IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #9

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The only place to report that supposed bar manager testimony was a blog. LE hasn't confirmed anything, and no main stream media reported it. And since LE hasn't shown us any sketches of the man who was supposedly seen with LS, it doesn't appear LE is taking it seriously even if such testimony actually exists.
I agree about the source. But yesterday LE was asked specifically about this witness by a Fox reporter, and LE did not deny its existence, but just did a lot of "hand waving" saying essentially, that they have a lot of info coming in and they are not going to release all of it. So I truly believe it is a real story, but what LE makes of it I am left in the dark. It just makes me very uncomfortable knowing that it's there, if that makes sense to you.
I agree about the source. But yesterday LE was asked specifically about this witness by a Fox reporter, and LE did not deny its existence, but just did a lot of "hand waving" saying essentially, that they have a lot of info coming in and they are not going to release all of it. So I truly believe it is a real story, but what LE makes of it I am left in the dark. It just makes me very uncomfortable knowing that it's there, if that makes sense to you.

In high profile crimes, there are frequently witnesses who report all kind of things. At this point, I would be surprised if LE also doesn't have reports from people who claim to have seen Lauren alive after she went missing.
Have any of the attorneys, other than CR's, made any statement?

The silence is deafening. There just seems to be such a lack of straightforwardness and in general an apathy coming from the campus, student body and her companions. Some of the PsOI have dared to express antipathy while claiming their lives were being ruined! Honestly, is this how society is meant to operate?

In NYC, we say "If you see something, say something" I, for one, dare someone, including the high powered lawyers, to start talking! We are all speculating here without benefit of evidence and access to PsOI. Surely this case is hardly a mystery to those with this missing information!

Speak up and be a hero. Her body is decomposing....and yours will one day too!
Defense lawyer job is to defend/protect their client, not to get to the truth.
Be a hero first, Get your defense attorney second.
Considering that the OD/hide the body scenario is still on the table...

I’d like to see an investigative reporter examine the use of cocaine and other hard drugs amongst students at IU. I think that could be a big, interesting story and could potentially shed light on this case. The local Bloomington paper wouldn’t do this... I think they have a vested interest in presenting anything having to do with the University or IU students in a positive light.

Obviously, we don’t know if any of these kids did coke or if drugs are involved with Lauren’s disappearance but the rumor and circumstantial evidence is strong. And unlike a lot of students, these folks had the money and probably the opportunity to get cocaine if they wanted to.

And think about this: Given the speculation, if I was a lawyer for one of the P.O.I. (particularly JR or CR) I’d eagerly announce that my client was not taking any sort of hard drugs the night of Lauren’s disappearance – if he could pass a drug test (so I’m guessing they can’t).

There haven’t been a lot of stories about “what is (was) Lauren like,” I know one came around a few days ago, but have you seen anyone close to this circle say something like “Lauren wouldn’t do coke or narcotics” or “these people weren’t into drugs?”

Cocaine usage at colleges has been widely researched.

BTW drug usage is NOT a problem of ONLY those with a high Social Economic background in fact until recently the evidence supported the opposite.

Bottom line is why focus on only ONE possible theory? Why not keep an open mind and say what if..

they were using drugs and it played a role


What if they were NOT using drugs


What if they were using drugs but it did NOT play a role?
Yes, if drugs are being used, then they will ALWAYS have a role in what is going on. I don't care how many times they have been used or what types of drugs are used, they have an effect....and I have rarely seen a case where its a positive one.
Defense lawyer job is to defend/protect their client, not to get to the truth.

It is not the Defense lawyers job to "get to the truth" that is LE's job.

If a defense lawyer was to participate in the investigation and did something to incriminate their client then they would have a malpractice suit on their hand.

Everyone here in America deserves zealous representation whether they are guilty or not.

It is not up to the defense lawyers to be judge and jury to determine if their client is guilty and thus should be convicted even before a trial.

What if the lawyer was wrong and read into a "fact"? What if they decided their client was guilty but were mistaken?

What chance would the client have if their own lawyer was presenting them as guilty?

I know of a case where a guy confessed to his attorney that he killed someone but the attorney was not allowed to break attorney/client privileged until the person died. The person died and then another crime was solved.

It does not seem fair but in the big picture it is the only way our legal system can work.
If they were doing drugs how could they NOT have a role?

Maybe they were doing drugs earlier in the evening and they had worn off so what role would they have played if Lauren was walking home and was abducted by a stranger?

BTW I am a bit surprised that so many here think doing drugs is so much worse than drinking.

People do not black out when they do cocaine and they do when they are drinking.

In my book alcohol IS a drug.

I have been reading about "the boys" disposing of her body if she did drugs they gave her but not if they gave her alcohol.

Giving either to a minor is illegal.

One wouldn't call someone who regular buys alcohol for underage kids a "pusher" although they are.
It seems to me at this point the case is a waiting game. LE knows one (or maybe two) of the POIs are responsible for her disappearance, but they don't have enough hard evidence to make an arrest. They won't release what they know so as to have ammunition for interrogating whoever finally gets named.

Until they find the body or one of the POIs cracks/makes a mistake, this is a stalemate. No amount of guessing regarding the timeline in this forum will help because we don't know the real timeline, only LE does.

In the longer term, I think Mama and Papa Spierer are going to make a serious attack in civil court.
To a local:

I was reading that psychic investigation board that was linked here. Not that I believe anything on there but there was some posts about the athletic area between Woodland and 10th.

What if Lauren started not feeling well and decided to walk to the IU health center (Jordan and 10th).

It's a hike but maybe she would feel safer heading that way than going to the hospital which is not a great area to walk to.

It doesn't open until 8 but is there a way to contact someone in an emergency there? Like a house phone?

I guess my question is have other security cams been looked at outside of the immediate area to see if she was seen elsewhere?

Another thought maybe she went to walk to JW's house?

I am pretty sure I read that the Walnut street cams were looked at and I guess past Walnut it is too residential to have security cams.

Or how about on the way to CVS? It opens at 6 am maybe she went there to get medicine?

Are there web cams there?
Defense lawyer job is to defend/protect their client, not to get to the truth.

I wish I could thank this 100 times!!!

While it would be nice if POIs would all go on the record with what happened, it is not in their best interest and it doesn't help Lauren as police already have their stories.
I've been away for a week and haven't really kept up. I've caught up now and it seems the investigation has hit an "impasse".

Realistically, college students often party hard, stay out late, do drugs and sleep around but they rarely kill each other and those rare killing virtually never involve a conspiracy. I would expect that BPD would have been thinking "sexual predator" early in the game. I suspect there was some reason that they did not believe JR. Were there conflicting statements, did he appear evasive or not credible? Did someone else contradict his version of events? There must be something. Otherwise more effort would be placed on a identifying that "predator" and the account of anyone who last saw her before 4:15 would be pretty much irrelevant now.

This is just a hunch, but I bet one of the other POI's passed a poly saying JR was the last to see LS, thus ruling out the other POIs, while JR left town and hired his expensive lawyer.

I also keep thinking about the cars. LE searched CR's car...maybe JR borrowed it in the wee hours of Friday? Maybe they wanted DNA samples to match to hairs they may have found in the drivers seat and/or trunk? Maybe there were blonde hairs in the trunk along with someone elses they needed to match? It would be something if they found LS and JRs hair together....but who knows.
To a local:

I was reading that psychic investigation board that was linked here. Not that I believe anything on there but there was some posts about the athletic area between Woodland and 10th.

What if Lauren started not feeling well and decided to walk to the IU health center (Jordan and 10th).

It's a hike but maybe she would feel safer heading that way than going to the hospital which is not a great area to walk to.

It doesn't open until 8 but is there a way to contact someone in an emergency there? Like a house phone?

I guess my question is have other security cams been looked at outside of the immediate area to see if she was seen elsewhere?

Another thought maybe she went to walk to JW's house?

I am pretty sure I read that the Walnut street cams were looked at and I guess past Walnut it is too residential to have security cams.

Or how about on the way to CVS? It opens at 6 am maybe she went there to get medicine?

Are there web cams there?

The IU health center is quite a hike from 10th and College, it isn't 24 hours, and I don't think there's any sort of special phone there. There is a large athletic field at 10th and Woodlawn but if she was walking along 10th street at the University it is a pretty exposed area (and even getting to Woodlawn is a bit of a hike if she was messed up). I agree it is within the realm of possibility that she turned left on 10th street to head somewhere else, though. I doubt she'd be heading to a store since she presumably didn't have any money on her after she lost her purse. shows no security cameras along 10th past Walnut, that might or might not be accurate. I'd imagine the University buildings would have at least a camera over their main entrances.

One thing about this area: There's an arboretum next to these athletic fields that used to be the site of a football stadium. An old ticket office remains, it has long been boarded up. Is it possible that a body could be hidden there and not yet found?
Ok, I give up. I have searched everywhere. Does anyone know WHERE JW lived? I can't find it anywhere. I have an address for him for 2010, but these students all move around a lot so I don't know if it is correct.
Ok, I give up. I have searched everywhere. Does anyone know WHERE JW lived? I can't find it anywhere. I have an address for him for 2010, but these students all move around a lot so I don't know if it is correct.

GREAT question.
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