IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #35

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Actually, LS could've made the call to JW for that matter.

The only problem with these scenarios is that LE would know of these calls so if they lied about them that should easily lead LE to unravel their stories. Otherwise the assumption would have to be they admitted to them up front and explained them to LE's satisfaction, to the point they didn't warrant any extra scrutiny, or led nowhere in any case if they did.
I still think Lauren accidentally died, then her "friends" panicked and tried to hide everything. Now they feel it's too late to backtrack.
I still think she accidentally died, but with her boyfriend and he successfully blamed it on her "friends" and the guy she was cheating on him with.

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I still think she accidentally died, but with her boyfriend and he successfully blamed it on her "friends" and the guy she was cheating on him with.

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At this point I have to give the JW scenario equal weight to the 5N scenario, and I think DM has to go right in there as well.
I think the waters are sufficiently muddy around this case by this point that it's impossible from the outside looking in to be too certain about any particular scenario.
Convicted Murderer Daniel Messel, Sentenced To 15 Years In Rape Case

- Daniel Messel, who is serving an 80-year sentence for killing an Indiana University student pleaded guilty today in a separate case involving an attack on another IU student.

Daniel Messel faced charges including rape, criminal deviate conduct, criminal confinement, battery and theft in connection with the September 2012 attack.

Messel pleaded guilty this morning to battery. He was sentenced to 8 years in the Department of Correction with a 7-year enhancement for being a habitual offender.
This case is the only one I have followed as closely and avidly as I have. Also a personal connection to the family

I don’t think the names men who were students at the time and were with Lauren that night, her “friends” know what happened to her. They were as messed up as she was, on drugs and alcohol.

But there are plenty of people around who could have simply picked her up that night as she headed home. Barefoot, tired, not feeling well, too much to drink and drug, she’d have welcomed a ride or some respite offer enroute to her place. I don’t think it took much to snatch her up. She might easily have gotten into a vehicle willingly.

Whether college students or other, whether voluntary or coerced, whether for ill intent or not, whether further “partying” and drugs happened after pick up , she ended up dead and whoever was with her simply ditched the body.
Private investigator still chasing leads in Indiana disappearance
BLOOMINGTON, IN (WAVE) -Sunday marks seven years since Indiana University student Lauren Spierer disappeared.

In 2011, search parties spent weeks desperately looking for her.

Spierer, 20, was last seen in Bloomington after a night of partying with friends on June 3, 2011.

On Sunday, a message from her family on Facebook was posted with love, thanking those that have searched for her and lamenting the fact that she still hasn't been found seven years later.
Family Writes Note On Anniversary Of Lauren Spierer Disappearance

Seven years later, we continue our search for Lauren, for truth, for justice. Our sincerest of thanks to those who have stood by our sides since June 3, 2011 and who continue to do so," her family wrote.

Read the entire note below:

Lauren's disappearance has been and continues to be the most heart wrenching experience of our lives. Going forward after June 3, 2011, has been our biggest challenge.

Seven years later, we continue our search for Lauren, for truth, for justice. Our sincerest of thanks to those who have stood by our sides since June 3, 2011 and who continue to do so. I remember writing a few short months after Lauren's disappearance that I never thought I would see an October without answers. I never could have imagined we would still be searching for Lauren seven years later. I end this now as I start each morning, hoping today will be the day....

Loving you, Lauren, every second of every day.

Mom, Dad and Rebecca
Family Writes Note On Anniversary Of Lauren Spierer Disappearance

Seven years later, we continue our search for Lauren, for truth, for justice. Our sincerest of thanks to those who have stood by our sides since June 3, 2011 and who continue to do so," her family wrote.

Read the entire note below:

Lauren's disappearance has been and continues to be the most heart wrenching experience of our lives. Going forward after June 3, 2011, has been our biggest challenge.

Seven years later, we continue our search for Lauren, for truth, for justice. Our sincerest of thanks to those who have stood by our sides since June 3, 2011 and who continue to do so. I remember writing a few short months after Lauren's disappearance that I never thought I would see an October without answers. I never could have imagined we would still be searching for Lauren seven years later. I end this now as I start each morning, hoping today will be the day....

Loving you, Lauren, every second of every day.

Mom, Dad and Rebecca

Sooo wonderful
What's more likely? She overdosed and they buried her or that someone nabbed her walking down the road?
What's more likely? She overdosed and they buried her or that someone nabbed her walking down the road?

Before DM I think the statistics would've pointed to someone she knows. Random abduction I believe is statistically rather small. But that changes completely once there's someone caught and convicted for randomly abducting someone as well as a sexual assault in the same general area.

Whether there's something that 100% clears DM the police aren't saying, so from the outside looking in he has to be on the radar.

As for what having a known murderer, abductor, and sexual offender operating in that same basic area and timeframe does to the statistics I mentioned earlier would be something interesting to see.
What's more likely? She overdosed and they buried her or that someone nabbed her walking down the road?
After her last recorded fall, there is no indication that she ever was conscious again. Only the inconsistent statements from MB and JR claim that she was alive. CR had the convenient amnesia. JR's houseguest(s) statements are known only to LE (assuming they ever talked with them). It appears to me that she may have died right there after that last recorded fall. It's possible that she was alive but unconscious and CR had ill intent. That would be a significant reason to hide her body as it might contain evidence of rape. The story that MB gave about CR being in such bad shape isn't consistent with the video record of him or witness statements. However, it might have happened later, if for example CR decided to take advantage of Lauren, and she died in his room. Then CR might have freaked out and MB might have indeed called JR to for help, Then MB's story of mothering CR almost seems plausible. As discussed hundreds of times before, JR had no choice but to cover it up because it would lead back to him anyway. My first inclination is to think that she actually died after that recorded fall. To me the explanation for her things being found many feet away is that she was picked up and / or dragged over there. That would have been CR doing that. He was with her at the time, but why he stopped supporting her is noteworthy. If she went into cardiac arrest after that fall, she would have needed immediate CPR and 911 call. Assuming that CR was drunk / high but still somewhat conscious his actions might be delayed and his judgement impaired. That's the best case scenario for him. I think someone made the conscious decision to get her keycard and ID right there OR she had those 2 items concealed on her body like in a bra OR CR purposefully took those things from her earlier for no good reason. The fact that JR knows about those 2 items is a clue, a powerful one to me. I think it's most likely that CR had those 2 items, and that she died where those other items were found. Realizing that she was not breathing and that he could not wake her CR brought her to 5N and got MB to get JR. It is possible in the panic of that moment that MB did not know if she were alive or not, and CR were he not to have amnesia could argue the same thing. OF course the obvious question is why not call 911? This is the whole problem here. They failed to call 911 and then when it became clear that she was gone, the cover up ensued. A fairly simple and fast moving chain of events. Based on all of the publicly known facts I think this is the most likely thing that happened. Some twists on it perhaps, like maybe she actually died on the way to 5N or at CR/MB's place. But I don't think she made it to 5N and not alive if she did. I think the stories of CR/MB and JR are contrived, calculated and orchestrated by JR. And so the idea that JR actually let her leave after all of what happened before, isn't believable at all. His own admissions of her condition destroy his story. I hope that someday they will reveal where she is, so that her family can get some relief. The fact that this has not happened by now, indicates how sociopathic they all are. no guilt, no conscience. They might rationalize that it was an accidental death. But tormenting her family this way is not an accident. It's too bad that LE and the FBI are taking so long to get somewhere. They can't rule out that this wasn't premeditated and malicious or that it didn't cross state lines, so they should work on this case. Apparently with murder being so prevalent everywhere in the USA, this case isn't at the top of the list.
What's more likely? She overdosed and they buried her or that someone nabbed her walking down the road?
it's hard to say. statistically it's people that you know, but after hearing about the other CR in the Mollie Tibbetts case, it's possible she could have been taken advantage of by a passerby on the road. From the sounds of it, she was sure in a vulnerable condition to walk home on her own. I think there might be greater chances of something being seen or caught on camera than in somewhere more rural. But, even if cameras could have caught something and tried to follow it, it was darker than the MT case and there would be less chance of identifying someone based on the make and model of their car due to a much higher population and amount of guest traffic. The very nature of a college town also means a lot of people coming and going and not really knowing their neighbors. Lord I wish this one could be solved so her family can have closure.
After her last recorded fall, there is no indication that she ever was conscious again. Only the inconsistent statements from MB and JR claim that she was alive. CR had the convenient amnesia. JR's houseguest(s) statements are known only to LE (assuming they ever talked with them). It appears to me that she may have died right there after that last recorded fall. It's possible that she was alive but unconscious and CR had ill intent. That would be a significant reason to hide her body as it might contain evidence of rape. The story that MB gave about CR being in such bad shape isn't consistent with the video record of him or witness statements. However, it might have happened later, if for example CR decided to take advantage of Lauren, and she died in his room. Then CR might have freaked out and MB might have indeed called JR to for help, Then MB's story of mothering CR almost seems plausible. As discussed hundreds of times before, JR had no choice but to cover it up because it would lead back to him anyway. My first inclination is to think that she actually died after that recorded fall. To me the explanation for her things being found many feet away is that she was picked up and / or dragged over there. That would have been CR doing that. He was with her at the time, but why he stopped supporting her is noteworthy. If she went into cardiac arrest after that fall, she would have needed immediate CPR and 911 call. Assuming that CR was drunk / high but still somewhat conscious his actions might be delayed and his judgement impaired. That's the best case scenario for him. I think someone made the conscious decision to get her keycard and ID right there OR she had those 2 items concealed on her body like in a bra OR CR purposefully took those things from her earlier for no good reason. The fact that JR knows about those 2 items is a clue, a powerful one to me. I think it's most likely that CR had those 2 items, and that she died where those other items were found. Realizing that she was not breathing and that he could not wake her CR brought her to 5N and got MB to get JR. It is possible in the panic of that moment that MB did not know if she were alive or not, and CR were he not to have amnesia could argue the same thing. OF course the obvious question is why not call 911? This is the whole problem here. They failed to call 911 and then when it became clear that she was gone, the cover up ensued. A fairly simple and fast moving chain of events. Based on all of the publicly known facts I think this is the most likely thing that happened. Some twists on it perhaps, like maybe she actually died on the way to 5N or at CR/MB's place. But I don't think she made it to 5N and not alive if she did. I think the stories of CR/MB and JR are contrived, calculated and orchestrated by JR. And so the idea that JR actually let her leave after all of what happened before, isn't believable at all. His own admissions of her condition destroy his story. I hope that someday they will reveal where she is, so that her family can get some relief. The fact that this has not happened by now, indicates how sociopathic they all are. no guilt, no conscience. They might rationalize that it was an accidental death. But tormenting her family this way is not an accident. It's too bad that LE and the FBI are taking so long to get somewhere. They can't rule out that this wasn't premeditated and malicious or that it didn't cross state lines, so they should work on this case. Apparently with murder being so prevalent everywhere in the USA, this case isn't at the top of the list.

A lot of great speculation and possibilities. My issue with the guys at 5N is the lack of evidence. LE/FBI are in the business of solving crimes and closing cases, while they may not know or have enough evidence, I don't think it's because of lack of desire/effort...and then private investigators brought....and yet still really no new evidence or leads besides DM. With the 5N guys under a microscopic scrutiny of LE/FBI, public, media and sleuths...yet we've turned up absolutely no new evidence that would provide for stronger POI or even suspect....and I would say the same about JW, a lot of potentially suspicious actions during, after and years after, however....again, no additional true evidence on someone who is always the first to suspect. If any of the 5N guys or JW or other friends/acquaintances were involved or around her when/if she died with them and or they disposed on her body, there's evidence, bodily fluids, hair strands, etc. The fact that none of that, that 'we' know of, has surfaced or ever been found leads me away from the usual suspect and more toward someone random, making a clean scoop and who has not been under the microscope for 7 years. Just my 2 cents, none of which matters unless she is found, truth uncovered and the family gets some closure and relief. I cannot fathom such a life they've had for the past 7 years...prayers to all of them.
What's more likely? She overdosed and they buried her or that someone nabbed her walking down the road?
I think that, sadly, Lauren was on her way home and someone saw her and took advantage of the situation. It could have been someone she met earlier at the campus bar—or someone who saw her there, then stalked/followed her later on. This could also have been totally random—wrong place/wrong time scenario.
I really don’t think Lauren’s disappearance is the result of foul play by any of the students she hung out with earlier that evening. It’s not easy to hide a body, and someone on campus would have said something by now if a student had committed a crime. These are college kids, not criminals, imo. I would add that they were negligent, however, in not walking her home or at least calling or texting her to be sure she got home safely.
My heart is with this family. My husband is a proud graduate of Indiana University, who is also a very active alumni. He feels very sad about Lauren’s disappearance as well.
A lot of great speculation and possibilities. My issue with the guys at 5N is the lack of evidence. LE/FBI are in the business of solving crimes and closing cases, while they may not know or have enough evidence, I don't think it's because of lack of desire/effort...and then private investigators brought....and yet still really no new evidence or leads besides DM. With the 5N guys under a microscopic scrutiny of LE/FBI, public, media and sleuths...yet we've turned up absolutely no new evidence that would provide for stronger POI or even suspect....and I would say the same about JW, a lot of potentially suspicious actions during, after and years after, however....again, no additional true evidence on someone who is always the first to suspect. If any of the 5N guys or JW or other friends/acquaintances were involved or around her when/if she died with them and or they disposed on her body, there's evidence, bodily fluids, hair strands, etc. The fact that none of that, that 'we' know of, has surfaced or ever been found leads me away from the usual suspect and more toward someone random, making a clean scoop and who has not been under the microscope for 7 years. Just my 2 cents, none of which matters unless she is found, truth uncovered and the family gets some closure and relief. I cannot fathom such a life they've had for the past 7 years...prayers to all of them.
Under a microscope? From what is public, there were guests @ JR's who left and were not investigated. Did they take forensic samples at JR's? Her DNA would have been there from earlier that evening and dna from countless others.
It was the end of term, the next morning cars left and never returned. Her body may have never made it back to 5N. Even if it did, I dont think she left alive. The inconsistencies are lies, and why lie? JR got the most powerful lawyer in the state and left town. I agree with you that the issue is a lack of certain physical evidence. Yet its clear to me the 5N guys are liars. LE/FBI has evidence, and they likely know what happened. Yes, sir, proving it in a court of law and arguing against the best lawyer money can buy is another story.
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