IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 * Media Links*

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Campus officials continue search for Lauren Spierer
After nearly a month of searching city streets, campus buildings and county parks, the official public searches for Lauren Spierer were called off June 29.
But now, as the search continues well into its second month, University officials say they have not given up trying to find the missing IU student.

Missing Ind. student's family hosts "searchers reunion"
The parents of missing Indiana University student Lauren Spierer held a 'searchers' reunion Saturday to thank the volunteers who have been looking for the 20-year-old since her June 3 disappearance.
At the reunion, called "Laps for Lauren", family and volunteers gathered on the IU campus to run laps around the Woodlawn track, where Lauren came as a student to relax and exercise.

Update on missing IU student: Who has her?
In a show of appreciation, Lauren Spierer's parents Robert and Charlene Spierer hosted a "Laps for Lauren" event at Woodlawn track on the Indiana University campus Saturday, where their daughter, 20-year-old Lauren, had often exercised.
"The people here and the people around the country make it easier for us with their graciousness, compassion and generosity," Robert Spierer said. The Indy Channel 6 reported that the Spierers provided refreshments for all the volunteers who have tirelessly helped search for their missing daughter -- an Indiana University student -- thanking them for their continued support.
Most missing persons don't get media spotlight
The disappearance of Indiana University student Lauren Spierer has drawn extensive media attention, but that's the exception rather than the rule in missing persons cases.

Scarsdale event raises money for Lauren Spierer search effort
residents came together to raise money to continue the search for missing college student and Greenburgh native Lauren Spierer.
Women’s clothing boutique LF Scarsdale, along with Spierer’s friends, held an event Saturday called Headbands for Hope.

Missing without a trace
Some names quickly fall into the national memory bank.
Elizabeth Smart; Caylee Anthony; and now, Lauren Spierer.
But the vast majority of missing persons are bound to be forgotten, if they ever get mentioned at all. Despite several high-profile cases recently, most of the missing vanish without a peep of publicity.

'Headbands for hope' raises money for search
From a distance, it may have looked like a typical sale at an upscale boutique, but up close it was evident there was so much more going on.
Cocaine use a problem and not just among IU students
Cocaine’s two most popular forms, powder and crack, have a presence in Bloomington, and police have publicly acknowledged the possible involvement of the drug in last month’s disappearance of 20-year-old Indiana University student Lauren Spierer — still speculation, and one of many rumors swirling around the case.

Lauren Spierer disappearance fuels media
Lauren Spierer vanished around June 3, 2011, leaving behind very little clues as to what happened to her. Since she disappeared from Bloomington, a college town in Indiana, a multitude of news sources are speculating on this missing persons case. Lauren Spierer is now named in several stories, whether they are about missing women or the use of drugs and alcohol among college students.

Local motorcyclists to ride through Brown County for missing student
Motorcycle enthusiasts will have a chance to ride to raise awareness for missing IU student Lauren Spierer on Saturday, July 30.
Landfill has capability to search for missing IU student's possible remains
Many are urging the Bloomington Police Department to search a Pimento landfill for the possible remains of missing IU student Lauren Spierer
The Sycamore Ridge Landfill is where all of Bloomington's trash is dumped. Management said if Bloomington Police wanted to search this landfill for Lauren Spierer's possible remains they could find the specific trash they want using something many of us have in our cars: GPS technology. Per state guidelines, each load of trash dumped at Sycamore Ridge is plotted using a GPS locator system.
More... Video included...
Lauren Spierer appeared 'in no condition' to help friend get home, source says
Indiana University sophomore Lauren Spierer was so incapacitated as she left her apartment building the morning she went missing that she stumbled out of her elevator, fell against a wall and had to be helped to her feet by a male friend who led her out of the building, a person who saw the video evidence said Thursday.
The evidence contradicts statements by friend Corey Rossman's lawyer, who said Spierer helped his client walk home June 3 after he was punched in the face and suffered memory loss.
Missing student's mother marks day 50
Today marks the 50th day of her disappearance.
Lauren’s heartbroken mother, Charlene, released the following letter through the Twitter account @NewsonLaurenS. Below is the unedited letter.

July 21, 2011
Our daughter, Lauren, disappeared on June 3, 2011. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared. I truly hope as a parent, you never get that phone call. The feeling is indescribable. Weeks later, the feeling is the same. It’s as if our lives before June 3rd never happened. We are suspended in time. I cannot imagine doing anything other than searching for Lauren until the time we find her and can take her home with us. Some days are paralyzing. As you wake every morning, the nightmare begins again. You cannot give in. You cannot give up hope. Every day you think this could be the day and every day I believe that with all my heart.
Lauren is so much more than a face on a poster. She is Rebecca’s sister. She has grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. She is our daughter. Lauren has friends she adores. Friends she would go the extra mile for. Everyday something reminds me of her. It might be something as small as seeing a sunflower, hearing a song or noticing something I’d love to tell Lauren about. My heart is breaking.
Over the last several weeks, I’ve learned a new language no one should ever have to learn. I now know what things like PLS, POI, recon, ATV and vetting all mean. The word “ transition” is another way of letting me know a change is about to happen that I might not be happy about. I’ve learned to speak while looking into a camera instead of a person’s eyes. I’ve learned that social media is a way to reach a great deal of people in a very short time. I constantly read blogs, check Twitter and Facebook.
I’ve learned what it takes to update a website with the latest information about my dear sweet girl. I’ve learned how to suppress my pain. I’ve learned how to keep thoughts of Lauren before June 3 at bay because when they come to the surface it is almost too painful to endure. I’ve learned that you never run out of tears. They are always there, always on the surface, a constant reminder of the ache in my heart. I’ve learned that the world is comprised of many wonderful, kind people. Just waiting to help Rob, Rebecca and me in any way they can.
But outside all that goodness, I’ve learned there lurks an evil, a cruel, heartless element that cares more about themselves than the life of my daughter. That this element of humanity exists in the world is beyond comprehension. Your silence is deafening. Your lack of compassion is irreprehensible. Your lack of respect for another human being which allows you to go day, by day, watching is unimaginable. Everyone is put on this earth for a purpose. Everyone has a defining moment. In the blink of an eye Lauren disappeared. Do not let this be your defining moment. You have no idea what you have taken from us.
My promise to you, we will not rest until we find Lauren. What are you waiting for? You can still do the right thing.

Find Lauren…PO Box 1226…Bloomington, IN 47402-1226.

Lauren, I love you with my heart and soul. We will never give up.

Ever strong, ever determined, ever hopeful,
Charlene Spierer
New details emerge in Lauren Spierer's case
Indiana University sophomore Lauren Spierer was so incapacitated as she left her apartment building the morning she went missing that she stumbled out of her elevator, fell against a wall and had to be helped to her feet by a male friend who led her out of the building, a person who saw the video evidence said Thursday.
The evidence contradicts statements by friend Corey Rossman's lawyer, who said Spierer helped his client walk home June 3 after he was punched in the face and suffered memory loss.

Spierer Vid contradicts associate's story
A source has stepped forward to contradict a story from one of the last people to see Lauren Spierer, a missing Indiana University student, on the morning of her disappearance.
Attorney Carl Salzmann, who represents Corey Rossman, said Spierer helped his client walk home on the morning of June 3 after he was punched in the face and suffered memory loss.

Lauren Spierer's boyfriend says he passed polygraph
The boyfriend of missing college student Lauren Spierer spoke with detectives this week and has taken a lie-detector test, he confirmed in a Facebook exchange with a Journal News reporter.
And he suggested he passed the polygraph.
"If I failed a polygraph everyone in the world would know," read the message written from Jesse Wolff's Facebook account.
These were his first public comments since police identified him early in the investigation as one of the "persons of interest."
New questions in the disappearance of a missing IU student
There is new information in the disappearance of a missing Indiana University student and Westchester native Lauren Spierer.
Spierer was last seen on June 3rd and now there are questions being raised about the statement of the last person who saw Spierer that night.

Bloomington apartment complex polishing its image after college student's disappearance
An upscale apartment building in downtown Bloomington is looking to revamp what some say is an image as a haven for hard partiers in the wake of the June disappearance of an Indiana University student who lived there.
Smallwood Plaza apartments officials acknowledge as much as 99 percent of police calls to the complex involve alcohol in some fashion. Police say 20-year-old Lauren Spierer had been drinking before she went missing June 3. But Smallwood officials insist they don't simply look the other way.

Source says Spierer 'incapacitated' night of disappearance
Lauren Spierer appeared incapacitated in a surveillance video the night she disappeared, an anonymous source told the Journal News in Westchester, N.Y.
Bloomington police were unavailable for comment on the alleged video footage.
Bloomington woman says man strangled her
A Bloomington woman says she was followed, attacked, and strangled by a stranger just six blocks away from where Lauren Spierer was last spotted.

Lauren Spierer case possibly connected to strangler
Lauren Spierer vanished from Bloomington, Indiana, on June 3, 2011. Since her disappearance, not much has come as far as leads are concerned. That was until this week, when the story took a twist. Ever since the IU fashion student went missing, her friends from that night have remained tight-lipped, and the story of her walking a friend home who suffered from amnesia from a fight is all that has been known. Could Corey Rossman be lying, or was Lauren attacked by a street-haunting strangler?
Missing IU student Lauren Spierer associate Corey Rossman 'story' contradicted
He says he got punched in the face and she helped him make it home, according to his lawyer Carl Salzmann. But Corey Rossman's story about missing Indiana University student Lauren Spierer doesn't hold water a source told a news reporter for the Indy Channel's 6News.
Lauren Spierer was last seen on video cameras walking with Corey Rossman, after leaving her apartment at Smallwood Plaza. The Indy Channel source said that the video footage of Corey and Lauren show she couldn't have been helping him make it to his apartment, as he claims, because she was barely able to walk herself due to being too intoxicated.

New Spierer tweet: "It will haunt you"
Indiana University student Lauren Spierer disappeared more than eight weeks ago, but, her parents remain hopeful.
Motorcycle ride held for missing IU student
Nearly two months after their daughter disappeared, the parents of Indiana University student Lauren Spierer finds a new way to drum up leads.
Robert and Charlene Spierer attended a motorcycle ride for their daughter Saturday. While the missing student's case is getting a lot of support, it's getting few answers.
For motorcycle enthusiasts, a picture-perfect Saturday is enough motivation, but this weekend it is a different picture that is their reason to ride.
August 3, 2011

Lauren Spierer Now Missing Two Months
Lauren Spierer was last seen early June 3rd, walking alone to her Bloomington apartment after a night out with friends.
A tweet sent out today from the "News on Lauren S" account saying friends and family are writing messages to Lauren. The letters will be posted on the family's blog later today.

Wednesday Marks Two Months Since Lauren Spierer Disappeared
Lauren's mother, Charlene, released the following statement Wednesday:

"Two months too long. Thanks to all those who continue to support us through Bloomington, at home, and all those we've never met."

Spierer Search Could Enter New Phase
BLOOMINGTON - The search for a missing Indiana University student may soon focus on a Vigo County landfill. That type of search can be time-consuming, tedious and tough.

Wednesday marks two months since cameras captured Lauren Spierer leaving her Bloomington apartment to party with friends. She disappeared later than night and eight weeks later, her family still has no answers. Now, frustration remains and the focus of the investigation may be turning toward a landfill south of Terre Haute.

August 2, 2011

FBI to Search Landfill
A warrant has been filed to search a Vigo County landfill where trash from Bloomington gets dumped in connection with the case of missing IU student Lauren Spierer.
The landfill, which is near Terre Haute, is some 55-miles from where missing IU student Lauren Spierer was last seen.
August 6, 2011

Parents of Missing Students Left with Unanswered Questions
The mother of missing Indiana college student Lauren Spierer has remained in Bloomington, Ind., for the two months since her daughter went missing there, addressing her child directly before news cameras by tearfully declaring, "I will never leave you."

It's a feeling that Jennie Wilson used to have when she was camped out in a dorm room at the University of Albany in New York, participating in countless searches for her then 22-year-old daughter, Karen, who was last seen walking back to campus from a tanning salon.
August 3, 2011

Lauren Spierer Now Missing Two Months
Lauren Spierer was last seen early June 3rd, walking alone to her Bloomington apartment after a night out with friends.
A tweet sent out today from the "News on Lauren S" account saying friends and family are writing messages to Lauren. The letters will be posted on the family's blog later today.

Wednesday Marks Two Months Since Lauren Spierer Disappeared
Lauren's mother, Charlene, released the following statement Wednesday:

"Two months too long. Thanks to all those who continue to support us through Bloomington, at home, and all those we've never met."

Spierer Search Could Enter New Phase
BLOOMINGTON - The search for a missing Indiana University student may soon focus on a Vigo County landfill. That type of search can be time-consuming, tedious and tough.

Wednesday marks two months since cameras captured Lauren Spierer leaving her Bloomington apartment to party with friends. She disappeared later than night and eight weeks later, her family still has no answers. Now, frustration remains and the focus of the investigation may be turning toward a landfill south of Terre Haute.

August 2, 2011

FBI to Search Landfill
A warrant has been filed to search a Vigo County landfill where trash from Bloomington gets dumped in connection with the case of missing IU student Lauren Spierer.
The landfill, which is near Terre Haute, is some 55-miles from where missing IU student Lauren Spierer was last seen.

Thanks Bessie!! For keeping up with this case, Now that the FBI is involved I have hope it will be solved. We 'know' who the "I don't remember anything" guy is...let's prove it, bring her home, and have justice for this case.

Sadly, she just MUST be home with her family. Let them bury her, and attempt to understand why.
BPD at Sycamore Ridge Landfill

August 16, 2011

For more information, please contact:

Captain Joe Qualters

Bloomington Police Department



The Bloomington Police Department has begun looking for evidence at the Sycamore Ridge Landfill related to the disappearance of Lauren Spierer. The operation began at approximately 7:00 a.m. today. The Sycamore Ridge Landfill is located in Pimento, IN (Vigo County). The Department is being assisted by agents from the FBI, officers from the Indiana University Police Department and a search expert from Team Adam affiliated with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Approximately 20-30 law enforcement personnel from all of the agencies will participate each day. The area of interest within the landfill is estimated to be approximately 70’ X 120’ X 20’ and the search effort may take up to two weeks.

Continued at the link
No new evidence after first week of landfill search
The first week of searching at a Vigo County landfill has ended without any new evidence related to the disappearance of Lauren Spierer, the Indiana University student who has been missing since June 3, police said.
The search began about 7 a.m. Tuesday at the Sycamore Ridge Landfill, which is in Pimento in Vigo County, and ended Friday afternoon.

Search for evidence in Lauran Spierer case continues next week at landfill
Bloomington Police said Friday there was no new evidence in the case of missing Indiana University student Lauren Spierer as investigators wrap up their first week of excavating a landfill in Vigo County.
Police said in a release they expect the search of the cordoned area of the waste site to wrap up at the end of next week.

Bloomington police continue to search landfill in Spierer case
The Bloomington Police Department says it's completed its first week searching a Vigo County landfill for any evidence related to the disappearance of an Indiana Unviersity student.

Detectives are searching the Sycamore Ridge Landfill as part of the department's investigation of the Lauren Spierer missing person case. The FBI and the Indiana University Police Department is assisting, along with heavy equipment personnel from Republic Services, which owns the landfill.

Parents share new pictures of missing IU student
Eyewitness News has obtained new pictures of missing Indiana University student Lauren Spierer as investigators continue their search of a Vigo County landfill for evidence leading to her disappearance. Desperation has turned to frustration for Lauren's parents.

Since the investigation into her disappearance began more than two months ago, Eyewitness News has used the pictures of IU sophomore Lauren Spierer that appeared on the missing person posters.

But now new images are surfacing. As a toddler, she is the face of innocence and the promise of things to come. She is someone's little girl.
Police find no evidence in Lauren Spierer landfill search
Police have spent four days searching an Indiana landfill in connection with the disappearance of a Westchester County woman who attended Indiana University, and said Friday they have found no evidence in the case yet.
The search for 20-year-old Lauren Spierer began on Tuesday at Sycamore Ridge Landfill, and Bloomington, Ind. police said it could last up to two weeks.

No clues in Lauren Spierer case as of week 1 of landfill search concludes
Police in Bloomington, Ind., say no new evidence in the disappearance of Lauren Spierer has turned up as authorities end their first week of searching through debris at a local landfill.
"There are no updates to report regarding any evidence being discovered as part of the ongoing effort at the landfill," Bloomington Police Capt. Joe Qualters said in a statement released Friday.
Police to continue landfill search for evidence in Lauren Spierer case
Police completed the first week of searching an Indiana landfill Friday for evidence in the case of missing Indiana University student Lauren Spierer, and will resume their search on Monday.

The Sycamore Ridge Landfill is some 55 miles from where Spierer was last seen when she disappeared two months ago, Fox 59 reports.

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