Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

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:seeya: You are correct --- I just watched the video ... She corrected Mr. M and said she hurt her hand on something METAL ...

GUN = METAL ... or ... METAL = GUN

Yep ... no doubt now ! I think Mr. M has it !

See, somehow, Jodi mixes in just a teeny tiny bit of the truth in there so she can keep track of ALL those BIG LIES ... KWIM ?



Yup. I think he's got it too. Doncha just love it!

Agree, she has already adapted. Also saw on HLN yesterday or this morning can't remember which that if gets 1st degree could get 10 years and with time served could be out in less than 5 years. That thought made me ill and my bf believes this will happen YIKES

NO WAY????

LWOP I thought!!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
What I remember is one of the roomates told the detective that he was there and spent the night at the house on June 3 and left on June 4 either for work or for something else, but came back around 3-4 and left again. He did not see HER that day, or knew that she was there...unless I missed something, anybody else recall?

That is why JM was pinning JA down on the 2:00 time she said that she put luggage in car, before roomate got home...Again where was her car??

Man this is going to get ugly for JA .. I think JM knows full well the car was parked out of sight and he'll convince the jury of this before he's finished with her.

Now that JM has proven premeditation by showing that she hid the fact she lied about a third gas can to the jury .. therefore was hiding the fact that she bought enough gas cans to drive into and out of Arizona and did just that, I think JM will:

  • Prove that she parked her car out of sight once she arrived at Travis'
  • Snuck in and prove SHE was the one on his computer at 4 am, not the other way around
  • Show that she cut her finger on the gun or otherwise during the crime
  • Expose the pedophilia accusation as a complete fabrication designed to drag his name down so people would consider him a piece of carp
  • Expose the abuse accusation as a complete fabrication
  • Throw out self-defence
  • And add a few more jabs in for good measure just to expose her for what she really is ie a stalking lunatic

I think it's going to get really ugly for JA from here. I think JM has already won the case, but will also clear Travis' name and send out a warning call for good measure.
I had this same question in the Thread on Receipts. The reason didn't hit me until I read your question. It goes to bolster her alibi that she took the cans to save money. It was a set-up for her claim of wanting to save money. However, it kills her claim that she took the 3rd can back to Walmart.

If you look at the amount of gas she bought in SLC, Winnemucca, and Sparks (total of 42.18 gallons), she had enough gas for about half the entire 6 day trip. The 2006 Focus has a 14 gallon tank and gets 23/31, the 2007 Focus also has a 14 gallon tank and get 24/33, the 2008 Focus has a 13.5 gallon tank and gets 24/35. The trip from SLC to Sparks appears to be highway, so I'll give the upper end of what she could get milage-wise, but realize it actually was a little less. 2006 Focus: @31 mpg she could have traveled: 1326.8 miles; in the 2007 Focus she could have traveled: 1391.94; in the 2008 Focus she could have traveled: 1476.3 miles. I'm not sure what model year she rented, but those are the most likely years. Anyway, the amount of gas she bought on that stretch was way more than she needed. It wasn't a whole lot of savings, so what was the real reason. The trip from SLC to Redding could have been made with 2 fill-ups, why the extra 15 gallons of gas?

IMO, she diverted from the main roads for some reason along the way - perhaps to destroy or get rid of evidence OR to visit someone else. By my calculations, her mileage did not agree with the total on the rental car receipt.
I missed the start of the trial, so watching the ME being cross examined by Wilcott (sp?).... laughing at her attempt to compare a bullet through the brain vs an arrow! She thought she could get him to say that the bullet didn't hit the brain?!? :floorlaugh:
**Margarita Glass/Piece of Metal/Who-Knows-What Injury to Knuckle**

I can take no credit for this one. It came from my wonderful hubby and it may have already been discussed on these boards. If so, I apologize. He suggested that her non-reported, "I just need a Band-aid" injury came from the gun. Maybe she was test firing it BEFORE she went to Mesa?

I looked again at JA's pics of her index finger and I DEFINITELY see what looks like a "pinch." Could it be a "bite" from the .25 slide? Y'all are probably more in tune with this kind of thing than me. I'm VERY new. But it makes sense, especially if she did this and took the photo on May 31. It especially makes sense considering how big her hands are. A .25 would be little to her and would not be as comfortable a fit in her hands.

Here's a link to the photos. Just wanted to get thoughts. TIA

Interesting... but this is her right hand. She says she is left handed or ambidextrous. If she were shooting with her right hand...
She put 2800 miles on the rental car for the trip. SO on a map, how many fill ups?
I turned it off as soon as whoever made that asked Brian Carr if he was "mentally deficient." There are far better ways to make a point than to personally attack someone like that.

And I'm not alone in thinking he may not be all there, that's even more reason to stay away from nasty comments like that.

Go for the message, not messenger. It is well worth seeing

I did not do it for 5 * I scrolled past it, but so many people said it was worth it I did. It was indeed a new 1 and very worth the time to take a look at it.

There were a couple of things that were different that I had wrong perhaps but after seeing that I now see it! Also, it is where I think he was shot, due to the pool of blood... in front of the linen closet. On the side of his head..

It also gave me the idea that he would have gone through the closet instead of running down the hall if she was already coming down from getting the gun as he would have seen her take a right into the closet if it took him so long to get to the door at the bedroom.. That makes sense. I highly recommend people viewing that.


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:seeya: I have always been confused about whether or not JA and TA actually did have sex on June 4 -- and I have always been confused about the "sex video" ...

If you can find that portion of that testimony that would be great !

JMO, but I have a hard time believing that they did have sex on June 4 because Jodi SAID THEY DID :liar: ...

But then again, you have the photos on the camera ... confusing, IMO !


I STAND CORRECTED! It took me awhile to find, but here is the clip of where they talk about the pictures.

JA told Samuels that the pics (she thinks she said video) would show her on top of TA while he was penetrating her. Unless we have more pics to see, we did NOT see any like that.

So now I see where you (shelby1 & doggonecute) are going with this... By the information we have been given, so far there are no pics of the two of them together in a sexual situation that day, each pic only has one of them in at a time.

I apologize for my mis-information. :blushing:

Specifically speaking, convo about pics is at 22:45.

:seeya: I have always thought it was sooooooooo convenient for JA that Travis' roommates were not around one June 4 ...

:waitasec: Was JA "snooping" and "spying" on the roommates ? Did she know WHO his roommates were and their names, and she was spying on them via their social network sites ?

I do not put anything past this sneaky ...


isn't it incredible that this crazy stalker talked herself into a job cleaning his house? that must've been paradise for her. she probably sat in that closet burying her face in his clothes. makes me shiver just to think about it.
What I remember is one of the roomates told the detective that he was there and spent the night at the house on June 3 and left on June 4 either for work or for something else, but came back around 3-4 and left again. He did not see HER that day, or knew that she was there...unless I missed something, anybody else recall?

That is why JM was pinning JA down on the 2:00 time she said that she put luggage in car, before roomate got home...Again where was her car??

You know....that's a good point! There's no way she parked the car in the driveway. I bet it was on the side of the street or around the block. Travis never helped her with her "bags".

During her cross Juan asked that question specifically and I found that odd.

Of course she said she remembered exactly where she parked (center spot of the driveway) cause that's where she always parked. Just like the strawberry frappucino bullcrap...

If this roommate was in fact there between 3-4 and Jodi was still in Travis' room, it shows evidence that she deviated from her usual behavior and didn't park in the driveway. The rental car would further her attempt to come in and out of town undetected and unrecognized.
I'm thinking that she altered the EXIF data on some old sex pics, then put them on a memory card she had with her (she knew prior to the trip what kind of camera Travis had purchased), then put that memory card into the camera, before taking the shower/murder pics.

She kills him, then she dyes her hair brown so that when Ryan Burns sees her, it matches the sex photos. It also disguises her from how the rental car guy and any surveillance cameras saw her.

She knew she'd be busted. She just wanted people to think that Travis just HAD TO HAVE HER one last time before he died.

I just cannot bring myself to believe he had sex with her 8 days after sending her that text that said she was the worst person he ever met, and a complete psychopath. It makes NO sense.


:seeya: Yes ! That is exactly what I was thinking but didn't know how to explain it ... and that's it : the Memory Card :doh:

I think she had a Memory Card that fit Travis' camera -- and she put the sex photos on their before she took the other photos ... :waitasec: KWIM ?

And what about the "Memory Card" -- Is there anyway to PROVE that it came with Travis' camera that he bought ? KWIM ? I know zilch about cameras ... so I hope I am explaining this correctly ...

I still just do NOT believe Travis had sex with her that day when he was trying to dump her ...

Interesting... but this is her right hand. She says she is left handed or ambidextrous. If she were shooting with her right hand...

Had camera in other hand? Knife?

And she held gun with both hands. So she said.

Course never know what's truth with her so......again:banghead:
This is an inadequate answer since Nurmi was putting me to sleep at the time. I don't remember seeing the suicide letters. I remember her talking about what was in them, or maybe reading them? Anyone else? :dunno:

iirc she said she sent the suicide letters to her grandmother with a date when to release them and when that date came and went and she was still here she told her to destroy them.
I just saw a couple on HLN who said that Travis was very frustrated with Jodi. He said he was sick of Jodi coming by uninvited. He told them he would come home and she would be hiding in the closet or he would wake up and she would be on the couch. I haven't been able to watch the trial as much as some but did Travis ever call 911?
As a veteran trial watcher, I can assure you that this has happened before. I posted about a suicidologist in the Mark Jensen trial who did a professional 180 when presented with ALL the facts and documents.

There will be a big problem if they only spoke with Jodi. Garbage-in-garbage-out applies. They may have spoken to others, who they will have to name when they testify.

It will be up to Juan Martinez to call into question whether there was any legitimate corroboration of what Jodi told them.

If they are "legit" experts as was the suicidologist, they will admit if their decisions were based on Jodi's self-reporting. We all know that, at this point, Jodi has zero credibility. They don't want to ruin their reputations if they are honest.

I knew somebody had posted this about another case but couldn't remember the details. Thanks very much for reposting. Maybe it will stick in my head this time. :floorlaugh:
A GREAT amount of work to make that...the grammatical errors are distracting to me. Yes, I'm one of THOSE people. :) I know to others it's minor, but it would be more powerful and credible with those corrections. MOO

Then my posts here on my phone must drive you nuts! I not only use a very small phone and have very fat fingers to correct things, but I also use text to type and rarely correct! even when I do, I sometimes scroll past my own items and post later and cringe at how stupid they look and Cringe that folks think that I am un educated. Lazy yes, un educated no.

It is just it takes so long, and I am on post number 334 and y'all are so far ahead and I try to catch up. just this 1 post has taken me 5 minutes to fix the errors! :screwy::D:banghead:

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isn't it incredible that this crazy stalker talked herself into a job cleaning his house? that must've been paradise for her. she probably sat in that closet burying her face in his clothes. makes me shiver just to think about it.

Travis was much to naive to get inolved with this she devil. Wasnt he a virgin before JA?

He was too naive, trusting...a nice guy....and JA steam rolled over him.
She put 2800 miles on the rental car for the trip. SO on a map, how many fill ups?

Here's my math:

2800/30(assuming mpg)= 93.3 gallons

93.3/12.5g (tank)= 7.46 fill ups
93.3/13g = 7.18 fill ups
93.3/14g = 6.66 fill ups

7 is probably a good guess/avg
The fact that she not only brought 3 cans to fill gas in so there'd be no trace of her but ALSO turned of her phone when she was in arizona shows how much Jodi planned this.

Around 18:23

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