Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

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Yep... And all these people who tune in because they think they will finally hear the truth (haha!) will be disappointed when they get nada... My guess is if there's any questions about the actual crime, it will be short and sweet (and scripted) and fca will give a kind of, sort of, answer and then the rest will be about her life now, and how she's been dealing with all the really mean people who listened to the media and prejudged her... :sick::sick::sick:

And maybe a few jabs at the folks..... And jbaez.

All jmo.

I agree. I feel that if it makes it to air all we'll hear is how Casey was a victim. Nancy grace s mean. The people only have the medias view of her and if we really knew her we would love her.. It's all George's fault, and because cindy won't kick george out Casey can't live there anymore. Poor Casey, sooooo misunderstood. Blech!
I don't even care if she did tell the truth for once in her pathetic life. I only want to hear someone used her as a speedbumb and she's either dead or in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. I will never forget little Caylee. May this family rot in hell for what they did.
I suspect this interview sometime in July. jmo
what makes you think she will tell the truth now? She had the opportunity to tell the truth at her trial, at the police station, with her parents.... she didn't. in fact she never has. Her interview would be worthless. Duct tape, Google searches, not reporting her daughter missing EVER. She has no other choice but to lie because there is no other way to explain her behavior. It is consistent with the actions of a murderer. Pretty simple when you think about it.

LOL! I was literally ROFL when I read *finally get the truth* statement.
It just seems odd that a photographer was there to capture FCA's arrival in NY, but no one has spotted her on return flight with her tail between her legs. Could she still be shopping her story around on someone else's coat tails?
It just seems odd that a photographer was there to capture FCA's arrival in NY, but no one has spotted her on return flight with her tail between her legs. Could she still be shopping her story around on someone else's coat tails?

The only I know for sure about this girl is that she really believes she's entitled to millions for murdering Caylee, and it won't matter how many times someone tells her no, she'll be shopping that "story" around til she's wrinkled up and gray... The idea was planted in her head, and she's convinced herself that it's owed to her... She's relentless... She should just be grateful for her freedom.

If NBC, or whoever she's shopping her story to, wanted to bring in ratings, they should run a story of why they turned down casey anthony, and tell the world what she's really trying to do, and what she's demanding in order to make money off the death of her baby... I'd watch that...

All jmo.
what makes you think she will tell the truth now? She had the opportunity to tell the truth at her trial, at the police station, with her parents.... she didn't. in fact she never has. Her interview would be worthless. Duct tape, Google searches, not reporting her daughter missing EVER. She has no other choice but to lie because there is no other way to explain her behavior. It is consistent with the actions of a murderer. Pretty simple when you think about it.

IT could be the truth is that Caylee Drowned and she covered it up. It could be that she never meant for Caylee to die. It could be lots of things.. the problem is that she lies like she breathes and so there is no way to tell when the truth surfaces.

I don't believe she meant to kill Caylee but I think she caused her death or was responsible for her death in some way.
I would watch the interview. I would like to see where she is mentally.

I find people like this fascinating to watch.
The only I know for sure about this girl is that she really believes she's entitled to millions for murdering Caylee, and it won't matter how many times someone tells her no, she'll be shopping that "story" around til she's wrinkled up and gray... The idea was planted in her head, and she's convinced herself that it's owed to her... She's relentless... She should just be grateful for her freedom.

If NBC, or whoever she's shopping her story to, wanted to bring in ratings, they should run a story of why they turned down casey anthony, and tell the world what she's really trying to do, and what she's demanding in order to make money off the death of her baby... I'd watch that...

All jmo.
I think the title of this thread should be changed from 'Is it finally happening this time' to 'Is it actually happening this time'. 'Finally' implies that people have been waiting for her to give an interview, which is not the case because most people know it will be nothing more than a lie-filled, softball-question, pity party for FCA. :rolleyes: I think her team of enablers tried dipping their toe in the water with all these convenient 'photo ops' to see how the public responds to FCA. However, the response is still overwhelmingly negative and the network(s) realized that she is simply not worth the money she is asking for when compared to the ad revenue she will generate. I have a feeling that good old greed got the best of her again. She most likely expected to be paid the exact same amount of money (or even more :facepalm:) that was being tossed around years ago. It all boils down to the ability of the interview to generate ad revenue for the network. She is really old news and just not worth it anymore, despite her greedy protestations to the contrary. :moo:
IT could be the truth is that Caylee Drowned and she covered it up. It could be that she never meant for Caylee to die. It could be lots of things.. the problem is that she lies like she breathes and so there is no way to tell when the truth surfaces.

I don't believe she meant to kill Caylee but I think she caused her death or was responsible for her death in some way.
I would watch the interview. I would like to see where she is mentally.

I find people like this fascinating to watch.
I've considered the scenario that while FCA was selfishly online/texting/sleeping that she either forgot Caylee in her car or Caylee drowned in the pool. However, when the foolproof suffocation searches came to light there was no question that FCA did this simply because she was an incredibly selfish, lazy, person that was tired of being a mother to a toddler. She could no longer leave Caylee in a crib/playpen/car seat while she did whatever she wanted. Her family and friends got tired of FCA constantly leaving Caylee with them so she could 'work', and she was running out of other people she could trick into babysitting for free (Cindy being one). Her new boyfriend did not want FCA bringing Caylee to his apartment. She wanted her freedom and part of that freedom included being away from Cindy. Once Caylee came along, Cindy was always going to be controlling FCA's life in life some way or another. You take Caylee out of the equation and there is no more Cindy telling FCA what to do anymore. It certainly worked out that way in the end, didn't it? :moo:
IT could be the truth is that Caylee Drowned and she covered it up. It could be that she never meant for Caylee to die. It could be lots of things.. the problem is that she lies like she breathes and so there is no way to tell when the truth surfaces.

I don't believe she meant to kill Caylee but I think she caused her death or was responsible for her death in some way.
I would watch the interview. I would like to see where she is mentally.

I find people like this fascinating to watch.

I have sort-of the same attitude and I would not necessarily doubt Casey's story if she went in one of those directions by saying Caylee drowned or Casey was abusing drugs and Caylee got into them or something. The problem is we'd have no reason to believe it was true. Hell, even if she admitted to premeditated murder we'd have no way if knowing her story was true because maybe some reporter offered her more money if she said that or maybe she's lying about the motive or method.

Casey is just not an honest person and whatever happens it's her word we'd be expected to believe. George and Cindy have already said they weren't present and can't confirm or deny the drowning story. I think Casey is a compulsive liar. This didn't start with Caylee, and she wasn't just lying to cover up Caylee's death. She's lied about a lot of things, for reasons that only seem to make sense to her, going back at least to when she lied about being pregnant.

On some level I also do want to watch it, though, because I expect we'll get some half-truths and honestly it would just be interesting to see how she plans on spinning this. But that's only if it's no-holds-barred. If she's smart she'll go back and read the testimony of the defense witnesses and she'll craft a strategy for how to respond to the tough questions and how to explain evidence that looks bad for her. But my guess is she's too lazy for that and thus she's hoping to interview with someone who won't ask any tough questions to begin with. I think that's the real reason the interview hasn't beens scheduled yet. I believe NBC and other media outlets would pay her in some round-about way, but I think she wants to be able to stipulate what questions are asked. That would lead to a boring interview which just isn't worth their money.

Casey has an ego but IMHO her ego isn't big enough for her to do a no-holds-bar interview. If she were more like Robert Durst or OJ Simpson we might get a really interesting interview. In Durst's case he thought he was so much smarter than everyone else so he jumped at the chance to tell his story on camera. In OJ's case he just didn't care anymore and wanted to cash-in at all costs. Casey's lied so much that even if she wanted to be truthful she'd get so many questions about all the lies she's told before, and no one likes being caught in a lie, that she still wouldn't be comfortable telling the whole story. And she still wants to maintain her innocence, not only of murder, but I think of dumping the body and being a pathological liar as well. Even in the transcript from the Zanny trial, she said she didn't have a problem with lying and that's something even the president of her fan club would concede to. So she's not willing to confess to anything and she's not cocky enough to think she can outsmart the interviewer. Sounds like a pretty boring interview, IMHO.

It would be interesting to see what she's been getting up to for the last few years but I doubt she'll even tell the truth about that.
The problem is fca wants everyone to believe she's innocent of EVERYTHING... And she doesn't have the guts to face tough questions. She's a coward. Fca has never had to clean up her own mess or face accountability, her mother always did that for her. And then after Caylee went "missing" she was completely coddled and protected by her attorneys, parents, handlers, etc, and hasn't had to speak for her actions since... Any time she's had the opportunity or chance she's refused... Someone else is always there doing her dirty work for her - with her in the background yapping, of course... That's what she knows. And that's what she will always expect... The only thing she will settle for is a situation where she is handled with kid gloves, where she is glorified as an innocent mother, who lost her baby, and nothing was her fault. At all...

All jmo.
Well, if there is even a remote chance that an interview will take place- would they have the audacity to do it around Caylee's birthday?
OMGoodness, she would have been 10. :(

Caylee Marie- born August 9, 2005
Gone too soon. oxoxoxoxo
I've considered the scenario that while FCA was selfishly online/texting/sleeping that she either forgot Caylee in her car or Caylee drowned in the pool. However, when the foolproof suffocation searches came to light there was no question that FCA did this simply because she was an incredibly selfish, lazy, person that was tired of being a mother to a toddler. She could no longer leave Caylee in a crib/playpen/car seat while she did whatever she wanted. Her family and friends got tired of FCA constantly leaving Caylee with them so she could 'work', and she was running out of other people she could trick into babysitting for free (Cindy being one). Her new boyfriend did not want FCA bringing Caylee to his apartment. She wanted her freedom and part of that freedom included being away from Cindy. Once Caylee came along, Cindy was always going to be controlling FCA's life in life some way or another. You take Caylee out of the equation and there is no more Cindy telling FCA what to do anymore. It certainly worked out that way in the end, didn't it? :moo:

And on top of that, there is zero proof of drowning, only a story first floated by Cindy to get Casey off the hook. Caylee may have been placed in the pool after death temporarily, which is why the cavader dogs hit on back there, but there is no evidence that Caylee was even strong enough to open the sliding glass door. A staged photo isn't proof of anything but a photo op!
I'm positive I know how Caylee died: Casey drugged her with Zanax, then Chloroformed her and Duct Taped her.
Just curious, if she's innocent, who put Caylee in fca's trunk? And then took her out of it and put her in the swamp? I'm not being snarky - no one ever answers that, even jbaez dodges it... But, if you have a theory, can you explain how it happened when there's proof fca, and only fca, had possession of her car throughout all the days in question? That's undisputed. She's the one who dumped the car when the smell became too much. Just a few days prior, she even confessed to the smell and tried to blame it on a squirrel. The smell was also detected by a cadaver dog and handler, the fbi, all police/investigators who were in the vicinity of the trunk, the crime scene investigator, a tow yard operator, and several others... So, the facts put Caylee, deceased, in the trunk, with fca behind the wheel. Why? If she's innocent, why did she do that? And, since we know fca had possession of the body, how did Caylee get put in the swamp?

The answer to these questions is really just about getting down to the basics of the crime, yet, seem to be seldom answered, or just skipped entirely in theories of her innocence...

All jmo.

When did they ever prove that Caylee was in the trunk? Where's the proof that Casey and only Casey was in possession of that car for the 31 days? George, Lee, Cindy, Jesse G. and possibly the ggrandparents also had keys to that car. I never saw a single piece of evidence that looked like solid evidence. Not 1.. I wasn't here on websleuths during this ordeal, but I followed it as best I could, and have recently been going back over everything. And I still fail to find anything that could have positively put it on Casey.

Should have said I guess, that I am one of the few who believe Casey didn't do it. I have my own idears about who did.

Okay ..... Don't understand how you see it that way but your opinion
Okay ..... Don't understand how you see it that way but your opinion
Agreed. There was tons of forensic and circumstantial evidence pointing to only FCA. Some people just don't understand science. :facepalm:
I was going to explain all the reasons I truly sincerely unequivocally know Casey killed Caylee. But then I remembered the thousands of pages of documents I read. The hundreds of hours of testimony I watched. The hearings I helped transcribe for my fellow sleuths here. The outline of little Caylee's body in the filtered photos of the car trunk liner.

The hearings and trial are on you tube. The documents are available. It's all here on websleuths.

Casey killed Caylee. She taped her little face. She drove around with her little body decomposing in her car. Anyone who isn't simply being obtuse and contrary can get all the info they need right here.

Sent from my LG-D321 using Tapatalk
When did they ever prove that Caylee was in the trunk? Where's the proof that Casey and only Casey was in possession of that car for the 31 days? George, Lee, Cindy, Jesse G. and possibly the ggrandparents also had keys to that car. I never saw a single piece of evidence that looked like solid evidence. Not 1.. I wasn't here on websleuths during this ordeal, but I followed it as best I could, and have recently been going back over everything. And I still fail to find anything that could have positively put it on Casey.



Fca's use of her cell phone (pings and texts), social media (instant messaging, Myspace, etc), laptop/computer activity, etc, tell the story and make it clear that she was in possession of her car. She was always connected, and her constant usage of technology was a virtual gold mine of information, almost like you were travelling right along with her... All of her pings, correspondences, as well as all the witnesses who placed her with the car, allow us to see exactly what she was doing, and where she was going, on any given day. And they all line up, proving she had sole possession of that car through June 27th, when she abandons it at Amscot. After that it's accounted for, of course...The data doesn't lie... And she was in that car a lot - she spent most of the time, when she was supposed to be at "work", just driving around. Or cruising around waiting for tony to get home... If you're truly interested in getting at the truth, you can see for yourself by visiting the Resource links, located up top on the Caylee forum, click on cell ping maps and timeline - where every move fca made is painstakingly covered - day by day...

All jmo.
When did they ever prove that Caylee was in the trunk? Where's the proof that Casey and only Casey was in possession of that car for the 31 days? George, Lee, Cindy, Jesse G. and possibly the ggrandparents also had keys to that car. I never saw a single piece of evidence that looked like solid evidence. Not 1.. I wasn't here on websleuths during this ordeal, but I followed it as best I could, and have recently been going back over everything. And I still fail to find anything that could have positively put it on Casey.


Finding Caylee's body proves she was deceased. The trunk smelled of decomp (testimony). It wasn't rotting pizza or dead squirrels. It was Casey's car, who else was dead in her trunk??? Logic dictates it was Caylee's dead body she was disposing of. She admitted knowing Caylee was dead in her ridiculous drowning story, she dropped hints that the body was close to home, and fainted when she learned they discovered the body. Moreover, when Cindy called 911 to report the car missing, noone else in that family knew where the car had been for the 31 days.

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