Interview with Maya D at Lowell...

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I had to laugh where MD was claiming Casey spent too much time at her mirror. (A) What else would she have to do in a prison cell for 24 hours a day, nothing, but (B) even though we know Casey has compulsive grooming issues, MD looks like she spends more time at her mirror than KC!

Not to mention the part where MD was saying she backed off from KC because that wouldn't be someone she could have a friendship with. LOL Lucky for Casey, I guess, with MD's history!
I gotta add that it also makes me uncomfortable that various chaplains would try to use maya to try to get KC to confess.

I don't think it was by accident that they were placed in cells where they could chat through the vents. Just sayin'.

I do belive her entitrely when she says that she didn't want to turn KC in, she wanted KC to turn herself in.
first impressions about the video:
It seemed to me that she got the chloroform part from a written source and not from hearing it in a conversation because she wasn't remembering it by how it sounded but trying to pronounce it by its letters.
Also, her body language when talking about the supposed conversations with Casey (in which Casey supposedly confesses all this stuff to her- LOL!) appears deceptive: the embarrassed laughter, the swallowing, the inappropriate smiling, the breaking of eye contact, the raising of her eyebrows, the touching of her face, the shaking of her head, trying to hide behind hair, etc. I was embarrassed watching it. During some parts of the interview she seems less deceptive and these mannerisms stop, when talking about more everyday topics.
She seems awfully impressed with herself, doesn't she? You'd think she was a saint. That's very hard to watch. Of course it is very sad to see any person who is so young, and apparently intelligent, in such an awful situation, having committed such a serious crime. Much sadder for the victim and her family of course, that goes without saying, but also for MD's family. What a shame when her family came to this country she apparently got in with such a bad element.

Anyway, it sounds like she's pretty much just regurging the popular rumors because in reality, I don't think chloroform would be very useful for drugging a child for the night, I don't think it lasts long at all, it's more of something that an assailant might use (in old times anyway maybe not today) to instantly knock someone out, but they would wake up in a matter of minutes I thought. But not to drug someone to sleep for the night, I don't think it works like that. And how could she have it hanging around, where would she keep it, etc. Seems unlikely. IMO
I would be more inclined to think if Casey ever had chloroform in her trunk, it was for another purpose.

Might be a bit OT, but can anyone find Maya's petition for appeal? (she does discuss it in the interview- that they are still working on it- separately)

I see that it was dismissed on March 26 this year. Trying to figure out when the appeal was originally filed.
I could believe the part where MD was describing how Casey would act when being walked in shackles past the other cells, acting smiling, normal, breezy, unconcerned etc when other prisoners were yelling at her "Where's Caylee?" etc. Because it makes sense to me that MD might have seen Casey being walked by, and also because we've seen that that's exactly what Casey has acted like IMO. This wall of denial or whatever it is, you'd think she was anywhere other than in the situation that she's in. La-la land or pretend land of some kind. RA said she thought so too in her letters to TN.
Might be a bit OT, but can anyone find Maya's petition for appeal? (she does discuss it in the interview- that they are still working on it- separately)

I see that it was dismissed on March 26 this year. Trying to figure out when the appeal was originally filed.

I can't find record of an appeal being filed. She filed a motion requesting permission to make a belated appeal on 2-1 2010 and the motion was denied for failure to show she had asked her atty to file a timely appeal. Case # 5D10-330 in the 5th District Court of Appeal. op.pdf
I had to laugh where MD was claiming Casey spent too much time at her mirror. (A) What else would she have to do in a prison cell for 24 hours a day, nothing, but (B) even though we know Casey has compulsive grooming issues, MD looks like she spends more time at her mirror than KC!

Not to mention the part where MD was saying she backed off from KC because that wouldn't be someone she could have a friendship with. LOL Lucky for Casey, I guess, with MD's history!
Hmmm...some things you could do in a jail cell:

Write letters to friends and family
Read books
Sign up for any classes available through the jail
Contemplate your future or lack thereof
Sing songs
Beg for someone to find your childs abductor
Talk truthfully with detectives
Meet with your attorney
Meet with the Chaplain
Eat all those snacks you bought on commisary
Take visits with your family to pass the time more pleasantly
Keep a journal
Read letters from friends, family and enemies

Lots of things to do besides primp in a mirror and smile all the time as though you do not have a care in the world...JMO
Also, when considering giving a child something to "knock them out" you have to realize that most, not all, but most children go to bed relatively early, right? So her giving her chloroform MAY have just helped the process along, helped it go faster so she could not be bothered with a still awake child.
I gotta add that it also makes me uncomfortable that various chaplains would try to use maya to try to get KC to confess.

I don't think it was by accident that they were placed in cells where they could chat through the vents. Just sayin'.

I do belive her entitrely when she says that she didn't want to turn KC in, she wanted KC to turn herself in.
A chaplain, by definition, is a defender of truth. Also, an underlying premise of religious experience is that to confess your sins is the pathway to enlightenment and to forgiveness. The chaplains are human, they have access to the lies KC has told same as the rest of us. I think it is an honorable thing for someone to try to save her soul rather than allow her to destroy herself by continuing down the path of destruction, lies. JMO.
I also found her attempt to pronounce the word "chloroform" hinky and agree that she read the word as opposed to heard the word spoken.

And yes, I am familiar with adults having a certain word they just cannot pronounce correctly - a friend who could not pronounce "aluminum", a teacher who could not pronounce "specifically" - oh, and a president who could not pronounce "nuclear".

This just did not sound like that to me. Because what those people - including Mr. Bush - did, was they pronounced the word "their way". Every time.

That is not what Maya was doing. She was stumbling with the word, that's for sure. But IMO, from having been unable to "sound it out" when reading it, not from having "misheard" it.
How ironic would it be if KC were convicted because someone lied on the stand.
I also found her attempt to pronounce the word "chloroform" hinky and agree that she read the word as opposed to heard the word spoken.

And yes, I am familiar with adults having a certain word they just cannot pronounce correctly - a friend who could not pronounce "aluminum", a teacher who could not pronounce "specifically" - oh, and a president who could not pronounce "nuclear".

This just did not sound like that to me. Because what those people - including Mr. Bush - did, was they pronounced the word "their way". Every time.

That is not what Maya was doing. She was stumbling with the word, that's for sure. But IMO, from having been unable to "sound it out" when reading it, not from having "misheard" it.

I have to agree with you. While I thought for the most part that Maya was being straight up and seemed very credible, I did think her being unable to pronounce the word chloroform seemed a little off.

However as embarrassing as it is to admit, I have trouble with the word phenomenon! Always have. I can say it correctly when I see it written, but I try to avoid the word completely during conversation because 9 out of 10 times I will screw it up. Yes...very embarrassing for me! I am a college educated adult!
I have to agree with you. While I thought for the most part that Maya was being straight up and seemed very credible, I did think her being unable to pronounce the word chloroform seemed a little off.

However as embarrassing as it is to admit, I have trouble with the word phenomenon! Always have. I can say it correctly when I see it written, but I try to avoid the word completely during conversation because 9 out of 10 times I will screw it up. Yes...very embarrassing for me! I am a college educated adult!
...and THAT is exactly what I was talking about. There ARE words that some people simply cannot pronounce. They can be fluid speakers and still that one word will tongue tie them every time. AND like YOU she may have avoided saying the word because of that very fact, that she could not pronounce it properly. To her, it was drugs...but she did say she told them about the rag early What kind of drugs do you pour on a rag? hmmm...:waitasec: chloroform?
Man, too bad KC didn't divulge to anyone else that she gave Caylee chloroform before Caylee's murder. #1) by telling someone beforehand it may have prevented Caylee's death. Caylee would have been taken away from KC by autorities and KC would have been locked up for child abuse. Caylee may have had a chance at life! #2) if KC had told Amy or some other friend about these chloroform incidents before hand - this new info (Maya's words) would be a lot more credible. I do believe Maya for the most part, but because she's serving time for a heinous crime, her credibility is a bit in question for most folks.
Another thing. I have to wonder if KC is that stupid? Why would she tell someone she chloroformed her baby - especially after the child's death? It would be one thing if she told someone before hand (like one of her many friends), but afterwards? Doesn't make sense to me.
I have to agree with you. While I thought for the most part that Maya was being straight up and seemed very credible, I did think her being unable to pronounce the word chloroform seemed a little off.

However as embarrassing as it is to admit, I have trouble with the word phenomenon! Always have. I can say it correctly when I see it written, but I try to avoid the word completely during conversation because 9 out of 10 times I will screw it up. Yes...very embarrassing for me! I am a college educated adult!

LOL- The word I always get tongue-tied over is particularly :loser:....but I get tongue tied I think because of the way it's spelled vs how it's pronounced.

Which goes back to what another poster here said about Maya perhaps seeing it writen somewhere.
I have to agree with you. While I thought for the most part that Maya was being straight up and seemed very credible, I did think her being unable to pronounce the word chloroform seemed a little off.

However as embarrassing as it is to admit, I have trouble with the word phenomenon! Always have. I can say it correctly when I see it written, but I try to avoid the word completely during conversation because 9 out of 10 times I will screw it up. Yes...very embarrassing for me! I am a college educated adult!

Add my name to the list also - I don't know why it happens, but I can go sailing along in a conversation or in a debate and then all of a sudden a word I know perfectly well, and have been able to pronounce correctly in the past doesn't even come out correctly after one, two or three tries. Very embarrassing unless I'm with friends who expect it or do it also.

I was amazed at this girl's serenity! Such a calm face, her eye direction responses were excellent, and she kept for the most part her hands relaxed on the table in front of her - no arm crossing etc. Barely shifted her body and faced Kathy dead on. If she was lying, that was amazing control - and I don't think she was lying.

I do understand also what she was saying about memory recall - I think when we've seen an accident, it's why the police say if you think of anything else, please call. Because she isn't familiar with the word, she may not have been able to pull it out of her memory easily but had to think about what the word actually was.

Very very interesting video interview to watch. I also thought Kathy did well - kept her tone even - didn't see any leading. All IMO of course.
I had to laugh where MD was claiming Casey spent too much time at her mirror. (A) What else would she have to do in a prison cell for 24 hours a day, nothing, but (B) even though we know Casey has compulsive grooming issues, MD looks like she spends more time at her mirror than KC!

Not to mention the part where MD was saying she backed off from KC because that wouldn't be someone she could have a friendship with. LOL Lucky for Casey, I guess, with MD's history!

Your last paragraph is interesting in that Casey backed off of MD. Casey thinks she's tough, until confronted with the likes of MD.

It further proves that people like Casey Anthony who kill toddlers are cowards at heart, which is one of the reasons they do what they do.
ehhh english is not her first language so I guess not being able to say chloroform matters. instinct tells me she is bs'ing though. I would like to know why.

She's saying KC told her these things not that KC wrote this down. So, the pronunciation thing I don't can you not pronounce something you HEARD? maybe you cannot pronounce something you've seen written, but not if you've HEARD the word spoken!
LOL- The word I always get tongue-tied over is particularly :loser:....but I get tongue tied I think because of the way it's spelled vs how it's pronounced.

Which goes back to what another poster here said about Maya perhaps seeing it writen somewhere.

Yep...that word too! Par-tic-cu-lar-lar-ly And of course the whole time I'm trying to roll my tongue into a jelly roll shape!!:blushing::loser:

Sorry! O/T!! Carry On!

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