IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #9

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I really tried to walk away from this 3:38 thing but you all got me interested in saying something.

If it really was nothing - completely insignificant, disproven, completely inconsequential to LE, don't you think he would have said

We looked into it, and found it is not significant in this case. Period.

He talks very clearly when he wants to. What he said was "we heard 3:38, nothing backs up that time" (so maybe 3:35?) "We were told there was a person - We confirm that there is no one that is unknown to LE." "We were told X and we know Y." That is what I heard over and over. Not once did he say that this sighting was deemed to be inconsequential or not pertinent to this case, not did he ever out right say that this witness was mistaken about the sighting. Not at that precise moment, maybe not at that location, but he did not not ever say that he dismissed this as out right wrong. There were two details he dismissed clearly - to me - the time and the fact that it was a "mystery" person.

But those two details are HUGE. No mystery person means abduction less likely and no LS out on the street at 3:38--both of these put JR back in contention.
But those two details are HUGE. No mystery person means abduction less likely and no LS out on the street at 3:38--both of these put JR back in contention.

JR has never not been in contention for me. It seems they are putting pressure directly on him by refusing to be clear about the unnamed witness account. But with his attorney they are going to need some type of evidence/warrant to be able to talk to him again.
I'd like to know what's happening in JR's world. What do people on the street in his community think about him. Wonder if he's gone incognito.
"She was helping him home at that point," Salzmann said, because Rossman had been punched.

The two then went to a building complex up the street, where Rossman lives. Police have said she visited two apartments there. Salzmann said there was another "confrontation" that morning at Rossman's building, but he would not elaborate.

Spierer was last seen rounding a corner on her way back to her apartment -- a half-mile away -- about 4:15 a.m. Salzmann said Rossman was not the last one to see Spierer that morning; three or four others saw her after Rossman.

Asked what he thinks happened to Spierer, he said, "I have my theory.

"I hope they follow all the leads we've given."|topnews|text|

What does that mean? Does anyone remember seeing anything else about CR or his attorney's "theory"?
But those two details are HUGE. No mystery person means abduction less likely and no LS out on the street at 3:38--both of these put JR back in contention.

I never took this sighting to mean anything one way or another for abduction, because I truly think JR would not ever put himself as having seen her as late as 4:30 if she was not in his sighting around that time, or if he knew she was out on the streets w/o him earlier.

Yes, I do believe that the point here is that they are putting all the pressure on the story that JR has, although he left the door open to say that LS was out on the streets at some point after 2:51 - sorry folks, but I clearly heard him leave that door wide open (there is still video evidence that he says they have not viewed).

Assuming the witness account is true and that the police have spoken to her twice and that a sketch had been drawn, I think it's then safe to draw the conclusion that there is NO VIDEO from the 10th & College area and that the video that they DO HAVE only shows LS with people whose identities are known. From this we can conclude that she is not seen ON VIDEO at 3:38 and therefore the witness account can not be corroborated, not that it didn't happen at the time the witness remembers.

I think the reason they are not reporting the 3:38 sighting is the simple fact that it had already been reported by JR that the last sighting was at 4:30. I'm sure they assume that he wouldn't knowingly put himself as the last person to be seen with her if it wasn't actually the case.

I don't believe this to be the case at all.
If they know who the man is, and he checked out, and the sighting was real, why isn't it in the timeline?

Maybe because the sighting was actually the witness seeing another girl and guy who are completely unrelated to the case and LE does not want to drag them into the mix if they are completely unrelated to the case? An intoxicated blond in a white shirt and dark pants could be pretty common at bar closing time. So her statement could be entirely accurate and was just a different girl and not Lauren. IMHO
I'd like to know what's happening in JR's world. What do people on the street in his community think about him. Wonder if he's gone incognito.

Good point. Can anyone shed some light on the things a PI can/would do if they were hired to "investigate" a POI? Anyone have experience in this area? Has Papa Spierer confirmed he's taking such additional measures? My guess is he has.

Also, can anyone share about what's being covered in the local NY-area press? What's the word on the street? These guys all seem to come from prominent families and there is certainly drama within that community.
I never took this sighting to mean anything one way or another for abduction, because I truly think JR would not ever put himself as having seen her as late as 4:30 if she was not in his sighting around that time, or if he knew she was out on the streets w/o him earlier.

Yes, I do believe that the point here is that they are putting all the pressure on the story that JR has, although he left the door open to say that LS was out on the streets at some point after 2:51 - sorry folks, but I clearly heard him leave that door wide open (there is still video evidence that he says they have not viewed).

I wonder if LE has pieced together a story but has no case and no cause for arrests. They are waiting for a misstep or another witness or piece of information.
"She was helping him home at that point," Salzmann said, because Rossman had been punched.

The two then went to a building complex up the street, where Rossman lives. Police have said she visited two apartments there. Salzmann said there was another "confrontation" that morning at Rossman's building, but he would not elaborate.

Spierer was last seen rounding a corner on her way back to her apartment -- a half-mile away -- about 4:15 a.m. Salzmann said Rossman was not the last one to see Spierer that morning; three or four others saw her after Rossman.

Asked what he thinks happened to Spierer, he said, "I have my theory.

"I hope they follow all the leads we've given."|topnews|text|

In this article (not fox) it says Salzmann went on to tell fox news:
Salzmann, who said his client is not involved in Spierer's disappearance revealed he thought 'there is a lot more to this' case.
'The answer in a good 90 per cent of the cases is someone that they are intimately involved with, he told Fox News.

Read more:[
"She was helping him home at that point," Salzmann said, because Rossman had been punched.

The two then went to a building complex up the street, where Rossman lives. Police have said she visited two apartments there. Salzmann said there was another "confrontation" that morning at Rossman's building, but he would not elaborate.

Spierer was last seen rounding a corner on her way back to her apartment -- a half-mile away -- about 4:15 a.m. Salzmann said Rossman was not the last one to see Spierer that morning; three or four others saw her after Rossman.

Asked what he thinks happened to Spierer, he said, "I have my theory.

"I hope they follow all the leads we've given."|topnews|text|

What does that mean? Does anyone remember seeing anything else about CR or his attorney's "theory"?

Yes, I'll try to find the link after I post this--so I don't forget what I want to say in the meantime, lol--but Salzmann said something like 90 percent of the time the perp is someone intimately involved with the victim. So....that would point to JW.
Good point. Can anyone shed some light on the things a PI can/would do if they were hired to "investigate" a POI? Anyone have experience in this area? Has Papa Spierer confirmed he's taking such additional measures? My guess is he has.

Also, can anyone share about what's being covered in the local NY-area press? What's the word on the street? These guys all seem to come from prominent families and there is certainly drama within that community.

Seems to be barely covering this on Long Island. Newsday reports little if any. Simply not major news from my POV.
Good point. Can anyone shed some light on the things a PI can/would do if they were hired to "investigate" a POI? Anyone have experience in this area? Has Papa Spierer confirmed he's taking such additional measures? My guess is he has.

Also, can anyone share about what's being covered in the local NY-area press? What's the word on the street? These guys all seem to come from prominent families and there is certainly drama within that community.

Given their socio-economic status, it's probably not being talked about except for behind closed doors.
Do any of the veteran sleuths know of cases when a poster left comments that pointed to evidence in a case? I want that to happen here! Come out, come out, wherever you are! Where is Lauren Spierer? is covering it quite extensively. This covers the area that LS is from.
"She was helping him home at that point," Salzmann said there was another "confrontation" that morning at Rossman's building, but he would not elaborate.

Spierer was last seen rounding a corner on her way back to her apartment -- a half-mile away -- about 4:15 a.m. Salzmann said Rossman was not the last one to see Spierer that morning; three or four others saw her after Rossman.

Asked what he thinks happened to Spierer, he said, "I have my theory.

"I hope they follow all the leads we've given."

I'd like to know how CR can be certain there was another "confrontation" that morning, if he was sleeping, and/or can't remember? This says "morning", which would mean prior to noon. What time did he awake? They didn't even supposedly know Lauren was missing until afternoon. After a wild night of partying, and being hit, you'd think he would sleep through past noon - UNLESS someone came to wake him about something important. Therefore, I think this confrontation is hugely significant, if it happened. Also, the fact that this attorney says "three or four" others saw her after Rossman, is huge IMO. That would include likely MB and JR, but then two others? They are going to be key. I think CR knows more than we may even think he does. I don't think he was directly involved in any murder, but perhaps was involved in a cover up. A "confrontation" to me could mean one of two things:

1. First, if 3-4 other people saw her AFTER CR, that means at least 2 others were at JR's place. Maybe she ODs and the "confrontation" was those people confronting CR - What the Hell did you give her?? Of course now that means he won't want to talk. They all collaborate and somehow dispose of her, and perhaps he helps.

2. Maybe the two other people who saw her were JW and another friend. They may have come over to JR's. She was obviously in a terrible state. I still can't believe she COULD have attempted to walk home, nor do I believe she made that call at 4:15. So they came over and found Lauren ODd and confront CR

Because the attorney says that 3-4 people saw her AFTER him, I think she was likely dead (or even disposed of) by the time the confrontation happened. I just feel that this confrontation involves CR and if they confronted him to discuss her "state", I think he might have gone to check on her.
Do any of the veteran sleuths know of cases when a poster left comments that pointed to evidence in a case? I want that to happen here! Come out, come out, wherever you are! Where is Lauren Spierer?

Forget the FindLauren P.O. Box - less effort, no stamps, quicker and just as anonymous (well, almost)
Yes, I'll try to find the link after I post this--so I don't forget what I want to say in the meantime, lol--but Salzmann said something like 90 percent of the time the perp is someone intimately involved with the victim. So....that would point to JW.

I find it interesting that this lawyer felt the need to point that in most cases there is someone intimately involved who is guilty. It is an overly defensive approach and probably shows some concern on his part. I think he has a significant problem as from what I read his client has said that he does not remember anything after the incident in Smallwood. But to try to point attention (almost directly) to the boyfriend of LS sounds to me overly defensive. From what I read, I am convinced that JW has nothing to do with the whole thing. He had initiated efforts to find her and from what we know from the press he had no documented contact with her at all that evening, in contrast to several other POIs.
I find it interesting that this lawyer felt the need to point that in most cases there is someone intimately involved who is guilty. It is an overly defensive approach and probably shows some concern on his part. I think he has a significant problem as from what I read his client has said that he does not remember anything after the incident in Smallwood. But to try to point attention (almost directly) to the boyfriend of LS sounds to me overly defensive. From what I read, I am convinced that JW has nothing to do with the whole thing. He had initiated efforts to find her and from what we know from the press he had no documented contact with her at all that evening, in contrast to several other POIs.

Maybe the attorney isn't referring to her boyfriend. Also, we don't know whether JW was in contact with her that night. Unless some has his phone records and is holding out on us.
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