GUILTY IN - Salem, Washington Co, BlkMale 5-8, PMI approx 1 week, wooded area near roadway, Apr'22 - Cairo Ammar Jordan *1 guilty* *Mother arrested 2024*

If LE made sure this isn't a missing child in the systems, wouldn't that make it more urgent to get the word out/publish the reconstruction instead of not doing that, because they will need the memory of the public now more than ever? Still not getting how publication would harm the investigation. It's at least remarkable how this case is handled.
I think we should trust LE. If they have a reconstruction and aren't releasing it, that's unusual in my opinion. I feel they must have a reason. I hope this little guy is identified soon and LE can swoop in and arrest the right person(s).
That would make sense, but I would expect a reconstruction to show the face before injuries.
I wonder if (assuming that was the case) the injuries would have been severe enough to completely warp his face and make him unrecognizable? I'm pulling stuff out of thin air here. It's really the only reason I can think of not to release one.
Well, they said there wasn't any trauma that led to his death, but I'm unsure if that means there wasn't any at all or what?
They also said he was "well taken care of" which I think implied that there were no signs of abuse either (I really wish they would have just been explicit with those details rather than using vague language though, so that we're not all having to guess what that means)

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