GUILTY IN - Melinda Lindsey, 23, shot to death, Porter County, 16 Jan 2015 - #1

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Or maybe they dropped the conspiracy charge because they have enough to lock him up for life just on the murder.

I really hope that it doesn't take over a year for justice to be served.
It is rare that a prosecutor will file charges (especially in the case of murder) and take a case to trial that they can't WIN. The judge "deciding" there's enough evidence to proceed is, for the most part, a formality.

I'm sure when prosecutor Jeff Ashton took Casey Anthony to trial for the murder of her daughter,he was pretty confident he had plenty of evidence against her....same with the OJ Simpson prosecutor Marcia Clark name some well known famous cases....this case to me leaves a lot of questions...Not saying he didn't do it but I don't think its a slam dunk.
I'm sure when prosecutor Jeff Ashton took Casey Anthony to trial for the murder of her daughter,he was pretty confident he had plenty of evidence against her....same with the OJ Simpson prosecutor Marcia Clark name some well known famous cases....this case to me leaves a lot of questions...Not saying he didn't do it but I don't think its a slam dunk.

I'm not sure why you want to argue every point I make, but whatever.

There are always the exception. And there are always the cases that seem to "fall through the cracks".

In both of the cases you are citing, It wasn't a situation where there wasn't enough evidence to prove the defendant guilty. BOTH of these defendants in fact DID commit the crimes. (My opinion) In both cases, there was plenty of evidence. And in both cases, I believe the prosecution was overly confident and lacked in preparation.
Here's Some Question's I have....

(1) People have said on here this might have been premediated...If he was planning on killing her, why not do it in international waters while on the cruise?

(2)If he planned on killing her like some have suggested why would he do it at or around 6 AM...Why not at night when a home invasion is more likely and his young daughter would be asleep and most likely the neighbors...

(3)I know, everyone says no footprints..When Steve called 911 and people arrived at the scene the Police,EMT'S...They certainly didn't check for foot prints as soon as they arrived...I'm sure they went to the crime, how could they tell who's footprints were who's outside...?

(4)Why not try to make it look like a suicide which would be more believable I would think.

I am still on the stalker theory..Mainly because it was Melinda who reported the stalker...I don't know how many times though.I know people say on here he may have hired someone to help him....I think the opposite...I do think it took two to carry this off but I don't think it was Steve and a friend.Maybe stalker and a friend.....Steve was still living at home and working according to his Verified Family Member,although his job was on a down time in his trade........they went on a cruise...she was pregnant..which ever came first..sounds like a normal relationship to me...
I'm not sure why you want to argue every point I make, but whatever.

There are always the exception. And there are always the cases that seem to "fall through the cracks".

In both of the cases you are citing, It wasn't a situation where there wasn't enough evidence to prove the defendant guilty. BOTH of these defendants in fact DID commit the crimes. (My opinion) In both cases, there was plenty of evidence. And in both cases, I believe the prosecution was overly confident and lacked in preparation.

I'm not arguing anything with you...why are you taking offense at everything I post ? My intention is to discuss the case...It's a forum for pete sake about CRIME...
Reasonable doubt. Regardless of evidence, the goal is to place doubt in the minds of jurors
When I follow a case. I want to hear/view evidence for both sides . I certainly would not wish an innocent person convicted. Nor a guilty person acquitted. Justice and respect for the victims.
I feel the victims family and accused family are equally affected by the crime. So much focus on accused.
I can't imagine having a daughter murdered, or a son that could murder. The consequenses are forever
Here's Some Question's I have....

(1) People have said on here this might have been premediated...If he was planning on killing her, why not do it in international waters while on the cruise? How? By pushing her overboard? Maybe he never got the opportunity. Lots of people around on cruises

(2)If he planned on killing her like some have suggested why would he do it at or around 6 AM...We don't know that he did it at 6am. That is when he called the cops, but he could have shot her at any time for all we know. He needed time to cuff himself and stage the crime scene, and who knows what else he may have done in the interim.

Why not at night when a home invasion is more likely and his young daughter would be asleep and most likely the neighbors...

(3)I know, everyone says no footprints..When Steve called 911 and people arrived at the scene the Police,EMT'S...They certainly didn't check for foot prints as soon as they arrived...I'm sure they went to the crime, how could they tell who's footprints were who's outside...? The point is that there were no footsteps leading up to the windows or sliding glass door in the back, or coming or going from the nearby woods. So the intruder would have had to have used the front door. There were no signs of force entry, so that means he walked right in. If you had a stalker wouldn't you lock your front door?

(4)Why not try to make it look like a suicide which would be more believable I would think. Life insurance companies do not pay for suicides, until the policy is in force for at least two years.

I am still on the stalker theory..Mainly because it was Melinda who reported the stalker...I don't know how many times though.I know people say on here he may have hired someone to help him....I think the opposite...I do think it took two to carry this off but I don't think it was Steve and a friend.Maybe stalker and a friend.....Steve was still living at home and working according to his Verified Family Member,although his job was on a down time in his trade........they went on a cruise...she was pregnant..which ever came first..sounds like a normal relationship to me...

Would a person in a normal relationship take his child away from it's mother so that she could not visit her family?
Would a person in a normal relationship take his child away from it's mother so that she could not visit her family?

I don't know the families on either side so I couldn't answer that.Maybe he had his reasons is about all I can come up with on his side...On her side...I think she could have called someone to help her get her daughter...the Police ?
I don't know the families on either side so I couldn't answer that.Maybe he had his reasons is about all I can come up with on his side...On her side...I think she could have called someone to help her get her daughter...the Police ?
SetHerSoulFree posted that Melinda's last text to her father was to tell him that Steven had taken the baby and to beg him for help. Her last text read Please help us .... SetHerSoulFree is a verified insider who is close to Melinda's dad and saw this for herself.
Steve never moved out, they never split up. They had not discussed divorce. They did take a cruise, the pictures are on her phone.

I am confused...accordingly to several newspaper articles previously linked, SL's brother stated that SL had moved out about 5-6 weeks before the murder took place and SL told the police that the couple had talked about divorce. Does anyone know for certain if they went on the cruise?

There are so many contradicting "facts" in this case.
I'm not arguing anything with you...why are you taking offense at everything I post ? My intention is to discuss the case...It's a forum for pete sake about CRIME...
Ok, fair enough.

Here's Some Question's I have....

(1) People have said on here this might have been premediated...If he was planning on killing her, why not do it in international waters while on the cruise?

There are 1000's of people on cruise ships. The evidence that is known so far points to premeditation. A $1M life insurance policy on a 23 yo housewife taken out a year ago is one HUGE indication. *IF* this "stalker" is made up, that's another indication of premedication. Since he had to walk into the bedroom, get the gun, possibly load it and point it at his sleeping wife before shooting her, that right there is premeditation. Premeditation can be formed in a split second.

(2)If he planned on killing her like some have suggested why would he do it at or around 6 AM...Why not at night when a home invasion is more likely and his young daughter would be asleep and most likely the neighbors...

He called the police at 6:00 am. We don't know the time of death. He could have done it anytime prior to 6:00am. We don't know.

(3)I know, everyone says no footprints..When Steve called 911 and people arrived at the scene the Police,EMT'S...They certainly didn't check for foot prints as soon as they arrived...I'm sure they went to the crime, how could they tell who's footprints were who's outside...?

They know. They check who's footprints belonged there and who's didn't. Same with fingerprints, etc.

(4)Why not try to make it look like a suicide which would be more believable I would think.

Why would a suicide be more believable? He was trying to get the money from the insurance! The life insurance doesn't pay in the case of a suicide unless it's been in place for 2-5 years. And even then sometimes they only pay a percentage.

I am still on the stalker theory..Mainly because it was Melinda who reported the stalker...I don't know how many times though.I know people say on here he may have hired someone to help him....I think the opposite...I do think it took two to carry this off but I don't think it was Steve and a friend.Maybe stalker and a friend.....Steve was still living at home and working according to his Verified Family Member,although his job was on a down time in his trade........they went on a cruise...she was pregnant..which ever came first..sounds like a normal relationship to me...

We don't know the details of Melinda reporting this "stalker". And the other verified member and Melinda's DAD said they were separated. Several of the newspapers have reported they were seperated. I'm more inclined to believe them over a family member of Steve's.
I am confused...accordingly to several newspaper articles previously linked, SL's brother stated that SL had moved out about 5-6 weeks before the murder took place and SL told the police that the couple had talked about divorce. Does anyone know for certain if they went on the cruise?

There are so many contradicting "facts" in this case.

This information is coming from the arrested husband's family member.

You are correct. The newspapers, the police, another verified member and Melinda's dad have reported that he had moved out and there was talk of divorce.
I am confused...accordingly to several newspaper articles previously linked, SL's brother stated that SL had moved out about 5-6 weeks before the murder took place and SL told the police that the couple had talked about divorce. Does anyone know for certain if they went on the cruise?

There are so many contradicting "facts" in this case.

I don't think there's any evidence of a cruise. More than likely, it's a story made up by SL.
The very first report that I remember reading about this case gave the indication to the public that nobody else was in any danger, this leads me to believe that they felt from the first moment that SL was the shooter.

As far as the evidence from outside the house when the emergency personnel arrived, in the order that they would have arrived, police first this was a 911 call for a gun shot and being tied up in another room, no medical personnel would have set foot anywhere near the house until the police had secured it, not knowing where the shooter was, and the police are trained to observe take mental note of the surroundings they are entering.

The 911 call there should have only been police dispatched, no medical until they knew there was a victim, why did SL hang up? every 911 call you hear the operator is always saying don't hang up stay with me the police are on their way. They stay on the line with them until the police are there.

Why did he need to call his brother?

I think that he had to call 911 back cause they blocked his cell, that was the only call his cell would make. He may not have given them the address on the first call. I know for a fact that 911 can block your cell phone, to only be able to call them after you have made the initial call to them, I had it happen to me.

The cruise there has been no solid proof of a cruise, if the cruise took place, I don't think he was ever given the opportunity to throw Melinda overboard and make it look like an accident. Think about it Melinda was pregnant it can be a very sick time with out maybe being sea sick, she may not have been able to even enjoy a cruise, her time may have been spent between the bathroom and the bed, the last thing she wanted to do was stand and look out at the waves.

I don't seem to remember any evidence that showed that it was Melinda who made the police reports, just that there are police reports that were shown to someone by SL and Melinda, I don't remember them stating that they read on the report that it was indeed Melinda whom had called police. The dude that was calling Melinda whom she knew, and the dude that was seen fighting the dogs in the backyard, watching house, cutting screens are probably not the same dude,I think there very well maybe 2 dudes. I believe the lingerie throwing dude is someone that SL had help him scare Melinda.

The police forcing entry into the babies room where SL was, has always made me wonder if the door swung into the babies room to open, or did it swing into the hallway, and was there a lock on the door. If the door swings open into the babies room then there must be a lock on the handle, or the person inside the babies room put furniture and stuff in front of door to help stop it from opening.

I think that until the autopsy report is released, we really won't know what time Melinda was shot.

I pray that justice for Melinda is served with a guilty verdict and life in prison
Steve's Verified family member says there was a on Melinda's phone...I'm sure the police have her phone and the truth if they did or did not take a crusie is there......When was the supposed call for help call made to Melinda's Dad ? The other Verified member on here who knows Melinda's Dad should have the answer to that ...When did that happen...A year ago? The Day before the murder ? When? I think that would be an important piece of evidence...people have arguments...not everyone likes their in-laws or out-laws as I like to call some I've had...and they don't want their child around them...this is pure speculations on my part...and the reason I even say it is because I had a X DIL who kept my grandkids away from me for 3 years...for my son to appease her he stayed away too...THANKFULLY, he divorced her,not because of that though...I'm only sharing that because its possible Steve didn't like his In-Laws...Not saying they aren't good decent people...I think I am, but my XDIL didn't like me for whatever her reason was...Maybe thats the case here...
Steve's Verified family member says there was a on Melinda's phone...I'm sure the police have her phone and the truth if they did or did not take a crusie is there......When was the supposed call for help call made to Melinda's Dad ? The other Verified member on here who knows Melinda's Dad should have the answer to that ...When did that happen...A year ago? The Day before the murder ? When? I think that would be an important piece of evidence...people have arguments...not everyone likes their in-laws or out-laws as I like to call some I've had...and they don't want their child around them...this is pure speculations on my part...and the reason I even say it is because I had a X DIL who kept my grandkids away from me for 3 years...for my son to appease her he stayed away too...THANKFULLY, he divorced her,not because of that though...I'm only sharing that because its possible Steve didn't like his In-Laws...Not saying they aren't good decent people...I think I am, but my XDIL didn't like me for whatever her reason was...Maybe thats the case here...

Even if he did not like his in-laws, why would he just cremate his wife's remains and not even hold a funeral? Did he not think that people who loved her (all of her other friends and relatives) had the right to say goodbye to her in the traditional way?

Why make moves to claim the £1m+ insurance so soon after the shooting - hardly the actions of a loving and grieving husband.

Several people have confirmed there was talk of divorce and the couple were living separately.

So I do not buy any of his story, not one bit.

In cases like this it always seems odd to me when the statements of close relatives of the accused are given more credence than those of the victim's relatives.
...Maybe he needed the money to pay for his Defense,

I didn't think insurance policies paid out to the person that is accused of murdering the insured, I thought that the policy would go to the estate of the murdered person
Here's Some Question's I have....

(1) People have said on here this might have been premediated...If he was planning on killing her, why not do it in international waters while on the cruise?

(2)If he planned on killing her like some have suggested why would he do it at or around 6 AM...Why not at night when a home invasion is more likely and his young daughter would be asleep and most likely the neighbors...

(3)I know, everyone says no footprints..When Steve called 911 and people arrived at the scene the Police,EMT'S...They certainly didn't check for foot prints as soon as they arrived...I'm sure they went to the crime, how could they tell who's footprints were who's outside...?

(4)Why not try to make it look like a suicide which would be more believable I would think.

I am still on the stalker theory..Mainly because it was Melinda who reported the stalker...I don't know how many times though.I know people say on here he may have hired someone to help him....I think the opposite...I do think it took two to carry this off but I don't think it was Steve and a friend.Maybe stalker and a friend.....Steve was still living at home and working according to his Verified Family Member,although his job was on a down time in his trade........they went on a cruise...she was pregnant..which ever came first..sounds like a normal relationship to me...

Although I, and most people here, would disagree with you that SL is not the killer (in your opinion, and you are certainly entitled to that), I do feel I wish to comment on your very last sentence "sounds like a normal relationship to me". There is evidence that it is not normal. He lied about being married, he lied about having a child already, he kicked her and the baby out of the house at one point, he took the baby away from her at at least one point, he scared her, she begged her father to help her, she had words about "isolation" on her facebook page. Nothing normal about all of this.

If there is wrong information out there (on either side) it will get the light of day shone on it in court.

My opinion is strong that SL did it, and will be convicted. I hope that he doesn't get OJ luck, or Casey Anthony luck. Now Scott Peterson luck would be fitting (of course in my opinion).
I think that SL's verified family member is honestly retelling the story that SL has told his family members. However, I think that the story SL has told his family members holds no resemblance to what actually occurred. Based upon the information found in this thread, it appears that the accused has a long history of lying. So much of his story just sounds so unreasonable that I just cannot buy it. Of course, that is my opinion only.
I do have faith that the proper authorities will ferret out the truth and ultimately justice will prevail.
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