Interview with the two boys has been cancelled

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The only reason I can see Deborah and Jeremy doing what they are doing is if one of the boys are involved. This is the only thing that can make sense in my brain.
The boys are 5 (or 6) and 8 years old. They were unsupervised, left alone, and their "mother" stated she was drunk at the time and may have "blacked out". There is no way the boys are involved or have anything to do with Baby Lisa missing, or anything else. IMO! Those parents would have immediately spoken to LE and said the truth. The kids would not have been held accountable in any manner. Any attorney could have advocated for these boys, if responsible, purely on the neglect factor, on the mothers part. This isn't DB's first rodeo with drinking, if that even happened.

I don't buy the children did it for one second. :twocents:
Anyone else get the feeling DB & JI are trying awfully hard to force LE's hand? My imagination here? ;)

Hmmmm. You're making me think now...This could work a few ways.


1. We're all too exhausted for any interviews- therefore if you now force an interview, we have the exhaustion defense if anything revealed in forced interviews is damning.
ie: we really didn't mean it that way. We were exhausted, and not thinking clearly. You knew we were exhausted, and pushed for the interview anyway. No fair! This is why we were so concerned about any and all interviews (other than media) in the first place. We knew this would happen. See, public. We told you so!!! They ARE the bad guys here.

(This applies to all family members, including the boys. but for them, it would be the rents or atty's saying 'C'mon. They're kids. There imaginatins are wild, and they were so exhausted during their interview that their statements aren't reliable. )

2. Stall, stall, stall until the po-po arrest you. Then claim any possible (but unlikley) confessions were not done in good faith, with LE knowing how
'exhausted' they all are.
Stall tactic keeps them from giving any more incriminating statements to media or anyone else that could later be used against them. (and serves another key purpose pertaining to COD)
In their eyes... It also makes LE the big bad guys for dragging in, and arresting these poor, grieving, exhausted parents.

~ ~ ~
I'm so exhausted from typing exhausted so many times. I hope that
nothing happens to any family members tonight, or else I'll be too exhausted to help in any way.:innocent:

..LE has lisa's best interest at heart.

The prosecutor represents the victim. But until such time as a court case takes place law enforcement works on behalf of the victim.

Agree with both of you, BUT..LE can't file civil cases..
I'm fatigued and frustrated and I know I'm far-reaching, but I just feel like there is more that can be done.
Hmmmm. You're making me think now...This could work a few ways.


1. We're all too exhausted for any interviews- therefore if you now force an interview, we have the exhaustion defense if anything revealed in forced interviews is damning.
ie: we really didn't mean it that way. We were exhausted, and not thinking clearly. You knew we were exhausted, and pushed for the interview anyway. No fair! This is why we were so concerned about any and all interviews (other than media) in the first place. We knew this would happen. See, public. We told you so!!! They ARE the bad guys here.

(This applies to all family members, including the boys. but for them, it would be the rents or atty's saying 'C'mon. They're kids. There imaginatins are wild, and they were so exhausted during their interview that their statements aren't reliable. )

2. Stall, stall, stall until the po-po arrest you. Then claim any possible (but unlikley) confessions were not done in good faith, with LE knowing how
'exhausted' they all are.
Stall tactic keeps them from giving any more incriminating statements to media or anyone else that could later be used against them. (and serves another key purpose pertaining to COD)
In their eyes... It also makes LE the big bad guys for dragging in, and arresting these poor, grieving, exhausted parents.

~ ~ ~
I'm so exhausted from typing exhausted so many times. I hope that
nothing happens to any family members tonight, or else I'll be too exhausted to help in any way.:innocent:


I fear I'm seeing another OJ and Vandersloot deal here... deny. deny. deny. :(

..once the parents gave their consent-----it was 'speculated' that the interview would take place friday, b/c there was no school that day.

..the local attorney,cyndyS, although cancelling everything else today, due to "exhaustion" -----did say that the boys appointment would carry on as scheduled.

..that cancellation, that the media heard of at 10 p.m. tonight----was the call of tacopina.

Interviews with Baby Lisa's brothers scrapped

Thanks so much Lauriej, you're right on top of things! :)
Honestly, I wouldn't read too much into the extended family's behaviour. Love is blind and parental love is usually unconditional. It's very unlikely that Deborah or Jeremy's parents would go against them, not because they don't care about Lisa but because parents love their children and see the best in them. Now if they actually do know something incriminating then definitely they should speak out but I really think the majority of extended family are acting out of love. I do however believe that one member of the extended family knows something, but not all of them.

Yes, debthree you could infact be correct in your thoughts regarding extended family and their unconditional love, support, and quite possibly even denial as well.. I guess I'm just thinking in terms of my own personal experience and/or family dynamics(which is what determines the glass with which we look through everything with.. Our own personal experiences that is).. And I know that in my personal family dynamics and make up of who and what we are as in our family dynamics and even beliefs.. I just know that in putting myself in the shoes of Deb/Jeremy either one, as the parent
Of my child being mysteriously missing I know beyond a shadow of a doubt That tho my family does love me unconditionally that they would not react in "blind love" type
Of way and that as much as they'd want to believe me and support me.. No matter..if I was doing anything even remotely hindering my Childs being found.. Not cooperating in every way that is humanly possible(while not stupidly placing myself in a position to be blamed and even charged wrongly).. But if I was to show in any way whatsoever signs that I was stalling, derailing, or destroying that sole mission.. I know without a doubt my family would do whatever necessary to ensure my child was found and that means even if it implicated me or directly involved me in that disappearance my family would go to whatever means necessary in that mission of finding my child and seeking justice on their behAlf.. I know this without a shred of doubt and I guess in my being so certain and knowing that in my being in Deb's shoes that my family would do everything to find my child and at all costs, including the cost of me would not for a moment hinder my family's doing so for the best interest of my child..
Cancelled?? Are you serious? It was predicted they would. The gall they have is astounding!!

On another note...looks like LE found the clothes DB said Lisa was wearing. Another naked child missing..who would believe it could happen again. Haliegh Cummings left the house naked too. LE found the clothes she was supposed to be wearing about 8 days later. Misty and DB have the worst luck...I swear!

If the parents aren't going to cooperate, it is time to arrest them.
The only reason I can see Deborah and Jeremy doing what they are doing is if one of the boys are involved. This is the only thing that can make sense in my brain.

Respectfully there are a few reasons DB/JI would preclude the boys re-interview, imo.

1. Boys heard something the evening Lisa went missing?
2. Boys realise DB was not 'black out' drunk October 3rd?
3. Boys can tell a lot of family secrets the parents don't want told?
4. Boys know what time people came and went?
5. Control?
6. This way LE doesn't get the boys' DNA either? Perhaps the fear is once they have the boys DNA it will be established all DNA is accounted for - which means no intruder?

All of these are possibilities I believe. Truth be told I do not think for a moment that if the boys had hurt Lisa that DB would have covered for them. I think she would have enjoyed the inherent sympathy people display when there is tragedy. Almost this whole case along DB has been very concerned about DB. JMHO
The only reason I can see Deborah and Jeremy doing what they are doing is if one of the boys are involved. This is the only thing that can make sense in my brain.

They want to plant that seed. They would like you to think they are saving those young boys. Reality is DB has NO idea what happened. She was too drunk to know what she did. She may have a piece of the puzzle if she blacked out and remembers a piece. Of course, all this is stated on the premise she was really blacked out.

If she was, and it appears so, because she didn't hide Lisa's clothing well enough. She acts like she was so smashed that she was coming to terms with what she did when we saw her on TV. By that time, she was in full mode to tell the world her child was kidnapped. This is so like Drama Queens. She knows she did something horrible but she may not know what. Her boys may though.

.....Where's the 911 tape?
Respectfully there are a few reasons DB/JI would preclude the boys re-interview, imo.

1. Boys heard something the evening Lisa went missing?
2. Boys realise DB was not 'black out' drunk October 3rd?
3. Boys can tell a lot of family secrets the parents don't want told?
4. Boys know what time people came and went?
5. Control?

All of these are possibilities I believe. Truth be told I do not think for a moment that if the boys had hurt Lisa that DB would have covered for them. I think she would have enjoyed the inherent sympathy people display when there is tragedy. Almost this whole case along DB has been very concerned about DB. JMHO

..although-----the boys were already "interviewed" on october 4th. one for 50 minutes, the other for 30 minutes. ( see link ).

..that's quite a long time to talk with a child, (and elicit info).

..they would have answered quite a few questions already.

..what's weird to me is-----their interview/DNA collection was all set to go for Friday----deborah/jeremy/cyndyS were all fine with it-----until tacopina decided to put the brakes on it. ( at the strange hour of 10 P.M.) he just playing the Mr.NY card? and doing it b/c he can?
Well, If they can't find enough evidence of murder, maybe they will have to get them on something else? Sound familiar? Since when is it ok to have the sitter be an alcoholic? yes, I am going to call her that...because it is my belief she is. Furthermore, JI knows it or he could be one also. They are both behaving as co-dependents. I criticized Haleigh's father for letting misty babysit and I am going to call it the same way in this case. Jeremy should have known better. Since when is it ok to leave your children with an alcoholic or a drug addict?

I am sick of this sheet. Over and over, we keep seeing this carp. It is like Deja Vu with this case. So many things are just like the Haleigh Cummings Case...:banghead: The two boys will lose more and more memory of that night as time goes on....and that is what the parents would like.

:waiting:.......when are they gonna be arrested?
..although-----the boys were already "interviewed" on october 4th. one for 50 minutes, the other for 30 minutes. ( see link ).

..that's quite a long time to talk with a child, (and elicit info).

..they would have answered quite a few questions already.

..what's weird to me is-----their interview/DNA collection was all set to go for Friday----deborah/jeremy/cyndyS were all fine with it-----until tacopina decided to put the brakes on it. ( at the strange hour of 10 P.M.) he just playing the Mr.NY card? and doing it b/c he can?
Right - I realise the boys have been interviewed once. Maybe the boys have heard something since the night of the abduction? Or perhaps they themselves have started putting pieces together? I don't know but I just don't believe DB/JI have no hand at all in these cancellations (but I'm jaded and cynical like that. ;))
Well I think a majority of us called this today when the tour was cancelled due to exhaustion. I don't think these boys will be interviewed unless CPS becomes involved. This is a game. A bit legal game.

And I believe there is no urgency because the family already knows Lisa is not in the hands of a stranger. Going to be a long ride peeps. Hang on for the ride.

This is a game I agree grandma. It makes me :mad:. I'm so hot I can't even put into words what I'm thinking.

I tried to be as objective with this particular case as I could. I fell off the fence a few days ago but I really really really wanted to be surprised and find that Lisa was alive and that she was out there somewhere.

But this dance is what it is, and it points directly to the someone in that house is responsible for what happened to Lisa. (I don't think it was her older brothers either).

I'm sad and mad and disgusted and am so sorry that Lisa with her blue eyes isn't with us anymore. I truly believe that now. I believe that because of this dance we see.

On a side note: The NY lawyer and the KC lawyer need to get on the same page of music. JMHO

All JMHO laced with sadness.
Ok. That's it. I'm officially off the fence. I gave the parents the benefit of the doubt, but I'm done. One or both parents know where their sweet baby is and it doesn't bode well for her. :anguish:
Right - I realise the boys have been interviewed once. Maybe the boys have heard something since the night of the abduction? Or perhaps they themselves have started putting pieces together? I don't know but I just don't believe DB/JI have no hand at all in these cancellations (but I'm jaded and cynical like that. ;))

Didn't it take Elizabeth Smart's sister quite some time to remember an important detail (can't remember what it was).
wow...which poster called this in the parents cancelling yesterday's presser thread? there was a few pages of debate on it. they were right, it turns out.
Little Lisa glued your family together and this is how you pay her back. *sad smileyface*

Not surprised about the cancellation, only that it wasn't cancelled right away when everything else was. Next week the boys can't come to the interview because they don't have a day off school and then it just fades into the background. Maybe when they grow up and they will one day get sick of keeping dirty family secrets and finally tell what they know of their little sister.

It'll be interesting to see what will happen with the two attorneys. They don't seem to be on the same page.
This is a game I agree grandma. It makes me :mad:. I'm so hot I can't even put into words what I'm thinking.

I tried to be as objective with this particular case as I could. I fell off the fence a few days ago but I really really really wanted to be surprised and find that Lisa was alive and that she was out there somewhere.

But this dance is what it is, and it points directly to the someone in that house is responsible for what happened to Lisa. (I don't think it was her older brothers either).

I'm sad and mad and disgusted and am so sorry that Lisa with her blue eyes isn't with us anymore. I truly believe that now. I believe that because of this dance we see.

On a side note: The NY lawyer and the KC lawyer need to get on the same page of music. JMHO

All JMHO laced with sadness.

BBM No way that's going to happen. And if I were a betting person, I do believe Ms Short is overmatched here, although not really by much.

Today’s planned interviews of Lisa Irwin’s two brothers has been postponed.

It may never happen now, because the case took a bizarre turn late Thursday as two attorneys for the family appeared to be in open conflict.

Kansas City attorney Cyndy Short said she had heard reports that New York lawyer Joe Tacopina had fired her from the case.

“He’s not in a position to fire anyone,” Short told The Star. “I work for the client, not him.”

Police told The Star’s reporting partner, KCTV-5, that Tacopina indicated the much-anticipated interviews with the brothers might happen next week.

Tacopina declined comment to The Star.​

The circus just keeps getting more and more biz. I don't see those boys ever being interviewed, unless one parent turns on the other. That part of the circus I am definitely up for if it means little Lisa is found!

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