In Retrospect-Kronk Believes He Saw Skull In August

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Things like Kronk's boss being a neighbor of the Anthonys. And things like Kronk being a former bounty hunter who was once arrested for kidnapping. And things like Kronk allegedly deciding to relieve himself in the swampy area that just months before he reported to be infested with rattlesnakes. And things like Kronk's first trip into the swampy area in August when he was allegedly thoughtful enough to take a picture of a dead rattlesnake but not so thoughtful as to take a picture of the white object that he allegedly saw, which was an object that no one else could see. Etc., etc., ad nauseum.

IIRC Kronk isn't really on trial here. I think if he were you would defend him as righteously as you have Casey. Where's the even handedness?
IIRC Kronk isn't really on trial here. I think if he were you would defend him as righteously as you have Casey. Where's the even handedness?

Yes, and, where's the evidence?

All we have is supposition, here.
In no way am I suggesting that Kronk did anything illegal. Far from it. I am just saying that he may have lied about how he discovered the body. Which may be unethical, perhaps self-serving in forethought of profitability...but 100% in non-involvement in the knowledge of or cause of Caylee's death. The defense is going to try to implicate him if they have any knowledge that his discovery is not how he explained it to be.
Wudge, Respectfully, once again I have to question your grasp of the facts in this case in order to state your opinions.

Kronk's boss was not a neighbor of the Anthony's. Disproven long ago, it's in the Myths thread. And you're using it as a basis to discredit him.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Myth Busters and Facts NO DISCUSSION NO DISCUSSION

I - and many others - find Kronk's story and actions absolutely believable. If you had been here at Ground Zero when all of this was happening, you would have seen the thousands of people that spent their own time and money searching for little Caylee. On their own, in groups and with TES.

People were driven to find this girl, put her killer behind bars and shut the Anthony's up.

We all thank the heavens above that KRONK was driven and persistent enough to follow through with something he saw months before - when the area was flooded - and find what was left of Caylee once the water had receded and you could actually walk in to where she was thrown.

And forgive me if I add to your excellent post. IF RK was involved in any way, shape or manner, LE would have arrested him, JB would have fired ALyons long ago (no need for her - have to save the $$$$$), and the charges against KC would be reduced.

There is no way in hell-o that the state of Florida would let KC sit in jail knowing another party involved was just waltzing the streets of Orlando. Talk about a law suit that even JB could win.

Then there is CA ..... she would make sure she was on every national media outlet parading that little fact. Instead she is out there telling everyone Caylee is still alive.

Gee, think about it people. This isn't rocket science or junk forensics. RK isn't involved other than finding Caylee. He is strange to me, no doubt. But to attempt to place him with involvement is just plain silly.
In no way am I suggesting that Kronk did anything illegal. Far from it. I am just saying that he may have lied about how he discovered the body. Which may be unethical, perhaps self-serving in forethought of profitability...but 100% in non-involvement in the knowledge of or cause of Caylee's death. The defense is going to try to implicate him if they have any knowledge that his discovery is not how he explained it to be.

I see. Thanks! :)

I think the defense will have a rough row to hoe, if they try that. Too big a reach.
Well, everything considered I will sure think two, three, and four times before I ever go on a search again. God forbid, had I found her what would have happened if my life were under suspicion as Kronk's is now. I'd go nuts with all the scrutiny and then everyone would probably jump to the conclusion that I was really involved. But the saddest consequence is that I'm probably not the only person in the world who is feeling this way. It really is depressing; there's no way around it!
I see.

I think the defense will have a rough row to hoe, if they try that. Too big a reach.
Unless they have some information re Kronk that we don't. Why was he fired for example? We don't know the truth. I am glad he found the body...but I question the truth as to how...still 100% believing he had no involvement in the death in any way whatsoever.
Well, everything considered I will sure think two, three, and four times before I ever go on a search again. God forbid, had I found her what would have happened if my life were under suspicion as Kronk's is now. I'd go nuts with all the scrutiny and then everyone would probably jump to the conclusion that I was really involved. But the saddest consequence is that I'm probably not the only person in the world who is feeling this way. It really is depressing; there's no way around it!

I don't think I could stand it, either.

I recently told a celeb friend that I wouldn't trade his fame for my privacy, for anything.

If I had found her, and the press started chasing me, I think they'd have to put me in a nice rubber room, for awhile.
Unless they have some information re Kronk that we don't. Why was he fired for example? We don't know the truth. I am glad he found the body...but I question the truth as to how...still 100% believing he had no involvement in the death in any way whatsoever.

He has a Workers Compensation dispute with his boss. He didn't show for the hearing. That's why he was fired.

Those become very adversarial very quickly. I used to do some WC rehab.
He has a Workers Compensation dispute with his boss. He didn't show for the hearing. That's why he was fired.

Those become very adversarial very quickly. I used to do some WC rehab.
As much as I want to say he is completely across board on this gut says no. He is innocent of any wrong doing except perhaps exposing the true leads to the discovery. Something is in the air with him.
In no way am I suggesting that Kronk did anything illegal. Far from it. I am just saying that he may have lied about how he discovered the body. Which may be unethical, perhaps self-serving in forethought of profitability...but 100% in non-involvement in the knowledge of or cause of Caylee's death. The defense is going to try to implicate him if they have any knowledge that his discovery is not how he explained it to be.

I think we can safely eliminate profit as a possible motive of Kronk's, since he originally tried to remain anonymous when he phoned LE with his tip. Actually, his stated desire to be anonymous struck me as a little odd back then, since he could have expected to be haled as a hero for finding the remains. I later decided that he was trying to avoid having every facet of his personal life exposed by the media and then attacked by the defense--i.e. the old kidnapping accusation, his unpaid child support, etc.
So? Do u think Kronk killed Caylee? I dont understand what this has to do with CA killin her kid. She thru the baby away---Kronk found her. Well, what was left of her anyway.

OT-Hiya! You're back! :woohoo:
I've often wondered why RK did not follow officer Cain to the bag he was pointing out. At that point in time with a police officer on the site, if the officer would not look in the bag, if I were Kronk I would have opened the bag. The officer was right there, why not open it with him there, then if it were a body you would have the police already there and they could deal with it. RK had made 3 phone calls to the police, so obviously he thought he was on to something, so why not open it while the cop was standing there?

While I wish Cain would not have been such a pansy, the fact is that the remains were a distance off, they would have needed waders to get to the bags. And both guys were apparently freaked out by snakes. :banghead:

I carry around waders in my trunk now. Just in case. :crazy:
Wudge, Respectfully, once again I have to question your grasp of the facts

That's not respectful, actually.

I - and many others - find Kronk's story and actions absolutely believable. If you had been here at Ground Zero when all of this was happening, you would have seen the thousands of people that spent their own time and money searching for little Caylee. On their own, in groups and with TES.
And oddly, none of those thousands found the remains right there barely in the treeline off the curb of Suburban. So were the remains there yet?

We all thank the heavens above that KRONK was driven and persistent enough to follow through with
You didn't mean to say "we all", right? But if it did happen that way, Mr. K has my appreciation.

something he saw months before - when the area was flooded - and find what was left of Caylee once the water had receded and you could actually walk in to where she was thrown.

But the remains were barely into the treeline, barely lower than curb level in terms of depth, not back in the swamp, just in minimal water at the water's highest point, right?

Well, as for me, I say thanks to Wudge and others for posting honestly and asking questions and wanting to know the truth whatever it may be, without partiality. Personally I found it a bit absurd that more investigation wasn't done into RK and KW and some others, just as a matter of routine investigation, no accusation toward any of them. MOO
ZsaZsa, your post #551, pg 23:
A simply profound statement-to the point, accurate and unarguably true!

I agree with your sentiments Lizzy. I have always felt in my gut something was not right about his discovery and have never been able to pinpoint exactly what. I have never thought he was involved in Caylee's demise, in any way, just a wierd feeling about his stories and recollections.

Unfortunately, I think Kronk is the weakest link for the SA. Something has always been hinky there. Hopefully not enough to throw a tire iron in the works.. I just have always felt there was something underground going on with his discovery. Sorry...just a feeling. But a Red Herring no less, it doesn't change the truth of who is guilty.. Wait n see i guess...

So you agree that no matter how he discovered it if he in fact learned where she was from KC via Trickled down info, then that is just more possible evidence against Kc right?
I think we can safely eliminate profit as a possible motive of Kronk's, since he originally tried to remain anonymous when he phoned LE with his tip. Actually, his stated desire to be anonymous struck me as a little odd back then, since he could have expected to be haled as a hero for finding the remains. I later decided that he was trying to avoid having every facet of his personal life exposed by the media and then attacked by the defense--i.e. the old kidnapping accusation, his unpaid child support, etc.
His original desire to remain anonymous and subsequent step into the light (by personal choice) is was what partially triggered my suspicion. re Roy Kronk. I felt he was weighing the odds on his personal life short-comings being exposed VS. a chance for some type of profitabilty with exposure. He chose exposure.. he paid and pulled the plug on that train ride. He made a few bucks..which has resulted in his pre-feared controversy. He bet the odds and lost. IMO.
Still innocent of any involvement in her death or knowledge of.
I've often wondered why RK did not follow officer Cain to the bag he was pointing out. At that point in time with a police officer on the site, if the officer would not look in the bag, if I were Kronk I would have opened the bag. The officer was right there, why not open it with him there, then if it were a body you would have the police already there and they could deal with it. RK had made 3 phone calls to the police, so obviously he thought he was on to something, so why not open it while the cop was standing there?

I have no idea under the sun why Kronk didn't force the officer to look in the bag. There could be a million good reasons ~ anywhere from being intimidated by police to something as mundane as not feeling well. But gosh, the officer was the one who failed here. Why try to put Kronk in a bad light with this? He had lived up to his responsibility by calling in; obviously he wasn't trying to hide his discovery. I just don't understand. . .
To all you folks who find RK's discovery hinky, I would just like to share my thoughts.

Have you ever finally decided to go to the doctor for that darn sore throat, and you swear you start questioning whether you should be wasting the doctor's time, cause you feel better already just sitting there in the waiting room?

He was UNSURE OF HIMSELF. Unsure whether he was wasting LE resources on this. But it kept gnawing at him so he called again, and once again followed up on it.
I personally have never been "pushy" with a cop and maybe he felt weird to be pushy too so didn't want to press or confront him. And maybe he wasn't too fond of the idea of going into the woods too much further either.
Afterall the cop should know what he's doing right?

ETA, Sorry Expecting Unicorns. I type slow and see that I pretty much just expressed the same thoughts you wrote!
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