Inconsistencies/Discrepancies & Timeline discussion

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That is Ron's stock answer for everything and IMO it carries little weight as LE is still saying they don't know what the crime is or *when* the crime was committed. LE is basically stating they don't at this time find Ron's "I was at work" a valid alibi but Ron keeps thrusting it out every time someone asks him a hard question.

He gave his alibi (I was at work) FIRST to 911 before informing them his daughter was missing and asking them to help.

Misty did the same thing (I was sleeping and I woke and got up...) rather than crying out for help first and foremost.

I called 911 once when my grandma fell down the stairs and I was hysterical...all I could say FIRST was please send the paramedics because my grandma is hurt. I didn't start by saying I wasn't near the stairs and didn't know what happened. When someone calls 911 and gives their alibi FIRST it is a red flag to LE. I've seen this stated on shows like Forensic Files.

911 kept me on the phone and tried to calm me down. I did not swear at them and tell them I didn't have to answer their questions nor did I hang up on them even though I was eager to get back to my grandma. I found the hang ups and swearing to 911 on Ron's part to be very hinky from the get go.

Also, Misty identifies herself TWICE as Haleigh's mother. Ron does not correct 911 when they identify Misty as his wife. 911 needs the correct information in order to help LE and those responses were misleading info for LE. They were also easily set straight to 911. Sure those two could have been upset but so upset that they didn't know who they were to Haleigh and each other? I'm not buying that.

As for his posture on the Today show. What caught my eye first was that not only was he not touching Misty (no arm around her shoulder or hand holding) but while she was sitting upright and close to him, Ron was leaning slightly *away* from Misty almost as though he was distancing himself from her. Every picture tells a story.

ITA: When I first heard it I thought it sounded like overkill. I don't know.
I think this is correct place, the inconsistency of the blankets found at the back door. This may have been cleared up and I missed it. Wasn't it stated that the dogs drug the bed covers (blankets) to the ramp at the back door? My son-in-law just retired from Cal. Hwy Patrol,where he was over the canine unit, and for years trained drug, cadavor and canine. I asked him if it was feasable that the dogs drug the covers to the backdoor in order to get the scent. He said he had never heard of any thing like that ever happenening. The dogs aren't trained to work that way. Does anyone know if this inconsistence of why the covers were outside the back door has ever been cleared up? Nonnie B
Nonni, I wonder if you have a link as that is something I have not picked up on yet, blankets at the back door where the ramp is.
I think this is correct place, the inconsistency of the blankets found at the back door. This may have been cleared up and I missed it. Wasn't it stated that the dogs drug the bed covers (blankets) to the ramp at the back door? My son-in-law just retired from Cal. Hwy Patrol,where he was over the canine unit, and for years trained drug, cadavor and canine. I asked him if it was feasable that the dogs drug the covers to the backdoor in order to get the scent. He said he had never heard of any thing like that ever happenening. The dogs aren't trained to work that way. Does anyone know if this inconsistence of why the covers were outside the back door has ever been cleared up? Nonnie B

Hi, Nonnie. Early reports gave the impression that the blanket and sheet were found on the wooden ramp at the time the door was discovered open. Later reports said that they were laid down on the ramp for the dogs to scent off of.
I watched their interview this morning on the today show and there was such a long pause, actually very long silent and uncomfortable pause after Meredith asked Misty "and you're not sure why?" about the inconsistencies. Not only that but during the silence waiting for Misty to answer at one point she looked at Ron which I found odd. It was like she was looking at him for the answer or to save her. Odd.

I thought Ron said something just before Misty looked towards him but the mic didn't quite pick up what he said. That was some pause though and there were several of them throughout the interview.

Has Misty brought up going back to the bedroom to get her phone before the Meredith interview? I know early on we discussed the phone Misty was using vs the phone was Ron referring to as "my phone" during the 911 call.

During this interview Meredith asked Misty to walk back through it. Misty said she put Haleigh to bed at 8 (no mention of school this time). She washed their blankets (no details about what blankets) covered Haleigh up and went to bed herself about 10:30. Yes, Haleigh was in bed sleeping at that time. She woke up at 3AM to use the bathroom, saw the kitchen light on, went to the kitchen, saw the door open, went back to the BR to get her phone to call Ron, noticed Haleigh missing, called Ron. Ron pipes in with he was driving up or pulling in. No mention of Misty meeting him outside or being on the porch.

I used to live in an almost identical house, you can only see the kitchen light if you're standing in the door way of the MSTBR, not from where her bed is. So if she's standing in the door way she was standing right next to Haleigh's empty bed. No mention of noticing cold air from the door being open, no mention of Rj getting up.

Misty didn't mention that she didn't make it to the bathroom this time, but what did she do with those 25 minutes between getting up and calling Ron? 25 minutes is a long time. She could have searched the whole house and half the neighborhood in 25 minutes....

Ron's answer to everything is *smirk* "I was at work".
I think this is correct place, the inconsistency of the blankets found at the back door. This may have been cleared up and I missed it. Wasn't it stated that the dogs drug the bed covers (blankets) to the ramp at the back door? My son-in-law just retired from Cal. Hwy Patrol,where he was over the canine unit, and for years trained drug, cadavor and canine. I asked him if it was feasable that the dogs drug the covers to the backdoor in order to get the scent. He said he had never heard of any thing like that ever happenening. The dogs aren't trained to work that way. Does anyone know if this inconsistence of why the covers were outside the back door has ever been cleared up? Nonnie B

I don't know when the dogs dragging the blankets came up. Day one we were discussing LE putting the blankets out back for the search dogs and wondering what evidence may have been destroyed by doing that.
During the today show interview, Ron posture goes from slouched arms crossed to sitting completely straight and says, "He doesn't know, He was at work." This emotion is inconsistent with the question being asked as to what you noticed that made you alarmed that something was wrong.
Words are right, behavior wrong. imo he acts cocky that he has an airtight alibi. I find it quite concerning, but not inconsistent with manipulation that I noticed in the custody hearing.
He is quite confident that he has escaped scrutiny, yet at the same time appears imo to have caused it purposefully.
I don't know quite how to describe it, and hope it's understood. :)

I would like to know if the a/c guy noticed Haleigh there.
Everyone else is a family member and could be protecting Misty or Ron.
The neighbor who said he saw the kids playing outside may also be mistaken as to seeing Haleigh if there were other children there, ie niece and nephews. It depends on how observant he/she was.
I think the time line should be moved back from 7pm her getting off the school bus, otherwise the possiblilty of it being a preplanned disappearance grows. imo

I was reading on another site and an expert at reading body language agrees with everything you pointed out. Ron's "alibi" doesn't mean squat to me. We don't know what time Haleigh disappeared so Ron is as probable as anyone else in my book, or if he wasn't home when she was taken but he knows more than he's saying, at this point that makes him just as guilty as the person who took her.

I'm having a hard time with this Today Show interview. Their body language was all wrong. Was Ron just really nervous about being on the show? Or is he very nervous about something he knows and was holding back so as not to reveal whatever it is they are hiding? For a man who claims to be innocent (and he may be) he sure is doing a good job of making himself look guilty of something. Misty has so many different stories for just a couple of events I'm not even going to bother going there!

Meredith seemed to be picking up on it too. After a month plus of having a camera in your face every time you turn around wouldn't you be used to it to the point of at least be able to fake being relaxed? Ron and Misty were both strung so tight a good gab and either one of them would have popped.

They certainly didn't look like marriage was agreeing with either one of them. No holding hands, no loving looks, not even touching shoulders. Then when Meredith asked Ron why they got married he replied "I don't know, I think it's what my daughter would've wanted. What!?! Wrong answer!! But Misty didn't even seem to notice!

Did she just want to be married so badly that she doesn't care now that she got her man or does she not know there are men who would treat her better out there? (Literally, just about anyone!)

I wonder if Ron told Misty to have her brother come by for the AC guy because the AC guy couldn't legally enter the house with just Misty and the kids there? When we moved here there were multiple problems with the house and the repair men would only come in if DH or I were home. DD was 16, looked older but repairman always asked her age, not one came in when I wasn't home.

BTW Indigo that transcript is a typo. If you hear what is said TN says Ron picked up Haleigh!

Who picked Haleigh up from the school bus?

GRACE: We know for a fact, Miss Neves, that she was at school the day that she went missing.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am, she was. I picked her up from the bus stop.
I was reading on another site and an expert at reading body language agrees with everything you pointed out. Ron's "alibi" doesn't mean squat to me. We don't know what time Haleigh disappeared so Ron is as probable as anyone else in my book, or if he wasn't home when she was taken but he knows more than he's saying, at this point that makes him just as guilty as the person who took her.

I'm having a hard time with this Today Show interview. Their body language was all wrong. Was Ron just really nervous about being on the show? Or is he very nervous about something he knows and was holding back so as not to reveal whatever it is they are hiding? For a man who claims to be innocent (and he may be) he sure is doing a good job of making himself look guilty of something. Misty has so many different stories for just a couple of events I'm not even going to bother going there!

Meredith seemed to be picking up on it too. After a month plus of having a camera in your face every time you turn around wouldn't you be used to it to the point of at least be able to fake being relaxed? Ron and Misty were both strung so tight a good gab and either one of them would have popped.

They certainly didn't look like marriage was agreeing with either one of them. No holding hands, no loving looks, not even touching shoulders. Then when Meredith asked Ron why they got married he replied "I don't know, I think it's what my daughter would've wanted. What!?! Wrong answer!! But Misty didn't even seem to notice!

Did she just want to be married so badly that she doesn't care now that she got her man or does she not know there are men who would treat her better out there? (Literally, just about anyone!)

I wonder if Ron told Misty to have her brother come by for the AC guy because the AC guy couldn't legally enter the house with just Misty and the kids there? When we moved here there were multiple problems with the house and the repair men would only come in if DH or I were home. DD was 16, looked older but repairman always asked her age, not one came in when I wasn't home.

BTW Indigo that transcript is a typo. If you hear what is said TN says Ron picked up Haleigh!

Who picked Haleigh up from the school bus?

GRACE: We know for a fact, Miss Neves, that she was at school the day that she went missing.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am, she was. I picked her up from the bus stop.

Thanks, missmybaby. I'll go take a listen tomorrow.
Originally posted by Indigo

Thanks Emeralgem for posting this insconsistency--this post is to add Ron's comment

Who picked Haleigh up from the school bus?

GRACE: We know for a fact, Miss Neves, that she was at school the day that she went missing.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am, she was. I picked her up from the bus stop.

Ronald Cummings: I got her off the school bus. She ran to me--jumped in my arms. Drove the car home--got out-- gave me a hug and a kiss--loved on me-- told me she loved me and she'd see me when I got home....

UPDATE: Thanks missmybaby, here's the corrected portion:

GRACE: We know for a fact, Miss Neves, that she was at school the day that she went missing.

NEVES:Yes ma`am she was. My son picked her up at the bus stop.

Those of you who read and answered my posts, thank you. What I do know is if you do get a minute, I couldnt find transcripts but you can find the video of the Today show interview. Pay close attention to the new chain of events and now there is a new timeline which makes RC suspicious IMO....Now I would really like to know what time he got out of work. IIRC Misty has been saying , per police report, it was before three, interviews 3,she saw three. So I think we all went with three, as well as LE, because the big question was what took her so long to call 911. Now if you rewatch the Today show interview she AGAIN changed her chain of events to waking up, seeing light on, door open grabs her phone to call RC and THEN notices Haleigh is missing . In the interview RC even interjects that at that time he was already in the driveway. This now is a whole different story that I have been trying to bring up, I know alot of people were just overwhelmed by his Alibi answer for the wrong question, and MC's "I dont know" response following a long pause with a eye gesturing plea from RC, but IMO this is huge. TYIA for checking this out for you can get on my page of having even a harder time dismissing RC from this crime.
gypsyblue, I'm definitely on the same page with you. The original timeline hangs on grandma's statement regarding 7pm. She's not an independent person. Like others have pointed out, unless some other info comes forward, we are back to Haleigh getting off the bus. And even then, the change regarding the story of who picked her up and at what time is suspicious.
Gypsyblue, I agree. What time does RC go to work? How much time between picking up Haleigh and going to work? Was he home when any of the visitors came?
Has Ron ever called Haleigh by her name in the media yet? Early on he only referred to her as "my daughter" or "my little girl" and I never heard him call her Haleigh. I think this matters though I'm not sure why. I haven't been paying attention to every thing he says in the media (is there anything much recently other than the Today show?). So I don't know if he's called her by her given name yet.

I've been keeping tabs on this since I noticed he didn't, haven't seen his every media appearance though. He usually refers to my little girl, my daughter, her or sometimes baby if he's talking to her directly. He seldom uses the first name. I'm not sure if he said the name even once in that first wailing interview on the yard, should check back. In one interview there was something about junior, he was asked if he has other children, he said "Haleigh", then he was asked about others and he said "Possibly". In the Today show appearance he used the phrase "focus on Haleigh" but otherwise didn't use her name. In the press conference where he had his sunglasses on he said "please Haleigh know that I love you". So, it happens but not very frequently.
gypsyblue, I'm definitely on the same page with you. The original timeline hangs on grandma's statement regarding 7pm. She's not an independent person. Like others have pointed out, unless some other info comes forward, we are back to Haleigh getting off the bus. And even then, the change regarding the story of who picked her up and at what time is suspicious.

my bold

The grandma's statement was 7pm?

Wait a second.... I just thought of something.

Indigo said:
"I kissed my daughter, went to work, trying to make an honest living, trying to make an honest wage. I came home eight hours later, and she was gone."

Reporter: ...Tell me about the last time you saw her...

Ronald Cummings: I got her off the school bus. She ran to me--jumped in my arms. Drove the car home--got out-- gave me a hug and a kiss--loved on me-- told me she loved me and she'd see me when I got home....

snipped for space, my bold

If Ron really got home at 3:27 AM, that means that "eight hours before" like I was saying yesterday would be about 7:00 PM. I see that as a huge slip-up on Ron's part. What was he doing for three or four hours then? If, like he said to the reporter, he left after picking Haleigh up from the bus stop, he'd have come home after about 12 hours of working.

Or maybe he just wasn't able to count his hours at the time (sometimes you get flustered and don't know which way is up).

Still, it's interesting that the grandma mentioned a 7:00 PM time slot specifically, then Ron slips up with the "eight hours" comment, putting that time slot at about 7:00 PM as well.
my bold

The grandma's statement was 7pm?

Wait a second.... I just thought of something.

snipped for space, my bold

If Ron really got home at 3:27 AM, that means that "eight hours before" like I was saying yesterday would be about 7:00 PM. I see that as a huge slip-up on Ron's part. What was he doing for three or four hours then? If, like he said to the reporter, he left after picking Haleigh up from the bus stop, he'd have come home after about 12 hours of working.

Or maybe he just wasn't able to count his hours at the time (sometimes you get flustered and don't know which way is up).

Still, it's interesting that the grandma mentioned a 7:00 PM time slot specifically, then Ron slips up with the "eight hours" comment, putting that time slot at about 7:00 PM as well.

So what time did he go to work?

He got her off the bus and worked 12 hours, then it changed to his mom got her off the bus and he worked 8 hours. Flustered or changed his story to match the hours he really was at work as LE would have verified this. Suddenly he needs to account for those extra hours and suddenly grandma steps in with the Haleigh sighting at 7pm clearing Ron.
So what time did he go to work?

He got her off the bus and worked 12 hours, then it changed to his mom got her off the bus and he worked 8 hours. Flustered or changed his story to match the hours he really was at work as LE would have verified this. Suddenly he needs to account for those extra hours and suddenly grandma steps in with the Haleigh sighting at 7pm clearing Ron.

Yeah, that sent my suspicion meter all the way up to 11.

I wonder what time he went as well. It's screwy that:

1. He keeps saying "I was at work, I was at work!" like it's a "get outta jail free" card. Sorry, Ron, this isn't Monopoly.
2. The times he keeps giving are all messed up, along with his account of his last sighting of her.
3. The grandma conveniently mentions that she saw little Haleigh at the same exact time that Ron later slips up and possibly admits that he went to work at (7:00 PM).

I ain't buyin' this one bit. First I leaned towards a predator, then Crystal, now I'm suspicious of Ron and Misty.
I asked my husband who hasn't been following this (knows that the 5 y/o girl is missing and 17 y/o girlfriend watching her), what he thought about them suddenly getting married.

His answer was..."sounds to me the 17 y/o girl finally got the guy's attention, that she's been wanting. Now that she's the only girl, and now that her "competitor" is gone".

My husband was married to a very devious woman, when he was in his early 20's. When they had his daughter, all of his attention went to her. Didn't sit well with the ex.

Just a thought...because the marriage thing and the "blanket or was it a sheet" story are setting off the hinky meter.

This is the first thing that came to my mind too! IMO I think they ( all the family) are all liars and Misty did something to Haylee. If these two had any common sense they wouldn't even have thought about getting married with this little girl missing. Then again they don't seem to be the brightest bulbs.
Social Services should have taken those children ages ago. Why is it that those who can't have children would do anything to give children a good home then you have people like Misti, Ron and Crystal who are not responsible enough to take care of the precious souls they have been given to raise. Theres only one word for girls like Misti and Crystal- STERILIZATION!
I have to admit, I haven't been following this case as much as I have been the Caylee case... but from what I have seen and heard this family is as "nuckin futz" as the Anthony's. I really hope that Ron and Misty don't breed... if they do.. they need to be closley watched.. JMO.
Those of you who read and answered my posts, thank you. What I do know is if you do get a minute, I couldnt find transcripts but you can find the video of the Today show interview. Pay close attention to the new chain of events and now there is a new timeline which makes RC suspicious IMO....Now I would really like to know what time he got out of work. IIRC Misty has been saying , per police report, it was before three, interviews 3,she saw three. So I think we all went with three, as well as LE, because the big question was what took her so long to call 911. Now if you rewatch the Today show interview she AGAIN changed her chain of events to waking up, seeing light on, door open grabs her phone to call RC and THEN notices Haleigh is missing . In the interview RC even interjects that at that time he was already in the driveway. This now is a whole different story that I have been trying to bring up, I know alot of people were just overwhelmed by his Alibi answer for the wrong question, and MC's "I dont know" response following a long pause with a eye gesturing plea from RC, but IMO this is huge. TYIA for checking this out for you can get on my page of having even a harder time dismissing RC from this crime.

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