried up the street.

IMO either handed off to boyfriend fell (pushed?)and died or
before boyfriend arrived, DM knocked her down, grabbed her and carried right into the back parking lot behind 5N and out the northwest exit. no cameras.

IMO there are big lies with the 5N pois, which is why they make the perfect suspects. The drugs. They participated in what amounted to a stalking of a friend who ended up dead. and it was their fault even though they didn't actually kill her.
It was initially a group effort to keep her date out of her apt and if they hadn't done that, she would be alive today. I think people grossly underestimated how many hundreds of millions these people had collectively and how close their families were.
We were led to believe they were only casual friends and acquaintances and this was on purpose. For example the boyfriends family is worth over a hundred million dollars.
We traced the net worth of all concerned its impressive by anyone's standards. So, lying and conspiracy to hold and release Lauren, chasing Lauren back into the street, selling her the drugs, etc etc even if ultimately they get off, what a scandal for the businesses.

and before anyone says if they had so much money, why so much investigation of their kids, just look what they did they came in, effectively shut down even looking at certain witnesses such as DB. They did use their money and high powered lawyers to keep a gag order on LE and the evidence.
This is the BEST summary I have seen here in a very long time. It brought back so many of my emotions concerning her "friends". It has been complete silence from the whole group for all these years. I honestly thought someone would have a conscience, but I guess I'm wrong. I pray for Lauren's family. This case still haunts me. Probably because my kids were also in college at the time.
I think its Heather Gra
Anything is possible. I did not know about the bartender witness. I did not follow this case as it happened in June 2011. I remembered it from the news because I remember it was a big story not too long after Holly Bobo and thought I would take a look at it. If Lauren Spierer was placed outside of the apartments she left that night, why is there still so much suspicion surrounding those friends of hers?

It could possibly be the same man, but as you wrote, the cameras would have picked up any vehicles circling the area that night. Wouldn't they have picked up DM's vehicle too?

It seems strange too that DM would leave Hannah Graham in such an open noticeable place, yet obviously would have to have found a very good spot to hide Lauren Spierer's body(if she is deceased). And the Graham case happened in 2015, after the Spierer case. Is it possible in the Spierer case from 2011 DM did not use a car and came up with the perfect place to hide a body, yet in 2015 did use a car and left the body out in the open? Yes it is possible, but in my opinion, that is why I have a hard time believing it is probably the same man.

But when you have no idea what happened anything is possible and any theory is out on the table to be discussed. I only hope someday the police will release the rest of the video surveillance from that night and let us armchair detectives take a look at it. Maybe there is something we or someone else from the Bloomington, Indiana area see that can help solve the case?

I think its Heather Graham iirc. Whoa, you just gave me an idea! We should ask Yeah Babs to somehow mark all of the cameras on the map. This would take very, very much research. We can't use any current cameras. For folks who dont live in Bloomington which is most of you, Almost the entire two blocks has been changed, bulldozed, I remember me and Vidocq not together, sleuthed 1Oth and College really well, the courtyards, even a little trespassing--they have changed all of the private door stoops--cops never said where the bar witness saw Lauren fall but I think it was on the east side of Morton St. near the corner. Also, we always assumed JR was talking about letting Lauren go at the corner of 11 and College, but he could have let her out at the corner of Morton and 11. Because we determined that in the summer, JR would not be able to see Lauren on the corner from his balcony! But if she was on the other corner, JR could look right down from his balcony and see her perfectly. Also, CR and MBs townhouse was right there on that corner. hmmm
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thinking hard....not sure if JR ever said what corner, we just thought it was 11th and College. No one corrected us. LE would not do that. The two corners are way different, 11 and Morton had a very scary dark gigantic lot across the street with abandoned railway cars at the end. No camera there and it has no light. 11 and College is bright, camera, traffic at all hours. He could see Lauren at the corner of 11 and Morton but not at the corner of 11 and College. Someone hurry tell me I am wrong
thinking hard....not sure if JR ever said what corner, we just thought it was 11th and College. No one corrected us. LE would not do that. The two corners are way different, 11 and Morton had a very scary dark gigantic lot across the street with abandoned railway cars at the end. No camera there and it has no light. 11 and College is bright, camera, traffic at all hours. He could see Lauren at the corner of 11 and Morton but not at the corner of 11 and College. Someone hurry tell me I am wrong
also wanted to add, we have to be careful we do not use social media that used random hearsay, we have to find out if LE told us that JR said he released Lauren to corner of 1o and College. It could be that we did discuss this way back threads but cannot remember.
I’m going to go out on a limb here, but when I watched relentless on the missing case of young Christina, the theory that kept circulating is that she was human trafficked to Peoria which is a place known for this. Then as I saw Peoria on a map I noticed it’s proximity to Bloomington then I started thinking about Lauren’s case. Perhaps she was taken while she was in a vulnerable state. I’m sure traffickers canvas these college towns looking for this type of opportunity… just my thoughts and how Peoria is 35 miles from Bloomington and to get anyone else’s thoughts.
Yes combing would be great sorry new to this site and really wasn’t sure if I jump on other threads or start my own. Now I know. Thanks so much!
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