In my right hand is the blue pill, in my left the red pill

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Speaking for myself, only, I don't believe the motive was kidnapping or ransom, it was thrill killing, and kidnapping RN was part of the staging to mislead LE as to the true motive (and frame the parents and throw LE off the scent)

Hey it worked for me! I most definately suspect the parents. So we have parents who over thought the situation or a thrill killer who under thought it.. this case can be so confusing.
Speaking for myself, only, I don't believe the motive was kidnapping or ransom, it was thrill killing, and kidnapping RN was part of the staging to mislead LE as to the true motive (and frame the parents and throw LE off the scent)

Maybe so, except for the 'frame the parents' part.

That falls into same category as parents framing an intruder. If parents framed an intruder, then there would be definitive signs of an intruder. JR certainly wouldn't be saying 'I broke the window'. There would be clear forced entry that LE would've found right away, and JR would've claimed everything was locked up, to reinforce the idea that the house was violated. They also wouldn't make it seem like the intruder spent hours relaxed in the house, eating pineapple and writing long notes. The note would've been shorter, or the long note written by pen and paper that LE could not find (NOT from a pad in the house), to make it seem like the RN was written beforehand. Pineapple would not be conspicuously left out on the kitchen table with parent fingerprints on it, by someone wanting to stage an intruder crime scene. The garrote stick would've been a natural stick from outside, or anything the R's could claim wasn't theirs.

If an intruder was framing the parents, there would be definitive signs of a parent. There would be NO ransom note.
Maybe so, except for the 'frame the parents' part.

That falls into same category as parents framing an intruder. If parents framed an intruder, then there would be definitive signs of an intruder. JR certainly wouldn't be saying 'I broke the window'. There would be clear forced entry that LE would've found right away, and JR would've claimed everything was locked up, to reinforce the idea that the house was violated. They also wouldn't make it seem like the intruder spent hours relaxed in the house, eating pineapple and writing long notes. The note would've been shorter, or the long note written by pen and paper that LE could not find (NOT from a pad in the house), to make it seem like the RN was written beforehand. Pineapple would not be conspicuously left out on the kitchen table with parent fingerprints on it, by someone wanting to stage an intruder crime scene. The garrote stick would've been a natural stick from outside, or anything the R's could claim wasn't theirs.

If an intruder was framing the parents, there would be definitive signs of a parent. There would be NO ransom note.

Maybe this IDI got the idea from watching too many movies and older cases like L&L. Ever studied method acting?
Pot and kettle, my friend.

Have you ever had a dream you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from this dream. How would you tell apart the dreamworld from the real world?
Have you ever had a dream you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from this dream. How would you tell apart the dreamworld from the real world?

Hi voynich.

Are you really ...... a butterfly?
Oh, heck! I just can't resist!

A-one and a-two!

One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small
And the ones that voynich gives you don't do anything at all
Go ask Tricia when she's ten feet tall
And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall
Tell them a black clad RDI Lord has given you the call
Recall JB when she was so small
When men on the crime board get up and tell you where to go
And you've just read some kind of web links, and your mind is running low
Go ask DeeDee...I think she'll know
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead
And HOTYH is talking backwards
Remember what SD said
Feed your head
Feed your head

LOL! (Wait until you hear my encore!)
:clap: That's what a lot of other people have said, as well.

Pretty awful, huh?

I was at a barbecue a few weeks ago and I mentioned my upcoming book. And several people there said the same thing.

akashana, I offer you a chance to discover your true power. Join me. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict.


I'd be happy to help!
If I can be serious for a minute, I got to thinking about something. Our Jedi Master has some issues with the idea that some of the RN language is motherly and feminine. He seems to think the "delivery will be exhausting, so I advise you to be rested" bit sounds more Mafia than Mama.

For a long time, I've perceived a motherly condescension in that phrase. It reminds me of my own mother when she'd tell me to get my rest for a big day tomorrow.

BUT, last night something else occurred to me, something I think is at least worth mentioning. What I would like is for the women here who are mothers to read this:

"The delivery will be exhausting." Now, as most women who have children will tell you, "delivery" is often used as a synonym for childbirth. And I think you'll agree there is no delivery more exhausting than that!

So, moms of WS, do you think there's anything to this, or has ol' SD finally gone all the way 'round the mountain?
SD,I think you have an excellent point!! delivery is indeed a word moms would use! I'll elaborate further later.

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