Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

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Baez should have had the guts to point the finger at LE over the fact Caylee's remains weren't discovered properly after Kronk first reported seeing something. Targeting the man was unfair on him and completely unnecessary.
Then there's Kronk.

Baez went on a smear campaign on the natiional news claiming Kronk should also be considered a suspect in Caylee's murder or considered "equally responsible for Caylee's death." (Really? Funny he never said Kronk was present when Caylee "drowned.")

Baez went on the news pointing the finger at Kronk in November 2009. He claimed in his book that he found out that Caylee drowned in early 2009, a couple of months after the remains were found.

He can't even keep his accusations straight. I guess throw out everything and everyone and see which one sticks and resinates with the jury.
Baez should have had the guts to point the finger at LE over the fact Caylee's remains weren't discovered properly after Kronk first reported seeing something. Targeting the man was unfair on him and completely unnecessary.

How about pointing the finger at his own lying murdering client. It was hilarious when she led LE through Universal Studios employee entrance like she worked there. She has balls.
How about pointing the finger at his own lying murdering client. It was hilarious when she led LE through Universal Studios employee entrance like she worked there. She has balls.

Why would Casey be to blame for the fact that the body wasn't found sooner, she was trying to cover up the crime after all!

It was the job of LE to gather evidence, give prosecution enough for trial, then it was up to prosecution to present and prove the case to the jury. I think we can all say we thought leading up to trial we thought they had a slam dunk case, I for one thought so anyway. Somewhere along the line it went wrong, some of that blame lies with LE and with the state on a number of fronts.

But we digress, so far so good on her not selling her story to the media so far, no doubt that wont last forever and she'll end up cashing in on the whole thing too, if the right lessons aren't learnt and systems improve this will keep happening .. that's why it's important to do some real analysis IMO.
Why would Casey be to blame for the fact that the body wasn't found sooner, she was trying to cover up the crime after all!

It was the job of LE to gather evidence, give prosecution enough for trial, then it was up to prosecution to present and prove the case to the jury. I think we can all say we thought leading up to trial we thought they had a slam dunk case, I for one thought so anyway. Somewhere along the line it went wrong, some of that blame lies with LE and with the state on a number of fronts.

But we digress, so far so good on her not selling her story to the media so far, no doubt that wont last forever and she'll end up cashing in on the whole thing too, if the right lessons aren't learnt and systems improve this will keep happening .. that's why it's important to do some real analysis IMO.

Most of the country thought this was a slam dunk case. The Casey defenders like to call anyone who thinks so "sheep who have been brainwashed by the media" but IMO, that isn't a valid defense. It's funny that usually the people making these "sheeple" accusations are usually hypocrites who attack George, while relying heavily on hearsay and speculation when they claim Casey is innocent.

Where the case went wrong began and ended with the jury. If anyone else is to blame, it's Judge Belvin Perry for the way he rushed jury selection.

The jury ignored evidence, they misinterpreted the law and they didn't pay attention in court. Above all, I don't think they cared. The fact that they still weren't convinced that Casey had Caylee's dead body in her car, to me says it all.

I can think of a couple reasons why they would have acquitted her and all of them are sickening.

As for her shopping an interview...Unfortunately, I think she already did and she used some of her money on that Ford Explorer that she just bought.
Most of the country thought this was a slam dunk case. The Casey defenders like to call anyone who thinks so "sheep who have been brainwashed by the media" but IMO, that isn't a valid defense. It's funny that usually the people making these "sheeple" accusations are usually hypocrites who attack George, while relying heavily on hearsay and speculation when they claim Casey is innocent.

Where the case went wrong began and ended with the jury. If anyone else is to blame, it's Judge Belvin Perry for the way he rushed jury selection.

The jury ignored evidence, they misinterpreted the law and they didn't pay attention in court. Above all, I don't think they cared. The fact that they still weren't convinced that Casey had Caylee's dead body in her car, to me says it all.

I can think of a couple reasons why they would have acquitted her and all of them are sickening.

As for her shopping an interview...Unfortunately, I think she already did and she used some of her money on that Ford Explorer that she just bought.

I can't let LE off the hook for missing evidence, the DA for some of the strategic handling of the case, the prosecution for arrogance and going on about chloroform and the 31 days too much when they could have focused on stronger points, I agree jury selection was handled badly and think prosecution can't escape responsibility for that, I don't understand why it seemed to be a requirement that jurors knew little of the case, they must have been living under a rock for that to be the many false moves. I think media played a role, but it's no wonder the media latched on to the case and sensationalized it, it was outrageous, I wonder if the state thought the media hysteria would help them convict Casey and fed it too much, if they did that backfired too.
Baez is just saying he is suing to protect his license. He is an actor in his own way and has finally decided to fight back after all these years? Really?

Don't believe it and doubt if he did sue, the case would go anyplace. Why would he want to get CA involved back in his life with this suit? There were many questions back then regarding his "law practice and ethics". Why stir up a back case that had many innuendos and questions, plus so many people upset over the verdict, .what would a jury do to him?

On top of it all, CA is a known liar, so why or how would a judge and/or jury believe a word she said?

My opinions only.

Baez would have no reason to have to sue to protect his liscense, if the suit for the reason of having sex with CA. She would have to file a complaint with the Florida Disciplinary Board for him to be concerned about his license. A third party's claim would be irrelevant. My DH was with our state's Disciplinary Board. They didn't handle claims made by those not affected by actions of an attorney. I think CA, DC and JB are in this publicity campaign together and it's all about the $$$$ that might be had for interviews, etc.
Most of the country thought this was a slam dunk case. The Casey defenders like to call anyone who thinks so "sheep who have been brainwashed by the media" but IMO, that isn't a valid defense. It's funny that usually the people making these "sheeple" accusations are usually hypocrites who attack George, while relying heavily on hearsay and speculation when they claim Casey is innocent.

Where the case went wrong began and ended with the jury. If anyone else is to blame, it's Judge Belvin Perry for the way he rushed jury selection.

The jury ignored evidence, they misinterpreted the law and they didn't pay attention in court. Above all, I don't think they cared. The fact that they still weren't convinced that Casey had Caylee's dead body in her car, to me says it all.

I can think of a couple reasons why they would have acquitted her and all of them are sickening.

As for her shopping an interview...Unfortunately, I think she already did and she used some of her money on that Ford Explorer that she just bought.

BBM. Bingo! I so agree. Prime example- you don't let on a juror who by her own words "refuses to judge". That's what they're there for. But he felt threatened by the defense that they would cry racism if he didn't let this woman on. This jury couldn't be bothered to deliberate, even with desserts provided. Their only concern was getting to DisneyWorld for the 4th of July!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
He starts off lying .. how on earth could Casey know that Roy Kronk may have found Caylee in September 2008? If LE really did hear such information they were hugely neglectful in not retrieving the corpse at that time. It's amazing how much more DC was connected and involved in crucial discussions as time goes on, he's probably one of the few people who's memory gets better over time, frankly, I think he has a wild imagination and is lining himself up for a book deal, interview, or another attempt to cash in .. still reading.
They were working on setting up Kronk BEFORE he found Caylee?
I can't quite wrap my brain around that. What are the odds?

I know right? That doesn't even make sense in whatever fantasy land Dominic! Casey lives in .. :D
I don't think DC is in cahoots with FCA and JB to pull a publicity stunt, but I doubt the Radar story about the is coincidental either. DC's stories strain credulity. Me thinks he is full of it, and is trying one more time for the payout all the crooked lying fools around the still seem to believe is imminent and their due.

IMO the has glommed on to the opening DC's salacious nonsense presents, trying yet one more time for the blood money she too thinks is imminent and her due.

No surprise in any of that. JMO.
Baez would have no reason to have to sue to protect his liscense, if the suit for the reason of having sex with CA. She would have to file a complaint with the Florida Disciplinary Board for him to be concerned about his license. A third party's claim would be irrelevant. My DH was with our state's Disciplinary Board. They didn't handle claims made by those not affected by actions of an attorney. I think CA, DC and JB are in this publicity campaign together and it's all about the $$$$ that might be had for interviews, etc.

I disagree. Baez is openly attacking DC and trying to make him look like a wacko. I think Baez just can't take looking stupid or feeling like someone got something over on him. Remember during the trial, how hard he attacked George Anthony and Lee for not wanting him to be Casey's lawyer way back in the beginning and saying so in the jail videos? He was still hurt over that years later.

You would also have to believe that Baez is working with someone who was responsible for a bar complaint being filed against him and who has accused him of not only sleeping with his client, but doing all sorts of shady things with the money that was made by selling Caylee's pictures AND someone who is dredging up the fact that he had been investigated for evidence tampering dealing with Laura Buchanan.

Then there's the fact that DC did not just go to the media with this info. It was released as part of a deposition in a lawsuit against his former client. The testimony could be rather damaging to Casey in a number of ways in civil court.

I think he's suing because he's angry and because he thinks he can make Dominic go the way of George Anthony eventually. So far he's consistently won out against his accusers by pointing the finger back at them so why would he stop now? He also seems to think that silence equals guilt. He made a huge deal over George Anthony allegedly "hanging his head and saying nothing" when he asked George if he had ever molested his daughter.

IMO, he's a sociopath. Just like his client. He takes every slight, real or imagined, very seriously and files it away.

If he saw this as an opportunity to rekindle interest in the case and grant his client an interview, why is the only thing we've seen from him thus far that letter informing us that he intends to sue? Why didn't he take to the airwaves the way he usually does with his perpetual smirk and make a bunch of snide comments? To me his response suggests that he's furious.

Let me also bring up the fact that he ignored the articles that came out around the time that Dominic Casey published his first, second and third books. He only took action over this when Radar got hold of it and it blew up and it started getting a little more than a pathetic trickle of a reaction.

Last of all, if this is a scheme to rekindle interest in Casey, it's failed miserably. Even this news has barely gotten a response. People hate Casey Anthony, they're sick of her and they want her to go away. The only thing most people want to read concerning her is her obituary.
He starts off lying .. how on earth could Casey know that Roy Kronk may have found Caylee in September 2008? If LE really did hear such information they were hugely neglectful in not retrieving the corpse at that time. It's amazing how much more DC was connected and involved in crucial discussions as time goes on, he's probably one of the few people who's memory gets better over time, frankly, I think he has a wild imagination and is lining himself up for a book deal, interview, or another attempt to cash in .. still reading.

They were privy to tips. Not to mention it was a couple of blocks behind their house. Someone might have noticed and mentioned that the police were in the area.
I disagree. Baez is openly attacking DC and trying to make him look like a wacko. I think Baez just can't take looking stupid or feeling like someone got something over on him. Remember during the trial, how hard he attacked George Anthony and Lee for not wanting him to be Casey's lawyer way back in the beginning and saying so in the jail videos. He was still hurt over that years later.

IMO, he's a fame-craving sociopath. Just like his client.

DC is a whacko, Baez is on the right side of this one.

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