IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #9

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At this point, we have no way of knowing why or even if LE is still considering JW a POI. They are not obliged to tell the public if some people are dropped from their list, or even added. It is possible he is only considered a POI due to a lack of a provable alibi, and a possible motive, meaning he can't be ruled out.

I am surprised that someone's lawyer is not coming forward to claim that their client is the one who supposedly passed a lie detector test. Was this info from the media only, trying to remember how it was phrased and sourced, if it was. We almost always hear from attorneys the moment their client passes a test, no matter who gave the test. Almost never hear from LE about LD tests.
Another new poster - I've joined this forum to discuss this case, the first of its kind I've followed.

I joined specifically to mention that, while I'm not from Bloom and do not know any of the personalities involved, I'm nevertheless in a position to hear through the grapevine that persons close to LS have no doubt that JW was NOT involved. I say this, even though I'm not sure it's a good idea, because I believe that a lot of energy is being wasted examining that possibility, just as much was wasted on the white vehicle, which the same people advised was likely a red herring before the police ruled it out. If I were you, I might not believe me, but I believe that what I'm saying is reliable.

To my mind, it's clear that the investigation is focused on the four (to six) individuals reported to have been the last to see LS: CR, MB, JR, and one (to three or more) additional unidentified individuals, as per CR's attorney, who must be relying on the statements of MB or one or more of his neighbors. We know that two of these individuals - CR and MB - have cooperated extensively and apparently satisfactorily with police. We know that one - JR - has not. He is also the last to have seen LS. Occam's razor.
At this point, we have no way of knowing why or even if LE is still considering JW a POI. They are not obliged to tell the public if some people are dropped from their list, or even added. It is possible he is only considered a POI due to a lack of a provable alibi, and a possible motive, meaning he can't be ruled out.

I am surprised that someone's lawyer is not coming forward to claim that their client is the one who supposedly passed a lie detector test. Was this info from the media only, trying to remember how it was phrased and sourced, if it was. We almost always hear from attorneys the moment their client passes a test, no matter who gave the test. Almost never hear from LE about LD tests.

Of course they are not obligated, yet they came out and said the truck was ruled out, quickly enough. If they did that for a truck, why aren't they doing for any of POIs?
I also believe it is probably a waste of time to concentrate on HT or DR. Any involvement by either presumably would have been captured by entry data and/or cameras at Smallwood, where both live. And neither appears to have been uncoooperative nor clearly to have retained counsel in connection with this case (DR has counsel in connection with a separate case who has spoken on his behalf in this case, however).
At this point, we have no way of knowing why or even if LE is still considering JW a POI. They are not obliged to tell the public if some people are dropped from their list, or even added. It is possible he is only considered a POI due to a lack of a provable alibi, and a possible motive, meaning he can't be ruled out.

I am surprised that someone's lawyer is not coming forward to claim that their client is the one who supposedly passed a lie detector test. Was this info from the media only, trying to remember how it was phrased and sourced, if it was. We almost always hear from attorneys the moment their client passes a test, no matter who gave the test. Almost never hear from LE about LD tests.

Respectfully, BBM

Fox59 News has learned that one prime person of interest who was among the last people to see Spierer before she vanished has passed a polygraph test.,0,6030239.story
Of course they are not obligated, yet they came out and said the truck was ruled out, quickly enough. If they did that for a truck, why aren't they doing for any of POIs?

Well, they didn't want to keep taking phone tips, probably, about the truck...
Well, they didn't want to keep taking phone tips, probably, about the truck...

They also said they ruled out the clothes found behind the dumpster. I doubt people kept phoning them tips about the clothes.
I agree that we should take with a grain of salt the public statements of not just HT but anyone involved in the case (though I also honestly find some of the distrust of both HT and JW to be, not anti-semitic necessarily, but distrustful of someone who looks different if you don't know a lot of jews). But I also believe that LE are satisfied with the cooperation of JW, HT, DR and quite possibly MB and CR - both took lie detector tests and gave DNA samples, it seems that at least one passed, and LE appear not to have followed up with them for some time. Missing from this list of cooperators is JR, who appears not to have complied with a request for a DNA sample, and left town before LE conducted any polygraphs.
HI. I am new here and this is my first post. I'm originally from IN, and this case was brought to my attention by a friend. I'm not normally a "sleuth", but having kids, these cases really get to me. Not sure why this one has caught my attention more than others, drawing me in to post, but perhaps it's b/c I'm getting ready to send off my second son to college....

I've tried reading here to catch up, but there is SO much info. I apologize if some of my questions have already been discussed, but her are my thoughts/questions:

1. Why did they bother going back to her apartment building? I had read that CR was attacked on the 5th floor. Is this her floor? Some have speculated she walked back to get her shoes. If she had the frame of mind to want/need her shoes, she likely would have ducked into her apartment (if it were on the same floor of the attack) and grabbed them. You'd also think that if he was really injured, she'd want to enter her apt. to get him a wet cloth, ice, band-aid, etc. Why didn't she do either of those? If she were trying to get away from the attackers, it would have been much quicker to do so by darting into her own apartment. Walking with CR on the streets, only put him at risk of being attacked again by the same crowd in the alley along the way. Therefore, the fact that she left with him seems strange to me. It doesn't seem like she feared that he would be attacked again, nor that she feared he was gravely injured, so why not stop in to get her shoes before the walk back to his place? This tells me that she wasn't headed back to her place for shoes. Maybe it was to be alone with CR and that could be why there was an argument/attack.....or maybe it was b/c she had drugs in her apt. - just speculating. <modsnip>
2. Do we know where the boys who attached CR live? Are they residents of Smallwood? I have read somewhere that they were friends of JW and also of JR - true?? If so, perhaps JR called them (or JW) stating that LS had gone to the bar with CR.

3. I don't find it odd that LS would be out with boys, even though she had a bf because lots of girls have guy friends. When I was in college 20+ years ago, I would sometimes go to a bar with guy friends (who were also friends of my bf and his roomies) if he wasn't able to go out. However, there was usually at least one other girl. It's kinda odd to me that she was the only girl, watching a game with 4 guys and presumably by that time, the game was over and her bf was done watching already - why wasn't he over there to if he knew JR?

4. I think I read that JR told Tamir he had tried preventing LS from leaving. Really? She's a very tiny girl, under the influence. He apparently didn't try very hard. If she was in as bad of shape as what has been reported by people at the bar, around 2:20, you'd think that at 4:30, she'd still be pretty bad. I don't know much about drugs....if they had done more coke, would that have helped to sober her from the effects of alcohol? It's hard to believe that she left so many personal items strung across campus, yet still had the frame of mind less than 2 hours later, to call DR from JR's phone, about her missing cell phone. That's weird to me so I don't think that call was made by her. But - are JR and DR close enough friends that he would have been solicited for a cover up of sorts?

5. I had read on another site somewhere that there are about 10 other POIs who have been kept secret. Any ideas who they could be? I think that was on

6. Regarding the "bar manager witness's" story.......I'm not sure how her timing is possible. I believe LS left her apt. complex at 2:48 and she is seen on camera walking down the alley. I read the following quote: "We know there was a visit to this apartment complex of 11th and Morton," said Bloomington police Capt. Joe Qualters. They don't say that this happened immediately after she was seen on the camera by the alley - just that it happened. If she was able to walk down that alley with someone at 2:48, would she really have time to get to the bar area by 3:38, to be slung over the shoulder of a random person back by the bars? I don't know the distance but I'm guess the bar to be about a 10 mins. walk from the alley (IF one were sober) where she was spotted. That gives her only about 30 mins. of unaccounted time. If she were already THAT trashed (which is possible), would she have even been able to make her way back there within that time frame? Maybe she did. Perhaps she went out looking for drugs for the boys. Maybe she meandered her way to get something for them, then returned to their apartment and something happened. I just am very tripped up by the timing.
I seem to be having trouble remembering who the intials represent. I can remember HT, JW, CR, MB, but I can't remember who DR is and I keep forgetting who JR is. Can someone remind me. IIRC JR is the one who's apartment is just down the hall from CR/MB?
Some thoughts:

1) I thought I read that CR was reported as passing the poly...please confirm if you know.

2) Is her phone missing? Who got it from the bar, who has it?

3) Was there a message left on DRs phone at 4:15 from LS/JR?

4) JR's statement that LS left....I struggle with the idea that she left JR and went home going all the way up to College? It seams out of the way and was not the way she arrived....why not take the alley? Too dangerous?...then why go at all or why did you come that way with CR...he apparently wouldn't have been any help.

5) Intoxication or drugs...doesn't really matter which one...both result in a level of being impaired. I think it is safe to say from statements by JR about LS leaving and also MB putting CR to bed, they were both impaired to an what extent we'll never now. Impaired = bad judgement, so the typical actions don't carry any credence. I have to remind myself to keep that in mind?

6) Why are we speculating about who assaulted CR. I believe on report stated it was EO, and others...who were the others and who were the witnesses? I ask this rhetorically, hoping that LE knows and are interviewing. What was the cause/motive of the assalt and was the assault 'triggered' by JW?

7) I would focus on JR and HT. There are 2 sets of friends here, the CR/MB group and the JW/friends group, but LS, HT and JR shared the 2 sets of friends...they would/should know whats going on with both sides....emotions, relationships, impairments, texts, lifestyles, etc.

Lastly, I'd like to think our (WSer's) objectives are:
1) bring Lauren home
2) find who was responsible I think that the arguementative debate about some of the related topics are our own emotions, but I think to help LE/family the most, we all need to keep our emotions in check and try to analyze facts that help the objectives.
They also said they ruled out the clothes found behind the dumpster. I doubt people kept phoning them tips about the clothes.

It's my opinion that since LE put the truck photo out there to be identified, that once it was, and cleared by LE, they wanted to cease info from the public on that item. I wouldn't think they were getting quite as many call about the clothes and that is not something they requested help from the public on, as far as I know?
Re: the question whether CR passed the poly - that has been reported, yes. I'm not clear on whether that was known to or assumed by the reporters, but it's been reported in MSM outlets, and I think is probably reliable. It's also been reported that MB took a poly and interestingly was called back. It's my wild guess that he "passed" on the second try. Nevertheless, I believe that JR, almost certainly responsible, did not act alone and that, while it's more likely that unidentified third parties aided JR, it's possible that MB and/or CR did so in addition or instead.

Again, I'd forget about JW, his friends, and likely HT or DR.
Was it reported that CR passed a polygraph? I only recall reading that someone there a link, thanks...
Re: the question whether CR passed the poly - that has been reported, yes. I'm not clear on whether that was known to or assumed by the reporters, but it's been reported in MSM outlets, and I think is probably reliable. It's also been reported that MB took a poly and interestingly was called back. It's my wild guess that he "passed" on the second try. Nevertheless, I believe that JR, almost certainly responsible, did not act alone and that, while it's more likely that unidentified third parties aided JR, it's possible that MB and/or CR did so in addition or instead.

Again, I'd forget about JW, his friends, and likely HT or DR.

Respectfully, BBM.
Welcome AnalyticalE!

Please provide links that CR passed his polygraph and that MB was called back after taking his.
Was it reported that CR passed a polygraph? I only recall reading that someone there a link, thanks...

I have searched and searched and could not find anywhere that CR, or anyone else, was named as the prime POI who passed the polygraph. If anyone has a link, please post!

I'm not sure why people are assuming that JR and JW are good friends because one article wrote about their fraternity connection. JR is not one of JW's 1095 friends on facebook.

9:32 a.m. EDT, June 21, 2011

Charlene Spierer said in a press conference Monday that she hopes someone will do the right thing.

"I'm begging and pleading with you to take that high road. I&#8217;m pleading with you to be that person that defines yourself as the person that helped us,&#8221; Charlene Spierer said.,0,4021895.story

Her words still sound like an appeal to one or more of LS' friends. So sad. I hope they find her so they can press charges against their prime POI.
If CR passed his poly what would we learn? Not much because in that case he cannot remember a thing from 15 minutes before he was assaulted at Smallwood forward. Nada. Zip.

My guess is MB may have passed his poly which would also clear CR since MB has stated he put CR to bed when LS brought him home.
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