Interview with the two boys has been cancelled

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"Kansas City police say Joe Tacopina, attorney for Lisa Irwin’s family, has canceled an interview with Lisa’s half-brothers."

JT canceled the children's interview and I am sure the tour of the house. I think he has more experience with nationally media covered cases and has some strong reasons why he made these choices.

One IS public perception. Look what the tour of the house and what the lame excuse the local attorney has turned this board into. The family is not making any of these decisions, the two attorneys are, yet the family is being blamed. Not good PR, amongst other things. The two attorneys have made every decision since they put themselves on board, yet the family is being blamed, very not good PR. Local attorney is a media nightmare, JT needs to come out and explain it in simple terms, yet still the family will be blamed even if he spells it out A, B, C. Damage by your attorney is not good.
Snipped for space
The family is not making any of these decisions, the two attorneys are, yet the family is being blamed. Not good PR, amongst other things. The two attorneys have made every decision since they put themselves on board...
The attorneys are employees of DB and JI, who are in charge. So yes, I blame the family, because DB and JI can at any time say to JT and Short - ENOUGH! 'I want to find my baby, we are doing *this* to make that happen. Contact LE and tell them the boys are on their way.'

You know with all those high priced legal eagles around -- do you think that perhaps they put the boys through a mock interview and didn't like the outcome? I can't think of a single reason why they don't want them interviewed besides knowing the boys have information on the parents. Whether that's what goes on in the home (ie, mums drinking habits, discipline) or what happened that night.


Trying to catch up on this,but are u freaking serious??? Really? I'm not really surprised but I'm fuming.

I have no doubt in my mind that DB and/or JI are involved in some way. Stall stall stall that's all they are doing IMO.

I can see a few fence sitters falling off after this.

Poor baby doesn't deserve this,mummy and daddy are meant to protect you :(

We love u little Lisa!!! :heart:
"Kansas City police say Joe Tacopina, attorney for Lisa Irwin’s family, has canceled an interview with Lisa’s half-brothers."

JT canceled the children's interview and I am sure the tour of the house. I think he has more experience with nationally media covered cases and has some strong reasons why he made these choices.

One IS public perception. Look what the tour of the house and what the lame excuse the local attorney has turned this board into. The family is not making any of these decisions, the two attorneys are, yet the family is being blamed. Not good PR, amongst other things. The two attorneys have made every decision since they put themselves on board, yet the family is being blamed, very not good PR. Local attorney is a media nightmare, JT needs to come out and explain it in simple terms, yet still the family will be blamed even if he spells it out A, B, C. Damage by your attorney is not good.

I believe we also have the "benefactor" calling the shots here. We have no idea who this person/entity is but if they're paying for the attorneys and put up the reward money, the parents probably have little say in whatever is going on.

Horrible. If they're truly innocent, I feel sorry for them. They're afraid and don't trust LE. They put their faith in this "benefector" who may or may not have their best interest at heart. It's all so sad, really.
I believe we also have the "benefactor" calling the shots here. We have no idea who this person/entity is but if they're paying for the attorneys and put up the reward money, the parents probably have little say in whatever is going on.

Horrible. If they're truly innocent, I feel sorry for them. They're afraid and don't trust LE. They put their faith in this "benefector" who may or may not have their best interest at heart. It's all so sad, really.

Why would the benefactor not want the boys to be interviewed or at least give DNA samples?
I believe we also have the "benefactor" calling the shots here. We have no idea who this person/entity is but if they're paying for the attorneys and put up the reward money, the parents probably have little say in whatever is going on.

Horrible. If they're truly innocent, I feel sorry for them. They're afraid and don't trust LE. They put their faith in this "benefector" who may or may not have their best interest at heart. It's all so sad, really.
They have all the say. They can at any time refuse JT as their lawyer, regardless who is paying.

Short is working pro-bono, IIRC, and much better for DB and JI. Before JT came on board, I saw Short as doing her job the best she could and trying to help navigate the family in legal waters, yet keeping the focus on Lisa. She's pretty low key and personable, yet firm in protecting DB's rights.

JT, OTOH, strikes me as focused on defense strategy only - which is fine, that's what he does best and I'm sure he's an excellent attorney. He just isn't right for parents of a missing infant who aren't even named suspects, because JT is already mounting a defense. He was a bad choice for that reason, because it taints DB and JI.

I believe we also have the "benefactor" calling the shots here. We have no idea who this person/entity is but if they're paying for the attorneys and put up the reward money, the parents probably have little say in whatever is going on.

Horrible. If they're truly innocent, I feel sorry for them. They're afraid and don't trust LE. They put their faith in this "benefector" who may or may not have their best interest at heart. It's all so sad, really.

I agree, their hands are tied. They are not legal or media savvy, not many are in this situation. They have no idea where to turn, who would without a strong legal or media background? Would you then if it was your child and you were going crazy with worry?

I do think JT and local lawyer need to have a sit down and figure out what they are doing before they continue to make it look worse. I understand JT's decisions, but he and local need to get on the same page.
Their hands are not tied.

"Thanks but no thanks, kind benefactor, we don't want JT's help anymore. His advice is hurting us."

It's a total cop-out to claim they're helpless victims of JT. They don't want his help, or like his advice, then they can refuse it at any time.

Short is excellent though in protecting DB's rights, yet keeping it Lisa focused as much as possible. They should turn to her, like they were doing before JT showed up, with the name Joran Van der Sloot still wound in his reputation.

Why would the benefactor not want the boys to be interviewed or at least give DNA samples?

We have no idea who this benefactor is. Some have speculated that it may be "media" related. The longer this sad story stays on the front page they're getting their money's worth.

The sad part is the parents put trust in the wrong hands. We can debate whether or not it was for the right reasons or not but when you don't trust LE anymore because they seem to be pointing the finger at you and you know you're truly innocent, who do you turn to?

Benefactor comes in. Puts up a reward fund, hires a PI, hires attorneys to help out. A missing child's parents dream come true. Unfortunately, it's turned into a circus and a nightmare. Even the attorneys are not getting along. How are they supposed to give these parents advice?

CS's media tour of the home was the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard. What attorney in their right mind would do something that would allow the media to potentially further scrutinize the parents? Look at all the posts here about Lisa's crib and the parents bedroom and the box of wine and the wine glasses and.....and....and...

I believe JT did the right thing and I hope he continues to take the lead because right now, it's a disaster.
I agree, their hands are tied. They are not legal or media savvy, not many are in this situation. They have no idea where to turn, who would without a strong legal or media background? Would you then if it was your child and you were going crazy with worry?

I do think JT and local lawyer need to have a sit down and figure out what they are doing before they continue to make it look worse. I understand JT's decisions, but he and local need to get on the same page.

You understand JT's decisions based on building a defense for DB/JI or based on finding Lisa?
Why would the benefactor not want the boys to be interviewed or at least give DNA samples?

I think that is JT's decision, not "benefactor's". The benefactor is most likely leaving the legal decisions to JT and local attorney, as they would know more about the legal side of things. The benefactor may also only have media hype in mind, we don't know, and not any concern for the family, including the children, on any level, legal, personal, what have you. We just don't know.
You understand JT's decisions based on building a defense for DB/JI or based on finding Lisa?

It is complicated and multifaceted. We can start with the fact that JT is an attorney. His role is to be an attorney and to provide legal advise to the best of his knowledge, for the best interest of the family. Right now there are no charges against them, so there is no defense. They need representation as any missing child case is a legal matter, therefore requiring legal representation. It is a matter of the times we live in.
We have no idea who this benefactor is. Some have speculated that it may be "media" related. The longer this sad story stays on the front page they're getting their money's worth.

The sad part is the parents put trust in the wrong hands. We can debate whether or not it was for the right reasons or not but when you don't trust LE anymore because they seem to be pointing the finger at you and you know you're truly innocent, who do you turn to?

Benefactor comes in. Puts up a reward fund, hires a PI, hires attorneys to help out. A missing child's parents dream come true. Unfortunately, it's turned into a circus and a nightmare. Even the attorneys are not getting along. How are they supposed to give these parents advice?

CS's media tour of the home was the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard. What attorney in their right mind would do something that would allow the media to potentially further scrutinize the parents? Look at all the posts here about Lisa's crib and the parents bedroom and the box of wine and the wine glasses and.....and....and...

I believe JT did the right thing and I hope he continues to take the lead because right now, it's a disaster.
I agree with you about the tour, but the presser would have been a good time to encourage people to keep looking for a live Lisa.

I think JT was smart to put a stop to it (it's my opinion he did) but then again, that's what he's excellent at - defense strategy. The focus should be on finding Lisa though and working to that end, negotiating with LE for another sit down. DB and JI have every right to protect themselves, absolutely, but the focus should be on LISA. At present, it is not, it's on defense strategy.

It seems to me the focus is entirely wrong-headed, and obviously Short and JT aren't on the same page.

Perhaps I'm just dumb as a post, but I'd tell both lawyers to F off and focus on finding Lisa via missing children foundations, which are a great resource. They can still not grant LE more interviews if they feel railroaded, but I'd just feel at this point the lawyers were no help to me in finding my baby, because that's not where their focus is, so there would be a conflict of interest.

You understand JT's decisions based on building a defense for DB/JI or based on finding Lisa?

JT's job is to represent the parents including the children. Personally, if what DB said is true about the way LE handled themselves during interrogation sessions, no way in hell would I allow my children to be questioned or swabbed.

The children were questioned for almost an hour right after this all happened. The parents were questioned for 11 hours. The house was searched inside and out.....twice or more times.

Enough is enough. Arrest them or move on and find Lisa. Period.
It is complicated and multifaceted. We can start with the fact that JT is an attorney. His role is to be an attorney and to provide legal advise to the best of his knowledge, for the best interest of the family. Right now there are no charges against them, so there is no defense. They need representation as any missing child case is a legal matter, therefore requiring legal representation. It is a matter of the times we live in.

I get that people need to have legal representation, innocent or guilty, but do you think the lawyers are circling their wagons? I know they haven't been charged, but maybe that's coming and they know it. It certainly seems they're throwing up road blocks. Why in the world wouldn't they at least give DNA samples of the boys to aid in the investigation?
JT's job is to represent the parents including the children. Personally, if what DB said is true about the way LE handled themselves during interrogation sessions, no way in hell would I allow my children to be questioned or swabbed.

The children were questioned for almost an hour right after this all happened. The parents were questioned for 11 hours. The house was searched inside and out.....twice or more times.

Enough is enough. Arrest them or move on and find Lisa. Period.

You wouldn't allow a swab either? LE needs to identify all DNA found. Why wouldn't you want that?
JT's job is to represent the parents including the children. Personally, if what DB said is true about the way LE handled themselves during interrogation sessions, no way in hell would I allow my children to be questioned or swabbed.

The children were questioned for almost an hour right after this all happened. The parents were questioned for 11 hours. The house was searched inside and out.....twice or more times.

Enough is enough. Arrest them or move on and find Lisa. Period.

Yes, they have all been questioned without any counsel present.

I came back to add JT knows that the boys will need legal counsel present for any further questioning also.

Got to get ready for work, see everyone later.
I get that people need to have legal representation, innocent or guilty, but do you think the lawyers are circling their wagons? I know they haven't been charged, but maybe that's coming and they know it. It certainly seems they're throwing up road blocks. Why in the world wouldn't they at least give DNA samples of the boys to aid in the investigation?

Not road blocks. Legal representation for the boys must be present also.
I said it yesterday and I will say it again, something happened in that home Wed. night or Thurs AM. Something so shocking that the attorney wanted time to deal with it before she could 'spin' it.

What could it be? I don't know, but something major and maybe or maybe not related to the case. Someone made an admission about the case that others didn't know? Or someone became ill (or od'd?), a child blurted some info? A person decided he/she couldn't keep it up and wanted to go to LE for a tell all? Did the parents split up? I'm sure there are other possibilites. But exhaustion? Nope that isn't what is happening, that is an excuse.

No attorney will publicly admit to weakness. Admitting to any weakness would be to allow LE an in into the case. Show a vulnerability that they might be able to use. No attorney would have allowed this unless whatever is happening in the background was major, possibly harmful and unavoidable.

Besides who is "exhausted?" The boys? If it was them, the attorney could have done the home tour and press conference. If it was the parents, the attorney could have done home tour and conference and someone else could have driven the boys to their appt. The attorney? If she is exhausted doing this, can she even handle a trial? And even if it was the attorney, someone could still have driven the boys to their appt.

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