Interview with Maya D at Lowell...

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But while out on bail KC did talk to TMc about chloroform as in "knock out" drugs. KC talks too much normally. Under PC she must be busting at the seams to get it all out. This girl confessed voluntarily that she killed her friend. How can KC not relate to this woman? Maybe KC would like to tell the truth, to feel forgiven, to have someone comfort her and tell her it's okay mistakes happen. Maya has forgiven herself for doing something unspeakable. KC may admire that. KC does have a softer side. It may not be real to us, but it is real to her. JMO
I can not for the life of me buy into MDs story. Nor do I believe RA. But if I had to choose I would think RA would be the one whom Casey MAY confide in. When did Maya and Casey EVER speak and/or exchange letters. Never that we have proof of. I do believe that Maya and Robyn have a friendship, evidenced by the calls between RA and her Father(who visited Maya in jail). This leads me to believe that Maya is helping Robyn, and hoping to help herself further down the road.

From what I have read thus far, she did not mention a rag or anything that would indicate chloroform use until the Belich interview. If anything I think these stories cause problems for the State, as I dont think any jury will believe that Casey was leaving a party every 15-20 minutes to readminister chloroform to Caylee. In my opinion Maya should have stuck to the "knocked her out" theory, and not embellished to include the chloroform. This also causes problems due to the fact that there was no evidence of long term chlorofom use in the tox screens. JMO of course :)
Wow! I believe this girl! I do think that she may have credibility issues because she IS a murderess and incarcerated, but IDK..She is polar opposite of KC imo. She DID turn herself in because of her conscience (something KC lacks) and she sounds very honest to me. I saw nothing in the way she spoke or acted that made me pause. As a matter of fact, when asked about Skye, she could have milked it and claimed to know her, but she didn't..I actually have empathy for Maya. KC and Co. just don't realize that's why they are so disliked..why KC is so hated. Because she murdered her daughter and just doesn't care and doesn't even do a good job pretending to..(she can't, because she has no conscience I believe)..
I dont hate Casey. Nor do I believe that Maya confessed of her own free will. I am under the understanding that she only confessed after someone turned her in (and I assume some heavy questioning by detectives). She was also already in jail at the time for a car jacking. But I digress.... does anyone have any thoughts why her transcript isnt floating around out here? Or did I just miss it amongst the chaos? IF it IS could someone PLEASE point me in the right direction :D
I tend to believe MD's story, for reasons other posters have outlined above: body language & eye contact particularly. The "chloroform" pronunciation is problematic but that could be explained if she heard it from KC first and later saw it in print, especially given the second-language issue.

I also think that WSers are on to something when they point out the differences between KC's interactions with RA and MD as an example of her chameleon-like nature. We have multiple independent observations from those who know KC that she morphs to fit in with whoever she's close to. With RA, a mother who clearly loves and misses her family, it's all about the poor Irish-accented babies KC wants to adopt and the abused/missing children she wants to "target." (Eek.) With MD, a convicted, "tough" ex-gang member/murderer, perhaps she felt more comfortable revealing items like the drugging of Caylee--and remember that we also know KC's stories are liberally salted with random bits of truth.

JMO of course.
I dont hate Casey. Nor do I believe that Maya confessed of her own free will. I am under the understanding that she only confessed after someone turned her in (and I assume some heavy questioning by detectives). She was also already in jail at the time for a car jacking. But I digress.... does anyone have any thoughts why her transcript isnt floating around out here? Or did I just miss it amongst the chaos? IF it IS could someone PLEASE point me in the right direction :D


The only written information we have on MD comes from the supplemental report from the OCSO available at anthony documents released 4-6-10.pdf

starting at page 13308

We don't have a fully transcribed interview to my knowledge.

Did anyone look closely at the picture on Maya's badge when the camera zoomed in on it in Part 2 around 1700? It doesn't look like the same person. The person on the badge doesn't have a tatoo on her neck that I can see and her face is round not angular (pointy chin) like the Maya we see in the interview. The camera man zoomed in on the badge a few times almost as if he's suggesting we look at it closely. I have no idea why this would be but how can someone's face/features look so different?

Also, when questioned about "trustee" Cecelia Benhaida it looked to me as if Maya reacted (with her eyes) and held back information. She didn't want to go there and I felt she lied about knowing CB. She seemed slightly taken aback when KB brought CB's (Sky) name up.

Also I don't detect a foreign accent at all. Maya talks with a 'street' accent that sounds stronger in her confession of the murder of Harriet 'Angel' Curtis than it does when she's talking to KB. This will probably sound weird but she sounds like Alicia Keys does to me but AK talks gentler and uses proper grammar. Maya was born 24 January 1989. If she came to the US in 1996 likes she says, she would have been seven years old at that time. I'm not sure about accent formation regarding loosing one versus holding on to one - but I'm not hearing a foreign accent when Maya speaks.
I understand where you are coming from MD Mommy, so hopefully I'm not coming across too harshly, but in a way, she is above KC. We are all sinners (yes, I know, most of us aren't murders) - but I truly believe that what sets us apart from others is assuming responsibility for your actions with honesty and resolving to change. She has come full circle with her crime, and she can now move forward and build a better life, because at some point, she started doing the right thing. KC has yet to do that.

Not harshly at all, no worries. I still feel like she tooted her own horn a bit much. Yes kudos to her for "turning herself in" but they had her number right down to her tattoo before she did that. She did what was smart and what was best for her at the time. I do give her some credit for taking the guess work out of SOME of that investigation though. I also again find her credible. She seems on the right path and I praise her for that!
Did anyone look closely at the picture on Maya's badge when the camera zoomed in on it in Part 2 around 1700? It doesn't look like the same person. The person on the badge doesn't have a tatoo on her neck that I can see and her face is round not angular (pointy chin) like the Maya we see in the interview. The camera man zoomed in on the badge a few times almost as if he's suggesting we look at it closely. I have no idea why this would be but how can someone's face/features look so different?

Also, when questioned about "trustee" Cecelia Benhaida it looked to me as if Maya reacted (with her eyes) and held back information. She didn't want to go there and I felt she lied about knowing CB. She seemed slightly taken aback when KB brought CB's (Sky) name up.

Also I don't detect a foreign accent at all. Maya talks with a 'street' accent that sounds stronger in her confession of the murder of Harriet 'Angel' Curtis than it does when she's talking to KB. This will probably sound weird but she sounds like Alicia Keys does to me but AK talks gentler and uses proper grammar. Maya was born 24 January 1989. If she came to the US in 1996 likes she says, she would have been seven years old at that time. I'm not sure about accent formation regarding loosing one versus holding on to one - but I'm not hearing a foreign accent when Maya speaks.

Take a look at when she was arrested for the crime...she looks different than the badge and different than she does now....way different. I couldn't believe it. Like you, I hear ZERO accent but rather gangsta speak.
Two more points - Maya took a lie detector test and passed it on 03 September 2008. As far as I can tell the test was administered regarding her own case in which she reveals the roles of a DT and AL in the murder of HJC. She doesn't contact Orlando LE homocide by calling 911 from the jail until November 2009 or was it 2008? (around Thanksgiving she says but does not specify the year :waitasec:) about her concerns in Caylee's case.

Also the diagram the detectives drew of the cell locations have Maya in cell #27 on the same floor as RA cell #19 and KC cell #12 (and then #22) but all on the same floor. Maya talks to KB about being in a cell above KC but also talks about being able to see her leaving her cell too (like the day KC found out that Caylee's remains were found in December 2008). Does anybody know when Maya was upstairs versus downstairs?
I can not for the life of me buy into MDs story. Nor do I believe RA. But if I had to choose I would think RA would be the one whom Casey MAY confide in. When did Maya and Casey EVER speak and/or exchange letters. Never that we have proof of. I do believe that Maya and Robyn have a friendship, evidenced by the calls between RA and her Father(who visited Maya in jail). This leads me to believe that Maya is helping Robyn, and hoping to help herself further down the road.

From what I have read thus far, she did not mention a rag or anything that would indicate chloroform use until the Belich interview. If anything I think these stories cause problems for the State, as I dont think any jury will believe that Casey was leaving a party every 15-20 minutes to readminister chloroform to Caylee. In my opinion Maya should have stuck to the "knocked her out" theory, and not embellished to include the chloroform. This also causes problems due to the fact that there was no evidence of long term chlorofom use in the tox screens. JMO of course :)
Respectfully, bold and red mine...
When did KC Anthony EVER drop Caylee off with a nanny named Zenaida Gonzales? Never that we have proof of.
And has been alleged by the defendent.
The defendent is not the only one who is at liberty to allege things...
Maya also has that right. She can't prove what she says?
KC can't prove their was a that seems to be another thing they have in common... lol :blushing:
I can not for the life of me buy into MDs story. Nor do I believe RA. But if I had to choose I would think RA would be the one whom Casey MAY confide in. When did Maya and Casey EVER speak and/or exchange letters. Never that we have proof of. I do believe that Maya and Robyn have a friendship, evidenced by the calls between RA and her Father(who visited Maya in jail). This leads me to believe that Maya is helping Robyn, and hoping to help herself further down the road.

From what I have read thus far, she did not mention a rag or anything that would indicate chloroform use until the Belich interview. If anything I think these stories cause problems for the State, as I dont think any jury will believe that Casey was leaving a party every 15-20 minutes to readminister chloroform to Caylee. In my opinion Maya should have stuck to the "knocked her out" theory, and not embellished to include the chloroform. This also causes problems due to the fact that there was no evidence of long term chlorofom use in the tox screens. JMO of course :)
There wasn't any MATERIAL left to test, she was nothing but bones NO tissues. Also as I recall the FBI had some comments on why the chloroform testing was problematic...but don't have the link. If I run up on it I will post it.

Also when Maya talks of "knocking her out" if you have children, and if you have spent hundreds of hours lying down with them to GET them to sleep? Then you will know that KC could very well have used chloroform and used it most effectively in nudging that sleep to come on much quicker than it would otherwise, naturally. Having spent countless hours getting my own SIX babies to sleep and seeing the type of person KC is? I find it hard to believe she would sacrifice HER time to assist in her childs comfort and security. Better to put a rag to her face and put her down quickly than to waste HER precious time lying with her.
There wasn't any MATERIAL left to test, she was nothing but bones NO tissues. Also as I recall the FBI had some comments on why the chloroform testing was problematic...but don't have the link. If I run up on it I will post it.

Also when Maya talks of "knocking her out" if you have children, and if you have spent hundreds of hours lying down with them to GET them to sleep? Then you will know that KC could very well have used chloroform and used it most effectively in nudging that sleep to come on much quicker than it would otherwise, naturally. Having spent countless hours getting my own SIX babies to sleep and seeing the type of person KC is? I find it hard to believe she would sacrifice HER time to assist in her childs comfort and security. Better to put a rag to her face and put her down quickly than to waste HER precious time lying with her.

And KC openly admits in her letters to RA that she(KC) is NOT A PATIENT PERSON. This wasn't pertaining to getting Caylee to sleep in the letters, but I equated that in my own head:twocents:. I have two toddlers and bedtime isn't always easy. It's a 30-45 minute process around here, at least.
Did anyone look closely at the picture on Maya's badge when the camera zoomed in on it in Part 2 around 1700? It doesn't look like the same person. The person on the badge doesn't have a tatoo on her neck that I can see and her face is round not angular (pointy chin) like the Maya we see in the interview. The camera man zoomed in on the badge a few times almost as if he's suggesting we look at it closely. I have no idea why this would be but how can someone's face/features look so different?

Also, when questioned about "trustee" Cecelia Benhaida it looked to me as if Maya reacted (with her eyes) and held back information. She didn't want to go there and I felt she lied about knowing CB. She seemed slightly taken aback when KB brought CB's (Sky) name up.

Also I don't detect a foreign accent at all. Maya talks with a 'street' accent that sounds stronger in her confession of the murder of Harriet 'Angel' Curtis than it does when she's talking to KB. This will probably sound weird but she sounds like Alicia Keys does to me but AK talks gentler and uses proper grammar. Maya was born 24 January 1989. If she came to the US in 1996 likes she says, she would have been seven years old at that time. I'm not sure about accent formation regarding loosing one versus holding on to one - but I'm not hearing a foreign accent when Maya speaks.

Wasn't that her original incarceration pic? Still a little bit gangsta? Also she is at the age when girls start losing their baby fat round faces and start showing some cheek bones.

I didn't hear an accent, but it is likely she continued to speak to her family at home in her mother tongue. I did notice she has a slightly different of moving her mouth around to say some words and to me it was pretty obvious English is not her first language.
Two more points - Maya took a lie detector test and passed it on 03 September 2008. As far as I can tell the test was administered regarding her own case in which she reveals the roles of a DT and AL in the murder of HJC. She doesn't contact Orlando LE homocide by calling 911 from the jail until November 2009 or was it 2008? (around Thanksgiving she says but does not specify the year :waitasec:) about her concerns in Caylee's case.

Also the diagram the detectives drew of the cell locations have Maya in cell #27 on the same floor as RA cell #19 and KC cell #12 (and then #22) but all on the same floor. Maya talks to KB about being in a cell above KC but also talks about being able to see her leaving her cell too (like the day KC found out that Caylee's remains were found in December 2008). Does anybody know when Maya was upstairs versus downstairs?

And didn't Maya also say the 911 call was her final attempt to get in touch with the LE after all other attempts called? Maya also said they are in and out of their cells quite often for various things throughout the day - she could simply have been escorted by or sitting in the day room during her free time. There are lots of options to consider. I will go back and listen to both tapes again and specifically watch for that information.
Respectfully, bold and red mine...
When did KC Anthony EVER drop Caylee off with a nanny named Zenaida Gonzales? Never that we have proof of.
And has been alleged by the defendent.
The defendent is not the only one who is at liberty to allege things...
Maya also has that right. She can't prove what she says?
KC can't prove their was a that seems to be another thing they have in common... lol :blushing:

I'd like to see her offered a Polygraph and I feel fairly confident saying she will pass regarding her interactions and conversations with Casey.
Now, do you suppose Casey would be willing to do the same?
I'd like to see her offered a Polygraph and I feel fairly confident saying she will pass regarding her interactions and conversations with Casey.
Now, do you suppose Casey would be willing to do the same?

Casey? - Never in a million years.
Respectfully, bold and red mine...
When did KC Anthony EVER drop Caylee off with a nanny named Zenaida Gonzales? Never that we have proof of.And has been alleged by the defendent.
The defendent is not the only one who is at liberty to allege things...
Maya also has that right. She can't prove what she says?
KC can't prove their was a that seems to be another thing they have in common... lol :blushing:

What does THIS have to do with the current discussion ? Or my post? :waitasec: I am talking about Maya in a thread about Maya. I would come to the threads pertaining to Casey if I wanted to speak about her truthfulness or lack thereof. JMO

I dont mean to sound rude or snarky or whatever term one may use and I truly hope it does not come across as such...but really...
Regarding Maya not being able to pronounce chloroform. I can't remember what the words were, but during the interview (pt. 2, I *think*) there was 2 other times that she struggled to pronounce 2 other words correctly as well. The article did say that she was from Bosnia and imo there was a very slight accent of some sort along with traces of 'gangsta-speak.' (for lack of a better word)

Being that she admits to once being in a gang, but says she has worked on the way she speaks/sounds, so as to not sound like she used to. (NOT exactly the wording she used, btw) She probably has to work at relearning to form her words normally, assuming that she ever did speak 'normally'. She appears to me to speak slow and deliberate, like she's trying to speak properly and to me even seemed a little embarrassed when she had trouble..

I'm a skeptic by nature and not taken in very easily at all, but who wouldn't be the first time I misjudged someone, probably won't be the last either..
I haven't read through this entire thread, but I did find this article from 2007, about the murder of the young girl and Maya's confession:

In her video chat with Kathi Belich, Maya acknowledged that police knew all the facts, even knew her nickname, just didn't know who she really was. Then she told someone at the jail where she was incarcerated for a lesser crime that she wanted to make a confession. I don't see how it makes her confession less credible that a tipster phoned in other information. The point is, this young woman has accepted her part in that ghastly crime, and has shown remorse, and has to changed her attitude along with her outlook. I wish more criminals would follow her example and own up to what they've done.

This article says Maya was born in Bosnia.

Her part in the violent murder of that young girl weighed heavily on her. We don't see any of that remorse in Ms Anthony. I think Maya is trying to do the write thing for Caylee, because, obviously, Caylee's family won't do that. Ironic that a prisoner has to. I don't think a jury would have a problem believing her testimony, if it should come to that. She perfectly describes the person we know as Casey Marie Anthony, inmate #08049710, F-DORML-12.

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