IN - Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #2

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Is there somewhere where the whole story is written Rosco?
So Rosco was chained to a tree< who by ? the murderers or your dad ?
Who is GM as in a relation ? friend ? would they have been in at the time ?

And in regards to the shower would there still be any evidence left ? could they check now ?
Who has the property now ? if you do couldn't you request it or even if you don't couldnt you ask them to check the drains ?
Interesting about the basement shower. Don't think I had read that before, Rosco.

I can understand them withholding some things but I don't see why they can't tell you "yes" or "no" to a question of "was the basement shower drain inspected/tested". That's different than asking, getting a "yes" and then asking for more details than that, know what I mean? sigh In time, right?


I wonder too. LE has never told if there was some sort of clean up that took place. There was speculation on the thought that the killer/s 'cleaned the scene'.. but in fact it was that the 'scene was clean'.. and in lacking the forensic'...

I always wondered too... that in the basement there was a shower. It was just a shower head next to the water heater..and drained to the same as washer. It was tall too.. so my DH who is 6.5.. would be able to stand under and not hit his head.. Dad too used it.. This shower was open.. no walls - just the 'free-ness' of the basement...(LOL) .. but I wonder if in fact the killer/s used this shower..? Truly dont have to touch anything around.. just the handle and such.. but I just wonder about that. LE would never tell me.. but it's just a thought. I know there is ways to check for blood down drains and sinks.. so just wondered if it was checked. Again.. I know LE would have considered..:confused:

Well - the first thread here on WS pretty much sums up most/all of these charectors and things that had happend..

but here is a short version of a few of your questions..:crazy:

GM is the mother of Darleen. She lived on the property but in her own trailer house... just about 1/2 football field away.. but too far from the barn to have heard or seen anything. There is also an out building in-between the barn and GM trailer. It was once a greenhouse.. but it covers most of the view of the barn from her windows. GM was not harmed. She is currently living in MI and is in her 90's. Her and 'A' walked into the house and found Darleen on the couch with her face crushed in... GM had to view her only daughter... :furious:

I am certain there are tests to be done with the shower..and I assume LE did those tests...

Rosco was on his chain and unknown as to whom placed him there. Dad only had him on his chain while they were gone for the day - working or shopping ect... He has his dog house and food/water. He was an inside dog at night. Actually slept in Dad's room.. VERY loved and welcomed dog. Goes on the couch all the time.. ask me,,. I KNOW.. cuz it's a habit i can not change that he brought with him..!! That and letting himself out the side door... He pushes the door open if you dont have it locked.. Another habit he had from Dad's..
He had access all the time to come and go inside/outside the house. Dad had a big dog flap on the inside shed door where Darleen would smoke... The breeze way I guess it would be.. But it all attached to the main house.
My and DH's thoughts about Rosco being on chain...
The time of their murders IMO was the evening of 20Oct 2005. Dad had his teeth out and Darleen was on couch reading and/watching TV. THe Thurs night flights were on (i dont know if that was the channel that was on the TV.. cuz it was on when LE arrived) and I know Dad always watched the flights. Dad was out in the barn fixing his John Deer Tractor - told my DH that the battery was givn him pblms.. Charger was still connected. Dad 'might' have taken Rosco out for the last time that night.. and cuz he was only a year old... would and still always wanted to be right in your face when your trying to do something.. SO.. possible Dad put him on chain.. BUT he was still there when LE arrived.. SOO.. it was when Dad was working outside with John Deer that he was taken by surprise.
NOW.. Rosco is a barker... TRUST me ... he is.. IF anyone came up onto Dad without him knowing... That dog would have barked.. and barked .. until you showed it attention... So IMO killer/s totally knew Dad and knew Rosco.. and did not feel threat. ALSO.. he was still a big dog at 1yr old.. Some stranger would NOT have walked upon him without feeling threat of him biting?... He is very intimidating...

Currently the property is sealed off by the Indiana Health Department... My 1/2 sister "A" was arrested along with her BF and his StepD (who were living in the house) last Feb for making METH in the very house. THey are currently living elsewhere.. but the house is not livable per LE. The electric has been since cut off..and I have no idea to what effect the Health Dept has sealed.... would need to clean the property to live there and the State will not cover that bill. The owner of the house must before moving in. I was also told it is currently up for sale but I have yet to find a number for such ...


Is there somewhere where the whole story is written Rosco?
So Rosco was chained to a tree< who by ? the murderers or your dad ?
Who is GM as in a relation ? friend ? would they have been in at the time ?

And in regards to the shower would there still be any evidence left ? could they check now ?
Who has the property now ? if you do couldn't you request it or even if you don't couldnt you ask them to check the drains ?
Yea - it's just an open shower head.. and Dad had it all set up with soap and places to put ur stuff. I've used it too when we would visit. :crazy:
Fun for DH and I together :eek:... :crazy: (SHHHHHH... dont tell)

I am certain LE checked that shower...One would hope they did. There were so many CSI teams there... Everyone had a job to do..

LE really does not tell me anything about their findings snowme.. I know what your saying - but believe me... I ask many questions...and they truly say 'you know i cant tell you that ' .... :bang:


Interesting about the basement shower. Don't think I had read that before, Rosco.

I can understand them withholding some things but I don't see why they can't tell you "yes" or "no" to a question of "was the basement shower drain inspected/tested". That's different than asking, getting a "yes" and then asking for more details than that, know what I mean? sigh In time, right?

I know in spite of everything it may seem trivial but I am very glad that Roscoe the Dog was not hurt.

Was it normal for Terry to piddle around, mess around with his tractor, do yardwork, etc with his teeth out?
Well.. he was just outside (IMO) for a short time. He was getting ready to 'close shop' - and disconnect the John Deer from the battery charger.. It's a fact as his body was there and evidence that was what he was doing.. Charger still plugged in... and cables still on John Deer's battery. It is speculated Dad went out to the barn to close the shop up for the night.. and was attacked and murdered while doing so. The big bay doors were closed and the only way into the barn was thru the two doors that faced the drive and where Rosco was tied up..

Rosco KNOWS who murdered Dad and Darleen..:furious::waitasec:

NO Rosco was not hurt and i know.. I love him and would not have wanted anything to happen to him either.. I am SOOOO glad that we chose to pile him up into our SUV instead of DH's hunting gear and other things that were ours. We 'thought' we could come back for those things.. they wouldn't die... SOO we chose a 130lbs dog to come back.. Couln't fit nothing else in the back..., with DS who was 2 at the time..

AND - that is all we got... BUT sooo happy he's with us..:blowkiss: I love him so!!!


I know in spite of everything it may seem trivial but I am very glad that Roscoe the Dog was not hurt.

Was it normal for Terry to piddle around, mess around with his tractor, do yardwork, etc with his teeth out?
I know. It is weird to think about the fact that Roscoe saw what happened. Poor guy. Terry was the alpha male in Roscoe's eyes (well hopefully for Terry's sake :)) and to not be able to help protect his 'pack leader' had to have been frustrating and upsetting for Roscoe.

Did LE dust his collar and leash for fingerprints? If someone besides Terry chained him up they would have had to touch the chain and maybe even his collar to lead him over there.
I know. It is weird to think about the fact that Roscoe saw what happened. Poor guy. Terry was the alpha male in Roscoe's eyes (well hopefully for Terry's sake :)) and to not be able to help protect his 'pack leader' had to have been frustrating and upsetting for Roscoe.

Did LE dust his collar and leash for fingerprints? If someone besides Terry chained him up they would have had to touch the chain and maybe even his collar to lead him over there.

I doubt that - I actually (think) i still have his original chain and collar :waitasec:
He was sent home with us with the collar

- DH was the person who was first on the scene (family) and was the first to tell LE that it was very unusual for Rosco to be on the chain. Dad was alpha male.. and now DH is. He can't go ANYWHERE without Rosco right next to him... And when DH is not around.. Rosco whinnes all the time!!!! Cries from window to window... TOTALLY into DH.

Nowadays.. Rosco has a hard time when he hears scriens... firetrucks or police. Barks and barks and trys to chase the trucks... I live on a road that has many everyday go by..and he FREAKS everytime he hears one. With all the LE and helicopter that landed on Dad's place that day and Rosco was chained the WHOLE time.. just freaked him for life with all the lights and loud noice. It freaks him to this day.
gaia227 - Was it normal for Terry to piddle around, mess around with his tractor, do yardwork, etc with his teeth out?[/quote]

Yea - dad could/would finish up something even if he was ready to retire for the evening..
Maybe forgot and decided to after his night was done.

Maybe the car that came over that night made him go into the barn and work on the John Deer.? It's possible.
It's a FACT that someone came to the house that evening... GM said a car pulled up that evening - she did not see who or what the car was. I don;t know if it was the killer/s or just a visitor. LE would know.. they never told me. If it was friend/family that drove up - then during interviews LE would know who/why someone was there... NEVER told me.. it's another piece that LE will not open for this case to family...

I just know that cuz GM told me...

what was Amanda like before the murders? A spoiled child? Close to mom or dad or both?

And poor in so many murders...if only the dog could talk. My dogs...all of them have been the best judges of character. Did Rosco like Amanda before? Did he like Amanda after? What about the boyfriend? Did Rosco have a reaction to him after? I can't imagine the fright in his poor heart after seeing the murder and smelling the blood. He was just a big pup. The murderer HAD to have known Rosco. I wish he'd have been in with Darleen.
I doubt that - I actually (think) i still have his original chain and collar :waitasec:
He was sent home with us with the collar


I watched a Forensics Files show where the dog had been tied up by the killer and LE finally sent the leash and collar to the lab and were able to find DNA and a fingerprint. That's why I thought of it - too much TV :crazy:

If the perp(s) pulled up in a car then it is pretty obvious they knew Terry and Darlene well. Is it a paved driveway? If it is dirt or gravel did LE try to get impressions of the tire marks (saw that on Forensic Files too :))

Do you know if LE thinks the weapon was a weapon of opportunity or something they brought with them?

what was Amanda like before the murders? A spoiled child? Close to mom or dad or both?

And poor in so many murders...if only the dog could talk. My dogs...all of them have been the best judges of character. Did Rosco like Amanda before? Did he like Amanda after? What about the boyfriend? Did Rosco have a reaction to him after? I can't imagine the fright in his poor heart after seeing the murder and smelling the blood. He was just a big pup. The murderer HAD to have known Rosco. I wish he'd have been in with Darleen.

Hi lost indie - thanks for the post...
Normal to DH and I... I mean.. she was an only child to Dad and Darleen. She graduated top of her class. Smart...:) Not really a person who cleans tho. I mean... her room was messy and she never really took part in helping her mom (while I was there anyway) with cooking while we were there - or even pealing a potato.. the very least. But.. she was a kid/young adult... and I never looking into that too much. She did pretty much get what she wanted - for the most part. Dad helped pay for her cellphone and truck insurance and other things too...
I don't think she was close to dad... not really. She was NOT a fishing/hunting kinda girl... She thought he was too forward and to 'into' his fishing.. to serious I guess... Never really went with..
She did for a while there when dad and I would go. Pbly when she was in her early 11-13yrs-ish time... We would really go swimming and play - mostly...

Close I would say to Darleen. I would mainly say that 'A' could manipulate her mom with anything she might want. I say that only becuze she really ALWAYS got what she wanted... at the store or shopping. Latest everything really - for the most part...
Dad was harder to sway. Dad was the parent that made most of the decisions..
We all would go shopping together. Darleen LOVED garage sales..and antique shops. Mostly we would look... rather than buy - we both never really had a bunch of money.. But we would look.. and sometimes buy.

Honest - don't really know if XBF liked him. I don't think XBF liked anything... except himself. Just by his actions the whole time we were there after the murders... he was only out to cover his own arse... IMO.
Rosco was so young.. still puppy mind.. so i don;t think he would have done anything to either... Even now.. if yelled at... he's not an angry dog.. he is well behaved and would never show teeth.. SO not sure if he would even react..

I too wish Rosco was with Darleen.. BUT .. it's possible he would have been killed too.... Cuz he would have been in the way...
I watched a Forensics Files show where the dog had been tied up by the killer and LE finally sent the leash and collar to the lab and were able to find DNA and a fingerprint. That's why I thought of it - too much TV :crazy:

If the perp(s) pulled up in a car then it is pretty obvious they knew Terry and Darlene well. Is it a paved driveway? If it is dirt or gravel did LE try to get impressions of the tire marks (saw that on Forensic Files too :))

Do you know if LE thinks the weapon was a weapon of opportunity or something they brought with them?

Not sure - LE has NEVER told me what they think weapon might be. I am sure they know tho...
Why don't LE share any of the information with you ? I don't understand why they won't maybe them telling you something might trigger something ?

Why do you wish Rosco had been in with Darleen ? Thats what I would have thought that he would have been killed because he wouldn't have been tied up and would have jumped up and down in the way.

From tv shows only, ive seen where the animal in question witnessed the murders and then behaved *weird* *frightened* *angry* *different* around the perp when they knew them.

Might be an idea to hand up the collar and ask them to test it ?

I wonder why they didn't kill the Grandma as well ? being that the murders were so horrific that they were obviously crazy..wonder why they left her out of it . I also wonder why they didn't kill the dog
Yea - it's just an open shower head.. and Dad had it all set up with soap and places to put ur stuff. I've used it too when we would visit. :crazy:
Fun for DH and I together :eek:... :crazy: (SHHHHHH... dont tell)

I am certain LE checked that shower...One would hope they did. There were so many CSI teams there... Everyone had a job to do..

LE really does not tell me anything about their findings snowme.. I know what your saying - but believe me... I ask many questions...and they truly say 'you know i cant tell you that ' .... :bang:

:blush:Heehee, I'll never tell!! :wink: And, I know... may I just bang my head with ya! :bang::banghead:
To be fair to LE, if I was investigating this case, I would also not tell very much to the family member of someone I thought COULD be a suspect, either. It's just not a risk you can take. Furthermore, they have told Rosco quite alot, in my view, anyways. Not everything, but more than I might have told her under these circumstances. Nothing personal, just standard operating procedure. :)
Yea - it's just an open shower head.. and Dad had it all set up with soap and places to put ur stuff. I've used it too when we would visit. :crazy:
Fun for DH and I together :eek:... :crazy: (SHHHHHH... dont tell)

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: ROSCO!!!!!!!!!!!!! In your FAMILY'S SHOWER??????? :crazy::crazy::crazy:
I know. It is weird to think about the fact that Roscoe saw what happened. Poor guy. Terry was the alpha male in Roscoe's eyes (well hopefully for Terry's sake :)) and to not be able to help protect his 'pack leader' had to have been frustrating and upsetting for Roscoe.

Did LE dust his collar and leash for fingerprints? If someone besides Terry chained him up they would have had to touch the chain and maybe even his collar to lead him over there.

Since both murders occurred inside buildings, I doubt Rosco the dog could literally see the murders occurring, but Rosco the person knows better than I do about the dog's perspective. The barn is quite a ways away from the house, too.
Since both murders occurred inside buildings, I doubt Rosco the dog could literally see the murders occurring, but Rosco the person knows better than I do about the dog's perspective. The barn is quite a ways away from the house, too.

For some reason I thought Terry was found outside the barn. I didn't know they were that far apart. Are there any pics of the property? I think it is much bigger than I am imagining.

BTW - What in the world were you doing up at 3:41 am DK??

Fiance has been out of town and I have a rule - no WS after dark. I end up getting all creeped out, every little noise I jump out of bed, I sleep with all the lights on, every time the cats ears perk up my heart starts pounding, doesn't make for a good nights sleep. Last night I layed there thinking about poor Anne Pressley and how she was most likely surprised while in her own bed. I get goosebumbs just thinking about it.
LE is secret with most info. It's due to the fact that IMO that becz it's someone close to family that 'might' have committed the crime in the first place.

With Rosco w/Darleen - she might have been able to defend in someway. Maybe the killer/s would have gotten wounded or left more evidence if Rosco was in the house. Being tied up did not give Rosco the chance to protect. That's why the BIG dog... Dad liked big dogs for protection.

We were at the house for 10days after the murders. Rosco was there.. along with all the others.. I (reviewing in my head) did not suspect anything different with Rosco around pps. He was young and i read in DK's comment - that YES he was not able to view the murders. Did not see the murders take place so he was not angered?
Dad was inside the barn and the big bay doors were both closed. THE only way into that barn was thru two doors that face the backyard - where Rosco was tied up. Ppbly 50ft away from the door..

I ponder that question too - Why was GM and Rosco not harmed???

IMO - GM was not part of the plan. GM had no connection thru money or anything. She was not a party connected in anyway. Why would they killer her? She was NOT a wittness.. The killer/s knew when it would be a good time that GM would not come out of her trailer. Maybe she was 'forgotten' about during the murders???

I found out a few months ago that GM had family at the house the begining of that week. Some out of state family was staying at Dad and Darleen's place and also GM's other DS in MI... they were back and fourth the week or less prior to the murders. This visitor stayed almost until tues of that week. I was not aware of that. Not EVERYTHING Dad told me about - and this was GM's side and her cousin or something.. nobody i would know.. so ppbly was not a thought to let me know. Also - I did not speak to Dad that week of his murder. DH spoke to him and I recall I was busy with DS...and said I would talk to him later.
I now regret that,., but you never know when the last time you will speak to someone.:mad:

Rosco was also not part of the plan. He for sure had no connection thru money or valuables... Cant talk... 'dumb dog'...

Why don't LE share any of the information with you ? I don't understand why they won't maybe them telling you something might trigger something ?

Why do you wish Rosco had been in with Darleen ? Thats what I would have thought that he would have been killed because he wouldn't have been tied up and would have jumped up and down in the way.

From tv shows only, ive seen where the animal in question witnessed the murders and then behaved *weird* *frightened* *angry* *different* around the perp when they knew them.

Might be an idea to hand up the collar and ask them to test it ?

I wonder why they didn't kill the Grandma as well ? being that the murders were so horrific that they were obviously crazy..wonder why they left her out of it . I also wonder why they didn't kill the dog
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