IN IN - Marina Boelter, 18, Bloomfield, 31 December 2014

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I think we need to stop sleuthing D.J. now. He's not named a POI. He's been forthright from the beginning. It inexplicably took LE a week to release his description of the car and POI.

I hope he's not involved and that Marina finds her way home really soon.
Sorry MamaJoJo. I apologise. I won't say anything else unless it is confirmed & allowed. It's just hard not to give your honest opinion sometimes. Apologies once again :)

Hope Marina is found safe & well very soon!
It'd be great if they'd have a sketch artist work with her ex to try and get a likeness of the man in the car. I also wonder if anyone's come forward to say they know someone with a car fitting the description. I don't think Mercury Milans are too popular (at least, they aren't where I live), much less with all of those add-ons that were described.
Search for Marina Boelter continues to be top priority for law enforcement agencies and investigators

On Wednesday, it will be two weeks since Boelter was last seen, and two weeks of an intense investigation that is continuing at full steam, according to law enforcement sources.

With a full scale investigation going on, Greene County Prosecutor Jarrod Holtsclaw said he could not release specific details about the case, but it's high priority.

"I can confirm that multiple agencies including the Indiana State Police, the Bloomfield Police Department, the Greene County Sheriff's Department and our office (Greene County Prosecutor's Office) continue to work around the clock on trying to locate Marina," said Holtsclaw late Tuesday afternoon.

"We are looking into the leads that have been provided to us.
Media coverage is a bit sparse...

No information is coming out of LE. Ugh! Where is Marina?

“We’re not forgetting about her, and we’re not giving up on her,” Ashley said.

Marina’s brother, David, has taken an unpaid leave of absence from his job in Nevada, and her father, John, who lives in Ohio, is off of work temporarily as well, according to Ashley. They, along with Marina’s other brother and two uncles, have been staying in complimentary hotel rooms at the Sleepy Hollow Inn, and getting by in large part on credit cards and donations from community members.

“They are driving town to town, putting up flyers, and it’s a small town so there are a lot of rumors and speculation,” Ashley said. “They try not to believe everything, but they also try to follow up on what they can. They’re just trying to do everything that they possibly can to find her.”
MamaJoJo I think stated it best..
Media coverage is a bit sparse...
No information is coming out of LE. Ugh! Where is Marina?
- I couldn't have said it better myself. No new info on this one.
Family of missing Greene County woman desperate for information
Family members searching for 18-year-old Marina Boelter have looked everywhere. They have followed leads that resulted in nothing. Exhausted, they have posted fliers at businesses in Greene County and beyond.
Two weeks after she went missing, they won’t give up. “We have searched along every single road, every place we could think of,” David Boelter said, vowing not to abandon the search. “We will be here until we get my sister. Everything is on hold until we get Marina back.”
MamaJoJo I think stated it best.. and - I couldn't have said it better myself. No new info on this one.
Family of missing Greene County woman desperate for information

BBM, from the Herald Times article above…Evidence?!

Police acknowledge “persons of interest” in the case and indicate that evidence of some kind was found during a helicopter search near Bloomfield Saturday, but authorities will not provide any specific information for fear of jeopardizing the investigation. Information to the media has been limited as the search and investigation continue, and the family says that they, too, are out of the police loop.

And, the family has been pretty vocal about being out of the investigation loop on the FB page and now directly in the media…

“My brother said it perfectly: We feel like we are on an island right now,” David Boelter said by phone from Bloomfield Wednesday afternoon. “We have been getting tons of support from the community, but we have been getting no information about anything from the police. We figured we would hear from them every couple of days, but nothing. We called the lead detective twice today and have gotten no return calls.”
They hear rumors around town about possible suspects, but they don’t know whether to believe them. Frustration adds to their fears about what may have happened to Marina Boelter, who has a 9-month-old son in foster care she was working to regain custody of.

“They have not given us an update,” her 32-year-old brother reiterated. “When we ran into them Saturday when they did the helicopter search, they said they were working diligently on this from 6 a.m. until midnight. We have not spoken to them since. They have said nothing to us about suspects.”

ISP spokesman Sgt. Curt Durnil said investigators have not kept the Boelter family in the dark. “First Sgt. (Paul) Suding has personally spoken to members of the family, including the father,” Durnil said in an email response to the Boelters’ concerns. “We have not been made aware of the family being upset with our efforts. In fact, they have shaken our hands and told us they appreciate everything we are doing.”
This has to be agonizing for this family. I can't imagine. But with all due respect, the police probably aren't going to say much until they have something definitive to say. I just hope for the family that that is sooner rather than later.
This has to be agonizing for this family. I can't imagine. But with all due respect, the police probably aren't going to say much until they have something definitive to say. I just hope for the family that that is sooner rather than later.

I totally agree that it's normal for LE to keep the family out of the investigative loop. It just must be so hard for the family to try and search and not know if they're efforts are in vain. How frustrating would if be to be searching in spot A, B, and C when all along LE has ruled those areas out and really believe Marina is most likely in spot Q, R, S?
Serious question :thinking:: Why would anyone say he/she has "lost" someone when the said someone is only missing? A Freudian slip? I don't usually give much thought to this type of things (e.g., a POI referring to a missing person in past tense), but .... Or, is it just me?
I'm not sure, Humble. Are you saying that "lost" should be used when there's been a death? Is this a general question or did someone in this case use it?

I know, for me, while my keys may be missing, I usually say I "lost" them. Just playing :loveyou:
I'm not sure, Humble. Are you saying that "lost" should be used when there's been a death? Is this a general question or did someone in this case use it?

I know, for me, while my keys may be missing, I usually say I "lost" them. Just playing :loveyou:

Hahaha :giggle:! I didn't want to break any rules, so ..., but, yes, someone -close to Marina, supposedly- in this case has stated he/she has "lost" his/her "true love." If I were Marina's mom and heard that, I would be very upset. Or, am I reading too much into it??
Hahaha :giggle:! I didn't want to break any rules, so ..., but, yes, someone -close to Marina, supposedly- in this case has stated he/she has "lost" his/her "true love." If I were Marina's mom and heard that, I would be very upset. Or, am I reading too much into it??

Yes, now I remember reading that quote. Good catch...maybe. I have gotten the sense from all parties (from the very beginning) that they don't believe she is alive. It's heartbreaking to watch play out. I'll be really pissed if the ex has anything to do with Marina's disappearance. There have been WAY too many ex/current boyfriend/husband horrors going on in the last few weeks.
It has been 2 weeks that she has been missing,Enough Already! Let Texas Equasearch search.How can they jeopardize an investigation?LE is loosing valuable evidence by the minute.
Yes, now I remember reading that quote. Good catch...maybe. I have gotten the sense from all parties (from the very beginning) that they don't believe she is alive. It's heartbreaking to watch play out. I'll be really pissed if the ex has anything to do with Marina's disappearance. There have been WAY too many ex/current boyfriend/husband horrors going on in the last few weeks.

You have seen it, too, then ... good, so you know what I am talking about ;)! I, too ... unfortunately ..., get the feeling -from some of the interviews and even statements made by LE- that they are not expecting a good outcome, which leads me to believe there is a good reason for them to think that way. It is truly sickening ...: This is just down the road (30 - 40 minute drive) from where Tiffanie Adams' body (and that of her unborn son :tears:) was found just the day before Marina went missing. As much as I wish I weren't, I'm thinking that whoever that has done this to Marina is someone who was very close to her ... someone with a (most likely financial) motive ... :notgood:.
The Herald Times article from the 14th is particularly interesting in that it doesn't even mention the Milan, states that "Police acknowledge 'persons of interest'" (more than one) and then reveals that "evidence of some kind" was found during a helicopter search (so something large in size?) over the weekend. My hope is that one of the perps will start talking, not necessarily to LE, but to buddies, significant others, etc. Bloomfield is so incredibly small (my mom grew up about a half-hour SW of there), words travel fast. Also, the area is very much economically depressed (it's extremely sad ... I find it difficult to go down to the farm where my mom was raised because the area has become so run down, especially over the last 20 years or so ...) and is full of meth-related crime, someone may decide to call Crime Stoppers or attempt to cut some sort of deal, so to speak (I am even wondering if this is why the county prosecutor has been speaking to the media, more so than the police, but it may just be that the prosecutor is acting more or less as a spokesperson for the local LE, such as Bloomfield, Greene County, etc., as opposed to state police). I will never, ever understand how anyone could harm another, and then carry on like nothing happened ....
A private investigator in Sarsota FL has noted that nearly 20 young, petite, blonde women are missing from an area within about 250 miles from Louisville, KY. At one point he noted that in many cases, there was construction or road work being done in the area where they disappeared. Of course, that could be coincidence. Any construction or road work going on near that IGA? Maybe she got a ride from someone who had met her when he bought groceries.
Missing Bloomfield Woman’s Family ‘Not Giving Up’
It has now been 14 days since Marina Boelter, 18, went missing after leaving her place of employment — the Bloomfield IGA — at around 6 p.m. Dec. 31.

Last week, the Indiana State Police and Bloomfield Police Department issued information on a male person of interest and vehicle that she may have left in that evening. The man, described as heavy set and wearing glasses, was reportedly driving a 2009-11 Mercury Milan, beige or gold in color.

Marina’s sister-in-law, Ashley, said the family has not been given any further information on the investigation since then. Still, Marina’s family members are working to search for their daughter, sister, and niece, in the hopes that they can help her to get a fresh start with her baby boy, Landen.

“We’re not forgetting about her, and we’re not giving up on her,” Ashley said.

Marina’s brother, David, has taken an unpaid leave of absence from his job in Nevada, and her father, John, who lives in Ohio, is off of work temporarily as well, according to Ashley. They, along with Marina’s other brother and two uncles, have been staying in complimentary hotel rooms at the Sleepy Hollow Inn, and getting by in large part on credit cards and donations from community members.

“They are driving town to town, putting up flyers, and it’s a small town so there are a lot of rumors and speculation,” Ashley said. “They try not to believe everything, but they also try to follow up on what they can. They’re just trying to do everything that they possibly can to find her.”

She added that donations have helped tremendously, as local people have brought the men food and water, gift cards and money. Although she said law enforcement officials would not allow them to call in a formal search team, and has discouraged them from forming search teams on their own, as it may upset the integrity of their investigation, Ashley said the family just wants her back.

“Obviously we want them to find out what happened, but our concern — and it has been since day one — is finding Marina,” she said. “The revenge and the justice, those can come later. Trying to find her alive is our goal — and safe and okay. Every day that goes by makes that outcome even harder to comprehend.”

Ashley said the fact that Marina has a nine-month-old child, currently living in foster care, makes the ordeal even more heartwrenching. Marina had been working to regain custody of him when she disappeared.
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Missing Bloomfield Woman’s Family ‘Not Giving Up’

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It seems as if everything has stalled media wise…this article is the same article that was posted up thread on 1/15.

I wonder what LE's take is on what happened to Marina? Do they think she skipped town? Was it trafficking? Straight out kidnapping? Domestic dispute? Is she alive? Dead? Where is she?!?!

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