Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

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Anger and fury toward a Defendant comes from the Defendant disparaging their victim. Not only did they butcher someone and stuff an innocent person in a shower, but then they spend years telling horrible lies about them for the sole purpose of avoiding a death sentence, or avoiding life in prison.

If this person would finally just say, OK i did it, I was angry, he didn't love me, I don't know where this anger came from, I killed him.

Even a teeny tiny bit of remorse for what they did, cry for him and his family not for herself.

We would back off. I speak for myself in that I do find it hard to forge ahead with my fury if someone really breaks down and says "Oh god what have i done to him! what did i do???"

I doubt we will hear that.. Not even as they put the needle in. She will say something like "i pray for Travis soul that he gets help in heaven for his pedophilia problem"

Totally dig the way you express yourself. Oh and ITA!
Amen! And, can I just say, I live in Alabama. I wouldn't even know about this case OR this trial had it not been for Jodi's 48 Hours "Ninja" interview.

She invited this media attention. She craved it. And she is loving EVERY moment on the stand. She's finally in the spotlight. At this point, she doesn't care what people are saying about her. All she cares about is that they are saying SOMETHING about her. :twocents:

BBM exactly.

The thing is that I don't think that JA has ever been abused or molded into a murderer by anyone but her. I think she has always been an entitled personality. Like Scott Peterson. That I deserve it so I will have it thing.

I don't see anything in her past that makes her brutally murder Travis. Plan his death. This was not a vicious brutal man. He was a good man and she wanted so much for him to love her and he didn't. That was the reason she killed him. She could not have him or the life he had. She was always going to be the mistress and not the bride. And she knew it. She still knows it.

This was not a crime of passion. This was a planned premeditated murder.

This is not someone who was wounded in the past and in a bad moment attacked someone out of fear.

She planned his death. Walked into the house and went up and looked him in the face knowing she was going to kill him. And not just shoot him to death. She stabbed him, shot him and slit his throat. He suffered. He was defenseless and he suffered.

Sorry, I Hope that she gets a fair trial and then punished for her crime.

In her mind, She was still in the right for killing him. And that is unbelievably scary to me.
I also agree with the posting that pointed out that the personal attack to Carr was unnecessary. Again, it reduces the credibility. Attack the theory and its implausibility not the person. All that aside, really appreciated the effort to put it together.

Someone here should try to duplicate it without all the nonsense.
Hey now, I didn't say it's not hilarious - I was roflol last week when someone wrote something about hoping it ate her face - now that was funny!
I'm just saying that it's kind of mean to bash her for the way she looks/dresses. There are so many really excellent reasons to bash her for what she's done/is doing that the comments about her appearance/photography/etc. seam a little petty, imo.

Not implying I'm too good to participate in petty mind you - but it is what it is.

The cold sore, okay. Maybe if we were really, really emotionally mature and had no sense of humor we would realize we shouldn't do this. OTOH, I think her clothes are fair game. We all know that her clothes, hairstyle, makeup or lack thereof, are part of the trial strategy. No different than lowering her chair or anything else.
I was JUST coming here to post this also lol! Great find! If true, I hope JM has this info.....couldn't imagine why he wouldn't though! Hope the jury gets to hear this too!!

JM is waiting for JA to "say" she bought food and a soda and then show her in yet another lie. I think JM wants her to state she bought food....
Looking back, IMO JA blew it when she uttered the words "I don't remember...huge gaps."

Up to that point, some of the jurors may have been giving her the benefit of the doubt, pending her explanation of the events of June 4th. But when she got there, she copped out.

IMO, it's worse to "groom" others to develop empathy toward you and then, BLAM, betray them, than to just give them the scoop from the get-go, which in this case, would have been the opening argument. I speak for myself in saying this, as I was objective and open minded, even as the list of "coincidences" grew longer and longer.

I was suckered in by her "he abused me" BS, but when she feigned "fog" it was like a sucker punch. And she wasted days and days of precious time sharing excruciating (and boring and self-serving) detail, which makes the resentment even stronger. The jury must feel similarly. The defendant blew it big time by cultivating their resentment through her antics.

To me, the evidence overwhelmingly shows 1st degree premeditated murder. There's not even a question.

I remind myself there's no assurance that all of the jurors feel the way which seems to be reflected by the questions (i.e., they hate her). There may have been 1 or 2 really pizzed off jurors who asked 100 questions each. I guess we'll find out eventually.
Anyone have the text of the "FB Direct Message (referenced as email in Text)"?

Not in evidence - my understanding is that it is considered heresay. Det Flores mentioned a few snips during his testimoney (dildo w/a heartbeat). But we have not seen it.

Everyone is :waitasec: about the content. I'm sure it'll come out AFTER and we'll all be :rocker: at Travis for what he told her. :)
I've read some interesting studies that frontal lobe damage has been seen in the anti-social personality-disordered people. I've suspected for a long time that the problem is associated with some kind of abnormality to the emotion centers of the brain.

I'm thinking when Jodi says she's hyper-literal, she recognizes, I believe, that she is lacking emotions other people are feeling and, therefore, lacks the authentic emotional language.

I hesitate to get into the TMI thing, but my husband had a brain tumor in the frontal lobe. WHOPPING personality change. It was the first symptom.
you're talking about her defense lawyers. that's their job.

she'd gone through not guilty, wasn't there. WAS there, someone else did it. nothing left but insanity or self defense. she's not insane. so her defense has been fashioned to fit her new defense strategy of self defense.

she's not telling them what to do or say. the things we hear her say on the stand have been choreographed by her defense. it was so obvious that her narrative of how the murder happened---in response to the jury---was not nearly as clear as it was when nurmi was questioning her on direct. she went off script with the jury because he couldn't help her.

People keep saying this and I so strongly disagree. I've no doubt her defense team aggressively questioned the ninja story and probably even said to her, "this sounds utterly absurd." But the idea that they contrived a false story and are now not just suborning perjury but actively directing it is insane to me. Do you realize they would both be disbarred for such a thing? What reason on earth would they have for this?
JoseBaez: Jodi arias is a wonderful witness (eye contact with jurors, verbal skills (Kaddy's paraphrase) etc.
Jose Baez: The only problem is that the prosecution has so many "bad facts."

KW: Ya think?:ohwow:

Jose Baez needs to realize that he wasn't a great defense attorney, he just got lucky. All the stars and planets aligned and brought him the verdict that shocked the world. It wasn't due to his finesse as a lawyer, but he doesn't get that.

I didn't watch this, and I'm glad I didn't. If I had I would probably have a broken TV right now. How could he even say that she is a "wonderful" witness? Just because she stares at the jury in that creepy way she does every time they walk in or out of the courtroom?

How about the fact that she can't keep a straight story no matter who's asking her the questions Jose? How about the fact that she comes across as combative every time the Prosecutor gets up to question her? Oh yeah, Jose would probably agree with Jodi that the mean Prosecutor is scrambling her brain. Right.

I find it laughable that Jose Baez has the cajones to critique this case. He got lucky.....period. He should just go away now because he lost all credibility when the entire world watched his performance in the courtroom.
I did see that pivotal fall in JA's face when her house of cards started coming down. For a quick second I felt so bad for her, as a soul. It doesn't feel good to see someone come apart from the inside out, not even JA. I loathe what she did. I am heartbroken for her choices and for the terror she inflicted on TA. But at one time she was a tiny little girl and she broke, for some reason. That doesn't excuse anything. What a waste this all is. A waste of souls, lives, love and happiness. We can never make her feel remorse. That is the frustration of it all. She may never really feel sorry for what she chose to do. She is sad that now her loosely connected world is finally coming to an end. There is just so much sadness to this. I don't think, even on the gurney, with the IV hooked up, she's gonna totally get it or understand why it's happening. She's just going to look blank, feeling lost but coming across strong and rather defiant. What a loss for every single person involved from start to finish.

That is what she is counting on. People to think that. But it is not true. She did not break and she would do it again if she had to to make herself feel better. What she did was not passionate. It was cold and calculated. It was not momentary. IT was precise and planned and ugly.

This is not someone who broke. This is someone who planned.
He is obviously wrong about seeing Travis Wed night. but this is from the police report: (Enrique and Zach are the roommates)

"I conducted the follow-up interview with Enrique while Det Kaufman re-interviewed Ashley. I had Enrique go over what was going on at the house the week of June 2nd. He remembered only five people had been in the house that week. These people were Travis, Zachary, Amanda, him and his girlfriend, Kim. The last time he remembered seeing Travis was on Wednesday 6-4-2008. He remembered talking to Travis that morning and he told him he had a conference call scheduled that day. Travis also told him he hadn't slept very much, only getting about 45 minutes of sleep that night.

The last time he thinks he remembered seeing Travis was on Wednesday evening, after he got home from work. Enrique said he normally gets home from work at 1800 to 1830 hours (6:00 or 6:30pm). He remembered Travis on the phone, possibly on a conference call."
Thanks so much for posting that!!

But still no mention of a rental car or strange car in the driveway... Just makes me think she didn't have that car anywhere near that house IMO... I'm sure JM Will follow up on this or he's got so much it's a mute point... Just curious as with everything else!!
Has there ever been a discussion of the possibility that JA didn't color her hair, but rather wore a wig during the murder trip?

Do we have a date in March where she claimed to have dyed her hair brown?
That is what she is counting on. People to think that. But it is not true. She did not break and she would do it again if she had to to make herself feel better. What she did was not passionate. It was cold and calculated. It was not momentary. IT was precise and planned and ugly.

This is not someone who broke. This is someone who planned.

I need to clarify. This girl scares me more than anyone ever has in my life. No joke. What I meant was that as a little girl, she broke. And now here she is, devoid of a conscience. She is dangerous and scares the bejeesus outta me. I have made jokes about wanting her microchipped if she ever gets out because I want to know where she is at all times. I would bet would kill again. And it would also be planned, premeditated. I don't mean she broke and committed a crime of passion. I think she broke years ago and is a soulless shell.

1:06 + is so beautiful.
Phone call before filling in gas!
I think someone else (minor4th maybe) or a lot of you brought that up before too.

She's so toast! LOL.
I understand what you are saying. For me, JA has passed the point of no return. Once you brutally murder someone, especially premeditated, you are out of control. She knew what she did was wrong. She had the ability not to do it. She gave in to her extreme rage and jealousy. That is not ok. For that, in my view, she should get the death penalty. She had a choice and, to be clear, she knew right from wrong. Just because something happened in childhood does not excuse what she did, especially since she knew what she was doing.

I think where the haunting feeling comes in is that there are other young JA's out there. I have parents who literally KNOW that, without intervention, their child would be fully capable of doing this. It would not surprise them in the least. They are seeking help and, often, cannot find it or are denied help. As upset as we are at JA (and rightfully so), there is more we can do to help those who are on that path, while there is still a chance.

Just my thoughts.

Thank you for what I believe is a great understanding of sociopathy and the hard line we have to draw in the sand to deal with them. Because they lack the appropriate emotions that would self-regulate their behavior, I think they have to have more strict, but fair, monitoring and consequences when young than kids who don't suffer this deficit.

Is there such a thing as non-awful kidney stones? :waitasec:

I may be wrong, but I thought the defense always got the last word. Maybe a lawyer can help us out.


I suppose perjury if she's found not guilty, but if she's guilty what would be the point? I hope the family sues her for wrongful death. That would keep her from making any money off of her art and would keep anyone from putting money into her prison spending account. JMO

Sadly, she's a liar, murderer, slanderer, and all around evil person. I don't hate her. I find her crime disgusting and unforgivable, but I don't hate her. She's actually quite comical. Obviously I'm not talking about the murder being funny, just her character. The lies she's tried to foist upon America and the jury are so outrageous she opens herself up for some mocking. I'm generally anti-DP, but if anyone should be the poster child for the pro DP side she'd make a very good choice.

I live less than a mile from a Wegmans, two gas stations, a Target, Supercuts, dry cleaner, two mattress stores, three banks, my general practitioner's office, a Chinese restaurant, a pizza place and a Mexican restaurant and more I haven't named. My apartment area is surrounded by trees and makes a nice little place to stay. I love where I am and all of the ease of getting to stuff, especially because of my conditions.

Somebody probably answered already but the state gets the last word because they have the burden of proof.

:so right. All are awful. Dumb thing to say:waitasec:
He is obviously wrong about seeing Travis Wed night. but this is from the police report: (Enrique and Zach are the roommates)

"I conducted the follow-up interview with Enrique while Det Kaufman re-interviewed Ashley. I had Enrique go over what was going on at the house the week of June 2nd. He remembered only five people had been in the house that week. These people were Travis, Zachary, Amanda, him and his girlfriend, Kim. The last time he remembered seeing Travis was on Wednesday 6-4-2008. He remembered talking to Travis that morning and he told him he had a conference call scheduled that day. Travis also told him he hadn't slept very much, only getting about 45 minutes of sleep that night.

The last time he thinks he remembered seeing Travis was on Wednesday evening, after he got home from work. Enrique said he normally gets home from work at 1800 to 1830 hours (6:00 or 6:30pm). He remembered Travis on the phone, possibly on a conference call."
Also Stephanie don't mean to harp on this issue... Im wondering did he sleep there each night that week? If so if she came as she said ( not literally folks ha) at 4 in the morning he would still have seen a vehicle there as he would have to finagle around it right? I don't know... Indent even know if finagle is a word!!!!
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