IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #8

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I never saw any statement from the people involved as to why she left with him.Just as I never saw anything that the roommate even knew about the altercation that night.I am still trying to figure out why she brought him back to her apt.I know what people are going to say but according to HT her boyfriend practically lived their so it is pretty likely he would have found out.If that was the plan I would think they would have went strait back to CR apt.

The only thing I can think of is that she wanted shoes. It seems like she could have just gone back to Kilroy's but maybe she really had been kicked out?
The only thing I can think of is that she wanted shoes. It seems like she could have just gone back to Kilroy's but maybe she really had been kicked out?
That seams entirely possible.That would also answer the question why she left with CR after the fight.Because that was what she planned to do all along.Why else would she need shoes.
It's really odd that a barefoot Lauren would have to walk CR home to make sure he got there ok. I can imagine him convincing her to come with him, telling her to come on, he needs her help, etc.; and her going because she was a nice person and he had just been in an altercation with her boyfriend's friends.
These guys may be telling the truth, ( nothing really points to them lying), but I'm still picking up a subtle transfer of blame. The witness accounts serve 3 purposes, IMO...1: the witness comes across as a mature responsible adult for declining the chance to party and for being considerate enough to gauge LS's drunkeness as she left. 2: LS is seen as irresponsible for choosing to leave. 3: the other guy's memory loss ensures no discrepancies in story comparrison, but more importantly, since another witness claims to have personally put him to bed, there can be no question of him doing something horrible, while blacked out. Now, this may be exactly how things went down. If so, legally speaking, they're covered... but I wonder if the guy went to the ER or dr for his memory loss. I noticed in a news clip that he had a lawyer, who emphasized the beating, so I would think a dr's verification would be a logical step. MOO
At 4:14 she should still have been inside JR's, getting ready to dial the phone, right? So if the first pass was at 4:14 the driver could not have seen her and circled back, unless of course she was not making that call (or I have my times wrong...)

At the presser LE made clear the times on the footage were estimates saying they couldnt be confirmed as accurate. Not sure if they have recanted that but it stood out to me.
And also if I saw correctly, a couple of the guys did not have LS as a friend on their FB lists. I thought this to be kind of odd...if they were all friends.
These guys may be telling the truth, ( nothing really points to them lying), but I'm still picking up a subtle transfer of blame. The witness accounts serve 3 purposes, IMO...1: the witness comes across as a mature responsible adult for declining the chance to party and for being considerate enough to gauge LS's drunkeness as she left. 2: LS is seen as irresponsible for choosing to leave. 3: the other guy's memory loss ensures no discrepancies in story comparrison, but more importantly, since another witness claims to have personally put him to bed, there can be no question of him doing something horrible, while blacked out. Now, this may be exactly how things went down. If so, legally speaking, they're covered... but I wonder if the guy went to the ER or dr for his memory loss. I noticed in a news clip that he had a lawyer, who emphasized the beating, so I would think a dr's verification would be a logical step. MOO

He hadn't seen a doctor by June 9th according to:

Salzmann said Thursday that Rossman was punched at least once and possibly twice, based on the bruising to his face. Despite his claim of memory loss, Rossman still has not been checked by a doctor, the lawyer said.

If he didn't see a doctor, I'm inclined to believe his alleged memory loss was either drug (Xanax)/alcohol related or just convenient. I wonder exactly what he really remembers. Whatever it is, if anything, he isn't saying.
And also if I saw correctly, a couple of the guys did not have LS as a friend on their FB lists. I thought this to be kind of odd...if they were all friends.

HT said that she and Lauren had met CR two weeks earlier at the Indy 500. She also said that she and, if I remember correctly, Lauren spent time at JR's apartment last year. But I don't think CR, at least, was part of the friend group for long.
Just a random thought here....

someone posted earlier that they thought it looked like rolls of copper in the back of the truck. Copper theft has become an epidemic in the US since salvage prices are paying quite well right now. Just in the last week, I have heard of 5 different cases of copper theft in my area (including theft of copper from a cell tower).

There is a lot of construction going on in the area that LS was in. I don't know what kind of construction they are doing, but it would be interesting to know if there is any copper laying around there or even if any copper is missing from the construction sites.

Did she see something that someone didn't want her to see?

Just another theory to think about.
(if they found a purse belonging to another unrelated
murder between the buildings she went to,as reported in MSM news

So - what other recent "murder" was there in Bloomington that would have a purse still out there waiting to be discovered? Odd....
I think that even if she saw anything such as theft, in her allegedly intoxicated state she would have been completely harmless and useless as a witness, so it's hard to imagine that as a motive.
(if they found a purse belonging to another unrelated
murder between the buildings she went to,as reported in MSM news

So - what other recent "murder" was there in Bloomington that would have a purse still out there waiting to be discovered? Odd....

That purse was found by volunteer searches in the park. I think that was confused as being found in the area LS was because it was mentioned in the press-conference about LS.
With all the channels being tuned in to the so called trial of the centry this drop dead gorgious girl has really went under the radar which is odd even with the trial of the centry being on i mean they thrive on this a beautiful college age blonde hair blue eyes stuff they eat it up but even this girl couldnt bump off casey anthony for one night .sad if u ask me . this girl kinda reminds me abit of the holly bobo case thier both exstremly beautiful..
Hi all,

I've only been following this case for the last day or so but have read through all your posts. I feel so bad for Lauren's family. Just thought I'd chime in with my 2 cents.

First, having grown up similiar and had a similiar college life to Lauren, nothing about her night really jumps out as me and ridiculous or leading up to a disapearance. It sounds like a typical college night where she drank a little too much, walked around barefoot, left her cellphone, and had some drama. The kind of night we've all had a few of in college and usually wake up the next day with a headache and pull the pillow over our head as we slowly recall the ridiculous details.

Not having all that much info I think there are a few possibilities what happened to her.

1) Least likely - I think it's possible, but unlikely, that she ODed. I say unlikely because I have unfortunately had to take more than one person to the hospital for partying too much. Someone also died at my college from alcohol posioning related to frat hazing. People don't just keel over and die. They vomit, a lot, they empty their bowels, etc. There would be evidence if this had happened to her in someone's apartment. Also, even though you are aware you may face criminal liability if someone ODs, everyone I knows gut reaction is to seek help for the person dying, not to cover up the crime. I also think they would have panicked and there would have been numerous phone calls, a lot of noise, etc. etc. It just seems unlikely to me that a couple of college kids watched a girl die and knew how to quietly and quickly remove any evidence. Not impossible of course, I just don't think this is what happened.

2) I think it's possible the boyfriend is involved. It seems obvious she had a crush on CR and was probably going to hook up with him that night. He very likely knew about this from his frat brothers. He probably called her phone and she obviously wasn't answering because she had left it in the bar. Is this enough to send him into such a jealous rage that he finds her and kills her? We can't say based on what we know, but it wouldn't be the first time it happened.

3) I think a stranger abduction is possible. I don't think it was someone driving around looking for a blonde college student to abduct, but I think it's possible she stumbled out of JR's apartment and this truck just happened to see her at the exact wrong time and it was a crime of opportunity. I also think it's possible the owner of the truck was a stranger who happened upon her earlier in the night (at the bar, or walking through campus) and was waiting for her to come out of that apartment building. I don't think the white truck is related to a college student, because I've never met a college student who advertising their company on the side of their pick up truck. JMO.

Also, the first time I saw that truck picture I knew almost nothing about the case and I was like "Well, the girl is sitting in the back of the truck, so I'm pretty sure it's involved" Not saying it's definitely a person, but it sure looks like the truck was empty on the first pass and somone was sitting there on the second pass. (To me it actually looks like a blonde girl in a white Tshirt with her back against the window and a guy in a black Tshirt with his arm across her chest kissing her.) Could of course be nothing, but that's what I first saw when I didn't know what I was looking at.
I'm not sure what I think happened anymore. Here's one thing I can't get past though. IF something happened while she was with the boys/JR, and if they panicked, WHY would they chance getting rid of her body in the woods? I gather to make it look like a kidnapping and that she was dumped there by someone else. IF she were allegedly as intoxicated as were are lead to believe, why not just put her somewhere close by? Somewhere that she could have potentially wandered off to on the way home? It just seems like that would have been so much easier than trying to coordinate the dumping, avoiding being seen on camera in their vehicles, possible DNA in their vehicles, involving a second party, etc.
Well, the obvious reason to hide a body would be "no body, no crime." If the body isn't found that greatly diminishes chances of prosecution, and there is also no evidence of why the person died.
If she needed shoes why didnt the guy give her his to wear . and his jacket hell i woulda given her my boxers to keep her warm..
Drunk voices are very loud in the middle of the night, esp. after bar closing time. Trying to get someone to walk, etc., at the end of a long night when they don't want to tends to increase the noise volume, animated antics. Voices carry, especially on hot Bloomington nights, especially to sober stay at homes/apts that listen to the drunken activity/ kids trying to walk home, etc.

With the coaxing of trying to get LS to leave the 11th St apt locale, someone at home/another apt complex there could have easily been viewing the full night's antics, waiting to pounce when the opportune time arose, or even called a loser with a truck to take advantage.

When I first heard of LS going missing, my first thought, and still is, is that Bloom, is a sleepy sleepy town, especailly in the summer. People do not go missing. I am an IU grad; going back to Bolom in the summer is beautiful, relaxing. Yes, there is imbibing of all sorts, but Bloom. is quiet.

I believe that someone in the 11th/Morton locale, none of the POIs, may be involved. Some who watched this group of kids.
She wouldn't be trying to walk home from the street. She was in CR's, MB's and JR's apartment building before she would have gone home.
I was with a lot of my family tonight and I brought up this case and to my surprise a lot of people suspected the boyfriend is involved... i guess i can understand why since he left town so fast....

just curious as to what all of your family and/or friends think happened to LS??

I do not believe she was coherent after 3:00 am and think she was unconscious by 4:00 and died from complications of drug/alcohol use and her heart condition. She was not likely alone when this happened because her body would more likely have been discovered.

I do not think it is likely she was abducted for many reasons cited in this thread and additionally because I think she was too wasted and would have been too much trouble.

I don't want to believe that a bf would know what happened and not share it with her parents. However, I do not believe he went to sleep until morning at 2:30, without having connected with LS and llikely having been informed of her whereabouts/condition. The first reports of his behavior on the morning of June 4, if accurate, have him saying how worried he was. Parents worry, bf's get angry. So I question this.

PC scheduled in a couple of hours, 11:30AM Indiana time. Hope we learn something new to fill in some of the missing pieces.

Why would the times on the tapes of the truck be less than accurate? That is one thing I am not understanding...the time issue may be really important, especially if the call was made form JR's, allegedly by Lauren, at exactly 4:15AM, and the truck really did go by the first time at 4:14AM. If the times are right, and Lauren made the call, then she was still inside and could not have been spotted by the driver, who decided to come back around. But of course we don't know who made the call or if either time is exact. I'm guessing the phone time is probably accurate, as it is easy enough to see what time someone called on a cell phone even if you did not answer.

Also why would JR claim that Lauren was still with him as late as 4:15 if she had left earlier, early enough to have been the girl the other "witness" supposedly saw at 3:38AM being hoisted up by another guy? I don't believe that was Lauren, as these guys would be only too happy to say she had left the apartment earlier, if they could. So maybe someone else did see Lauren close to this time (after 4am). Didn't LE say another witness saw her walking away? I wish we knew if this was someone completely unrelated to this group or just another POI.
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