Information to break fast and furious soon according to fox news

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DNA Solves
Another teaser - after commercial? (But then you know Fox)
No problem Nurse! I have gained 25 pounds eating popcorn, turned into a raging alcoholic, taken to wearing depends on a regular basis, avoided work duties, started stepping over dirty laundry (and doing a sniff test on them to see if they are still wearable) all because of this fresh he77 of a case.

Sooooo-I can forgive a little name mashing from you NurseSeriouslyQRoboBeMe (isn't that your name?)
It does seem as if the world has turned upside down at times. I live close to a small farming community. I was in walmart the other day and I saw a young mother with 3 young kids. She was buying school supplies and one of the boys asked her for something. She had to tell him "no, we can't afford that", it looked like it broke her heart to tell him that.

Then I see people bonding Casey out of jail and I think "How can they do that, how can they applaud her actions when kids are starving today in America"

IMHO..for what it's worth.:furious:

Soooo many families in the U.S. are hurting so badly right now. Throwing wealth around in these times, I think is the tackiest most inconsiderate and disrespectul thing. Frugality and compassion is the only thing people in the U.S. want to see right now. They don't want to see someone building a McMansion, driving around with a new 60K car and certainly not bailing Casey Anthony out of jail.
Dr., I believe she was using Casey's words in that quote. Remember, Casey said that while she was in jail? :blowkiss:

yes I believe she was arguing with Amy about her family and she said " they care about is finding Caylee" and then immediately after she said "and that is all I care about". The two statements said in two very different tones of voice. The first was annoyed and angry and the last was calm.
If there was more than one person involved perhaps that additional person turned state's evidence against Casey? (wild speculation)

Not so wild, actually. I believe that is the case, and the time is definately running out for that.
Originally Posted by Tricia
LOL. A break in the tension.

I'll complain to the owner...she is nutcase last I checked.

Well that was the rumor...but I could not find a link.

<<<<goes to sit in the corner now.
Why is someone only objective if they're finding or confirming dirt on Casey ?

I don't think that is what people are saying, IMO. At least for me, once a person says they have been in communication with either side, their credibility is shot. And that's what Kobe did. He was doing a lot of back tracking ever since he said he had been talking with the defense..... And that is where his credibility was lost for me, at least.
Hey everyone :wave: I'm a new member here, .... but have been a lurker since this case started. Maybe, just maybe, LE will wait until 20/20 is right in the middle of their interview with "the mother of the year" to arrest her again. That would certainly put the icing on my cake.
if LE is interested in something Baden said could it be what he said the other night.....that perhaps the poi used it 10 times successfuly but the 11th time killed her.....????

Perhaps her search for chloroform was much earlier in time and she had been using it and putting Caylee in the trunk.

Would be interesting to see if while she was clubbing or partying she would go out and leave every few hours or so and come right back (girls usually hit the bathroom together) alone (as chloroform and any other inhaled gas needs to be frequently readministered to keep a steady state of unconsciousness (and that is from my open heart nursing experience in the or with other inhaled gases that are LEAGALLY used)
The report was just a replay of Dr. Badens theories about chloroform from this morning.
That is really anti-climatic. Just the same old info about the chloroform, and the same theory discussed many times here, that she used the drug to knock out Caylee, but accidently killed her.
This theory still doesn't work for me as I still wonder about the dogs hitting in the back yard. She may have used this but not on that day?
I am confused. What's the fast and furious breaking news that's supposed to be going down soon? I haven't really seen anything on Fox that has said anything more than what we really already knew?
We crashed the server for that? Fox should be ashamed of
If they only knew the problems they create.
I don't think that is what people are saying, IMO. At least for me, once a person says they have been in communication with either side, their credibility is shot. And that's what Kobe did. He was doing a lot of back tracking ever since he said he had been talking with the defense..... And that is where his credibility was lost for me, at least.
Yeah, it's pretty obvious he's been compromised. Bet you Baez doesn't even use him in trial either. Nancy nailed him on that but good. Just saw Baden on FOX and he says druggies use it to sedate children so they can parfty. Of all the forensic pathologists on TV, he had always impressed me the most - he seems to have a better grip on what goes on in reality, not just in the morgue. I heard he compromised himself in the Spector trial, but Kobe is compromising himself and hasn't even been hired yet.

AS for the rest of the Fox teaser, I bet we have to wait until Greta to hear it (if she even covers it).
That is really anti-climatic. Just the same old info about the chloroform, and the same theory discussed many times here, that she used the drug to knock out Caylee, but accidently killed her.

JEESH. That is FOX for you my friends.


JEESH. I already said that.

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