IN - Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #3

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Hi all, I have been reading and want to offer a few things from my opinion right quick. One thing: When "A" says "Why did they have to kill her?" as opposed to saying "them", it was her mother Darleen that she saw in that awful condition. She did not ever see her father after his death because of the closed casket. But, seeing her murdered mother in that condition is permanently etched in her brain. She most likely suffers from untreated PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder just from seeing Darleen.

Drugs: She is young. I, unfortunately, have knowledge in this area since a family member is a drug/alcohol addict. When a person begins using, their emotional development is stunted, so her emotional age is most likely the age at when she began using drugs.

Back to the PTSD. The removal of the guns so suddenly could mean that "A" was reacting to her emotions of extreme distress and fear brought on by the discovery of Darleen. This distress would happen even if she was somehow connected to the murders. Talking about murder and seeing the results of murder are too different things altogether. She may have wanted the guns for protection and did not want anyone else taking them.

I have PTSD from the 1970's, I was 18 - 20, and I still have problems. Not as much, mind you, but the events changed my life, and not for the better.

"A" innocent or guilty, I would definitely say that her bizarre behavior would be from finding her mother in that condition. If she is somehow connected, knows who did it, then I would think that she would be in more bad shape with guilt feelings. She may even feel guilty and not be involved... survivor's guilt.. thinking she may have been able to prevent this horrible pain inflicted upon her parents.

None of us want to look at the murdered victims at the other link, so just imagine what it would be like to find your own mother like that. I can't even wrap my brain around that, and really don't want to.

If there are drugs going in and out of the house... even today, it seems that LE could put the pressure on "A" and the occupants by doing some undercover work and doing a drug sting operation there.

Roscoe, you are doing so much to keep this from becoming a cold case... you have my admiration. I am so sorry for your losses. Keep up the good work.


LE already did a drug sting at that very house last year. They are all awaiting trial. Amanda didn't show for her's and was wanted for a while bcause of that, but she eventually turned herself back in. But a drug raid has already occurred.

I know that we have already spoken about dateline but I was thinking this week about if you thought about also sending and email to primetime crime as well as the ivestigation discovery channel, I was going over all of these options in my own mind and it seems like dateline is mostly about crimes that have pretty much been wrapped up (court & convictions) but the other 2 show cases that have been wrapped up as well as cases that have yet to be solved and even cold cases...The investigation discovery is a new channel that is part of the discovery lineup..if you can pull them up online and last time I checked they were asking for new story info since they are a new channel..

If you need any help just PM me
Wow, topix has gotten out of hand! I saw the post calling Rosco & her brother that very derogatory term. I wondered why that person *assumed* Terry was never married to their mother. Uncalled for and in no way helpful!

((((Sherry)))) :blowkiss:
Some of the latest posts on Topix are out of line personal, such as calling Rosco and Rick "*advertiser censored* children." So maybe we can show her some support on there?

I think showing Rosco support is a wonderful idea, but I would avoid turning it into a "bash festival". This *advertiser censored**_U_Me is feeding off the antagonizm that he/she is causing. Show Rosco support, clarify facts but don't attack... show who's the betters over there!
I think showing Rosco support is a wonderful idea, but I would avoid turning it into a "bash festival". This *advertiser censored**_U_Me is feeding off the antagonizm that he/she is causing. Show Rosco support, clarify facts but don't attack... show who's the betters over there!

:clap::clap::clap:I agree why should we stoop down to the posters level.Besides if I know Roscoe the way I think I do ahe would be upset with us doing it. Roscoe and her family not including A have been nothing short of treating everything with Dignity and grace. They we be appaled at us to behave any other way then they have shown.
I posted my thoughts on the comments made about Rick & Sherry on Topix....I hope it is not seen as an attack...But that made me dang mad..So I let my fingers to the walking..

God Bless you Rosco & Rick
Rosco, please don't let yourself feel hurt by the garbage being spewed "over there". By allowing some of the banter/bashing to go on, there might wind up being a slip of the tongue. Hate seems to motivate people to talk too much.

Stay strong and prayers for justice! :blowkiss:
<<-- Interested in seeing this "other" site...
Thanks everyone for all your warm hugs and support.

I will look into all the replies and ideas... I just wanted to send a note of my where-a-bouts..

Honest - the post totally pissed me off..and I though it best to keep any replies to bare minimum. A few needed comments and facts were required tho.. and so I posted.

Been going thru carp at home. Twisted my back and trying to recover. OUCH!
My 12yr old grey male tabby cat (Flea) was taken to vet on Monday (thought he had a bad tooth) and we were told he has a tumor in his mouth.. can't operate. Doc said does NOT look good and to enjoy him now...(not a good sign)
My 15yr old orange male tabby (Socks) has lost SOO much weight in the past 2months - i swear he's down to 5lbs and my 16yr old female (Mama Kitty) has blood in her stool.

We are soooo broke from christmas and Rosco's vet bill is still $1300 - we still owe (it was $3400 for both his legs and they gave us credit). I have to bring the others in just as soon as I can come up with some $$$.!!!! Flea's mouth seemed like the most important at the time...cuz of his eating. Gosh I feel like a bad mommy!!!! My fur-faces...

OH and - DH has a sinus infection and can't get into doc until tomorrow at 2pm - which is when he has to pickup DS from School.. so that won't work.
THANK GOD DS is healthy far. (crossing every finger and toe I have)

I am afraid this year is not going to be good for my fur-faces. :-(

OHH... just trying to keep a steady mind...

All the best and thanks everyone for listening. Somehow it will work out and I know that it's never forever.

(( i reminded DH that I always need kitties (plural) around my life - and he laughed and said 'of course' ))
We met 13yrs ago and I had three .. I had to leave two behind when i left my other life...

Oh ((((Rosco)))) :blowkiss: When it rains it pours, doesn't it?! So sorry to hear about your back (ouch, I know it's an annoying pain!), and your DH, hope he is feeling better very soon. And your poor fur-faces, oh honey, it hurts to know they are getting frail, huh?! Just do what you can and keep letting them know you love them, it's all they ever ask! I'm thankful right along with you that your DS is healthy... will pray it stays just that way.

You hang in there. Sending you love & hugs.

Thanks everyone for all your warm hugs and support.

I will look into all the replies and ideas... I just wanted to send a note of my where-a-bouts..

Honest - the post totally pissed me off..and I though it best to keep any replies to bare minimum. A few needed comments and facts were required tho.. and so I posted.

Been going thru carp at home. Twisted my back and trying to recover. OUCH!
My 12yr old grey male tabby cat (Flea) was taken to vet on Monday (thought he had a bad tooth) and we were told he has a tumor in his mouth.. can't operate. Doc said does NOT look good and to enjoy him now...(not a good sign)
My 15yr old orange male tabby (Socks) has lost SOO much weight in the past 2months - i swear he's down to 5lbs and my 16yr old female (Mama Kitty) has blood in her stool.

We are soooo broke from christmas and Rosco's vet bill is still $1300 - we still owe (it was $3400 for both his legs and they gave us credit). I have to bring the others in just as soon as I can come up with some $$$.!!!! Flea's mouth seemed like the most important at the time...cuz of his eating. Gosh I feel like a bad mommy!!!! My fur-faces...

OH and - DH has a sinus infection and can't get into doc until tomorrow at 2pm - which is when he has to pickup DS from School.. so that won't work.
THANK GOD DS is healthy far. (crossing every finger and toe I have)

I am afraid this year is not going to be good for my fur-faces. :-(

OHH... just trying to keep a steady mind...

All the best and thanks everyone for listening. Somehow it will work out and I know that it's never forever.

(( i reminded DH that I always need kitties (plural) around my life - and he laughed and said 'of course' ))
We met 13yrs ago and I had three .. I had to leave two behind when i left my other life...

Well I got up on Topix in the great town of LaGrange and wrote a very nice but to the point post for my buddy Rosco.. It didn't post stright off I don't know if they had a time delay or what on that thread..
Hey Rosco! If its any consolation my cat has blood in his stools too! I hear you sista!
I actually just researched the whole thing on the way here and found out that its not necessarily a bad thing....especially if accompanied with some mucus!! :thumb:
I got 3 cats too, with various ailments, and have just acquired a dog who looks EXACTLY like Rosco!
Been lurking here for sometime......only come out when Ive got something useful to add. :rolleyes:
I am so so so sorry Rosco that I haven't been here to give you my support. (ive been on time out :( )

I have added my support for you on Topix - see if you can guess who I am :p lol

It may not show yet there seems to be delays ?

:blowkiss: Rosco
Hugs and prayers Rosco..... I'm sorry to read about your fur babies. Looking forward to warmer weather and us meeting with the kids at kiddieland! (If it ever gets warm again -13 here :( )
Hey Rosco! If its any consolation my cat has blood in his stools too! I hear you sista!
I actually just researched the whole thing on the way here and found out that its not necessarily a bad thing....especially if accompanied with some mucus!! :thumb:
I got 3 cats too, with various ailments, and have just acquired a dog who looks EXACTLY like Rosco!
Been lurking here for sometime......only come out when Ive got something useful to add. :rolleyes:

THANKS elsietatou! VERY useful.. and thanks for posting .. It does help.:blowkiss: .
Yes she has w/the mucus. Not like huge amounts of blood .. just noticable and there... SO of course :eek: worried mommy to tears!!
She's my oldest of 4 (she sleeps on my head at night for 16yrs now..) and of course the girly-girl kittie :)
Everyone is eating and all other functions appear to be normal... so for now I have to wait for some $$$ and then work on them one/by/one.
My fur-babies are old... and I understand...and know that it's part of being an animal lover and owner.

Ohhh... BIG PUPPY DOG!! Ohh Rosco.. what a love he is.. :crazy::crazy: Just a big 'speed bump'.. LOL. Best of luck and love for your fur-babies too.

Thanks :blowkiss:
All my love-
Hugs and prayers Rosco..... I'm sorry to read about your fur babies. Looking forward to warmer weather and us meeting with the kids at kiddieland! (If it ever gets warm again -13 here :( )

Cubby - I know.. It's hard to have fur-babies and watch then get old...

I actually had a cat that lived to be 23yrs old. :waitasec: I KNOW 23!!! That is just sooooo old.. And he was pretty healthy until his last 6-8months... he just passed about 6yrs ago..

When it gets warmer out.. Gosh :eek:... we might finally be able to go sledding.
It's WAY too cold to even enjoy all this snow!
YES - promise kiddieland this year...
PROMISE!!! :crazy::woohoo:

Oh ((((Rosco)))) :blowkiss: When it rains it pours, doesn't it?! So sorry to hear about your back (ouch, I know it's an annoying pain!), and your DH, hope he is feeling better very soon. And your poor fur-faces, oh honey, it hurts to know they are getting frail, huh?! Just do what you can and keep letting them know you love them, it's all they ever ask! I'm thankful right along with you that your DS is healthy... will pray it stays just that way.

You hang in there. Sending you love & hugs.

Thanks honey!

Yea... it is what it is... and having fur-babies ... Love them when you have them. Each one of my animals were resued. Saved from a life of possible missery...
Have to think possitive..

DH will survive.... :headache:
MEN.. when they are sick.. :crazy::crazy::crazy: :help:
(( sorry men ))

I am so so so sorry Rosco that I haven't been here to give you my support. (ive been on time out :( )

I have added my support for you on Topix - see if you can guess who I am :p lol

It may not show yet there seems to be delays ?

:blowkiss: Rosco

Awww.. no worries JaneinOz... Time outs are sometimes required and well needed...:crazy: I do it from time-time myself..

But I always manage to get on WS everyday.. it's like coffee in the morning.. :crazy:

Nothing new on topix.. Only sheila80 adn I dont think that's you!? i do believe your 'down-under'.. and not near Mongo IN..? :crazy::waitasec:

Strange - nothing posted on topix... Neither from WV171... :waitasec::waitasec:


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